After a final map or parcel map has been filed for record with the county recorder, it may be amended by either a certificate of correction or an amending map.
(Code 1980, § 16.44.010; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.901, 1981)
A certificate of correction may be used:
To correct an error in any course or distance shown thereon;
To show any course or distance that was omitted therefrom;
To correct an error in the description of the real property shown on the map; or
To show the proper location of any monument which has been change in location or character, or originally was shown at the wrong location or incorrectly as to its character.
(Code 1980, § 16.44.020; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.901.1, 1981)
An amended map may be used to:
To indicate monuments set after the death, disability or retirement from practice of the engineer or surveyor charged with responsibilities for setting monuments; or
If the original engineer or surveyor refuses to set the monuments or if same is replaced, the city engineer may, by letter select a replacement engineer or surveyor to set monuments.
(Code 1980, § 16.44.030; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.901.2, 1981)
The amending map or certificate of correction shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor. The form and contents of the amending map shall conform to the requirements of chapter 16.18 if a final map, or chapter 16.22 if a parcel map. The certificate or map shall set forth in detail the corrections made and show the names of the present fee owners of the property affected by the correction.
(Code 1980, § 16.44.040; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.902, 1981)
The amending map or certificate of correction, complete as to final form, shall be submitted to the city engineer for his review and approval.
The city engineer shall examine the amending map or certificate of correction and if the only changes made are those set forth in sections 16.44.010 through 16.44.030, he shall certify to this fact on the amending map or certificate of correction.
(Code 1980, § 16.44.050; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.903, 1981)
The amending map or certificate of correction certified by the city engineer shall be filed in the office of the county recorder in which the original map was filed. Upon such filing, the county recorder shall index the names of the fee owners and the appropriate tract designation shown on the amending map or certificate of correction in the general index and map index respectively. Thereupon, the original map shall be deemed to have been conclusively so corrected, and thereafter shall impart constructive notice of all such corrections in the same manner as though set forth upon the original map.
(Code 1980, § 16.44.060; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.904, 1981)
The fee for checking, processing and recording the amended map or certificate of correction shall be in accordance with the city's resolution establishing fees and charges. A deposit to be applied toward this fee may be required by the city engineer upon submittal of the amended map or certificate of correction for his review.
(Code 1980, § 16.44.070; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.905, 1981)
An owner(s) may request a lot line adjustment between two or more adjacent parcels pursuant to city council Resolution No. 7846.
(Code 1980, § 16.44.010; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.906, 1981)
The city engineer is authorized to deny or approve the request for a lot line adjustment. Appeals of the city engineer's decision may be made to the planning commission within 15 days of the decision.
(Code 1980, § 16.44.090; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.906.1, 1981)
The city engineer shall require a record-of-survey as a condition of approval for any such requests, for lands which lie partially or entirely within the Etiwanda Colony Lands Subdivision and may require a record-of-survey for any other area within the city limits.
(Code 1980, § 16.44.100; Ord. No. 28-B, § 1.906.2, 1981)