The purpose of this chapter is to protect trees from indiscriminate cutting or removal, recognizing their contribution as a community resource which provides shade, sequesters carbon, and purifies the air.
(Ord. No. 1000 § 4, 2022)
Trees overhanging a street. Pruning of branches is required so that such branches shall not significantly obstruct any streetlight or obstruct the view of any street intersection, and so that there shall be a clean space of 14 feet six inches above the surface of the street and eight feet above the sidewalk. The owner shall remove all dead, diseased, or dangerous trees or broken or decayed limbs which constitute a threat to the safety of the public.
Nuisance trees. The following trees may be considered a nuisance by the city and are subject to pruning or removal requirements:
Any tree that interferes with proper traffic sight distances, or interferes with visibility of any trafficcontrol device or sign.
Any tree which constitutes a hazard to life and property or harbor insect(s), fungi, or disease(s) which constitute a threat to other trees within the city.
Any tree which is an unsafe condition or which by reason of its nature or growth is injurious to sewers, power lines, gas lines, waterlines, or other public improvements.
Any tree which presents a risk of damage to public improvements or facilities, or is a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Credit for tree preservation. Existing trees which are not removed shall be credited toward tree requirements in the following manner at 1:½ ratio, e.g., an existing healthy tree with six-inch minimum trunk diameter measured at breast height is equal to three trees to be installed (parking lots only).
Conflict between structures and protected trees. In case of conflict between the proposed structure location and a protected tree, all reasonable alternatives shall be considered for location of the structure prior to removal of a heritage or protected tree or trees.
Use of explosives. The removal of trees and/or any part of a tree with explosives is prohibited.
(Ord. No. 1000 § 4, 2022)
All heritage tree removal shall require replacement with the largest nursery-grown tree(s) available as determined by the planning director or planning commission. Heritage tree relocation to another location on the site is the preferred alternative to replacement subject to a written report by a landscape architect or arborist on the feasibility of transplanting the tree.
To assist the planning director in making a determination, the applicant for a tree removal permit may be required to submit an arborist report prepared by a qualified arborist to determine the replacement value of the tree(s) to be removed.
(Ord. No. 1000 § 4, 2022)
Care shall be exercised by all individuals, developers, and contractors working near preserved trees so that no damage occurs to such trees. All construction shall preserve and protect the health of trees to remain, relocated trees, and new trees planted to replace those removed in accordance with the following measures:
All trees to be saved shall be enclosed by an appropriate construction barrier, such as chain-link fence or other means acceptable to the planning director, prior to the issuance of any grading permit or building permit and prior to commencement of work. Fences are to remain in place during all phases of construction and may not be removed without the written consent of the planning director until construction is complete.
No substantial disruption or removal of the structural or absorptive roots of any tree shall be performed.
No fill material shall be placed within six feet from the outer trunk circumference of any tree.
No fill materials shall be placed within the drip line of any tree in excess of eight inches in depth. This is a guideline and is subject to modification to meet the needs of individual tree species as determined by an arborist or landscape architect.
No substantial compaction of the soil within the drip line of any tree shall be undertaken.
No construction, including structures and walls, that disrupts the root system shall be permitted. As a guideline, no cutting of roots should occur within a distance equal to three and one-half times the trunk diameter, as determined in DBH inches at a height of four and one-half feet. Actual setback may vary to meet the needs of individual tree species as determined by an arborist or landscape architect. Where some root removal is necessary, the tree crown may require thinning to prevent wind damage.
The planning director may impose such additional measures determined necessary to preserve and protect the health of trees to remain, relocated trees, and new trees planted to replace those removed.
(Ord. No. 1000 § 4, 2022)
The maintenance of trees standing upon private or homeowner-owned property shall be the responsibility of the owner or owners of those properties.
All trees on public and private property, within residential, commercial, or mixed use areas shall be maintained in accordance with industry standards and with the International Society of Arboriculture or ANZI 133.1 standards.
Builders shall be required to prune, treat, and maintain existing trees and plant new ones in such a fashion that when the trees become city, association, or private property, the trees will be free of various damage, pests, diseases, and dead branches. The trees shall be in good biological and aesthetic condition upon acceptance.
(Ord. No. 1000 § 4, 2022)