The form-based zones are organized from lowest to highest intensity, and each is named to describe its general form and function (neighborhoods, centers, corridors, and districts). The FBC includes a neighborhood form-based zone that builds on the neighborhood designations established in the Etiwanda Heights Neighborhood and Conservation Plan (i.e., Neighborhood Estates, Neighborhood General 1 and Neighborhood General 2).
The intent of each form-based zone is as follows:
Neighborhood Estates 2 (NE2). Low density residential development comprised of large homes on large lots, with large setbacks and yards. Buildings are low intensity, yet neighborhoods and blocks are designed to promote connectivity and traditional neighborhood design. Uses are mostly single-family residential, with context-sensitive neighborhood commercial and civic uses also allowed in certain locations, such as neighborhood edges and at designated nodes within new master planned neighborhoods.
Neighborhood General 3 (NG3). Medium density and intensity development along certain segments and nodes of major corridors in proximity to smaller-scale residential neighborhoods. Buildings promote walkability and contribute to active, vibrant environments while being context-sensitive by transitioning scale when adjacent to lower density neighborhoods. Uses provide a range of daily needs within walkable suburban neighborhoods, with some transitional auto-oriented development in outlying areas.
Center 1 (CE1). Active, vibrant town centers that promote walkability with neighborhood-serving commercial and retail uses in proximity to medium density residential development. Buildings front streets and provide a vibrant, safe street environment for pedestrians and cyclists.
Mixed Employment 1 (ME1). Medium intensity development focused on walkable professional office and employment uses. Buildings front streets and transition areas from auto-oriented office parks to mixed-use, vibrant hubs of activity.
Mixed Employment 2 (ME2). Medium to high intensity development focused on professional office, creative industrial and maker spaces, and employment uses along active, walkable streets. Buildings front streets and corridors with tall ground floors that support a mix of uses, entrances, and facades.
Corridor 1 (CO1). Medium intensity mixed-use development that transitions existing auto-oriented corridors and places to vibrant areas that promote walkability. Building and entrance/facade types are diverse, contributing to a mix of distinct places along major corridor areas. Buildings front streets and transition in scale to surrounding neighborhoods with some auto-oriented development along secondary streets.
Corridor 2 (CO2). Medium to high intensity mixed-use development along active, walkable corridors and at key intersections. Buildings front streets and transition in scale to surrounding neighborhoods with some transitional auto-oriented development along secondary streets.
Center 2 (CE2). Mixed-use urban areas with pedestrian-friendly commercial and residential hubs and infill development along vibrant public spaces that promote walkability. Buildings transition in scale (i.e., step up or step down) to surrounding neighborhoods, centers, and districts. Developments support safe streets for pedestrians and cyclists.
(Ord. No. 1000 § 4, 2022)
Table 17.128.020-1 provides an overview of each form-based zone. See chapter 17.130 (Zone and Building Standards) for specific standards for each form-based zone. Subzones are established for two form-based zones.
Subzones limit land uses in certain areas where the form-based zone is applied to support the implementation of the General Plan land use mix provisions and better align with existing conditions and intended outcomes.
Neighborhood Estate 2 (NE2)
Neighborhood General 3 (NG3)
Center 1 (CE1)
Mixed Employment 1 (ME1)
Neighborhood General 3 Limited (NG3L) (limits nonresidential uses)
Center 1 – Southwest Cucamonga (CE1-SWC) (Allows certain existing service uses to remain)
Desired Form
Large frontage area/build-to lines
Small to medium frontage area/build-to lines
Small frontage area/build-to lines
Small to large frontage area/build-to lines
Heights up to 3 stories
Heights up to 3 stories
Heights up to 4 stories
Heights up to 5 stories
Interconnected street network, low intensity development
House-scale buildings, low intensity development
Compact and connected environment, medium intensity development
Moderate intensity mixed-use development, transitions in scale to adjacent neighborhoods
General Use
Single-family residential, some context appropriate neighborhood serving commercial or civic uses.
Medium density residential mixed-use with ground floor commercial and retail activity with a mix of uses on upper stories. Subzone: Medium density residential, allows neighborhood serving commercial and limited auto-oriented uses.
Commercial and retail mixed-use buildings with a mix of residential and nonresidential uses on upper stories. Medium density residential and moderate intensity neighborhood-serving commercial uses.
Professional office employment with a mix of supporting uses. Some auto-oriented uses if the scale and character is appropriate.
General Plan Designation
Traditional Neighborhood
Neighborhood Corridor Neighborhood Center (Subzone)
Traditional Town Center
Office Employment District
Mixed Employment 2 (ME2)
Corridor 1 (CO1)
Corridor 2 (CO2)
Center 2 (CE2)
Center 2 Limited (CE2L) (limits nonresidential uses)
Desired Form
Small frontage area/build-to lines
Small frontage area/build-to lines
Small frontage area/build-to lines
Small frontage area/build-to lines
Heights up to 5 stories
Heights up to 5 stories
Heights up to 7 stories
Heights up to 12 stories
Walkable environment, maker spaces, moderate intensity development, block-scale building
Transitional environment, mixed-use and block-scale buildings, moderate intensity development
Walkable environment, block-scale buildings, moderate to high intensity development
Walkable environment, block-scale buildings, high intensity development
General Use
Professional office, business, service, and creative industrial uses in proximity to walkable, urban areas.
Moderate density residential with a mix of commercial and retail activity at key intersections. Medium to high intensity uses act to transition to lower intensity suburban neighborhoods adjacent to the corridor.
High density residential with a mix of commercial and retail activity at key nodes. Higher density and intensity uses transition to lower intensity urban areas nearby such as moderately scaled mixed use, multi-family, and employment districts and centers.
Ground floor commercial and retail activity with a mix of commercial and residential uses on upper stories. High density residential and civic uses.
Subzone: Predominately moderate and high density residential uses in proximity to walkable, urban areas with a focus on residential serving retail uses.
General Plan Designation
21st Century Employment District
City Corridor Moderate
City Corridor High
City Center Urban Neighborhood (subzone)
(Ord. No. 1000 § 4, 2022; Ord. No. 1017 § 12, 2023; Ord. No. 1023, 1/17/2024)