This chapter provides definitions of terms, phrases, and land uses for application only to article VIII Form-Based Code (FBC) and that are technical or specialized, or that may not reflect common usage.
(Ord. No. 1000 § 4, 2022)
means a covered pedestrian way along the side of a building at the first floor with habitable space above which provides access to retail spaces.
"Architectural element"
means an architectural element, which alone or as part of a pattern, embodies the style, design, or general arrangement of the exterior of a building or structure, including but not limited to the kind, color, and texture of building materials, and style and type of windows, doors, lights, porches, and signs.
"Attached flex"
means a residential or mixed-use structure containing two to five dwelling units with an attached secondary building (garage) typically accessed from a rear lane.
means a roof or cover that projects from the wall of a building over a door or window, and made of canvas, aluminum, or a similar material, which may be fixed in place or retractable for the purpose of shielding a doorway or window from the elements.
means a platform that projects from the wall of a building and is enclosed by a parapet or railing.
"Bay window"
means a window that projects from any building elevation.
"Block face"
means the aggregate of all the building facades on one side of a block. The block face provides the context for establishing the architectural form of the edge of the block.
"Build-to line"
means a line parallel to the development site line or lot line where the facade of the building is required to be located. The minimum build-to line is the farthest distance away from the primary or secondary site line or lot line that a building may be located. The maximum build-to line is the closest to a primary or secondary site line or lot line that a building may be located. The build-to line is intended to create an even building facade line along a street and establishes the frontage area for building placement (see Frontage area, private). In some cases, the maximum build-to line may be the same as the front lot line, depending on the zone.
"Building form"
means the overall shape and dimensions of a building.
Building, primary.
See "Building, principal."
"Building, secondary"
means a building located within the rear yard of a lot that accommodates a secondary use on the property (e.g., a garage, tool shed, etc.).
"Building, wing"
means a building or structure that is physically attached to a primary building and that is secondary and incidental to the primary building. This definition does not include a parking structure.
"Building type"
means a structure defined by a combination of its configuration, placement on a lot, and function.
means an architectural feature that projects a building wall and provides protection from the elements to pedestrians below or within the building. May either be non-structural (e.g., an awning that can be removed without altering the building structure) or permanent.
means an unroofed area that is completely or partially enclosed by walls or buildings and often shared by multiple residential units or commercial spaces.
"Courtyard building"
means a large structure composed of multiple attached or stacked units accessed from a shared courtyard, a series of courtyards, or a common corridor.
"Development site"
means a portion of land delineated from others to accommodate no more than one primary building type. A parcel may have multiple development sites when each site meets the minimum width and depth required by the form-based zone. Development sites may be described and recorded as individual properties on a plat.
means the part of a roof that meets or overhangs the wall of a building.
"Encroachment into private frontage area"
means any architectural feature, structure, or structural element, such as an arcade, gallery, fence, garden wall, porch, stoop, balcony, bay window, or terrace, that breaks the plane of a horizontal regulatory limit extending into the private frontage area or build-to-line area, or into the public right-of-way.
means an opening, such as a door, passage, or gate, that allows access to a building.
"Entrance, primary"
means an entry that allows access to a building facing a primary street.
"Facade, primary"
means the exterior wall of a building facing a primary street.
"Facade, secondary"
means the exterior wall of a building facing a secondary street or side street.
"Finished floor"
means the uppermost surface of a building's ground floor at the completion of construction.
means a building entrance and facade type where a portion of the building facade is close to the property line while the central portion of the building is set back creating a small courtyard space. The courtyard may be used as an entry court or as shared garden space for apartment buildings, or as an additional shopping or restaurant seating area within retail and service areas.
means a detached building that consists of four side-by-side and/or stacked units, typically with one shared entry or individual entries along the front. This type has the appearance of a typical house and is scaled to fit within low and medium intensity walkable neighborhoods.
"Frontage area, private"
means the linear street frontage between the minimum and maximum build-to-lines along the primary or secondary frontage line.
means a building entrance and facade type typically used in retail applications where the facade is aligned close to the property line with an attached cantilevered shed roof or a lightweight colonnade overlapping the sidewalk.
"Ground floor"
means the floor of a building located nearest to the level of the ground around the building.
"Height, overall"
means the vertical distance, excluding foundations or understructures, between the average finished ground surface adjacent to the structure and to the highest point of the structure, excluding architectural features and appurtenances such as, but not limited to, chimneys, antennas, elevators, and similar mechanical equipment. See Building height.
"Height to eave"
means the vertical distance of a structure measured from the average elevation of the finished grade within 20 feet of the structure to the overhanging portion of a gable or pitched roof.
"High rise building"
means a large and tall structure built on a large lot that typically incorporates multi-level structured parking used to provide a vertical mix of uses with ground-floor retail or service uses, and service or residential uses on upper floors. This building type is a primary component of an urban downtown.
"Interior volume"
means a main component of a two-part attached building. The interior volume is typically a parking structure or large retail/entertainment space. The exterior component is designed to mask the interior volume and typically occupied by retail, service, office, or residential space.
means an integrated housing unit and working space, occupied and utilized by a single household in a building, either single-family dwelling or multiple-family dwelling, that has been designed or structurally modified to accommodate joint residential occupancy and work activity, and which includes a complete kitchen space and sanitary facilities and working space reserved for, and regularly used by, one or more occupants of the unit.
means a medium- or large-sized structure consisting of side-by-side and/or stacked dwelling units, typically with one shared entry. This building type has the appearance of a medium- to large-size family home and is appropriately scaled to fit in medium density neighborhoods and/or medium- to high-intensity corridors.
"Neighborhood green"
means a public open space type for unstructured recreation that may be spatially defined by landscaping rather than building facades.
"Neighborhood park"
means a medium- to small-sized park providing opportunities for neighborhood social life and recreation.
means a low wall along the edge of a roof or the portion of a wall that extends above the roof line.
means a pedestrian lane located and designed to reduce the required walking distance within a neighborhood.
"Pocket parks"
means a type of public open space that provides small-scale public urban open space intended to provide recreational opportunities where space is limited in close proximity to neighborhood residences.
means a building entrance and facade type where the facade is set back from the property line and has a set of stairs and landing attached to the facade. Porches may be open on two or three sides and may be covered or uncovered.
"Primary mass"
means the prominent and main component of a building.
"Public realm"
means the physical and social domain of the public that is held in common either by their physical presence or by visual association. This includes, but is not limited to plazas, squares, parks, thorough-fares, public frontages, private frontages, civic buildings, and open spaces.
means a dwelling that shares a party wall with another of the same type placed side-by-side with individual entries along the front and dedicated private open space for each unit typically located in the rear.
means a building entrance and facade type, typically for commercial and retail use, where the facade is aligned close to the property line with the building entrance at the level of the sidewalk.
means the portion of a right-of-way that is paved and intended exclusively for pedestrian use, and often installed between the curb and adjacent property lines.
means a building entrance and facade type where the facade is aligned close to the property line with the first story elevated from the sidewalk sufficiently to secure privacy for first-story windows and the entrance usually as an exterior stair and landing.
means a building entrance and facade type where the main facade of the building is at or near the property line with an elevated terrace providing public circulation along the facade.
means a right-of-way for use by vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic that provides access to lots and open spaces, and that incorporates vehicular lanes and public frontages.
"Town square"
means a type of public open space providing a public urban open space for civic purposes, commercial activity, unstructured recreation, and other passive uses. Squares are defined by buildings and tree-lined streets with open shelters, paths, lawns, and trees formally arranged.
means the area of a building facade, usually applied to the ground floor of a building, that must contain a minimum amount of transparent glass.
means a discrete portion of a building used for habitable space.
"Upper floor"
means a floor in a building containing habitable space that is located above the ground floor.
which may be front, side, or rear wings, are components of a building which are always subordinate to (shorter and narrower than) the primary mass. They are sized and scaled in increments of entire rooms or multiple rooms, and have their own clear roof forms.
"Wings, front"
means a subordinate component of a building that is located in front of the primary mass. Front wings are always scaled-down in height and depth relative to the primary mass.
"Wings, rear"
means a subordinate component of a building that is located to the rear of the primary mass.
"Wings, side"
means a subordinate component of a building that is located behind the primary mass. Side wings are shorter and narrower than the primary mass.
(Ord. No. 1000 § 4, 2022; Ord. No. 1015 § 3, 2023; Ord. No. 1017 §§ 18, 19, 2023; Ord. No. 1023, 1/17/2024)