No person shall burn or cause to be burned any rubbish or refuse, nor shall any person kindle or maintain any bonfire within the city; provided, however, that this prohibition shall not apply to fires which are necessary to eliminate fire hazards on parcels at least one acre in size, or which are consistent with sound agricultural and horticultural practice and which, in all respects, comply with all other laws, rules and regulations of the Air Pollution Control District and the California Division of Forestry.
(Ord. 82 § 1, 1975)
Burning to eliminate a fire hazard shall require a permit from the city based upon a finding by the city manager that a fire hazard exists, that the parcel upon which the fire is to be located is at least one acre in size, that only dry and highly combustible material which produces little or no smoke will be burned, and that safe burning practices will be followed.
(Ord. 82 § 2, 1975)