Note: For charter provisions as to authority of city as to rates for services rendered under franchises, etc., see Charter, Art. III, § 2, subsection 17. As to public service department generally, see Charter, Art. XXII, § 1. As to authority of council to provide for subordinate officers, employees, etc., see Charter, Art. XXII, § 2. As to powers and duties of public service department generally, see Charter, Art. X, § 6. As to public service sinking fund, see Charter, Art. XI, § 21. As to public service surplus fund, see Charter, Art. XI, § 22.
A Glendale water and power commission is established in and for the city.
(Prior code § 3-110; Ord. 5231 § 1, 1999)
The Glendale water and power commission shall consist of five members who shall serve without compensation and who shall be appointed by a majority of the council.
(Prior code § 3-111; Ord. 5231 § 1, 1999)
Each member of the Glendale water and power commission shall be a qualified elector of the city at the time of his or her appointment and during his or her incumbency.
(Prior code § 3-112; Ord. 5231 § 1, 1999)
Whenever, in the discretion of the council, the best interests of the city shall be served thereby, any member of the Glendale water and power commission may be removed from office by a majority vote of the council.
(Prior code § 3-115; Ord. 5231 § 1, 1999)
Within 10 days after their appointment, the members of the Glendale water and power commission shall meet in regular session and organize by electing from their members a president and a secretary, who shall each hold office for one year.
(Prior code § 3-116; Ord. 5231 § 1, 1999)
After the organization meeting, the Glendale water and power commission shall meet in regular session at least once a month at a time and place selected by vote of its members.
(Prior code § 3-117; Ord. 5231 § 1, 1999)
Special meetings of the Glendale water and power commission may be called by the president or by any three members. Written notice or each special meeting must be given pursuant to the Ralph N. Brown Act of the state.
(Prior code § 3-120; Ord. 5231 § 1, 1999)
It shall be the duty of the president to preside over all meetings of the Glendale water and power commission. In the president's absence, a president pro tempore may be elected to preside.
(Prior code § 3-118; Ord. 5231 § 1, 1999)
It shall be the duty of the secretary of the Glendale water and power commission to keep a record of all proceedings of the commission, transmit its recommendations to the council and perform such other duties as are usually performed by the secretary of a deliberative body.
(Prior code § 3-119; Ord. 5231 § 1, 1999)
Three members of the Glendale water and power commission shall constitute a quorum, but a lesser number may adjourn from time to time to a day certain.
(Prior code § 3-121; Ord. 5231 § 1, 1999)
The powers and duties of the Glendale water and power commission shall be as follows:
Investigations. To investigate the operations and facilities of the Glendale water and power department and the need for changes or additions in its plant or in its operation and to make recommendations to the city manager and the council accordingly.
Recommendations. To recommend to the city manager and the council ways and means of financing changes and additions to the plant or the methods of operation of the Glendale water and power department.
Change in Administrative Policy. To recommend to the city manager changes of administrative policy which the commission deems desirable in order that the Glendale water and power department may better serve the people of the city.
Powers and Duties of Advisory Nature. The power and duties of the Glendale water and power commission are of an advisory nature only, and do not include the power of directing the conduct of the Glendale water and power department or its divisions.
Appeals Board. The Glendale water and power commission shall act as an appeals board in all cases where a customer is aggrieved by a decision of the general manager of the Glendale water and power department in accordance with Sections 13.08.140(E), 13.08.140(H), 13.44.500(E), 13.44.500(H) and/or 13.32.120. The Glendale water and power commission shall adopt such rules and regulations as it deems reasonable and if necessary to the procedures and operation of the appeals board. Such rules and regulations shall be subject to approval of the city council prior to becoming effective.
(Prior code § 3-123; Ord. 5230 § 3, 1999; Ord. 5231 § 1, 1999; Ord. 5660 § 2, 2009; Ord. 5664 § 2, 2009; Ord. 5678 § 2, 2009)
All officers, divisions and division heads of the city shall cooperate and render all reasonable and necessary assistance to the Glendale water and power commission.
(Prior code § 3-124; Ord. 5231 § 1, 1999)
Neither the Glendale water and power commission nor any member thereof shall incur any financial liability in the name of the city.
(Prior code § 3-125; Ord. 5231 § 1, 1999)