The sustainability commission is hereby established in and for the city to make advisory recommendations to the city council on the Greener Glendale Plan, Climate Action Plans, on issues relating to the environment such as GHGs, air quality, water quality, enhanced biodiversity and ecosystems, programs to increase education and awareness of economic, societal and economic sustainability issues and encourage input from all sectors of the community.
(Ord. 5954 § 1, 2020)
The sustainability commission shall consist of five voting members and two Glendale students who shall be ex officio non-voting members.
(Ord. 5954 § 1, 2020)
The five voting members shall be appointed by a minimum of three affirmative votes of the city council. The two Glendale student ex officio non-voting members shall be appointed by the commission. The commission shall, by resolution, establish the qualifications, term, procedure, standards and rules for the appointment of the two Glendale student ex officio non-voting members to the commission subject to the limitations of this chapter. Members of the sustainability commission shall serve without compensation.
(Ord. 5954 § 1, 2020)
The commission members shall be electors of the city of Glendale at the time of their appointment and during incumbency, except for the two ex officio student members. The two student ex officio non-voting members shall be a Glendale student at high school level or above. The five voting members of the commission shall be individuals who have exhibited knowledge of sustainable development and environmental sciences in general.
(Ord. 5954 § 1, 2020)
Any member of the commission, including a student member, may be removed by a majority of the council when, in the discretion of the council the best interests of the city will be served. In addition, any student member of the commission may be removed by a majority of the commission when, in the discretion of the commission, the best interests of the city will be served.
(Ord. 5954 § 1, 2020)
The sustainability commission shall select one of its voting members as chairperson and one as chairperson pro tem of the commission. The individual selected as chairperson and the individual selected as vice chairperson pro tem shall each serve for one year. In case of the absence of the chairperson, and the vice chairperson, the voting members present at any meeting shall select one of the voting members present to act as chairperson pro tempore.
(Ord. 5954 § 1, 2020)
The commission shall meet at least once a quarter at such time and place as the commission may fix by resolution, consistent with the dates and times available for televising the meetings. Special meetings of the commission may be called at any time by the chairperson, or three voting members thereof by written notice served upon each member as required by the Ralph M. Brown Act. All meetings of the commission shall be open to the public and held in compliance with the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act. The sustainability commission shall keep a record of minutes of all its proceedings and actions which shall be available for public inspection.
(Ord. 5954 § 1, 2020)
Three voting members of the sustainability commission shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting business, but a lesser number may adjourn from time to time. The student ex officio members shall not be counted when considering the number of members necessary to meet the quorum or voting requirements.
(Ord. 5954 § 1, 2020)
The sustainability commission may adopt, from time to time, such rules of procedure and operation as it may deem necessary to properly exercise its powers and duties. All rules shall be kept by the sustainability officer for reference at all commission meetings, and shall be kept on file in the offices of the city manager. A copy of the commission rules of procedure and operation shall be furnished to any person upon request. In all procedural matters and considerations not otherwise provided in this chapter, or in the rules of procedure, the proceedings of the commission shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order and the Ralph M. Brown Act.
(Ord. 5954 § 1, 2020)
The powers and duties of the sustainability commission shall be to make advisory recommendations to the city council on how to promote progress toward sustainability in the Greener Glendale Plan, Climate Action Plans, on issues relating to the environment and recommend priorities to promote regional leadership in sustainability. The commission shall work in conjunction with city departments regarding the development, implementation and evaluation of sustainability programs. This will include receiving input, reviewing programs from departments and the sustainability working group. General powers and duties shall include:
Advise the city council on the creation of a comprehensive climate action and adaptation plan and a sustainability plan with measurable goals and benchmarks to ensure progress.
Advise city council on low emissions development strategies supporting low carbon development initiatives in energy, transportation and mobility, waste and the built environment.
Advise city council on nature based development strategies protecting and enhancing healthy resilient ecosystems and healthy societies. Initiatives may include prioritizing regeneration of the natural environment focusing on nurturing and protecting healthy air, water and soil resources.
Advise city council on circular development initiatives prioritizing sustainable waste management, green procurement, recycling and sustainable building design, and compliance with state regulatory requirements.
Advise city council on development patterns that safe guard the natural support systems for human life to ensure that the natural and built environment in and around the city improves livability and promotes human health.
Seek inclusive participation of local and regional businesses, public interest groups and residents in delivering solutions supporting sustainability goals.
Conduct regular meetings regarding sustainable practices and receive public comment. Support education and outreach related to the city's sustainability practices.
The commission shall prepare and submit an annual work plan to the city council for review and approval. The annual work plan shall, among other things, set forth the goals and priorities that will guide the commission's work during the coming year.
The commission shall submit an annual report to the city council and other reports to the city council as appropriate.
The commission shall consider environmental matters which have citywide impacts but shall not, unless directed by the city council, consider environmental matters relating to specific projects or developments, including, without limitation, compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act.
The commission shall consult and cooperate with other commissions and public bodies on matters relevant to the commission's purposes.
(Ord. 5954 § 1, 2020)
The sustainability officer or designee shall be the staff advisor to the commission. The city managers' office shall provide advice and assistance as requested by the commission. The sustainability officer and all other officers and department heads of the city shall mutually cooperate and render all reasonable and necessary assistance to support the mission of the sustainability commission.
(Ord. 5954 § 1, 2020)
Neither the sustainability commission nor any individual member thereof, whether voting or nonvoting, shall incur any financial liability in the name of the city as a result of any act or omission in connection with the performance other duties as a member of the sustainability commission.
(Ord. 5954 § 1, 2020)