Whenever an appeal to the council from an act, ruling or determination of a board, commission or officer, or from a denial, suspension or revocation of a permit or license is allowed by a provision of this code, the procedures set forth in this chapter and the requirements of the code sections or ordinances upon which the appeal is based shall apply.
(Prior code § 2-49; Ord. 5225 § 1, 1999)
The person or persons aggrieved by an act or determination of a board or commission shall file a written notice of appeal in duplicate with the department or clerk of the board or commission whose act, ruling or determination is being appealed, not later than 15 days after the act or determination appealed from, or such other shorter period as set forth under a specific provision of this code governing an appeal from the issuance, denial, revocation or suspension of a permit, approval, decision, license or privilege.
For purposes of appeal to the city council, an aggrieved person includes a member of the city council, the city manager, heads of city divisions and any member of a board or commission. Any aggrieved party filing a written notice of appeal shall pay the fee for such appeal, which fee shall be as set forth by resolution of the council. Members of the city council, the city manager and heads of city divisions are exempt from paying the fee for any appeal under this chapter.
If the board, commission or officer makes a decision as a result of the hearing and announces that decision on a date other than a date specified for the hearing or continued hearing of the matter before the board, commission or officer, any person who appeared thereat and addressed the board, commission or officer in connection with such matter may file the notice of appeal not later than 15 days, or less as the case may be, after actual notice of the decision of the board, commission or officer, or 15 days, or less as the case may be, after the mailing of notice by the board, commission or officer of the determination of such person in the manner provided in this chapter, whichever first occurs. The board, commission or officer shall make and file a declaration of mailing.
Timely filing of the notice of appeal shall be a jurisdictional requirement.
(Prior code § 2-50; Ord. 4987 § 1, 1992; Ord. 5270 § 1, 2001)
Every notice of appeal shall contain a statement of the facts upon which it is based and the relief requested in sufficient detail to enable the council to understand the nature of the controversy and the parties concerned.
(Prior code § 2-51)
The board, commission, officer or officers from whose act or determination the appeal is taken shall be considered the respondent. In cases where an officer appeals from the determination of a board or commission, the commission and the party or parties who are applicants of real properties in interest shall be considered the respondents. The notice shall be given by mail to the interested private parties as provided in section 2.88.080
Upon receipt of the notice of appeal the clerk of the board or commission shall submit to the city manager a written report on the matter which is the subject of the appeal.
Upon receipt of the notice of appeal the respondent department head or clerk of the board or commission shall promptly transmit to the city manager the original or certified copies of the minutes of the hearing, if any, and the decision or determination together with a report thereon and all other papers constituting any part of the record upon which the determination or act was based.
When an appeal is taken from a denial of a permit or license or from an act or determination where there has been no hearing or formal written decision, the respondent upon receipt of the notice of appeal shall immediately prepare and submit to the city manager a report setting forth the nature of the act or determination and the reasons therefor.
The city manager shall review the record and report and shall place the matter upon a regular agenda for council's action under the provisions of sections 2.88.050 through 2.88.070. For appeal of land use entitlements and for reconsideration of environmental and planning board determinations, the city manager shall set the matter for council hearing under the provisions of section 2.88.070. Upon selection of an agenda date, the respondent shall cause notice thereof to be given the appellant, the applicant and to such other persons as may have previously identified themselves in connection therewith.
(Prior code § 2-52; Ord. 5342 § 1, 2003)
If in the opinion of the council the facts stated in the notice of appeal do not warrant a hearing, the appeal may be dismissed forthwith and the decision of the respondent board, commission or officer shall thereupon become final.
(Prior code § 2-53)
Where there has been a prior hearing before the respondent board, commission or officer and the council determines that new and material evidence not previously presented to the respondent is available and such evidence could not with reasonable diligence have been discovered and produced at the prior hearing before the respondent, the council may order that the respondent rehear the matter. Written notice of the rehearing shall be given the respondent and mailed to the appellant and to such other persons as may have appeared and addressed respondent at the prior hearing in connection with such matter, at least seven days before the date of the rehearing, and no other notice need be given. Any substantial change proposed by the applicant in the project from that which was represented to the board, commission or officer shall not be eligible for further consideration without the filing of a new application.
Where the council has, acting as the initial review authority, approved or denied a conditional use permit, variance, parking reduction permit, or parking use permit for a project in a redevelopment project area or in the DSP zone outside of a redevelopment project area in accordance with Title 30 of the code, any interested person may make a written request for a council rehearing within seven days of the council decision. The council may grant the request for rehearing only in the event that it determines that new and material evidence not previously presented to the council is available and such evidence could not have been discovered and produced at the prior hearing before the council. Any request for rehearing shall be accompanied by a statement of reasons as to why the matter qualifies for a rehearing pursuant to this subsection. Written notice of the meeting for the council to consider whether to grant a rehearing shall be mailed to the appellant and to such other persons as may have appeared and addressed the council at the prior hearing in connection with such matter at least seven days before the council meeting, and no other notice need be given. If the council grants a rehearing, notice of the rehearing shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of this code for public hearings.
(Prior code § 2-54; Ord. 5225 § 2, 1999; Ord. 5571 § 1, 2007)
If the council finds that the facts stated in the notice of appeal, and the appellant's application, if any, constitute a matter of sufficient substantially to warrant a hearing in the public interest, it shall set a time for the hearing and shall cause notice thereof to be given to the appellant, the respondent and to such other persons as may have an interest in the matter and have previously identified themselves in connection therewith.
Notwithstanding subsection A., for appeal of land use entitlements and for reconsideration of environmental and planning board determinations upon the filing of the notice of appeal and payment of fees, a notice shall be given that council shall hear the matter on the merits pursuant to section 2.88.090 at a specified date and time. The notice of the public hearing shall contain the date, time and place of the hearing, the general nature of the proposed permit and the street address or legal description of the property involved and shall be:
For variances, conditional use permits, wireless telecommunications facilities permits, development plan review for special recreation, parking use permits, and requests for parking reduction only, but not for design review, published once in the official newspaper of the city at least 10 days before the date of the hearing;
Mailed, postage prepaid, at least 10 days before the date of the hearing to:
The respondent and such other persons as may have an interest in the matter and have previously identified themselves in connection therewith;
All persons shown on the last equalized assessment roll as owning real property located within a radius of 500 feet of the exterior boundaries of the property which is the subject of the proposed permit including, for a parking use permit, both the property for which a parking use permit is sought and the off-site parking facility; and to the occupants of such properties;
If such property is owned by the same person or entity, the owners and occupants of contiguous real property to that owned by the applicant shall also be notified;
If the director of community development or the director of development services finds that additional property owners may be substantially affected by the request, such property owners and such property's occupants shall also be notified of the hearing; and
If additional mailed notice is required, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to provide certified public notice mailing labels for all owners of real property as shown on the latest equalized assessment roll within an area determined by the director of community development or the director of development services to be directly affected by the request and to provide a property ownership map keyed to the mailing labels. The applicant shall also provide certified public notice mailing labels for the occupants of such properties and a map keyed to the mailing labels.
At least 10 days prior to the hearing, the applicant shall cause notice thereof to be posted in a conspicuous place on the property involved, including, for a parking use permit, both the property for which a parking use permit is sought and the off-site parking facility as follows:
A poster-size sign shall be mounted on 4" x 4" wooden posts and shall be able to withstand all types of weather conditions.
The poster-size sign shall not exceed six feet above grade and shall be visible from adjacent streets.
The poster-size sign shall be a height of three feet and width of four feet.
The poster-size sign shall be located not less than five feet inside the property line in residential zones and not less than one foot inside the property line in all other zones. In all instances, the sign shall be located in areas that are most visible to the public but not within the public right-of-way.
The poster-size sign shall:
Not be illuminated;
Be limited to only one per street frontage of the property;
Clearly be legible;
Consist of black lettering on a white background.
Additional poster-size signs may be required to the discretion of director of community development.
The poster-size sign shall be removed within 15 calendar days after final action of the council.
In situations where the above requirements are not physically possible due to site constraints, a comparable notice shall be prepared and located to the satisfaction of the director of community development.
(Prior code § 2-55; Ord. 5342 § 2, 2003; Ord. 5648, § 1, 3-24-2009; Ord. 5803 § 12, 2013)
Whenever notice is required by this chapter to be given or the service of reports, documents or papers is required or is directed by the council to be made, the notice or service may be given or made by addressing the same to the party or parties at the last address known and depositing the same, postage prepaid, in the United States mail.
(Prior code § 2-56)
Unless otherwise ordered and noticed, hearings shall be held as a part of the regular meetings of the council. The hearing shall be de novo, in that an independent reexamination of the matter shall be made. The appellant shall have the burden of proof in all cases, and where it appears that an appellant was served with notice of hearing but fails to appear either in person or by counsel, or fails to present or offer evidence, the council may adopt the determination or approve the act of the board, commission or officer or it may itself decide the matter upon the record with or without taking any additional evidence. Any oral or documentary evidence may be received, but the mayor shall exclude irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious evidence. Unless demand is made, witnesses will not be sworn. It is not ground for objection that evidence is hearsay or secondary, but the council's decision shall be made upon substantial evidence.
(Prior code § 2-57)
Upon the hearing of the appeal the council may refer the matter back to the respondent board, commission or officer, with directions, for further consideration, or it may reverse, affirm or modify the determination or the action of the respondent, and it may make such decision or determination as may appear just and reasonable in the light of the evidence presented, and its decision or determination shall be final and conclusive. The decision shall be entered in the clerk's minutes as a motion. Testimony taken at hearings on appeal, if recorded, will not be transcribed or filed except upon the request of a party thereto accompanied by payment of the administrative costs and expense of transcription.
(Prior code § 2-58)
At the close of hearing of the appeal, the council shall prepare written findings if prior to adjournment the appellant or an aggrieved party requests the council to make written findings. In such event, the council shall direct the city attorney to draft a resolution containing the facts found to be true, which findings shall be considered and adopted by motion or resolution at a regular meeting of the council not later than two weeks next following the close of the appeal hearing. The findings shall include the reasons for the council's ruling, including but not limited to findings of fact, if any, required by the code sections or ordinance upon which the appeal is based.
(Prior code § 2-59)
The provisions of section 1094.6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure shall be applicable to any petition for judicial review of an adjudicatory administrative decision of any commission, board, legislative body, officer or agent of the city of Glendale.
Any such petition for judicial review shall be filed not later than the ninetieth day following the date the decision becomes final, unless a shorter statute of limitations is applicable.
If there is no provision for reconsideration of the decision in any statute, charter or rule, for the purposes of this section, the decision is final on the date it is made.
If there is such a provision for reconsideration, the decision is final for purposes of this section upon the expiration of the period during which such reconsideration can be sought, provided that if reconsideration is sought pursuant to any such provision, the decision is final for purposes of this section on the date that reconsideration is rejected.
(Prior code § 2-60)