There shall be service charges for each person who requests an emergency medical response or who medically requires and receives the benefit of emergency medical treatment or transportation in an ambulance dispatched by the city. Such service charges shall be, and not exceed the maximum permitted by the county of Los Angeles general public ambulance rates, as they now exist or as amended, plus all applicable related charges including, but not limited to, consumable supplies. In the event a person receives any emergency medical assessment but is not transported, there shall be a charge reflecting the cost to provide such assessment, but in no event shall the charge be less than one hundred dollars. All charges under this chapter shall be applicable regardless of whether the ambulance dispatched by the city is city-owned, owned by another public agency or commercially owned. Multiple patient service charges shall be prorated when applicable.
(Prior code § 17-24; Ord. 5247 § 1, 2000; Ord. 5265 § 1, 2000)
The service charges imposed by this chapter shall be the legal obligation of each person transported or receiving benefit of an emergency medical response pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, and shall be payable directly to the city or its designated representative upon presentation of a bill for such service.
In the event of the transportation of a minor, the service charges shall be the legal obligation of the minor's parent(s), legal guardian(s), or (in the absence of a parent or legal guardian), any other person(s) who authorized the transportation or an emergency response for the benefit of said minor.
(Prior code § 17-25; Ord. 5247 § 1, 2000)
The city may collect the service charges authorized by section 2.92.010 directly, or it may contract or arrange for the public or private collection of such charges. The procedure by which such service charges shall be collected will be as mutually agreed upon in writing between the city and the collecting agency or entity. In the absence of such agreed upon procedures, the city may collect the service charges directly as provided for in this chapter.
Such agreed upon procedures may be changed, modified or altered from time to time, provided any such changes, modifications or alterations are contained in a writing signed by the city and the collecting agency or entity.
(Prior code § 17-28; Ord. 5031 § 3, 1993; Ord. 5247 § 1, 2000)
The service charges, authorized by section 2.92.010, upon being incurred, shall be deemed a civil debt owed to the city. Such debt shall be collectible through any lawful means, including court action, initiated by either the city attorney or any contracting agency or entity authorized by the city to initiate such collection or court action, or through small claims court, at the discretion of the city.
(Prior code § 17-29; Ord. 5031 § 4, 1993; Ord. 5247 § 1, 2000)
For each person who is charged a service charge under section 2.92.010, the fire chief (or the fire chief's designee for such purpose) shall have the discretion to waive all or part of such fee, after consideration of any of the following:
Whether the call was falsely initiated without consent or knowledge of the alleged subject of the call;
Whether the call was initiated by mistake, but in good faith;
Whether the persons receiving such emergency or medical services were all part of the same family or household and the nature and extent to which services were provided to each member of such family or household; or
Whether a pattern or conduct is present which could constitute an abuse or misuse of the emergency response system.
(Prior code § 17-26; Ord. 5031 § 1, 1993; Ord. 5247 § 1, 2000)