Pursuant to the provisions of section 27281 of the state Government Code, the city manager is authorized to accept deeds or grants conveying any interest in or easement upon real estate to the city for public purposes and the city manager is further authorized to consent to the recordation of same.
(Prior code § 2-1)
The risk manager or city attorney shall approve or disapprove each insurance certificate or policy required by the city as to form, as to the amount of coverage and as to the responsibility of the insurer and acceptability of its agent. Such approval by the risk manager or city attorney shall constitute an acceptance of the particular certificate or policy so approved on behalf of the city; except, that this section shall not apply in those instances where a statute, ordinance or agreement requires approval of a certificate or policy in a different manner.
(Prior code § 2-2; Ord. 5394 § 1, 2004)