Any real property, or interest therein owned by the city, may be sold only after competitive bidding to the highest bidder, except as provided in Section 4.52.040.
(Prior code § 5-48)
Before a sale of real property or interest therein is made by competitive bids, the council shall provide for the publication of a notice of sale in the official newspaper of the city.
(Prior code § 5-49)
The council may, from time to time, further provide by resolution for the conduct of sales but failure to comply with such provisions shall not affect the validity of any sale.
(Prior code § 5-50)
The following sales, conveyances and other dispositions of real property shall not be subject to the provisions of this chapter:
An exchange of real properties or interests therein, which may include the receipt or payment of money as additional consideration incidental to such exchange;
A sale of real property or interest therein having a reasonable market value of less than $25,000 as estimated by the city manager;
A quitclaim or other release of any real or apparent interest of the city made for the purpose of clearing title to real property owned by others;
A sale of real property or interest therein to the state, the county or to any city, school district, flood control, the housing authority or other special district within the county;
A sale of real property or interest therein which is incapable of development by itself and can only be developed if sold to an adjacent property owner. After such sale, said property or interest therein shall be subject to current city zoning and development requirements;
A sale of real property or interest therein that is for economic development purposes authorized pursuant to the city's economic development program, as provided in Chapter 2.30, which includes the authority to dispose of real property for fair market value or less than fair market value (fair reuse value), so long as the disposition is found to aid the purposes set forth in Chapter 2.30, and is in compliance with California Government Code Section 53083 et seq., pertaining to economic development subsidy review by local agencies.
A determination by the council by resolution or in an ordinance authorizing execution of a conveyance that a transaction is of the nature described in any of the subdivisions of subsection A of this section shall be conclusive for the purposes of this code.
(Prior code § 5-51; Ord. 5718 § 1, 2010; Ord. 5903 § 1, 2017)
The city manager may lease on terms and conditions approved by the city manager, any real property owned by the city, the use of which by the city has been temporarily deferred or suspended. All such leases or rental agreements shall be automatically terminated upon motion adopted by the council that the use of the demised real property is immediately required by the city, and, provided further, that no such lease or rental agreement shall be for a term of longer than five years.
The city may lease city owned real property on terms and conditions approved by the city council where the lease or rental is for the purposes set forth in the city's economic development program in Chapter 2.30. Such city council authorized lease or rental agreement may be for an initial period of up to 55 years.
The city manager may grant permits to use the streets or public property, revocable at any time without notice, when such use serves the public interest or is of such a casual, temporary or occasional nature as not to unduly interfere with the public use thereof. In granting such permits for the use of public streets or places dedicated to the public and serving a public need, the city manager shall have due regard for the extent of interference, the timing of such use so as to minimize interference with public use, and shall require, when indicated, appropriate insurance coverage protecting the city against liability that might or could arise out of such permitted use. When in the estimation of the city manager such use would require more than ordinary services of the city, a fee to defray city's expenses generated thereby may be charged as prerequisite to the granting of such permit.
No person shall occupy or obstruct any portion of any sidewalk, street, alley, roadway, or other public property unless a temporary street use permit has first been obtained pursuant to Section 3308 of the Glendale Building and Safety Code, 2011, or as that section is subsequently amended.
(Prior code § 5-51.5; Ord. 5718 § 2, 2010; Ord. 5903 § 2, 2017)
If pursuant to this chapter a sale is consummated as the result of a bid which is subject to payment of a broker's or salesperson's commission by the city, the director of finance and administrative services shall cause the payment of such commission.
(Prior code § 5-52)