In adding this chapter, the city council found that established business and community benefit districts as well as recognized merchants associations have a significant stake in assuring the viability of individual businesses within the geographic areas of the city for which these districts and merchants associations have been established.
The maintenance of businesses within the jurisdiction of these districts and merchants associations becomes particularly critical in times of economic downturns. Districts are a form of self-assessment to raise funds to promote and strengthen local businesses. Recognized merchants associations are provided funding by the city or other agencies to accomplish similar promotional goals. Commercial special events which utilize public property may run counter to the goal of supporting businesses within districts and merchants associations. It is therefore important to assess whether a commercial special event will, in any way, detract or negatively impact the healthy, vibrant business climate within a district or merchants association.
Toward that end, the council found and determined that a commercial special event could have a deleterious effect on businesses in a business and community benefit district or within the jurisdiction of a merchants association and therefore requires that regulations be adopted which assess the potential impacts and permit the districts and merchants associations to provide input on the potential impacts, if any, to the businesses within their jurisdiction.
Additionally, in amending this chapter, the city council finds that similar interests and impacts may occur outside of an established business and community benefit district, specifically in regard to city streets and traffic. Therefore the city council requires that these regulations and permit requirements be expanded to include any commercial special event that have an effect on city streets and/or traffic.
(Ord. 5972 § 5, 9-14-2021)
For purposes of this chapter, the words and phrases below have the meanings designated:
"Business and community benefit district"
means Montrose Shopping Park Association Business Improvement District and the Greater Downtown Glendale Community Benefit District.
means a transaction for financial compensation, whether the compensation is paid immediately or offered as part of the transaction, or the exchange, production, purchase or sale of goods or services of any kind or nature.
"Commercial special event"
means a program, activity or event which is put on or sponsored by a person or entity for the purposes of promoting or engaging in a commercial transaction. Examples include, but are not limited to, farmers markets, swap meets, street fairs, art and/or craft shows, outdoor concerts, festivals, or carnivals.
"Merchants associations"
means the following: Downtown Glendale Merchants Association; Kenneth Village Merchants Association; Sparr Heights Merchants Association and Brand Boulevard of Cars.
(Ord. 5972 § 5, 9-14-2021)
No person shall use or occupy public property, including, but not limited to, sidewalks, streets, public parking facilities, parkways or alleys in the city of Glendale for a commercial special event, or hold or cause to be held a commercial special event that has an effect on such public property, without first obtaining from the city manager a written permit therefor. All requirements for obtaining a permit pursuant to this chapter are in addition to any other applicable local, state or federal law and regulation.
A person or entity desiring a permit under this chapter shall submit to the city manager's office a complete written application on a form provided by the city manager. The application shall contain true and correct information, including, but not limited to, the following:
Name and residence or business address of the person(s) or entity making such application, a detailed statement of the location and area of the proposed commercial special event, the date(s) of the proposed commercial special event, and a detailed statement of the proposed event, including, but not limited to, whether the event contemplates sales, displays, the nature of any goods or services to be displayed, sold, purchased, exchanged or produced, and any other information determined necessary by the city manager.
Each application submitted shall include a fee as determined by resolution of the council.
(Ord. 5972 § 5, 9-14-2021)
Upon submission of an application to the city manager's office, the city manager, or a designee, shall circulate the application amongst city departments for review and comment. Such comments should focus on impacts of the proposed commercial special event, including, but not limited to, city liability, parking, traffic, air quality, noise, and other potentially adverse physical impacts, and whether any conditions are required to ameliorate any identified impacts. In addition, the city manager, or a designee, shall submit the application to all business and community benefit districts and merchants associations. The districts and merchants associations shall have the opportunity to comment and submit recommendations on the permit application. The comments and recommendations, if any, shall be submitted to the city manager's office within 10 days from the date of mailing by the city manager, or a designee.
After circulation and receipt of comments by city departments and comments by districts and merchants associations, or the expiration of 35 days from the date of receipt of the application, whichever shall first occur, the city manager, or a designee, shall, after review, either approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application for a commercial special events permit.
The applicant, business and community benefit districts and merchants associations as defined herein, may appeal to the council the approval, approval with conditions or denial of any application for a commercial special events permit pursuant to the provisions of Glendale Municipal Code Chapter 2.88.
(Ord. 5972 § 5, 9-14-2021)