The general regulations and standards established by this article shall apply to the institutions and establishments regulated by this chapter.
(Prior code § 18-11)
All walls, floors, ceilings, woodwork, curtains and furnishings shall be maintained in a good, clean, sanitary condition, free from the accumulation of dirt and filth, and every room shall be provided with adequate ventilation, lighting and heat.
(Prior code § 18-12)
A barrier or other protection shall be placed around each space heater, stove and fireplace. All gas-fired heaters must be connected to a supply line with a continuous rigid metal pipe.
(Prior code § 18-13)
All windows and doors shall be screened and maintained in a good condition so as to exclude flies and other insects.
(Prior code § 18-14)
There shall be maintained an adequate amount of bedding, linen, hand and bath towels, in a good clean condition, and each bed shall be supplied with good springs and a clean, comfortable mattress; and all beds and mattresses shall be kept in a sanitary condition and shall be thoroughly cleaned before being used by another person.
(Prior code § 18-15)
Every kitchen shall be conducted with strict regard to cleanliness affecting the purity and wholesomeness of the food therein prepared, served, kept, handled or stored.
All dishes, glasses and implements used in the preparation or serving of food shall be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized after each use. All such utensils shall be free from cracks or chips of any kind.
Kitchens shall be provided with not less than one two-compartment sink, one compartment to contain wash water and the other to contain rinse water. The rinse water compartment shall be supplied with a gas burner or other device thereunder so the rinse water will be maintained at a temperature of not less that one hundred seventy degrees Fahrenheit while in use so as to properly sanitize dishes and utensils used for the preparation or serving of food. An adequate amount of soap or other detergent shall be used in the wash water to thoroughly clean all utensils.
The provisions of this section relative to two-compartment sinks or mechanical dishwashers shall not apply to any home for the aged, mental institution, private boarding school and children’s boarding home regulated by this chapter with fifteen or fewer children, mentally ill or aged persons. The provisions of this section relative to two-compartment sinks or mechanical dishwashers shall not apply to any private day school, day nursery or day nursery school where thirty or fewer children are enrolled, if only one meal is served.
In lieu of a two-compartment sink, a mechanical dishwasher or its equivalent may be installed, but shall be connected to a hot water supply that will maintain to the fixture a temperature of not less than one hundred seventy degrees Fahrenheit for the rinse water.
The floor, sidewalls, ceilings, trims, fixtures, receptacles, utensils, sinks, drainboards, implements, dishes, storerooms and machinery in every kitchen or place where food is prepared, served, kept, handled or stored, shall be maintained in good repair and in a sanitary condition.
The floors, walls and ceiling of every kitchen shall be as required by the building code for new structures for that type of occupancy.
All refrigerators and ice chests shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition and in good repair at all times. Refrigeration for all perishable food shall be constantly maintained at fifty degrees Fahrenheit or lower, and refrigeration shall be of a capacity sufficient to eliminate congestion of food stored. Each refrigerator shall be supplied with a reliable thermometer.
(Prior code § 18-16)
Every kitchen shall have a convenient toilet and lavatory in connection therewith, but separate and apart therefrom, and shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. All operators, employees and all persons who handle food, before beginning work, shall be provided with clean garments and immediately after visiting a toilet shall wash their hands and arms thoroughly with soap and water.
(Prior code § 18-17)
No drugs, medicines or poisonous substances shall be kept in the kitchen.
(Prior code § 18-18)
No owner or employer shall require, permit or suffer any person to work, nor shall any person work in a kitchen where food is prepared, served, kept, handled or stored, who is afflicted with any infectious or contagious disease or local infection.
(Prior code § 18-19)
All garbage and kitchen wastes must be kept in a tight, flyproof, metal container, and removed from the premises and disposed of in a sanitary manner at reasonably frequent intervals. All containers shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.
(Prior code § 18-20)
All employees’ quarters shall be maintained in a good, clean, sanitary condition and every room shall contain not less than five hundred cubic feet of air space for each person, with sufficient window area to afford proper ventilation and light. Employees’ quarters shall be supplied with one toilet, one lavatory and one bath or shower, for each ten persons, or major fraction thereof, of each sex.
(Prior code § 18-21)
There shall be provided a milk supply of pasteurized milk only, except that certified milk may be used where not prohibited by state law or state regulations.
(Prior code § 18-22)
Adequate emergency lighting facilities shall be provided so as to be readily available to the personnel on duty. At no time shall any open-flame type of light be used.
(Prior code § 18-23)
The regulations established by this chapter shall apply to classrooms in institutions and establishments regulated by this chapter.
(Prior code § 18-29)
All floors in classrooms shall be kept clean.
(Prior code § 18-30)
The walls of every classroom shall be so treated and maintained that the reflection factor is not more than eighty percent nor less than forty percent. The ceilings of every classroom shall be so treated and maintained that the reflection factor is not more than eighty percent nor less than sixty percent.
(Prior code § 18-31)
Classrooms shall be properly heated when in use. The temperature shall be sufficient for the maintenance of health and comfort of the pupils and shall in no case be below sixty-five degrees above zero Fahrenheit.
(Prior code § 18-32)
Every classroom shall have per pupil not less than:
Two hundred fifty cubic feet of air space;
Good ventilation;
Ceiling height shall not be less than eight feet.
(Prior code § 18-33)
Classrooms shall be so illuminated when in use that:
There is not less than fifteen footcandle illumination in every part of the classroom;
There is no direct glare;
Indirect glare is reduced to a minimum.
(Prior code § 18-34)
Every classroom constructed, reconstructed or altered after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section, and every classroom used as such for the first time after the effective date of this section shall have a window area of not less than one-fifth of the floor area.
(Prior code § 18-35)
All seats and desks shall be maintained in good condition. All seats shall have back rests. Seats shall be of such height that any pupil sitting therein in a normal position can comfortably rest his or her feet upon the floor. Seats shall be so placed that no pupil when sitting in a normal position in any one of them shall face a window.
(Prior code § 18-36)
Utility rooms shall be provided for all bed patients in any home for the aged or mental institution. Such rooms shall be provided with a bedpan hopper or its equivalent. Bathtubs, lavatories and laundry trays shall not be used for the cleaning of bedpans. Where one or more ambulatory or semiambulatory patients, inmates or aged boarders are cared for or housed, there shall be provided at least one water closet for each ten, or fractional part thereof, patients or aged boarders of each sex and one lavatory and one bath or shower for each ten, or fractional part thereof, patients or aged boarders of each sex, within the building. All toilet rooms, lavatories, baths and showers shall be maintained free from any accumulation of dirt, filth or corrosion. All water closets and utility rooms shall be adequately lighted and ventilated to outside air.
(Prior code § 18-37)
In each building of a private boarding school or private day school containing one or more classrooms on each floor, the toilet facilities shall be as provided on the basis of the following ratio of toilets to the number of pupils:
Elementary Schools.
Girls—One to every thirty-five or fractional part thereof;
Boys—One to every one hundred or fractional part thereof.
Secondary Schools.
Girls—One to every forty-five or fractional part thereof;
Boys—One to every one hundred or fractional part thereof; provided that there shall be at least one toilet for each sex.
In addition, if there are ten or more boys, urinals shall be provided for boys on the basis of one to every thirty or fractional part thereof.
There shall be provided at least one lavatory for each two toilets or urinals for each sex, and at least one drinking fountain on each floor.
Existing available sanitary facilities within a distance of one hundred feet may be considered when determining the required number of toilets, urinals and lavatories in any building.
(Prior code § 18-38)
On each floor of every private boarding school or children’s boarding home building, any part of which floor is used for sleeping purposes for children between two years and eighteen years of age, there shall be provided for each ten children or fractional part thereof, of each sex, conveniently and accessibly located for the use of such children, not less than:
One water closet;
One bathtub or shower;
One lavatory.
In addition, one urinal shall be provided for every twenty boys, or fractional part thereof, if there are ten or more boys.
(Prior code § 18-39)
On each floor of every day nursery or day nursery school building, any part of which is used for the care of children between the ages of two years and four years and six months, there shall be provided one water closet for each ten children, or fractional part thereof, and one lavatory for each ten children or fractional part thereof. Toilets and lavatories should be of suitable height and size as to be reached easily by the children. Adjustable steps for young children shall be available. If children over four years and six months are cared for, separate toilet facilities for boys and girls shall be provided.
(Prior code § 18-40)
All bedpans, urinals and other utensils for patients and inmates shall be free from cracks or chips. Bedpans used individually shall be properly stored, marked and thoroughly cleaned after each use. Bedpans not individually used shall be sterilized after each use by boiling in water for fifteen to twenty minutes, or autoclaved. All bedpans shall be sterilized once a week by boiling in water for fifteen minutes, or autoclaved.
(Prior code § 18-48)
No person shall be kept, cared for or maintained as a patient or aged boarder in any sleeping room or ward in any home for the aged or mental institution which provides less than sixty square feet of superficial floor area for each such person. Beds shall be maintained at least three feet apart. Sleeping rooms or wards shall have a ceiling height of not less than eight feet, and shall be well lighted and ventilated to the outside air. Windows shall be one-half openable. The window area in any mental institution or home for the aged shall be as required by the Uniform Building Code for new structures for that type of occupancy.
(Prior code § 18-41)
No person shall cause, permit or suffer any child to sleep in any room or dormitory providing overnight care in any building of a private boarding school or children’s boarding home which provides less than five hundred cubic feet of air space for each such child. Beds, small beds or cots shall be kept at least three feet apart. Sleeping rooms or wards shall have a ceiling height of not less than eight feet, and shall be well lighted and ventilated to the outside air. Windows shall be one-half openable. The window area in any private boarding school or children’s boarding home shall be as required by the Uniform Building Code for new structures for that type of occupancy.
(Prior code § 18-42)
Any room in any building of a private day school, day nursery school or children’s boarding home used for daytime rest periods shall provide not less than thirty square feet of superficial floor area for each child. Beds or cots shall be kept at least three feet apart. Such rooms or dormitories shall have a ceiling height of not less than eight feet and shall be well lighted and ventilated to the outside air. Windows shall be one-eighth of the superficial floor area and shall be one-half openable.
(Prior code § 18-43)