Premises in Unsanitary Condition. No person shall own, use, maintain, cause or permit another person to use or maintain any building, lot, premises, vehicle or any other place in such an unsanitary condition as to permit the breeding or harboring therein or thereon of rats or mice.
Accumulation of Rubbish. No person owning, using or maintaining any building, lot, premises, vehicle or other place shall permit or cause or permit another person to permit the accumulation of any rubbish material that may serve as a harborage for rats or mice, unless such material is elevated above the ground or floor with a clear intervening space of at least eighteen inches thereunder.
Notice to Exterminate. If any material becomes infested with rats or mice or becomes a harborage for rats or mice, the health officer may serve notice upon the owner or person using or occupying the premises on which such material is located to exterminate such rodents or to elevate the material above the ground or floor, with a clear intervening space of at least eighteen inches thereunder. No owner or person using or occupying such premises and receiving such notice shall fail to comply with the notice served upon him or her within a reasonable time to be specified in such notice.
(Prior code § 17-7)
No person shall own, use, maintain, cause or permit another person to use or maintain any premises or portion thereof for storage, handling, preparation or sale of any grain or grain products, or for a poultry or rabbit slaughterhouse, or for the manufacture, preparation, storage, handling or display of any food or food products for human or animal consumption unless such building or structure, or portion thereof, be ratproofed. This requirement shall not apply to premises in existence and being used on the first day of December, 1949, for the purposes specified above, unless they are or become a harborage for or infested with rats or mice and the health officer orders that such premises be ratproofed.
(Prior code § 17-8)
Ratproofing as required by this chapter shall include the method established by Sections 8.48.040, 8.48.050 and 8.48.060.
(Prior code § 17-9)
All underfloor vents, openings in foundations, roof vents and skylights shall be screened by use of screening not larger than one-fourth-inch mesh hardware cloth.
(Prior code § 17-10)
All foundations shall be continuous masonry foundations of the size and depth required by the Uniform Building Code. Continuous masonry foundations shall also be required of all buildings excepted by the Uniform Building Code, unless the building is erected upon a slab of cement or asphaltic concrete not less than three inches in thickness and has a concrete curb not less than one foot in depth below the finished grade running continuously around and under the edges of such slab; or in lieu of such curb, has an extension of such slab for a distance of three feet around the outside edges of such building; or the building is under four hundred square feet in area, having an eighteen-inch clearance under the floor joists, and is supported on piers.
(Prior code § 17-11)
A twelve-inch strip of noncorrodible metal lath weighing not less than three and four-tenths pounds per square yard shall be placed under wall coverings on both inside and outside faces of all exterior stud walls at the floor level and also to extend twelve inches under floor coverings from all exterior stud walls, except that such strip need not be placed on the outside face when there is maintained a clearance of eighteen inches under the floor joists or when the exterior wall covering is stucco.
(Prior code § 17-12)
Whenever any premises becomes infested with rats or mice, the health officer shall serve upon the owner or person using or occupying the premises an order in writing to exterminate such rodents and ratproof such premises. Such order shall state the method of extermination to be used, whether all or specified portions of such premises shall be ratproofed, and shall require compliance within a reasonable time stated in such notice. The owner or person using or occupying such premises and receiving such notice shall comply with the notice served upon him or her within the time specified therein.
(Prior code § 17-13)