To ensure the peaceful expression of free speech, the city of Glendale has adopted the following provisions to limit the use of certain objects that may be weaponized during demonstrations, rallies, protests, counter-protests, picket lines, marches, or assemblies on public property in order to safeguard against violence.
The city of Glendale adopts these content neutral, time, place, and manner regulations to ensure public safety and welfare. These regulations allow for peaceful expression of differing ideas and views while reducing the risk of violent conflict by prohibiting the use or possession of weapons or objects that may be weaponized during demonstrations, rallies, protests, counter protests, picket lines, marches or public assemblies.
(Ord. 5960 § 2, 2021)
No person shall utilize, carry, or possess the following items or articles while attending or participating in any demonstration, rally, protest, picket line or public assembly:
Any length of lumber, wood, or wood lath unless that object is one-fourth inch or less in thickness and two inches or less in width, or if not generally rectangular in shape, such object shall not exceed three-fourths inch in its thickest dimension. Both ends of the lumber, wood or wood lath shall be blunt;
Any length of metal or plastic pipe, whether hollow or solid; provided, however, that hollow plastic piping not exceeding three-fourths inch in its thickest dimension and not exceeding one-eighth inch in wall thickness, and not filled with any material, liquid, gas or solid may be used solely to support a sign, banner, placard, puppet or other similar expressive display. Both ends of any plastic pipe permissible under this section shall be blunt;
Signs, posters, banners, plaques or notices, whether or not mounted on a length of material permitted under subsections (A)(1) and (2) of this section, unless such sign, poster, banner, plaque or notice is constructed solely of soft material, such as cloth, paper, soft plastic capable of being rolled or folded, or cardboard material no greater than one-quarter inch in thickness;
Baseball or softball bats, regardless of composition or size, except that such items are permissible when configured of cloth, cardboard, soft plastic, foam or paper for expressive purposes;
Any aerosol spray, tear gas, mace, pepper spray, smoke canisters, or bear repellent;
Any projectile launcher or other device, such as a catapult or wrist rocket, which is commonly used for the purpose of launching, hurling or throwing any object, liquid, material or other substance, whether through force of air pressure, spring action or any other mechanism;
Weapons such as firearms, knives, swords, sabers or other bladed devices, axes, crowbars, hatchets, hammers, ice picks, razor blades, nunchucks or martial arts weapons of any kind, box cutters, pellet guns, BB guns, conducted electrical devices, including, but not limited to, Tasers or stun guns, metal/composite/wooden knuckles, or any chain greater than 20 inches in length or greater than one-quarter inch in diameter. This subsection also includes toy or replica firearms unless such toy or replica is florescent colored or transparent;
Balloons, bottles or any other container, such as water cannons or super soakers, filled with any flammable, biohazard or other noxious matter which is injurious, or nauseous, sickening or irritating to any of the senses, with intent to throw, drop, pour, disperse, deposit, release, discharge or expose the same in, upon or about any demonstration, rally, protest, picket line or public assembly;
Glass bottles, whether empty or filled;
Open flame torches, lanterns, fireworks, or other devices that utilize combustible materials such as gasoline, kerosene, propane or other fuel sources;
Shields made of metal, wood, hard plastic or any combination thereof;
Bricks, rocks, pieces of asphalt, concrete, pellets or ball bearings; or
Laser pointers or laser-style devices emitting any color beam, milliwatt output level, intensity class level or any visibility level, including infrared or nonvisible.
When feasible, excluding exigent circumstances, a warning shall be issued before enforcement of the provisions of this section. Such warning shall be sufficient if provided orally by posted signs or by amplified announcement.
Authorized peace officers, or employees, agents or representatives of the city, shall be exempt from the provisions of this section when such officers, employees, agents or representatives of the city are engaged in official business of the city.
Nothing in this section shall prohibit an individual from carrying a cane or using a walker or other device necessary for providing mobility so that the person may participate in a public protest, demonstration, rally, picket line or public assembly. Further, nothing in this section shall prohibit the imposition of specific conditions for activities expressly authorized under permit issued by the city of Glendale.
Limitation on Applicability. This chapter is not intended to violate and shall not be applied or enforced in a manner that violates the United States or California Constitutions and applicable state or federal statutes.
(Ord. 5960 § 2, 2021)