The following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them unless otherwise noted:
"Actual cost,"
when used in this title, shall include, but not be limited to: the cost of labor (person or persons performing task); fringe benefits, overtime if applicable, vehicle charge, use of any special equipment, cost of materials and replacement parts, and overhead.
"Adjustment charge,"
when used in this title, means the combined energy adjustment and purchased water adjustment charges.
for water service, when used in this title, means a person, public or private corporation, co-partnership, unincorporated association, the United States, the State of California, the City of Glendale, any county or any governmental agency or other entity who makes application for water service and is able to establish identity and credit worthiness as required in this title.
when used in this title means one cubic foot, equal to 7.48 gallons.
"Common area" or "common areas,"
when used in this title, shall be defined as set forth in Section 4095 of the California Civil Code, or any successor legislation. For purposes of this chapter, laundry rooms, parking facilities, recreation rooms or other such common rooms or facilities shall each be considered to be separate "common areas."
when used in this title, means any person, public or private association or corporation, partnership, unincorporated association, or governmental agency supplied or entitled to be supplied with water service by the department.
"Customer charge,"
when used in this title means meter charge and is based on the size of the water meter or fire line. This component of the water rate reflects the cost of metering support, customer service, and maintaining customers' account. Occasionally, the term "customer meter charge" or "customer charge" or "meter rates" may be used interchangeably. Charge is applied on a per-meter or fire line basis.
when used in this title, means the water and power department of the city.
"Drought rate,"
when used in this title, means a temporary charge or surcharge placed on the variable charge for potable water in effect only when the city council declares mandatory conservation Phase II, III, IV or V pursuant to Section 13.36.070. The drought rate is designed to maintain the water fund's financial stability as a result of the reduction in water consumption, during the Phase II, III, IV or V mandatory conservation.
"General manager,"
when used in this title, means the general manager of the water and power department of the city. The general manager shall have authority to make all determinations required of the department by this title.
when used in this title, means 100 cubic feet, equal to 748 gallons.
"Illegal water service connection,"
when used in this title, means:
Any connection to any city water facility by any means which are not authorized by this code.
The act of any customer by which that customer reconnects the water service or suffers or causes it to be reconnected after it has been disconnected for noncompliance of any provision in this code.
when used in this title, means the measuring device that the department owns and installs for the purpose of reading and recording the amount of water consumed by the premises, and disconnect services. The meter includes the recording instrument, shutoff valves, and end-points used for storing and transmitting water usage data.
when used in this title, means all real property and structures employed in a single enterprise on an integral parcel of land undivided (except in the case of industrial, agricultural, oil field and resort enterprise, and public or quasipublic institutions) by public highways or railway, receiving or intended to receive water service by the public services department.
"Rate" or "rates,"
when used in this title, means the schedule of rates to be charged for water service and collected by the department.
of service, when used in this title, means either one HCF, or one CF or one gallon or fraction(s) thereof.
1 HCF = 100 CF and 1 CF = 7.48 gallons.
"Variable (usage) charge,"
when used in this title, means the charge for the water quantity used, and supports the cost of providing water service and a portion of the fixed cost allocated to volumetric cost recovery.
(Prior code §§ 9-1, 9-2; Ord. 5112, § 1, 1996; Ord. 5694, § 2, 5-4-2010; Ord. 5769, § 1, 3-27-2012; Ord. 5835, § 1, 7-29-2014)
The department shall have the right to turn off water from mains, valves, meters, and pipes of the system without notice.
The city shall not be liable for the cost of water or any damage to persons or property caused in any manner by the use of water beyond its meters, or inside or within the customer's property line if the meters are not located within the public right-of-way; nor shall it be liable for any damage resulting from its failure to deliver water for any length of time.
(Prior code § 9-3; Ord. 5835, § 2, 7-29-2014)
All persons applying for or receiving water service shall be required to accept and shall be deemed to have consented to such conditions of pressure and service as are provided by the distributing system at the location served and to hold the city harmless from any damages arising out of low-pressure or high-pressure conditions or interruptions of service.
(Prior code § 9-4)
No person shall draw water from the city pipes directly into any stationary steam boiler, hydraulic elevator, power pump or similar apparatus.
Where city water is used to supply a steam boiler, hydraulic elevator or power pump, its owner shall provide tankage of sufficient capacity to afford a supply for at least twelve hours, into which the service pipe shall be discharged.
(Prior code § 9-5; Ord. 5112 § 2, 1996)
Any person aggrieved by any act or determination of the general manager may appeal therefrom to the council within the time and in the manner provided in Chapter 2.88.
(Prior code § 9-6; Ord. 5835, § 3, 7-29-2014)
The city manager shall prescribe from time to time, as the city manager shall deem necessary or desirable, additional rules and regulations, and amendments thereof, relating to the conditions of service, the application, administration and interpretation of rates, and to the sale of water by the city, and of products, commodities and service incidental thereto, and the charges to be made thereof. Such rules and regulations shall be of general application, not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, and before becoming effective shall be approved by the council by resolution.
(Prior code § 9-7)
All shutoff valves at meters are installed by the department for its own use. Such shutoff valves shall not be used or in any way disturbed or manipulated by a customer of water, except in case of emergency.
For ordinary usage, all customers shall provide their own valves at their premises.
Where replacement, repairs or adjustments are rendered necessary to any shutoff valve at the meter as a result of any act, negligence or carelessness of the customer, any member of the customer's family, person in the customer's employ, or agent of the customer, the charge for repair or replacement of such shutoff valve shall be the actual cost of the valve and the installation, and shall be charged to and collected from the customer.
(Prior code § 9-9; Ord. 5112 § 3, 1996; Ord. 5835, § 4, 7-29-2014)
Due to the danger of creating a water hammer with the consequent bursting of water mains by the improper operation of fire hydrants, no person, other than city personnel or an authorized representative of the city, shall use or operate any hydrant or any hydrant valve, or cause the same to be done, except as follows:
All fire hydrants, connections and appurtenant facilities shall conform to the ANSI-AWWA nationally recognized standards.
Before operating any hydrant valve a wheel-type gate valve having a "standard California fire hydrant thread" shall be installed on the hydrant outlet and this valve shall be the only valve operated for turning the water off and on, except for the initial opening and the final shutoff of the hydrant. Every person opening fire hydrants shall replace the caps on the outlets when the same are not in use. Failure to do so will be sufficient cause to prohibit further use of the hydrants and the refusal to grant subsequent permits for the use of such hydrants.
No person, other than department personnel or an authorized representative of the city, shall use, take, remove, draw or discharge any water from any hydrant; or connect, install, affix or maintain any hose, device, tool or equipment on any hydrant or any hydrant valve; or cause the same to be done; without first obtaining a written permit for temporary use of water. An applicant for temporary use of water from a hydrant shall secure a permit from the department, secure a water meter supplied by the department and attach such meter to the hydrant, secure and provide any special equipment required, and pay the department the regular fee for the loan, installation or removal of such special equipment. Failure to do so will be sufficient cause to prohibit further use of the hydrants and the refusal to grant subsequent permits for the use of such hydrants.
Any person who allows or causes a connection to any fire hydrant by any method of connection in noncompliance with the provisions of this chapter, shall be determined to have allowed an illegal water service connection and will be subject to all charges, fees and penalties as specified in subsection 13.08.140(H).
(Prior code § 9-10; Ord. 5112 § 4, 1996; Ord. 5835, § 5, 7-29-2014)
All persons engaged in supplying water for domestic purposes to residents of the city shall provide and maintain at all times a suitable covering of wood, concrete or metal over all reservoirs or tanks, or any place where water is stored for the use of residents of the city for domestic purposes.
All coverings upon any tank, reservoir or place where water is stored, as above contemplated, shall be so constructed as to exclude all water from leaking through or dust from sifting or settling through and the sun's rays from entering within such tanks or reservoirs.
Such covering must be so placed over all such tanks, reservoirs or places of storage for water as to leave an opening of 18 inches between the underside of the covering and the top of the tank or reservoir for the purpose of admitting air, which space must be covered with a wire mesh of one-quarter (¼) inch size, such roof or covering to extend two feet over the outer edge of the wall or reservoir.
(Prior code § 9-12)
No person shall install or allow to exist any inlet, discharging water supplied by any water supply used for domestic or human consumption into any tank, cistern, reservoir or receptacle for storage or use of water, unless such inlet discharges such water above the maximum possible high water level of such tank, cistern, reservoir or other receptacle to create the "air gap" necessary to prevent backflow into the city's water system.
(Prior code § 9-13; Ord. 5112 § 6, 1996)