The rates set out in this chapter shall be charged and collected by the department for all water sold, supplied, distributed or transported by the city, except as may be established by contract.
All service applications which require the installation of a new meter will be charged a new meter fee, as established or modified by resolution of the city council, for the first meter and an additional fee, as established or modified by resolution of the city council, for each subsequent meter to be installed at a single premises, when all meters are installed at one time.
(Prior code 9-14; Ord. 4957 § 3, 1991; Ord. 5151 § 1, 1997; Ord. 5187 § 3, 1997; Ord. 5584 § 1, 2007; Ord. 5769, § 2, 3-27-2012; Ord. 5835, § 6, 7-29-2014)
The customer charge and variable charge for water sold, supplied, distributed or transported to customers, whether within or outside of the city limits, unless otherwise herein specified, shall be as established by resolution of the City Council.
(Prior code § 9-15; Ord. 4956 § 16, 1991; Ord. 5054 § 1, 1994; Ord. 5091 § 1, 1995; Ord. 5109 § 1, 1996; Ord. 5224 § 1, 1999; Ord. 5315 § 1, 2002; Ord. 5360 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5584 § 1, 2007; Ord. 5713, § 2, 11-9-2010; Ord. 5769, § 3, 3-27-2012; Ord. 5835, § 7, 7-29-2014)
The customer bill shall be comprised of the customer charge, variable charge, the adjustment charge and any other applicable fees or charges for a time period determined by the department. At the department's discretion, usage may be billed in hundred cubic feet or cubic feet or other units of measurement as deemed desirable by the department.
In the event customer usage falls in between the tiers so designated in this title, such as a fraction of a cubic foot, usage shall be billed at the nearest tier.
(Prior code § 9-16; Ord. 4956 § 17, 1991; Ord. 5054 § 2, 1994; Ord. 5091 § 2, 1995; Ord. 5109 § 2, 1996; Ord. 5584 § 2, 2007; Ord. 5713, § 3, 11-9-2010; Ord. 5769, § 4, 3-27-2012; Ord. 5835, § 8, 7-29-2014)
The customer charge and variable charge for water service and water consumed by private fire lines used exclusively for fire protection, whether such lines be connected with automatic sprinkling systems or to hose attachments, shall be as established by resolution of the City Council.
In addition to the rate for private fire lines set out in this section, the variable charge specified in Section 13.08.020 shall be charged for all water used for other than fire-extinguishing purposes as recorded on the bypass meter. The department may, as it sees fit, read any such bypass meter and render bills accordingly.
The variable charge of the foregoing rates is subject to the water adjustment charge as described in Section 13.08.150.
(Prior code § 9-19; Ord. 4956 § 18, 1991; Ord. 5054 § 3, 1994; Ord. 5091 § 3, 1995; Ord. 5109 § 3, 1996; Ord. 5315 § 1, 2002; Ord. 5360 § 2, 2003; Ord. 5584 § 3, 2007; Ord. 5713, § 4, 11-9-2010; Ord. 5769, § 5, 3-27-2012; Ord. 5835, § 9, 7-29-2014)
Private fire line service involving use of surplus water may be made available to customers located outside the city in accordance with rates, terms and conditions contained in contracts approved by the council.
(Prior code § 9-20)
All services furnished to the city shall be paid for at the rates established by this chapter, and all water furnished to the city, shall be paid for at the customer charge and variable charge established by this chapter. Where it is impracticable to furnish such water through a meter for sewer flushing, street sweeping, watering trees, storm drain flushing, construction purposes, and all miscellaneous uses not specifically mentioned in this chapter, such water shall be paid for at the variable charge established by this chapter. The monthly volume of unmetered water used for such purposes shall be estimated by the department and charges for such water shall be made in accordance with such estimates.
The variable charge of the foregoing rates is subject to the water adjustment charge as described in Section 13.08.150
(Prior code § 9-22; Ord. 5112 § 9, 1996; Ord. 5584 § 4, 2007; Ord. 5835 § 11, 2014)
Water for construction and miscellaneous uses shall be furnished through a metered temporary service connection under the conditions stated in Sections 13.16.070 through 13.16.110. The charges for use of such water shall be the appropriate customer charge specified in Section 13.08.020
Where it is impracticable to furnish such water through a temporary service connection, the monthly charges shall consist of a customer charge based on size of service and a variable charge based on estimated usage.
For miscellaneous uses where water is drawn from hydrants into portable tanks, the charge shall be at the commercial variable rate.
The variable charge of the rates in this section is subject to the water adjustment charge as described in Section 13.08.150.
(Prior code § 9-23; Ord. 4956 § 19; Ord. 5054 § 4, 1994; Ord. 5091 § 4, 1995; Ord. 5109 § 4, 1996; Ord. 5112 § 10, 1996; Ord. 5584 § 4, 2007; Ord. 5835 § 12, 2014)
The rates provided in this chapter are not applicable to standby or partial service. This type of service may be furnished in accordance with rates, terms, and conditions contained in contracts approved by the council.
(Prior code § 9-23.1)
A charge shall be made to the electric works operating expenses which shall be based upon water pumped at the Glendale steam power plant in excess of the amount determined by the department to be the plant's annual entitlement under any court judgment or court-approved agreement relating to Glendale's rights in the Los Angeles River basin. The charge to be made for the amount of such excess shall be calculated at the current Metropolitan Water District rate for purchased water less the production costs at the well head. Determination of the charge shall be made six times yearly, for each of the two month periods ending as of and with the last day of January, March, May, July, September and November of each year. For each 12 month period ending September 30th, a review of such charges shall be made for any necessary corrections to conform the charges to the annual entitlement. Such corrections shall be reflected in the charges made for the two month period ending October 31st of that year.
(Prior code § 9-23.2; Ord. 5584 § 5, 2007; Ord. 5835 § 13, 2014)
The department will require each prospective customer to apply for the service desired, and also to provide the department with the necessary information to establish credit. The customer will be charged a new account fee, as established by resolution of the city council when applying for service. Additional fees, where applicable, as established by resolution of the city council, shall be charged if the customer requires same day turn on.
(Ord. 5112 § 11, 1996; Ord. 5360 § 3, 2003; Ord. 5835 § 14, 2014)
On the failure of any customer to comply with the terms of this chapter, such customer's water service is subject to disconnection, and such customer is subject to all disconnection fees and reconnection fees as provided for in this chapter.
(Ord. 5112 § 13, 1996; Ord. 5835 § 16, 2014)
Each applicant for water service shall deposit with the department a sum in the estimated amount of two months' charges for accounts billed monthly, or three months' charges in the case of accounts billed bimonthly. If the account has a master meter, each applicant for water service, shall deposit with the department a sum in the estimated amount of three months' charges in the case of accounts billed monthly, and four months' charges in the case of accounts billed bimonthly. The deposit is calculated by taking into account all services billed by the department including, but not limited to: water, electricity, rubbish, sewer, hazardous waste, industrial waste, utility tax and state surcharge, as determined by the department. Such deposit shall be in the form of cash, check, money order, time certificate from a commercial bank or savings and loan, or cashier's check. No deposit for a residential account shall be less than $100 and no deposit for a commercial or industrial account shall be less than $200. The calculated deposit may, in the discretion of the department be added to the applicant's first bill and will be due in accordance with Section 13.08.140 of this code. The department may waive the deposit requirements if the customer has provided all necessary information for credit identification and has a satisfactory credit rating with the credit reporting agency as determined by the department.
Any applicant for water service who shall have been a customer of water or electric service furnished by the department and who, during the most recent 12 months within the 18 months prior to the date of application meets all of the following criteria:
Has had no disconnections for non-payment;
Has provided all necessary information for credit identification of such applicant; and
Has no unpaid delinquent closing bills or delinquent accounts with the department,
Shall not be required to make or maintain any such deposit. In the case of any such applicant for water or electric service who has received more than two final notices of disconnection, the deposit requirement shall not be waived unless, in addition to meeting the criteria set forth as (1), (2) and (3) of this subsection B., that customer also has a satisfactory rating from a credit reporting agency as determined by the department. Any deposit previously made by an applicant shall, after 12 months' consecutive timely payment of bills by the applicant, be applied to such customer's account after any other unpaid delinquent accounts for such customer are satisfied. For purposes of this subsection, "timely payment" refers to payments made prior to issuance of a disconnection notice or late charge.
Upon the discontinuation of any service, any balance of such deposit remaining in the hands of the department, after all bills for services to such customer have been paid, shall be returned.
On the failure of any customer to comply with the terms of this chapter regarding the payment of bills, the department may require the customer to reestablish credit in the manner specified in subsection A. of this section for original service.
(Prior code § 9-24; Ord. 5112 § 14, 1996; Ord. 5151 § 1, 1997; Ord. 5216 § 4, 1999; Ord. 5315 § 1, 2002; Ord. 5769 § 6, 2012; Ord. 5835 § 17, 2014)
All charges for water sold, furnished, supplied, or delivered by the department shall be due and payable upon presentation of the bill, and if not paid within 19 days thereafter, shall be deemed delinquent. The department may issue a disconnection notice for any delinquent bill and all services for a customer receiving such notice by mail or other delivery may be disconnected without further notice. If payment is not received 38 days from the original mailing of a bill, a late fee in an amount established by resolution of the city council will be charged and collected in addition to other amounts due from the customer. There will be a charge rendered for any dishonored or returned payment received on an account. The amount charged shall be established by resolution and shall include the actual costs for all payments which are not honored by the appropriate financial institutions for any reason.
Water service will not be disconnected if, within 48 hours following the delivery of a disconnection notice, customer submits a written protest of the disputed bill containing all facts and evidence necessary to review the protest or if the bill is satisfied. The general manager shall have final and conclusive determination of these protests and shall provide this determination to the customer in writing. Should the protest be denied, water service shall be disconnected within either 48 hours from the date of personal service of the determination or within five days from the date of mailing of the determination.
If at any time preceding the date a customer applies for a new service, and the customer was receiving service from the department at another premises and that customer did not pay the outstanding balance on the final bill, the customer's new service may be subject to disconnection for failure to pay the bill for the prior account or accounts when a notice of disconnection has been mailed or delivered to such customer.
If a customer is receiving service from the department at more than one premises, service at any or all of the customer's premises receiving service shall be subject to disconnection and discontinuance without further notice when a notice of disconnection has been mailed or delivered to such customer and bills for service at any one or more premises are not paid within the time specified above.
Delinquent master metered accounts will be charged a processing fee for unpaid accounts that result in the posting of tenant notices for disconnection of service more than once in a two year period. The amount of the fee charged shall be established by resolution by city council and shall include the actual cost of processing a delinquent master metered account. The schedule for such fee shall remain on file and be available with the city clerk of the city.
Master metered accounts that are delinquent to the point of posting tenants with a "notice of disconnection" will be assessed a civil penalty as follows:
A civil penalty of $250 for the second occurrence in a two year period;
A civil penalty of $500 for each additional occurrence in a two year period. Within 15 calendar days after the date of posting of a tenant notice for disconnection of service, the customer whose account is delinquent may appeal assessment of the civil penalty to the Glendale water and power commission pursuant to Section 2.72.140(E) of the Glendale Municipal Code, 1995.
When service has been disconnected for nonpayment of bills or as a result of theft of service described in subsection I. below, it shall not be reconnected to the same customer except upon payment of all prior billing for service at this account and all other accounts for this customer and any other amounts due to the department as a result of meter tampering, unauthorized use or theft as set forth in subsection I. below. When the department disconnects the service for nonpayment of charges or other noncompliance with the provisions of this chapter or rules and regulations adopted pursuant hereto, the account shall be charged a fee in an amount established by resolution of the city council. If a customer turns on or causes to be turned on a disconnected service, the department may again turn off the service using any means to ensure that service may not be reconnected by the customer or an agent of the customer and may charge a fee in an amount established by resolution of the city council in addition to any other applicable fees and costs associated with meter tampering, unauthorized use or theft of service described in subsection I. below.
Each time a department representative reconnects a service, an additional fee shall be charged and collected from the customer before service is restored. When same-day service restoration is requested, an additional fee shall be charged. All such fees shall be in amounts established by resolution of the city council.
The following provisions shall apply where it has been determined by the general manager of the department that unauthorized use or theft of water has occurred by a customer:
Service may be disconnected and a fee, in an amount established by resolution of the City Council, shall be charged and collected in addition to any other amounts due from the customer including, but not limited to, costs associated with the repair and/or replacement of any damaged meters, meter locking devices and/or other related equipment, loss of revenue related to such theft, attorney's fees, city personnel time, resources and investigative costs, in addition to any penalties provided for in any other section of this code or imposed due to violation of state or local law, if a customer has:
Caused or allowed interference of registration or recording of usage or the bypassing of the meter either partially or completely; or
Restored service by any means after service has been terminated for nonpayment or obtained water without making the proper application or receiving proper authorization from the department; or
Damaged, removed, or tampered in any manner with any part of a meter, meter seal, or meter locking device; or
Obtained service by use of a metering device which is not authorized by the department; or
Fraudulently obtained, or attempted to obtain, service by the use of a false name and/or identification, or by placing the account in the name of someone else after service has been disconnected for nonpayment of service fees and/or due to theft of service and circumstances associated therewith as described in this section.
Any customer who has been determined by the general manager to have engaged in any of the acts described in subsection (I)(1) and has had notice of disconnection mailed or delivered shall have service disconnected if proper connection, to the satisfaction of the department; is not established within 48 hours of the delivery of the notice. Service shall be restored or established only upon proper connection, to the satisfaction of the department, and the payment of all outstanding fees and costs by the customer. Where the customer has had prior notice of disconnection mailed or delivered by the department and has restored connection without authorization, or where the conduct of the customer has resulted in a hazardous condition, service may be disconnected immediately and shall not be restored until proper connection, to the satisfaction of the department, has been established and all outstanding fees and costs have been paid by the customer.
Any customer who has been determined by the general manager to have engaged in any of the acts described in subsection (I)(1) may appeal the assessment of civil penalties and costs as described thereto to the Glendale water and power commission pursuant to section 2.72.140(E) within 15 calendar days after the date of the notice of the assessed charges. The decision rendered by the Glendale water and power commission on appeal shall be final.
In the event that a premises is vacant or there is no responsible party on file with the city, the owner of such premises or landlord of such premises shall be liable to the city for the payment of any charges incurred. This includes all charges incurred between the time a tenant vacates the premises and the premises are reoccupied by a new tenant.
The department may apply interest to all delinquent accounts.
(Prior code § 9-25; Ord. 4957 § 4, 1991; Ord. 5112 § 15, 1996; Ord. 5151 § 2, 1997; Ord. 5187 § 4, 1997; Ord. 5200 § 2, 1998; Ord. 5216 § 2, 1999; Ord. 5230 § 2, 1999; Ord. 5315 § 1, 2002; Ord. 5584 § 6, 2007; Ord. 5664 § 3, 2009; Ord. 5835 § 18, 2014)
The charges under the rate schedule in this chapter shall be subject to a water adjustment charge reflecting the increase or variations in the cost of purchased water, and pumping power charges for delivering water compared to amounts budgeted for these expenses during the applicable time period. The budgeted cost is the cost budgeted in the pro forma used in the most recent rate plan.
Calculation of the per unit cost for the water adjustment charge shall be made two times yearly and the resulting water adjustment charge shall become effective on the first day of January, and July of each year (the "effective date"). The amount shall be calculated pursuant to the department's accounting procedure.
Water Adjustment Charge = ((APW-BPW)+(APC-BPC)+/-WAC)/(Whcf)
APW is the actual cost of purchased water during the six month period ending two months prior to the effective date of the water adjustment charge.
BPW is the budgeted cost of purchased water during the six month period ending two months prior to the effective date of the water adjustment charge. The budgeted cost is the cost budgeted in the pro forma used in the most recent rate plan.
APC is the actual cost of energy to pump the water during the six month period ending two months prior to the effective date of the water adjustment charge.
BPC is the budgeted cost of energy to pump the water during the six month period ending two months prior to the effective date of the water adjustment charge. The budgeted cost is the cost budgeted in the pro forma used in the most recent rate plan.
WAC is the cumulative balance in the water adjustment account, which is a balance sheet account pursuant to the department's accounting procedure, and is set aside for rate stabilization in the Glendale Water and Power water system cash reserve policy as adopted and as may be amended from time to time by the city council.
(Whcf) is the projected volume of retail water sales, in hcf, in the upcoming six month period from the effective date. The amount thus determined shall be expressed to the nearest $0.0001 per 100 cubic feet. The water adjustment charge shall be applied to all units of water.
The increment (or decrement) adjustments per unit so derived shall be multiplied by all units represented in billings to customers, and the resultant amounts in each case (expressed to the nearest one cent ($0.01)) shall constitute the adjustments to be added to (or subtracted from) customer's billings as otherwise determined under provisions of the service schedules in this chapter.
(Prior code § 9-25.1; Ord. 5109 § 7, 1996; Ord. 5304 § 1, 2002; Ord. 5584 § 6, 2007; Ord. 5713 § 5, 2010; Ord. 5769 § 7, 2012; Ord. 5835 § 19, 2014)
Whenever the correctness of any bill for water is in dispute, the department will cause an investigation to be made.
Bills reflecting clerical or meter errors shall be adjusted to a correct basis as determined by the department's investigation for a period of not to exceed six months prior to discovery of the error, or from the date that the customer disputes the bill, whichever occurs earlier. Adjustments for slow or fast meters shall be made in accordance with sections 13.12.070 and 13.12.080.
In cases where other factors required for application of rate schedule or other provisions, are not subject to exact determination or in question, or in disputed cases relative to service or rate application, the department shall establish such factors by tests, analyses and investigations to determine the proper basis for making an adjustment, if any. Adjustments in the billing shall then be authorized by the general manager as shown to be proper. Such adjustments shall be subject to review, when requested by the customer.
(Ord. 5112 § 16, 1996; Ord. 5584 § 6, 2007; Ord. 5835, § 20, 7-29-2014)
When the city council declares mandatory water conservation as provided in Chapter 13.36 including Section 13.36.070, drought rates corresponding to phase II, III, IV and/or V of the city's mandatory water conservation plan shall be billed to each customer as established by resolution of the City Council. The drought rates as established by resolution of the city council shall immediately apply and take effect upon the declaration by city council of each of the phase II, III, IV and/or V of the city's mandatory water conservation plan. The drought rate so effectuated shall remain in effect until such time that the specified phase of the mandatory conservation is lifted.
During phase II the drought rate specified under stage one shall apply; during phase III the drought rate specified under stage two shall apply; during phase IV the drought rate specified under stage three shall apply; and during phase V the drought rate specified under stage four shall apply.
In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 13.36, and where the city council implements phases II, III, IV and V of the city's mandatory conservation plan and "no water waste" policy set forth in Section 13.36.070, in order to achieve a targeted reduction in water consumption, as well as to maintain the required revenue resulting from the mandated curtailment in water usage, during each of the different implemented phases in order to continue to operate and maintain the city's water system reliably, drought rates for consumption, shall be as established by resolution of the City Council.
Drought rates shall not apply to recycled water.
(Ord. 5835, § 21, 7-29-2014)