It is declared to be the policy of the city to require recycled water to be used in a manner that is in compliance with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations that will achieve the following:
Extend and enhance local water supplies by using recycled water for special nonpotable purposes to free up potable supplies for higher uses;
Reduce wastewater flows that would otherwise be lost to the ocean;
Prevent direct human consumption of recycled water; and
Control and limit run-off of recycled water by controlling the installation of systems using recycled water.
Where the use of recycled water is feasible, appropriate and acceptable to all applicable regulatory agencies for the purposes of landscape irrigation, agricultural irrigation, filling of decorative fountains, in office buildings for toilet flushing, construction water, industrial process water, or recreational/ornamental impoundments or other uses permitted by the regulatory agencies, it is the policy of the city to require the applicant, owner or customer to use recycled water in lieu of potable water. The department shall determine whether it is feasible or desirable to furnish the applicant, owner or customer with potable water either on a permanent basis or on an interim basis. Determinations on the specific uses to be allowed shall be in accordance with the requirements of all applicable regulatory agencies. Each such usage of recycled water shall, in addition, be subject to the availability of facilities and the feasibility of making such facilities available now or in the foreseeable future.
(Prior code § 9-110; Ord. 5112 § 31, 1996; Ord. 5694 § 3, 2010; Ord. 5835 § 33, 2014)
For the purposes of this chapter, the words defined in this section shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them and shall be interpreted or construed accordingly:
"Air-gap separation"
means a physical break between a supply pipe and a receiving vessel which shall be at least double the diameter of the supply pipe, measured vertically above the top rim of the vessel, and in no case less than one inch.
"Approved backflow preventer"
means a device installed to protect the potable water supply from contamination by recycled water. This device shall be recognized and approved for use for this purpose by the Los Angeles County department of health services.
"Connection fee"
means a charge imposed by the city for providing recycled water service, including construction and/or installation of off-site and on-site facilities.
means any unprotected connection between any part of a water system used or intended to supply potable water and any service or system containing recycled or other water or substance that is not safe, wholesome and potable for human consumption.
"General manager"
has the same meaning and authority of the "general manager" defined in Section 13.04.010.
"Nonpotable water"
means water that has not been treated for human consumption in conformance with the drinking water standards referred to in the definition of potable water.
"Off-site facilities"
means facilities under the control of the city including, but not limited to, recycled water pipelines, reservoirs, pumping stations, manholes, valves, connections, supply interties, treatment facilities, and other appurtenances and property. For recycled water service, off-site facilities shall be those upstream of the point of connection with the customer's on-site facilities located and starting at the down-stream end of the meter tailpiece.
"On-site facilities"
means facilities under the control of the applicant, owner or customer including, but not limited to, landscape irrigation systems and agricultural irrigation systems. For recycled water service, the on-site facilities shall be those downstream of the recycled service connection, which shall normally be the downstream end of the meter tailpiece.
"Potable water"
means that water furnished to the customer that does not contain objectionable pollution, contamination, minerals or infective agents and is considered satisfactory for domestic consumption, and conforms to the latest edition of the United States Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards, the California Safe Drinking Water Act, or any other applicable standards.
"Recycled water"
has the definition set forth in Title 22, Chapter 4, of the California Administrative Code (hereinafter "code") and all subsequent amendments and shall mean water which, as a result of treatment of domestic wastewater, is suitable for a direct beneficial use or a controlled use that otherwise would not occur, such treatment of domestic wastewater having been accomplished in accordance with the criteria, including the level of constituents in combination with the means for assurance of reliability, as set forth in such code.
"Recycled water blow-off"
means a recycled water hydrant that has the primary purpose of flushing the recycled water system and that is not used for firefighting. The source of water is stored in aboveground recycled water tanks. The blow-off has only one 2½-inch outlet and only requires enough pressure from the tank elevation sufficient for positive flow at the outlet.
"Recycled water facilities"
means facilities used in the storage, pumping and conveyance of recycled water. Recycled water facilities are intended to provide recycled water for uses such as landscape irrigation, agricultural irrigation, and construction or industrial process water.
"Recycled water service connection"
means the point of connection of the customer's recycled water line with the recycled water service line of the city, which shall normally be the downstream end of the recycled water meter tailpiece.
"Recycled water service line"
means the city's facility between its recycled water distribution system and the recycled water service connection.
"Recycled water transmission mains"
means recycled water lines and appurtenances purchased or constructed and owned by the city or which the city requires an applicant, owner or customer to construct but which are owned by the city. The department shall determine what facilities are recycled water transmission mains from time to time. The department's determination in regard to these matters shall be final and conclusive.
"Recycled water use area"
means the property, or portion of property, which has been approved by the department for recycled water service in accordance with this chapter.
"User's recycled water supervisor"
means a qualified person, designated by a recycled water customer and approved by the department, who shall be knowledgeable in the construction and operation of on-site facilities and irrigation systems, and in the application of the guidelines, criteria, standards, rules and regulations for recycled water.
(Prior code § 9-111; Ord. 5112 § 32, 1996; Ord. 5694 § 4, 2010; Ord. 5835 § 34, 2014)
The department shall control and schedule recycled water distribution to customers. The department shall provide recycled water service in accordance with this chapter to any applicant who meets the requirements of this chapter. The provision of recycled water service and the use of recycled water by any customer shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of this chapter.
(Prior code § 9-112; Ord. 5112 § 33, 1996; Ord. 5694 § 5, 2010; Ord. 5835 § 35, 2014)
An applicant for recycled water service shall file with the department an application for service on a form designated by the department. The application shall include a scaled drawing and written description delineating the proposed recycled water use area; the proposed location, size street adjacent or nearest to the recycled water use area; the proposed use or uses of recycled water; and any other information deemed necessary by the department.
The applicant for recycled water service shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal, state and local statutes, ordinances, regulations, and other requirements including the payment of all fees required by the regulatory agencies. The department may reject for filing, any application where the department determines that the applicant has failed to obtain any necessary prior approval of recycled water service from any federal, state or local office or agency.
Application fees and deposits shall be paid in accordance with Chapter 13.08 and shall be subject to all terms and conditions set forth in Chapter 13.08 and in this chapter.
(Prior code § 9-113; Ord. 5112 § 34, 1996; Ord. 5694 § 6, 2010; Ord. 5835 § 36, 2014)
Upon receipt of an application for recycled water service, the department shall review the application and conduct any necessary investigation in order to determine whether the city shall provide recycled water service. The department shall either approve, approve with conditions, or deny recycled water service. In approving or conditionally approving recycled water service, the department shall find the following:
The provision of recycled water service to the applicant is compatible with the city's recycled water system, and that the location of the recycled water use area is reasonably accessible to the city's recycled water system.
Among other conditions of approval, the department may require that the applicant construct specific on-site facilities in order to facilitate recycled water service. The department may also require the applicant to make modification in the on-site potable water system to install an approved backflow preventer. The customer shall not make any changes in the recycled water system or facilities on property subject to recycled water service without prior approval from the assistant general manager.
Any approval or conditional approval of an application for recycled water service shall, unless otherwise specified, be deemed to be approval or conditional approval of recycled water service only for the recycled water use area, for the location, size and type of all recycled water service connections and on-site facilities, and for the proposed use of recycled water, described in the application.
(Prior code § 9-114; Ord. 5112 § 35, 1996; Ord. 5694 § 7, 2010; Ord. 5835 § 37, 2014)
Before a recycled water service connection shall be supplied to or installed on the premises, the customer shall pay to the city the sum of money necessary to cover all costs of the recycled water service connection including, but not limited to, the cost of a meter unless the city agrees to other arrangements in writing. The department may authorize a customer to install recycled water service connections and meters, subject to, prior approval of all plans, equipment, and material, and to ongoing inspection and approval of installation by the department.
Before a recycled water service connection shall be supplied to or installed on the premises, the customer shall pay to the city the sum of money necessary to cover all costs incurred by the city in extending existing off-site facilities, including, but not limited to, the recycled water service line, in order to provide recycled water service to the customer unless the city agrees to other arrangements in writing. Construction of recycled water transmission mains and water service extensions shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter. All recycled water service provided prior to the installation of final street improvements shall be considered to be temporary, and the costs for all repairs or changes required to be made to the recycled water service line upon installation of final street improvements shall be paid by the customer.
If recycled water service to any customer is suspended or terminated because of failure by a customer to adhere to the provisions of this chapter, including, but not limited to, the failure by a customer to pay for recycled water in accordance with this chapter, the customer shall pay to the department in advance of resumption of recycled water service a delinquent and/or reconnection charge which shall be equal to that delinquent and/or reconnection charge for potable water established from time to time by resolution of the city council, in addition to any payment for recycled water service then due.
(Prior code § 9-115; Ord. 5112 § 36, 1996; Ord. 5694 § 8, 2010; Ord. 5835 § 38, 2014)
All fees, charges, deposits or penalties provided for in this chapter, including recycled water charges, shall be in the amount set forth in this chapter and in Chapter 13.08 or as may be established by resolution of the city council.
Payment by a customer for recycled water service shall be due and payable to the department as specified in Chapter 13.08 for water service. If payment is not received in accordance with Chapter 13.08, inclusive of but not limited to Section 13.08.140, then the recycled water service may be disconnected or terminated. In the event the department disconnects or terminates recycled water service pursuant to this section, then in addition to the payment due for recycled water, the customer shall pay any and all delinquent and reconnection charges for recycled water service as specified in Chapter 13.08 for water service.
Price of Recycled Water. The price for recycled water sold, supplied, distributed or transported to customers of the department shall be at a rate or charge established by resolution of the city council.
(Prior code § 9-116; Ord. 5112 § 37, 1996; Ord. 5694 § 9, 2010; Ord. 5835 § 39, 2014)
The department shall establish and may vary conditions of pressure and service.
The department shall have control of and shall maintain and repair recycled water transmission mains, service lines and meters. The customer shall maintain in good working condition and shall repair the recycled water service connection and on-site facilities.
Unless otherwise provided by written agreement between the customer and the city, the customer shall pay for all on-site facilities, including their installation, as well as for recycled water service lines and extensions of recycled water transmission mains in order to provide recycled water service to the customer.
The customer shall not make any changes in or additions to the recycled water system or to on-site facilities without obtaining prior approval from the department.
Neither a recycled water service connection nor a recycled water meter shall be used to provide recycled water service to any property or any portion of property which is not approved by the department for that service or meter.
When property provided with a recycled water service connection and recycled water meter is subdivided, such connection and meter shall thereafter serve only the lot or parcel of land on which the meter is located. Additional recycled water mains, service lines connections and/or meters will be required for additional new lots or parcels created by subdivision, in accordance with this chapter.
All recycled water used on any premises approved for recycled water service must be serviced by a water meter designated for recycled water only.
The customer shall install and pay for an angle meter stop, as approved by the department, on the inlet side of the meter, which shall be used exclusively by the department for controlling the recycled water supply through the recycled water service line. If the angle meter stop is damaged or otherwise requires replacement, in the determination of the department, such replacement shall be made at the expense of the customer.
Each customer shall restrict the use of recycled water to those uses set forth in the application for recycled water services which is approved or conditionally approved by the department.
The city shall not be responsible or liable for any suspension in service of, or failure to supply, recycled water, or for any damage, or injury to person or property relating to the provision of recycled water.
(Prior code § 9-117; Ord. 5112 § 38, 1996; Ord. 5694 § 10, 2010; Ord. 5835 § 40, 2014)
Recycled water service may be suspended or terminated at any time by the department due to any one or more of the following:
Failure by a customer to adhere to the terms and conditions as set forth in Chapter 13.08 and this chapter;
For the protection of the public health, safety and welfare;
In order to protect recycled water facilities or make repairs;
Inability of the city to obtain recycled water or otherwise provide recycled water service;
Where the department determines that service should be terminated or disconnected, the department shall mail written notice to the customer at least 15 days prior to the date of proposed termination of service, setting forth the provisions of this chapter to which the customer has failed to adhere, which require the termination or disconnection, and the factual basis for this determination. However, in cases of threat to the public health, safety or welfare, the department shall immediately disconnect the recycled water service and shall follow such disconnection with a written notice to such customer as to the reasons for such disconnection and the requirements that must be met to reconnect the recycled water service. The aggrieved party may appeal the determination of the general as provided in Chapter 2.88
With regard to subsections (A)(3) and (4) of this section, the decision of the department to suspend or terminate recycled water service shall be final.
Where the department disconnects or terminates recycled water service in accordance with subsection (A)(1) or (2) of this section, the customer shall thereafter pay any and all costs and fees for reconnecting or starting up recycled water service. Where the department disconnects and/or terminates recycled water service in accordance with subsection (A)(3) or (4) of this section, the department shall pay all costs and fees for reconnecting or starting up recycled water service.
The city council may, by resolution or by written agreement with the customer, impose a penalty for termination of use of recycled water because of voluntary act of the customer or determination of the department for the reasons set forth in subsection (A)(1) of this section.
(Prior code § 9-118; Ord. 5112 § 39, 1996; Ord. 5694 § 11, 2010; Ord. 5835 § 41, 2014)
No person shall make any connection to recycled water facilities of the city unless the department has approved recycled water service for that person and for the recycled water service area in accordance with this chapter.
(Prior code § 9119; Ord. 5112 § 40, 1996; Ord. 5694 § 12, 2010; Ord. 5835 § 42, 2014)
If it is determined by the department that a meter for recycled water fails to register or registers inaccurately during any period, the customer shall be charged for that period pursuant to an average daily consumption rate based upon a reading of the meter when in use and registering accurately during the same season or as close to the same season as is reasonably possible.
Whenever the accuracy of a recycled water meter is questioned, the customer may demand that the meter be examined and tested by the department for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not it is correctly registering the amount of recycled water being delivered through it. Such demand shall be made in writing to the department, and shall be accompanied by a deposit at a rate established by resolution of the City Council. Upon receipt of such demand and deposit, the department shall cause the meter to be examined and tested. A customer shall have the right to require the department to conduct the test in the customer's presence or in the presence of an expert or other representative appointed by the customer.
If the meter shall be found to register over 2% more recycled water than actually passes through it under conditions of normal operation, then the meter shall be properly adjusted or another meter will be substituted therefor, and the deposit shall be refunded to the customer. If the meter is found to register not over 2% more recycled water than actually passes through it, the deposit shall be retained by the department as partial compensation for the examination and test.
(Prior code § 9-120; Ord. 5112 § 41, 1996; Ord. 5694 § 13, 2010; Ord. 5835 § 43, 2014)
Where any premises subject to recycled water services served by or contains dual or multiple water systems and piping, the exposed portions of pipelines shall be painted, banded or marked to distinguish clearly which is used for potable water and which is not used for potable water. In addition, all new unexposed pipes installed on any such property shall be similarly painted, banded or marked. All outlets for recycled water shall be posted with the wording "Recycled Water—Do Not Drink." All outlets intended for drinking purposes shall be plainly marked for this purpose. Main shutoff valves shall be clearly identified to distinguish between recycled water and domestic water systems.
The department shall approve all painting, banding or marking prior to installation.
(Prior code § 9-121; Ord. 5112 § 43, 1996; Ord. 5694 § 15, 2010; Ord. 5835 § 44, 2014)
The customer shall provide and install at such customer's expense any on-site recycled water facilities required to provide recycled water service. On-site recycled water facilities shall conform to state and local statutes, ordinances, regulations and other requirements. The customer shall make at such customer's expense any modification to the potable water system on the premises which is required by the department in order to permit recycled water service including, but not limited to, the installation by the customer of approved backflow preventers. Plans, specifications and record drawings for on-site recycled water facilities shall be prepared and submitted by the property owner to the city and must be approved by the department prior to the commencement of construction.
On-site recycled water facilities shall be designed to accommodate the use of recycled water in those areas where the department has determined that recycled water will be supplied in the future even though recycled water service is not immediately available when the design area is ready for construction.
(Prior code § 9122; Ord. 5112 § 44, 1996; Ord. 5694 § 16, 2010; Ord. 5835 § 45, 2014)
In circumstances where off-site water facilities constructed by the city are installed to connect and serve one or more property(ies), each property owner shall reimburse the city for the pro rata cost of installation and connection to the off-site recycled water facilities in accordance with a fee schedule or charges established by resolution of the city council based upon costs of design, equipment, overhead, construction and inspection. Where the general manager determines that it is in the city's best interest, depending on the project location and proposed recycled water usage, the city shall have the option to fund off-site recycled water facilities.
The department shall operate and maintain the off-site recycled water facilities, including recycled water pipelines, reservoirs, manholes, valves, connections, supply interties, and other appurtenances and property up to and including the meter. No other persons, except authorized employees of the city, shall enter upon, inspect, operate, adjust, change, alter, move or relocate any portion of the off-site recycled water facilities.
(Prior code § 9-127; Ord. 5112 § 45, 1996; Ord. 5694 § 17, 2010)
Any recycled water service customer shall designate a "recycled water supervisor" and shall keep the department informed of his or her identity. Such recycled water supervisor shall be responsible for overseeing recycled water service, maintaining on-site facilities, and preventing cross-connections on the premises receiving recycled water service. Such recycled water supervisor shall promptly advise the department of any cross-connection on the premises.
(Prior code § 9-123; Ord. 5112 § 46, 1996; Ord. 5694 § 18, 2010; Ord. 5835 § 46, 2014)
Where a property owner proposes the conversion of any existing potable water system to a recycled water system, a comprehensive investigation shall be performed by or for the department at the expense of the property owner. No potable water facilities shall be connected to or incorporated in the recycled water system where such facilities have not been approved for recycled water service by the department and by any and all other required state or local offices or agencies.
(Prior code § 9124; Ord. 5112 § 47, 1996; Ord. 5694 § 19, 2010; Ord. 5835 § 47, 2014)
If an emergency exists whereby in all or a portion of the recycled water system, recycled water is not available, the department may approve a temporary connection for a customer to the potable water system. Before such temporary connection is made, the portion of the system that does not have recycled water available shall be isolated by an air-gap separation from the remainder of the recycled water system, either at individual service connections or on off-site facilities, as determined by the department, and an approved backflow preventer shall be installed on the potable water line or lines in accordance with any and all applicable state and local statutes, ordinances and regulations. The emergency connection or connections shall be removed before connection is reestablished to the remainder of the recycled water system. The costs of such emergency connection shall be paid by the city.
(Prior code § 9-125; Ord. 5112 § 48, 1996; Ord. 5694 § 48, 2010; Ord. 5835 § 48, 2014)
Approved backflow preventers shall be installed and maintained by the customer, at its expense and following approval by the department, on the premises to which recycled water service is provided. All backflow preventers shall be placed on the potable water system 12 inches above grade and as close to the meters as possible. Backflow preventers shall be inspected at least once a year by the customer, and the customer shall perform tests to insure that the backflow preventers remain in first-class working order in accordance with the requirements of the department and any and all other state and local regulatory authorities. Records of all tests, repairs and overhauls to backflow preventers shall be maintained by the customer and made available to the department and any and all other state and local regulatory authorities.
(Prior code § 9-126; Ord. 5112 § 49, 1996; Ord. 5694 § 21, 2010; Ord. 5835 § 49, 2014)
Conditions that cause a runoff of recycled water outside of the approved recycled water use area, whether by design, construction practice, or system operation, shall be eliminated wherever forthwith upon receipt of such notice from the department.
The use of recycled water shall be limited to those uses permitted by federal and state law, and to those uses approved by the department for the recycled water service area.
No customer or other party shall install or create cross-connections between a potable water system and recycled water system, other than as permitted by this chapter.
Any and all drinking fountains located within an approved recycled water use area shall be protected by silting and/or structure from contact with recycled water, whether by windblown spray or by direct application through irrigation or other approved uses.
No customer or other party shall use or install hose bibs on any on-site recycled water facilities, regardless of the hose bib construction or identification. Quick couplers shall be permitted, subject to the approval of the department.
Customers who desire to install fire hydrants and/or recycled water blow offs on any on-site recycled water system(s) shall submit a written request with the department and obtain approval from the department prior to installation. The department shall review all requests for the installation of fire hydrants and/or blow offs and shall have discretion to approve, subject to all other applicable city approvals, said requests on a case-by-case basis.
(Prior code § 9-128; Ord. 5112 § 50, 1996; Ord. 5694 § 22, 2010; Ord. 5835 § 50, 2014)