No person shall relocate any unit upon any premises in the city without a permit therefor from the director of community development. Such permit may be referred to as a "relocation permit."
No relocation permit shall be required for any unit moved from a site outside the city, through the city to a site outside the city; or moved from a site inside the city to a site outside the city, or for a unit to be used by a governmental agency for a governmental purpose.
No relocation permit shall be required for any unit to be moved to a location in the city for use as a temporary structure required during the course of construction work in accordance with the Uniform Building Code.
No relocation permit shall be required in order to relocate on the same lot in the city an accessory unit not exceeding 600 square feet in area provided the director of community development after investigation first finds, in writing, that such relocation will not be likely to cause detrimental effects upon adjacent property. Every right or privilege authorized by the granting of such exception to the relocation permit requirement shall terminate two years after the granting of such approval unless the exercise of such right or privilege has commenced in good faith prior to such time except as otherwise provided in this section. Such rights and privileges shall also be terminated at such time as the director of community development may designate in such approval or upon any interruption or cessation in work leading to completion of such building relocation for one year or more. A copy of such written findings shall be filed with the building official.
(Prior code § 21-64; Ord. 4961 § 1, 1991; Ord. 5803 § 30, 2013)
Every application to the director of community development for a relocation permit required by Section 15.04.120 shall be in writing upon a form furnished by the city clerk.
The application shall have attached thereto:
A statement of a licensed structural pest control contractor stating the condition of the property as to decay and pest infestation;
Photographs of each structure to be relocated showing front, rear and all sides;
Accurate plot plan depicting property boundaries, exact proposed location of relocated structures, all other structures to remain on the new site, and all other site improvements required to bring the receiving property into conformity with all city ordinances;
Plan of reconstruction for each unit;
Proof of date of original construction of subject structures.
(Prior code § 21-65; Ord. 5803 § 31, 2013)
The city clerk shall set the application for public hearing before the hearing officer and give notice of the hearing as follows:
The notice of hearing shall set forth the nature of the proceedings, the time and place of the hearing, the present location of the building or structure, and the location of the property on which the building or structure is to be located.
A copy of the notice of hearing shall be posted on the property where the building or structure is to be located at least 10 days before the date of the hearing.
A copy of the notice of hearing shall also be mailed, postage prepaid, at least 10 days before the date of hearing, to the applicant and to the owners of property within a radius of 500 feet of the exterior boundaries of the property where the building or structure is to be relocated, as such ownership appears on the latest assessment rolls of the county.
(Prior code § 21-66; Ord. 5803 § 32, 2013)
The building official shall cause an inspection to be made of the building or structure to be moved, shall prescribe the required changes, alterations, additions or repairs to be made to or upon such building or structure to make such building or structure in its proposed location within the city to comply with the requirements of this code and other applicable laws and regulations pertaining thereto, and shall estimate the cost thereof; and the building official may propose such terms and conditions as the building official may deem reasonable and proper, which shall be in writing and filed with the director of community development prior to the hearing on such application.
(Prior code § 21-67; Ord. 5803 § 33, 2013)
The hearing officer shall review the application and all evidence submitted and shall disapprove such application if the building or structure:
Because of age, size, design or architectural treatment, does not substantially conform to the general design, plan and construction of the buildings in the neighborhood where the building or structure is to be relocated, and would cause appreciable harm, or be materially detrimental, to the property or improvements in such neighborhood within a radius of 500 feet from the proposed site;
Is prohibited by zoning provisions of this code;
Is so constructed or in such condition as to be dangerous;
Is infested with pests or is unsanitary;
If it be a dwelling or other building for human habitation, it is unfit for such use;
Is in a dangerous or defective condition or in such condition that remedy or correction of such condition cannot practicably and effectively be made;
Is of a type prohibited at the proposed location by this code, or by any other law; or
Is proposed to be located in a manner which would be inconsistent with the adopted general plan of the city.
If the hearing officer finds that the building or structure can be practicably and effectively repaired so that it will substantially conform to the general design, plan and construction of the buildings in the neighborhood of the relocation site, the hearing officer may approve the application subject to such conditions as may be deemed necessary to ensure such conformance. Any conditions imposed by the hearing officer shall be in writing. Every right or privilege authorized by a relocation permit shall terminate two years after the approval of such permit unless the exercise of such right or privilege has commenced in good faith prior to such time except as otherwise provided in this section. Such rights and privileges shall also be terminated at such time as the hearing officer may designate in the approval of the relocation permit or upon any interruption or cessation in work leading to completion of such building relocation for one year or more.
(Prior code § 21-68; Ord. 4961 § 2, 1991; Ord. 5356 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5803 § 34, 2013)
The city clerk shall not issue a relocation permit until the permittee, or the permittee's authorized agent, shall have first deposited with the city clerk a cash bond in an amount equal to the estimated cost plus 10% of the work required to be done in order to comply with all of the conditions under which the relocation permit is issued. Every such deposit made pursuant to this section shall be conditioned as follows:
That each and all of the terms and conditions of the relocation permit shall be complied with to the satisfaction of the permit services administrator; and
That all of the work required to be done pursuant to the conditions of the relocation permit shall be fully performed and completed within the time limit specified in the relocation permit; if no time limit is specified, the work shall be completed within 90 days after the date of the issuance of the relocation permit. The time limit specified in this section in any permit issued under this chapter may be extended for good and sufficient cause, either before or after such time period has expired, by written order of the permit services administrator.
In the event that permittee fails to fully perform and complete the work required to be done in order to comply with all of the conditions under which the relocation permit is issued, or if an extension of time or extensions have been granted by the permit services administrator, within the time specified in such extension or extensions, the permit services administrator shall give written notice to the permittee of such default. In such notice of default the permit services administrator shall state the work to be done, the estimated cost thereof, and the period of time deemed by the permit services administrator to be reasonably necessary for the completion of such work. If compliance is not had within the time specified, the permit services administrator shall proceed without delay and without further notice or proceedings whatever to cause the required work to be done by contract or otherwise in the permit services administrator's discretion and deduct from the cash bond deposited the cost of the work plus 10% thereof, which 10% shall be retained by the city to cover administrative costs of the building section.
In lieu of completing the work required, the director of public works may demolish the building or structure and clear, clean and restore the site, and deduct from the cash bond deposited the cost of the work plus 10% thereof, which 10% shall be retained by the city to cover administrative costs of the building section.
(Prior code § 21-69)
The terms of each cash bond deposited pursuant to this chapter shall begin upon the date of deposit and shall end upon completion to the satisfaction of the director of public works of the performance of all the terms and conditions specified in the relocation permit. At that time the permit services administrator shall return the cash deposit to the depositor, to his or her successors or assigns, except any portion thereof which may have been used or deducted as provided in this chapter.
(Prior code § 21-70)
All officers and employees of the city involved in processing an application for a relocation permit or enforcing compliance with its conditions shall have access to the premises described in the permit for the purpose of inspecting the site, the work and its progress.
(Prior code § 21-71)
In the event of any default in the performance of any terms or conditions of the relocation permit, any person employed or engaged on behalf of the permittee or the permit services administrator or any person employed or engaged on his or her behalf may go upon the premises to complete the required work or to remove or demolish the building or structure. The owner, the owner's representative, successor or assign, or any other person who interferes with or obstructs the ingress or egress to or from any such premises, or any authorized representative or agent of the city engaged in the work of completing, demolishing or removing any building or structure for which a relocation permit has been issued, after a default has occurred in the performance of the terms or conditions thereof, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Prior code § 21-72)