Each public utility shall charge and collect, as a requirement to the moving of any unit as authorized under the provisions of Article II or III of this chapter, from each house mover, and as compensation for making temporary rearrangements of its property, the actual cost of rearranging and restoring such property including the reasonable sum not exceeding fifteen percent of other costs as an allowance for supervision. Each house mover shall pay all of such charges at the time and in the manner prescribed by the public utility.
(Prior code § 21-78.1)
Each house mover shall, when requested to, deposit with each public utility affected the estimated cost of all activities to be performed on behalf of the public utility as a result of the house-moving activities of the house mover. The deposit shall be in cash, and the public utility shall notify the director of public works that the permittee has complied with this requirement.
(Prior code § 21-78.2)
In case the cost of the rearrangement, protection and restoration of the property is less than the amount estimated and deposited as provided in Section 15.04.280, then the public utility shall return to the permittee the amount of the unused balance of such deposit less the cost of any damage to public utility property which is caused by the negligence of the permittee in moving any unit. In case the actual cost is more than the amount estimated, then such public utility shall collect the actual cost of the work from the house mover who shall pay same.
(Prior code § 21-78.3)
Each public utility may, at any time prior to the moving of any unit, notify any house mover involved of any additional work required, and it shall be incumbent upon the house mover to order such work done, or to have a representative on the grounds to order such additional work by approving the expense of such additional work.
(Prior code § 21-78.4)
Each public utility, unless otherwise provided by written notice to the house mover, shall within thirty days from and after the completion of the work of making such temporary rearrangement or restoring its property, present an itemized statement of the cost thereof to the house mover for whom such work was done. When the public utility is city-owned, the itemized bill shall be presented by the director of finance and administrative services office.
(Prior code § 21-78.5)
Each applicant for a house mover's permit shall pay a basic fee to provide for city inspection and administrative costs. The fee shall be determined by the director of public works and approved by the city manager, based upon the reasonably anticipated costs to the city for inspection and administration of the permittee's house-moving activities. The director of public works shall set a basic fee for each of the following:
One or two units of A, B or C classification and for each additional unit;
One unit of D classification or one unit of E classification, and for each additional unit;
Each house mover may reschedule a move, for which a permit has been issued, up to and including three p.m. of the day previous to the scheduled day of moving, and the director of public works will reset the move for another day at no extra charge to the house mover;
Each house mover may cancel a permit up to and including three p.m. of the day previous to the scheduled day of moving, and shall be entitled to a refund of all fees and deposits for which services are not rendered by the city, less administrative costs already expended or committed as determined by the director of public works;
If for any reason a move is not made as provided in the permit and such move is not rescheduled or canceled at the request of the house mover within the time allowed for such request, the director of public works may invalidate the permit and no refund shall be due the house mover.
(Prior code § 21-78.12)
Permits issued by the director of public works under this chapter shall be valid only if the following elements are present at the time of the scheduled move, unless otherwise authorized by the director of public works:
All units listed in the permit start and remain in tandem during the period of movement through the city;
All units are moved at the same time and from the same place;
All units are moved along the same route;
All units are moved to the same place.
(Prior code § 21-78.13)
The director of public works shall charge the permittee for any additional costs to the city, not included in the basic fee, which may reasonably result from or which have resulted from the permittee's house-moving activity. Such costs shall include, but shall not be limited to costs arising from relocation of city facilities, tree trimming, police escort, damage to city property, emergency services and change of route.
The director of public works shall have the authority to require and may accept in advance a deposit for all reasonably anticipated costs arising from the permittee's house-moving activities.
(Prior code § 21-78.14)