No final tract map or final parcel map shall be accepted for checking by the city engineer until the required checking fees have been paid and then only in the event that the final map substantially conforms to the tentative map and the conditions approved by the council, the planning commission, or other authorized review authority.
At the time of filing a final tract or parcel map, the applicant shall pay the following fees to the city engineer:
Engineering, plan checking, and Quimby Fees (as defined in section 4.10.030 of this code).
The engineering, plan checking, and Quimby Fees shall be established or modified by resolution, or ordinance of the city council.
The schedule for checking fees shall remain on file and be available in the office of the director of public works. The director of public works shall, with the approval of the city manager, recommend changes to the council when the cost to check final maps makes it appropriate.
Recording Fee Shall Be as Required by Law. Upon submission of a final tract map or final parcel map to the county engineer or city engineer for checking, the subdivider shall pay a map checking fee to the county engineer or city engineer in addition to all other fees and charges required by law. Said fee shall be equal to the fee established by the county or city council (depending on which agency is conducting the map checking) for checking of tract maps and parcel maps.
(Ord. 5683 § 8, 2009; Ord. 5723 § 1, 2011)
Within 36 months after approval or conditional approval of the tentative map or maps, the subdivider may cause the subdivision or any part thereof to be surveyed and the final map to be prepared in accordance with the tentative map as approved or conditionally approved. Street right-of-way or easements needed for access to noncontiguous parts shall be provided on or with the final map. Upon application of the subdivider, an extension of a period or periods of time not exceeding a total of six years may be granted by the planning commission for a tentative tract map regarding a new condominium project or a condominium conversion project and by the council for a tentative tract map not related to a condominium project. Any failure to have a final map accepted by the city engineer within 36 months of conditional approval of the tentative map or any extension thereof granted by the planning commission or the council shall terminate all proceedings; provided, however, that in the case of a final map conforming to the approved tentative map and accepted by the city engineer before the date of expiration, the council may take subsequent action after the date of the expiration to cause the final map to be filed for record. Where proceedings have been terminated as a result of expiration, before a final map may thereafter be recorded, a new tentative map shall be filed.
In the event a lawsuit is filed and is pending in a court of competent jurisdiction involving approval or conditional approval of a tentative map, the subdivider may file a request for a stay of the time period set forth in subsection (A) of this section, within ten days (10) of the service of the lawsuit, initial petition or complaint upon the city. Upon receipt of such a request for a stay, within 40 days thereafter, council shall either stay the time period for final action on the tentative map for a period of time not to exceed five years, or deny the request for stay.
The period of time specified in subsection (A) of this section shall not include any period of time during which a development moratorium, imposed after approval of the tentative map, is in existence; provided, however, that the length of the moratorium does not exceed five years. A development moratorium shall include a water or sewer moratorium as well as other actions which regulate land use, development or the provision of services to the land enacted by a public agency other than the city, which thereafter prevents, prohibits or delays the approval of a final tract map. Once a moratorium is lifted, the map shall be valid for the same period of time as was left to run on the map at the time the moratorium was imposed. However, if the remaining time is less than 120 days, the map shall be valid for 120 days following the termination of the moratorium.
(Ord. 5683 § 8, 2009)
Within 36 months after the action of the planning commission approving or conditionally approving the application and tentative parcel map, unless the parcel map has been waived under the provisions of Section 16.24.150, the applicant shall cause a parcel map to be prepared showing each new parcel and showing that all conditions imposed have been fulfilled. Upon application filed prior to the expiration of the approval or conditional approval, the planning commission may grant an extension of time for a period or periods not exceeding a total of six years. Failure to file a parcel map within the 36 months or any extended period granted as herein provided and to have same recorded shall terminate and void all proceedings.
In the event a lawsuit is filed and is pending in a court of competent jurisdiction involving approval or conditional approval of a tentative parcel map, the subdivider may file a request for a stay of the time period set forth in subsection (A) of this section, within 10 days of the service of the lawsuit, initial petition or complaint upon the city. Upon receipt of such request for a stay, within 40 days thereafter, the planning commission shall either stay the time period for final action on the tentative parcel map for a period of time not to exceed five years, or deny the request for stay.
The period of time specified in subsection (A) of this section shall not include any period of time during which a development moratorium, imposed after approval of the tentative parcel map, is in existence; provided, however, that the length of the moratorium does not exceed five years. A development moratorium shall include a water or sewer moratorium as well as other actions which regulate land use, development or the provision of services to the land enacted by a public agency other than the city, which thereafter prevents, prohibits or delays the approval of a final parcel map. Once a moratorium is lifted, the map shall be valid for the same period of time as was left to run on the map at the time the moratorium was imposed. However, if the remaining time is less than 120 days, the map shall be valid for one hundred twenty days (120) following the termination of the moratorium.
Such time limits and extensions shall also apply to any tentative parcel map for which a certificate of compliance or a conditional certificate of compliance is required under the provisions of Section 16.24.150.
(Ord. 5683 § 8, 2009)
Scale. The final tract map shall be made to a minimum scale of 100 feet to the inch, using more than one sheet if necessary to furnish the desired space. The original shall be drawn in black ink upon tracing cloth or polyester-base film of good quality, and the size of the sheet shall be 18 inches by 26 inches, all sheets having a one-inch margin on all borders.
Numbering. Each sheet shall be numbered and the total number of sheets comprising the map shall be stated on each of the sheets, the relation of one sheet to another clearly shown, and the number of sheets used in the map shall be set forth in the title of said map. If more than two sheets are necessary for the map, an index map shall be required.
Title Sheet. The title of each such final map shall consist of "Tract No. ____________/____________/____________, in the City of Glendale," which shall be shown at the top center of all sheets comprising the map.
Subtitle. The title sheet shall also contain a subtitle giving a general description of the property being subdivided by reference to maps which have been previously recorded or by reference to the plat of a United States Survey. Each reference in such description, to any tract or subdivision, shall be spelled out and worded identically with the original record thereof and references to book and page of record must be complete.
(Ord. 5683 § 8, 2009)
The requirements for a reversion to acreage map shall be the same as stated in Section 16.32.040, except that upon title sheet of each map filed for the purpose of reverting subdivided land to acreage, the subtitle shall consist of the words "A reversion to acreage of ____________" (insert a legal description of the land being reverted).
(Ord. 5683 § 8, 2009)
The final map shall show the following:
Boundaries and Streets. The exterior boundaries of the property; the borderlines and centerlines of all proposed streets and alleys, with their width and names; any other portions intended to be dedicated for public use. In case of branching streets, the line of departure from one street to another shall be indicated.
Adjacent Streets. The lines of all adjoining properties; the lines of adjacent streets and alleys showing their widths and names.
Lot Lines and Numbers. All lot lines and numbers for all lots, easements and their purposes. All lots are to be numbered consecutively throughout the subdivision starting with number "1," except units of a condominium, which shall be numbered consecutively throughout the development.
Dimensions. All dimensions, both linear and angular, for locating boundaries of the subdivision, lots, street and alley lines and easements. The linear dimensions shall be expressed in feet and hundredths of a foot.
Monuments. All permanent monuments, both found and set, together with their description, shall fully include their location and size, and if any points were reset by ties, that fact shall be stated.
Titles and Description. Title and description of property being subdivided showing its location and extent, points of compass, scale of plan, basis of bearing and names of subdivider and of engineer or surveyor platting the tract.
Inundation. Boundaries of any areas within the proposed subdivision which are subject to periodic inundation by water.
Private Restrictions. Any private restrictions required to be filed with the city by this title shall be shown on the plat or reference to them thereon; and the plats shall contain proper acknowledgment of owners and mortgagees accepting said platting and restrictions.
City Boundaries. City boundaries which adjoin a subdivision shall be clearly designated and located in relation to adjacent lot or block lines. No lot shall be subdivided by a city boundary line.
Title Sheets. Title sheets shall indicate where vehicular access rights have been surrendered on major, thoroughfare and expressway streets.
Separate Instruments. Whenever a certificate or acknowledgment is made by separate instrument, there shall appear on the final map a reference to the separately recorded document, which reference shall be completed by the county recorder pursuant to Section 66468.1 of the Government Code, State of California.
Conditions of Approval. Conditions of tentative tract approval which run with the land being subdivided shall be set forth on the final map.
(Ord. 5683 § 8, 2009)
The final parcel map shall be prepared by or under the direction of a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor and shall conform to all of the following provisions:
It shall be legibly drawn, printed or reproduced by a process guaranteeing a permanent record in black on tracing cloth or polyester-base film. Certificates shall be legibly stamped or printed upon the map with opaque ink. If ink is used on polyester-base film, the ink surface shall be coated with a suitable substance to assure permanent legibility.
The size of each sheet shall be 18 inches by 26 inches. A marginal line shall be drawn completely around each sheet leaving an entirely blank margin of one inch. The scale of the map shall be large enough to show all details clearly and enough sheets shall be used to accomplish this end. The particular number of the sheet and the total number of sheets comprising the map shall be stated on each of the sheets, and its relation to each adjoining sheet shall be clearly shown.
Each parcel shall be designated by number.
The exterior boundary of the land included within the parcel map subdivision shall be indicated by distinctive symbols and clearly so designated.
The map shall show the location of street and property lines bounding the property, and each parcel and its relation to surrounding surveys. The location of a designated remainder parcel shall be indicated but need not be indicated as a matter of survey but only by deed reference to the existing record boundaries of such remainder if such remainder has a gross area of five acres or more.
Subject to the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act, a certificate, signed and acknowledged by all parties having any record title interest in the real property being subdivided, consenting to the preparation and recordation of the parcel map, is required; except that, in the case of a map of four or fewer parcels where dedications or offers of dedication are not required, the certificate shall be signed by the subdivider only, provided that the subdivider files evidence satisfactory to the director of community development that all persons with record title ownership as defined in Section 66445 of the Subdivision Map Act have consented to the proposed division. In the case of a map of five or more parcels where dedications or offers of dedication are not required, the certificate may, with the approval of the director of community development, be signed and acknowledged by the subdivider only subject to the provisions of this subsection. Certificates and acknowledgments required in this subsection may be made by separate instrument provided that there shall appear on the final map a reference to the separately recorded document, which reference shall be completed by the county recorder pursuant to Section 66468.1 of the Government Code, State of California.
The parcel map shall contain a certificate by the engineer or surveyor responsible for the map preparation stating that all monuments are of a character and occupy the positions indicated, or that they will be set in such positions on or before a specified date. The certificate shall also state that the monuments are, or will be, sufficient to enable the survey to be retracted.
Where the parcel creates four or fewer parcels, the parcel map may be compiled from recorded or filed data when survey information exists on filed maps to sufficiently locate and retrace the exterior boundary lines of the parcel map by monumented lines. When record survey is not adequate, additional field survey will be required. All other parcel maps shall be based upon a field survey made in conformance with the Land Surveyor's Act.
All new lines created or adjusted must be properly monumented by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor.
No lot shall be subdivided by a city boundary line.
(Ord. 5683 § 8, 2009; Ord. 5803 § 73, 2013)
The following additional material shall be submitted with the final tract map or final parcel map:
Traverse Sheets. The subdivider shall furnish the city engineer traverse sheets prepared by a registered civil engineer or a licensed surveyor showing the mathematical closure within one foot to 10,000 feet perimeter of the exterior boundary of the tract and of each block within the tract and each irregular lot.
Guaranty of Title. The subdivider shall furnish to the city engineer a guaranty of title or letter from a competent title company, certifying that the names of all persons whose consent is necessary to pass a clear title to the land being subdivided, and all acknowledgments thereto, appear on the proper certificate and are correctly shown on said map, both as to consent as to the making thereof and affidavits of dedication where necessary. Such a guaranty shall be issued for the benefit of the city and protection of the council and shall be continued complete up to the instant of filing for record with the County of Los Angeles.
Improvement Agreement. The subdivider shall file an agreement for all improvements as herein required and as may be further required by the council or by law, and shall secure the performance in accordance with the standards of the Business and Professions Code and this title.
Prior to the filing of the final map, the subdivider shall file with the clerk of Los Angeles County and in the city of Glendale, showing that according to the records of his or her office there are no liens against the subdivision or any part thereof for unpaid state, county, municipal or local taxes, or special assessments collected as taxes, except taxes or special assessments not yet payable.
As to taxes or special assessments collected as taxes not yet payable, the subdivider shall file with the city clerk a certificate by each proper office, giving his or her estimate of the amount of taxes and assessments which are a lien but which are not yet payable.
Whenever any part of the subdivision is subject of a lien for taxes or special assessment collected as taxes which are not yet payable, the final map shall not be filed for record until the owner or subdivider executes and files with the clerk of the board of supervisors of Los Angeles County a good and sufficient bond to be approved by the board and by its terms made to inure to the benefit of the county guaranteeing the payment of all state, county, municipal and local taxes and all special assessments collected as taxes, which, at the time the final map is filed for record, are a lien against the property, which are not yet payable. In lieu of a bond, a deposit may be made of money or negotiable bonds in the amount, and of the kind approved for securing deposits of public money.
Dedication. A dedication, on the title page, dedicating all streets, alleys, public improvements and utility easements to the city, and, if requested by the city, a deed or document of dedication in proper form for recordation separate from the final map.
Proper notation and identification of soil reports on the title sheet as required by State Map Act.
If the proposed subdivision is a condominium or other co-ownership type of development, three copies of the proposed restrictions, in the final form as a declaration of restrictions, signed by all of the owners of any interest in the subdivisions who sign the final subdivision map. All three copies shall be acknowledged by the signers before a notary public, and in a form which will enable it to be recorded in the office of the county recorder of Los Angeles County, California.
(Ord. 5683 § 8, 2009)
The procedure and practice of all survey work done on any subdivision for preparation of a final tract map or a final parcel map shall conform to the details set forth in Chapter 15, Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code. The allowable error of closure on any portion of a final map or approved parcel map shall be 1/10,000.
In the event that the city engineer, county engineer or the state highway engineer shall have established the centerline of any street or alley in or adjoining a subdivision, the final map shall show such centerline and the monuments which determine its position. If determined by ties, that fact shall be stated upon the final map.
(Ord. 5683 § 8, 2009)
Dedication is not required on any map filed for a reversion to acreage and/or on any map made for the sole purpose of establishing existing land title boundaries; except that dedications may be required, however, pursuant to Government Code Section 66499.17 if so determined by the council.
(Ord. 5683 § 8, 2009)
Any final tract map or final parcel map presented to the city for acceptance of easements and filing for record shall be accompanied by an additional copy on which is delineated all the structures existing within the easement, except publicly owned storm drains, water and electrical facilities, sewers and other sanitary facilities, whether such structures are on recorded easements or not.
(Ord. 5683 § 8, 2009)
Any final tract map or final parcel map presented to the city for acceptance and filing for record shall have written thereon, in addition to or as a part of any other certificate required, a certificate signed by the owner and the subdivider and by all persons claiming any interest other than a right-of-way, easement, or other interest, none of which can ripen into a fee, and the land shown included within the subdivision shown on the map, in substantially the following form:
We hereby certify that, except as shown on a copy of this map on file in the office of the city engineer, we know of no easement or structure existing within the easement hereby offered for dedication to the public, other than publicly owned water and electric facilities, sewers, or storm drains; that we will grant no right or interest within the boundaries of said easement offered to the public, except where such right or interest is expressly made subject to the said easements. Further, that there are no leaseholds or other interests relating to such easements which would prevent the use of the easements for the purpose intended.
(Ord. 5683 § 8, 2009)
The final tract map shall be considered complete for filing when it complies with all provisions of this title and is accompanied with the statements, agreements, cash or bonds required.
Filing. The subdivider shall file the following with the city engineer:
A fee for 10 blue-line copies, original tracing or linen or polyester-base film prepared by a licensed surveyor or registered engineer;
Improvement plans prepared by a registered engineer upon which the city engineer may estimate accurately the amount of bond or cash deposit or instrument of credit required to guarantee such improvements not already constructed;
Traverse sheets showing the closure within allowable limits of the exterior boundary of each irregular block and lot;
Preliminary title report showing how title is held, on the land encompassed by the boundaries of the tentative tract including the interests of all other persons in the property;
Improvement agreement and improvement security covering all construction required for both on-site and off-site improvements.
Departmental Approvals.
The city engineer, within 20 days after filing of the final map, shall examine said map for sufficiency as to affidavits, acknowledgments, surveying data, mathematical data and computations, and such other matters to determine that the material submitted is correct and that said map is technically correct and substantially conforms to the tentative map and any approved alteration thereof and to the provisions of this title and the State Map Act. He/she shall so certify on said map and transmit the same to the general manager of Glendale water and power who shall certify on the map that all easements required by the department of Glendale water and power for utilities have been granted. The map shall then be transmitted to the director of community development. If the director of community development shall find that the final map is not in full conformity with the provisions of this title or the requirements of the council, planning commission or the hearing officer, the subdivider shall be so advised in writing and an opportunity given to make the necessary changes.
If the director of community development shall determine that the map substantially conforms to the approved tentative map and any condition imposed thereon, it shall be so certified on said map.
When filing is completed and accepted as outlined, the city engineer shall transmit the following as provided by the subdivider: an original linen or one duplicate transparency on film suitable for reproduction, with all accompanying statements, agreements, cash and/or bonds required, to the council for consideration.
(Ord. 5683 § 8, 2009; Ord. 5803 § 74, 2013)
Upon presentation of the above material by the city engineer as aforesaid, the council shall consider said map, the plan of subdivision and offers of dedication. The council may reject any or all offers of dedication or require dedication of all proposed streets as provided in Section 16.32.080 of this chapter. In the event that improvements are required under the terms of the ordinance codified in this title or by law that have not been accomplished, the council shall approve a contract with the subdivider for posting a bond or cash deposit as provided herein. In such case, when the agreement and bond or cash deposit has been approved by the city attorney as to form and by the council as to sufficiency, the council may consider the final map.
After the council shall determine that said map is in conformity to the requirements of this title, it shall approve said map by resolution. In case the council shall determine that said map is not in conformity with the requirements of this title, it shall disapprove said map, specifying reasons therefor and advising the subdivider of said disapproval. Within 90 days thereafter, the subdivider may file with the city engineer a map altered to meet the approval of the council and shall conform with these procedures as specified herein.
After approval by the council and after signatures and seals have been affixed, the original final map, accompanied by the necessary filing fee, shall be transmitted by the city clerk to the county engineer's office for final check for compliance with the State Map Act, for the obtaining of the necessary guarantee of title, and for filing with the county recorder. No map shall have any force or effect until it has been approved by the council, and no title to any property described in any offer of dedication shall pass until filing of the final map. No building permit shall be issued until recording of the final map.
(Ord. 5683 § 8, 2009)
When the requirements of this chapter relating to the preparation and timely filing of the final map are found to have been met, the director of community development shall approve the final parcel map, shall certify his/her approval on the original of the final parcel map and shall transmit the same to the city engineer. The city engineer shall pass upon the content of said final map and if he/she finds that the requirements of this chapter relating to content have been fulfilled, he/she shall certify the parcel map in accordance with the provisions of Division 2 of Title 7, of the Government Code (commencing with Section 66410) of the State of California. The city engineer shall send certified copies of said map to the director of community development, the building official and the general manager of Glendale water and power and shall transmit the original parcel map so certified to the city clerk who shall cause it to be recorded as prescribed by said provisions of the Government Code.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this title relating to the fulfillment of all conditions prior to approval of the application and tentative map, an agreement may be made to construct public improvements when such improvements are necessary to preserve the general purposes and intent of Title 30 of this code and of this title; provided, no such agreement shall be valid until secured by a good and sufficient surety bond or cash deposit adequate to cover all costs and administrative expenses of the installation in case of default. Agreements relating to water and electrical facilities, including streetlights, if made, shall be executed by the general manager of Glendale water and power or by the city engineer on behalf of the city and agreements relating to all other public improvements shall be executed by the city engineer.
(Ord. 5683 § 8, 2009; Ord. 5803 § 75, 2013)
At the time the final map is approved, the council may withhold acceptance of any dedication for any street, alley or easement on behalf of the public until all improvements have been installed and attendant conditions and requirements met. All offers of dedication shall remain open and the council may accept such dedication by resolution at any later date, and without further action on easements for public use, which acceptance shall be recorded in the office of the county recorder.
(Ord. 5683 § 8, 2009)