In order to carry out the purposes and provisions herein stated, the city is divided into several zones, known and designated as follows:
Residential Zones.
ROS Residential Open Space Zone
R1R Restricted Residential Zone
R1 Residential Zone
R-3050 Moderate Density Residential Zone
R-2250 Medium Density Residential Zone
R-1650 Medium-High Density Residential Zone
R-1250 High Density Residential Zone
Commercial Zones.
C1 Neighborhood Commercial Zone
C2 Community Commercial Zone
C3 Commercial Service Zone
CR Commercial Retail Zone
CPD Commercial Planned Development Zone
CH Commercial Hillside Zone
CA Commercial Auto Zone
Industrial Zones.
IND Industrial Zone
T Transportation Zone
Mixed Use Zones.
IMU Industrial/Commercial Mixed Use Zone
IMU-R Industrial/Commercial-Residential Mixed Use Zone
SFMU Commercial/Residential Mixed Use Zone
DSP Downtown Specific Plan Zone
Special Use Districts.
SR Special Recreation Zone
CE Commercial Equestrian Zone
CEM Cemetery Zone
MS Medical Service Zone
Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Districts.
TOD Transit Oriented Development District I
TOD Transit Oriented Development District II
Overlay Zones.
PRD Planned Residential Development Overlay Zone
H Horse Overlay Zone
P Parking Overlay Zone
PS Parking Structure Overlay Zone
PPD Precise Plan of Design Overlay Zone
HD Historic District Overlay Zone
(Ord. 5399 Attach. A, 2004; Ord. 5416 § 8, 2004; Ord. 5541 § 2, 2006; Ord. 5803 § 79, 2013; Ord. 5807 § 1, 2013; Ord. 6012, 10/10/2023)
Properties contained within the Glendale Town Center specific plan area which are generally bounded by Brand Boulevard on the east; Colorado Street on the south; Central Avenue on the west; and the Glendale Galleria, north of Harvard Street, on the north as specified in the plan document shall be governed by the development standards and processes contained herein. Said development plans are by this reference incorporated therein as if fully set forth and shall be on file in the office of the director of community development. The specific plan and more particularly the development standards may be amended from time to time as provided under the California Government Code and the city of Glendale Charter, Glendale Municipal Code, and Glendale Town Center specific plan. This chapter shall also be applicable for those properties unless otherwise specified within the specific plan. Wherever the regulations of this specific plan contain provisions which establish regulations, including, but not limited to, heights, densities, uses, parking, signs, open space and landscaping requirements, which are different from, more restrictive or more permissive than would be allowed pursuant to the provisions contained in the Glendale Municipal Code, this specific plan shall prevail and supersede the applicable provisions of the Glendale Municipal Code and those relevant ordinances. As this specific plan does not replace the Glendale Municipal Code CBD Zone in its entirety, both the Town Center specific plan and the Glendale Municipal Code must be used together. All other provisions of this chapter shall apply in the specific plan area including, but not limited to, definitions, changes of zone and amendments, variances, home occupation permits, appeals, and design review.
(Ord. 5437 § 9, 2005; Ord. 5747 § 2, 2011)
Properties contained with the downtown specific plan which are generally bounded to the north by Glenoaks Boulevard, to the west by Central and Columbus Avenues, to the east along Maryland and Glendale Avenues, and to the south by Elk Avenue as specified in the plan document shall be governed by the development standards and processes contained in the downtown specific plan and in this title. Said development standards and processes in the downtown specific plan are by this reference incorporated herein as if fully set forth and shall be on file in the office of the director of community development. The specific plan and more particularly the development standards may be amended from time to time as provided under the California Government Code and the city of Glendale Charter, Glendale Municipal Code, and downtown specific plan. This chapter shall also be applicable for those properties unless otherwise specified within the specific plan. Wherever the regulations of the specific plan contain provisions which establish regulations, including, but not limited to, heights, densities, uses, parking, signs, open space and landscaping requirements, which are different from the provisions contained in the Glendale Municipal Code, the regulations of the specific plan shall prevail and supersede the applicable provisions of the Glendale Municipal Code and those relevant ordinances. As the specific plan does not replace the Glendale Municipal Code in its entirety, both the downtown specific plan and the Glendale Municipal Code must be used together. All other provisions of this title shall apply in the specific plan area including, but not limited to, definitions, changes of zone and amendments, variances, home occupation permits, appeals, and design review. For the purposes of title 30, the downtown specific plan (DSP) zone is considered a mixed use zone.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, solar energy equipment, as defined in this title, shall be subject to the provisions of Section 30.30.050 of this title.
(Ord. 5541 § 4, 2006; Ord. 5712 § 2, 2010; Ord. 5747 § 3, 2011)
The boundaries of the zones and the applicable height districts are hereby established as set forth on maps entitled “1986 Zoning and Height District Map, Glendale, California” on file in the office of the planning division, which map is hereby adopted and made a part of this code together with such other maps and changes as may hereafter be adopted as part of this title.
(Ord. 5399 Attach. A, 2004; Ord. 5437 § 9, 2005; Ord. 5541 § 4, 2006)
Except where referenced on the zoning map to a street line or other designated line by dimensions shown on such map, the zone boundary lines are intended to follow lot lines or the center line of streets or alleys or transportation right-of-way lines as they existed at the time of the establishment of the map or any amendments of same. Where a street or lot layout actually on the ground or as recorded differs from the street and lot lines as shown on the zoning map, the director of community development, on application, shall interpret the map in such a way as to carry out the intent and purpose of this zoning ordinance.
(Ord. 5399 Attach. A, 2004; Ord. 5437 § 9, 2005; Ord. 5541 § 4, 2006; Ord. 5747 § 4, 2011)
Permitted Primary Uses and Structures. The purpose of the sectional listing of permitted primary uses and structures contained within each zone regulations is to identify all principal uses and structures that are allowable on a lot within that zone as a matter of right. Subject to the provisions of the zone, except as otherwise provided, no building, structure or land shall be used and no building, structure or use shall be established except the listed permitted primary uses and structures.
Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures. The purpose of the sectional listing of permitted accessory uses and structures contained within each zone regulations is to identify uses and structures that are allowable when they are integrated with and clearly incidental to a primary use on the same lot. All buildings and structures shall conform to the development standards of the zone.
Temporary Uses and Structures. The purpose of the sectional listing of temporary uses and structures is to identify those uses that may be allowable within a given zone for a limited amount of time and under certain specified conditions.
Conditional Uses and Structures. The purpose of the sectional listing of conditional uses and structures is to identify those uses and structures which must first obtain permission for their establishment within the zone by a conditional use permit. The specific conditional uses and structures which are listed are considered to be typical of uses which require individual review as to their particular characteristics and location, and ones that may require special conditions to their establishment in order to protect the health, safety and general welfare.
Compliance with Laws. Notwithstanding any provision in this code to the contrary, any establishment that engages in or carries out any activity contrary to federal, state or local laws shall be prohibited.
Development Standards—General. The development standards contained within this title and the various zones have been established in order to assure adequate levels of light, air and density of development, to maintain and enhance locally-recognized values of community appearance and to promote the safe and efficient circulation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The standards are in furtherance of the goals and objectives of the comprehensive general plan and are found to be necessary for the preservation of the community, health, safety and general welfare.
Site Requirements—General. The area and dimensions of all building sites shall be sufficient to accommodate the anticipated density of development, open spaces, setbacks and parking spaces.
Density. The density of development has been established for each zone in accordance with the comprehensive general plan in order to promote the orderly, efficient and most appropriate growth within the city, consistent with the planned capability of services and infrastructures. Density shall be calculated from the area of the lot before any public right-of-way dedications are made. An accessory dwelling unit and/or junior accessory dwelling unit on a lot developed with single-family or multi-family dwelling unit(s) is deemed a residential use consistent with the existing general plan and zoning designation for the lot, as provided for in the Government Code of the State of California, Section 65852.2.
Lot Size. Where minimum lot sizes or dimensions required within the zone standards, they have been established in order to promote the type and scale of development envisioned in the comprehensive general plan. Where existing lots with lesser size and dimensions are existing in a zone, an exception has been made in some zones for such lots when their development would not be harmful to the achievement of the overall goals and objectives of the plan.
Coverage. Maximum coverage requirements contained within certain zone standards have been established to provide minimum open spaces for light, air and ventilation and to reserve adequate area for open spaces, setbacks and other amenities. Coverage shall be calculated from the area of the lot after any public right-of- way dedications are made.
Height. Height standards are reflective of intensity and scale of development. In order to maintain a sound plan and compatibility with surrounding uses, the structural height of buildings must be regulated and intensities directed to their most appropriate location. Factors taken into consideration in the establishment of height criteria are shade/shadow effects; light, air and ventilation; scenic vistas; and intensity of development and ability to serve.
Unit Size. Minimum unit sizes as may be established in the various zones are for the purpose of assuring acceptable living areas, the control of overcrowding and the provision of conditions conducive to a decent, safe and sanitary environment.
Setbacks, Open Space and Landscaping Requirements. The purpose of setbacks, open space and landscaping requirements is to assure that an effective separation is provided between properties and uses to foster compatibility, identity, privacy, light, air and ventilation and provide for landscaped areas in the living and working environments for visual relief and recreation. Setbacks and required landscaping shall be calculated from the property lines or area of the lot after any public right-of-way dedications are made.
Medical Marijuana Dispensary, Marijuana Dispensary, Marijuana Cultivation, Marijuana Processing, and Delivery or Distribution of Marijuana or Medical Cannabis Products as Prohibited Uses. Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, a medical marijuana dispensary, marijuana dispensary, marijuana cultivation, marijuana processing, and delivery or distribution of marijuana or medical cannabis products, as these terms are defined in Section 9.10.010, are prohibited in all zones, including all specific plan areas, except where the city is preempted by federal or state law from enacting a prohibition of any such prohibited uses, or is preempted by federal or state law from enforcing any of these prohibitions.
Home-Sharing Activities and Vacation Rentals. Home-sharing, as defined in Section 5.56.030, is permitted subject to the restrictions in Chapter 5.56. Vacation rentals, as defined in Section 5.56.030, are prohibited in all zones.
(Ord. 5399 Attach. A, 2004; Ord. 5437 § 9, 2005; Ord. 5541 § 4, 2006; Ord. 5745 § 5, 2011; Ord. 5868 § 3, 2016; Ord. 5907 § 3, 2018; Ord. 5942 § 1, 2019; Ord. 5957 § 3, 2020; Ord. 6027, 5/14/2024)
All territory hereafter annexed to the city of Glendale shall upon annexation be zoned in accordance with a pre-zoning plan adopted in the manner required by law for change of zone. Said pre-zoning plan shall be prepared and adopted as a part of the official annexation proceedings, and shall take into account all applicable city plans, policies and documents.
(Ord. 5399 Attach. A, 2004; Ord. 5437 § 9, 2005; Ord. 5541 § 4, 2006)