This chapter provides a process for the discretionary review of requests for reduction in the number of required parking spaces where such reduction is justified without compromising the parking or the basic health, safety and community welfare standards.
(Ord. 5425 § 52, 2004)
The number of off-street parking spaces required by this chapter may be reduced as provided in the following circumstances, pursuant to Section 30.32.070:
Mixed use projects (a project combining different land uses);
New construction and change of use to a use which requires a greater number of parking spaces than the previous uses, when the new construction or change of use is on a site near an off-street public parking facility;
Uses adjacent local or regional transit lines; or
Any other circumstance where the applicant wishes to request a parking reduction.
(Ord. 5425 § 52, 2004; Ord. 5536 § 27, 2006)
For any project located entirely or partially in the Central Glendale Redevelopment Project Area, as adopted by the Legislative Body/Glendale redevelopment agency, for which an associated application for design review is required, the city council may grant parking reductions upon making the findings of the fact listed below. In granting a request for parking reduction, the city council may impose conditions to safeguard and protect the public health, safety and promote the general welfare.
For any project located entirely or partially in the DSP zone, for which an associated application for design review is required for which the city council is the design review authority, the director of community development may grant parking reductions, for which there is no public hearing, upon making the findings of the fact listed below. In granting a request for parking reduction, the director of community development may impose conditions to safeguard and protect the public health, safety and promote the general welfare.
In cases involving a parking reduction permit and a variance related to a use, the director of community development may authorize the entitlement requests to be considered by the planning commission rather than both the hearing officer and the planning commission. In all other cases, the hearing officer may grant requests for parking reductions upon making the findings of fact listed below. In granting a request for parking reduction, the hearing officer may impose conditions to safeguard and protect the public health, safety and promote the general welfare.
(Ord. 5425 § 52, 2004; Ord. 5571 § 15, 2007; Ord. 5648 § 9, 2009; Ord. 5732 § 10, 2011; Ord. 5747 § 102, 2011; Ord. 5836 § 21, 2014; Ord. 5849 § 4, 2015)
For any request for parking reduction, the director of community development may require a parking demand study conducted by a licensed traffic engineer or other transportation professional satisfactory to the director of community development. A request for parking reduction shall be granted only if the reviewing authority makes one or more of the following findings of fact:
For mixed use projects, a request for parking reduction may be granted where the review authority determines that a reduction is justified based on characteristics of the uses, an hourly parking demand studies published by the urban land institute, or other appropriate source as determined by the director of community development.
For the proposed intensification of use within an existing building that is determined by the review authority to be located within a reasonable distance of an off-street city parking facility, a request for parking reduction may be granted by the review authority, based on the type of use and its associated parking characteristics, including:
Peak hours of use and turnover rate;
The ability of the use to meet parking requirements through other means;
The availability of spaces in the nearby city parking facility;
The distance to the use from the parking facility; and
Measures proposed by the applicant to ensure employee and patron use of the city parking facility.
For a commercial or residential use proposed adjacent to local or regional mass transit lines or routes. A request for parking reduction may be granted when the review authority determines that the reduction is justified based on documented mass transportation use characteristics of the patrons and employees of the use.
For any other circumstance where the applicant wishes to request a parking reduction, such reduction may be granted where the review authority finds that:
The parking need for the land use is not as great as for similar land uses or the parking requirement for the land use established in the zoning code is greater than what will be needed by the land use; and
The intent of the parking regulations, in compliance with all other applicable provisions of this chapter, is met; and
Sufficient parking would be provided to serve the use intended and potential future uses of the subject parcel.
(Ord. 5425 § 52, 2004; Ord. 5571 § 16, 2007; Ord. 5747 § 103, 2011; Ord. 5836 § 22, 2014)
The review authority may impose conditions relative to the duration of permit, operation of the land use, and any other topic germane to the issuance and successful implementation of the request for parking reduction permit.
(Ord. 5425 § 52, 2004; Ord. 5571 § 17, 2007)
A parking request permit may not be implemented and is not valid until and unless the owner of the property for which a parking reduction has been requested signs a notarized affidavit in a form acceptable to the city attorney accepting the permit and all its conditions; records the document against the property with the Los Angeles County assessor’s office; and provides proof to the city of such recording.
(Ord. 5425 § 52, 2004)
A request for parking reduction permit is valid only insofar as the specific land use remains the same as at the time of permit issuance, including, but not limited to, tenancy, hours of operation, clientele served, services or goods offered and mix of activities within the use. The permit does not run with the land.
(Ord. 5425 § 52, 2004)
For authorization for initiation, application filing and filing fees, see Chapter 30.40 of this title.
(Ord. 5425 § 52, 2004)
For public hearing and notice, see Chapter 30.61 of this title.
(Ord. 5425 § 52, 2004)
For appeals procedure, see Chapter 30.62. Where the council has, acting as the initial review authority, approved or denied a parking reduction permit for a project in a redevelopment project area or in the DSP zone outside of a redevelopment project area, any interested person may make a written request for a council rehearing in accordance with Section 2.88.060 of the Glendale Municipal Code.
(Ord. 5425 § 52, 2004; Ord. 5571 § 18, 2007)
For duration of parking reductions, see Chapter 30.41 and Section 30.50.070 of this title.
(Ord. 5425 § 52, 2004)