No operator of any vehicle shall drive between the vehicles comprising a funeral procession or a parade, provided that such vehicles are conspicuously so designated. The directing of all vehicles and traffic on any street over which such funeral procession or parade wishes to pass shall be subject to the orders of the police department.
(Ord. 52 § 8, 1975)
No person shall operate or drive a commercial vehicle in, on or across any private driveway approach or sidewalk area or the driveway itself without the consent of the owner or occupant of the property, if a sign or markings are in place indicating that the use of such driveway is prohibited.
For the purpose of this section a commercial vehicle shall mean a vehicle having rated capacity in excess of one-half ton.
(Ord. 52 § 8.2, 1975)
No person shall ride, drive, propel, or cause to be propelled any vehicle or animal across or upon any sidewalk except over permanently constructed driveways and except when it is necessary for any temporary purpose to drive a loaded vehicle across a sidewalk; provided further, that such sidewalk area be substantially protected by wooden planks two inches thick, and written permission be previously obtained from the city traffic engineer. Such wooden planks shall not be permitted to remain upon such sidewalk area during the hours from six p.m. to six a.m.
(Ord. 52 § 8.3, 1975)
It is unlawful for any person to operate or park any motorized vehicle, excepting golf carts, on any bicycle path or horse path designated as such within the city.
(Ord. 119 § 1, 1976)
No person shall ride or drive any animal or any vehicle over or across any newly made pavement or freshly painted markings in any street when a barrier sign, cone marker or other warning device is in place warning persons not to drive over or across such pavement or marking, or when any such device is in place indicating that the street or any portion thereof is closed.
(Ord. 52 § 8.4, 1975)
No person, public utility or department in the city shall erect or place any barrier or sign on any street unless of a type approved by the city traffic engineer or disobey the instructions, remove, tamper with or destroy any barrier or sign lawfully placed on any street by any person, public utility or by any department of the city.
(Ord. 52 § 8.5, 1975)
No person shall drive a vehicle onto or from any limited access roadway except at such entrances and exits as are lawfully established.
(Ord. 52 § 8.7, 1975)
No person shall place any goods, wares, merchandise or other articles which are offered or available for sale to the public on any street, sidewalk, bicycle path, publicly owned parkway or privately owned parking lot which is opened to the public except for the following. Sidewalk sales are permitted in power centers defined as commercial shopping centers greater than four hundred fifty thousand square feet comprised of high-volume retailers who dominate their respective fields by substantial advertising and discounted prices. Power centers devote at least sixty percent of the square footage of the center to hard-goods retailers and no tenant occupies less than five thousand square feet. Sidewalk sales shall only be permitted on sidewalks adjacent to commercial tenants occupying not less than one hundred thousand square feet within power centers. Sidewalk sales are permitted subject to the following requirements:
Merchandise placed on sidewalks shall be limited to sixty percent of the sidewalk area;
Outdoor cash registers are not permitted;
Signs are restricted to six inches by six inches. Any larger sign must be submitted to the director of community development for approval;
The sixty-percent outdoor sales area must maintain covered pedestrian aisles under a roof at least four feet wide to accommodate shopping cart movement;
A site plan shall be submitted and approved by the city illustrating the location of all outdoor displays. The site plan shall be fully dimensioned and scaled large enough to reveal display details and to demonstrate compliance with all other statements in this section;
The outdoor display site plan shall be approved by the fire marshal, sheriff and city building official to ensure that safety standards are met;
Outdoor displays shall be returned indoors at the close of the business day;
Outdoor display areas shall be kept tidy and free from debris at all times;
Outdoor activity shall be limited to merchandise for sale, other marketing, special promotion, and customer service purposes. Audience seating and project and product demonstrations are prohibited outdoors;
All merchandise shall be set back a minimum of two hundred fifty feet from any public right-of-way and five feet from all customer vehicle areas, driveways and customer pickup lanes;
All food sales shall be conducted in compliance with health department regulations;
Parking areas shall remain unobstructed at all times;
Handicap access requirements shall be demonstrated on the approved site plan. Handicap access shall be maintained at all times;
All outdoor sales and displays shall be located within hardscape areas. No merchandise may be displayed in any landscaped area or situated in such a manner as to be detrimental to an existing landscaped area;
Any person in violation of any provision of this section shall be assessed a fine not less than two hundred dollars.
Art shows are permitted on private sidewalks up to four times per year; provided, that the person desirous of conducting the art show shall apply for a special event permit and pay all appropriate fees. Art shows are limited to three days per event and shall not be visible from the public rights-of-way. The term art shows, for the purposes of this section, shall be defined as paintings, pictures or other items of fine art and original handcrafted items of metal, wood or other material.
(Ord. 177 § 2, 1979; Ord. 262 § 1, 1982; Ord. 291 § 1, 1984; Ord. 552 § 1, 1992)
Art displays sponsored by the city or by other nonprofit organizations shall be subject to all the provisions of Section 10.32.070 except visibility of art from public rights-of-way. An applicant for an art display sponsored by the city or other nonprofit organization, may apply to the city for an exemption to this section for purposes of displaying art so it can be viewed from the public rights-of-way and the city manager, for good and satisfactory cause shown, may allow art shows so sponsored to place art so it can be viewed from the public rights-of-way.
(Ord. 531 § 1, 1992)