The purpose of this chapter is to preserve the security of existing gated communities by regulating vehicular access to such communities while homes are being constructed within them.
(Ord. 815 Exh. A (part))
This chapter shall only apply to development in existing gated communities where vehicular access to the construction site is to be provided at a location other than a gate controlled by a guard or automated security device used by the existing residents to enter the community.
(Ord. 815 Exh. A (part))
The words, terms, and phrases used in this chapter shall be defined as follows:
means the city of Rancho Mirage community development director, or their designee.
"Development activity"
means any construction activity or alteration of the landscape, its terrain contour or vegetation, including the erection or alteration of structures.
"Existing gated community"
means a residential development vehicular access to which is restricted by a guard or an automated security device where at least one home is occupied as a residence. This term does not include a development that is intended to provide restricted access at some future date, but is not presently providing restricted access; provided, that the person constructing the development notices home buyers within the development in writing that the security gates may not be put into service until a later date.
means any natural person or any association, firm, individual, partnership, joint stock company, joint venture, trust, corporation, limited liability company or other legally recognized entity, private or public.
(Ord. 815 Exh. A (part))
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in any development activity within an existing gated community without obtaining a gated community security maintenance plan approved by the director. For the purposes of this section, activity occurs "within" an existing gated community if there are existing, unrestricted means of vehicular access between the site of the development activity and an existing gated community.
(Ord. 815 Exh. A (part))
A proposed gated community security maintenance plan shall be submitted to the director for the directors review. At the time the plan is submitted to the director, the person submitting the plan shall provide evidence that the plan has been provided to each homeowner association having responsibility for maintaining security within the existing gated community, and that each homeowner association has been advised that it has ten days to submit any comments or objections to the plan it may have to the director.
The director may only approve a proposed gated community security maintenance plan, if the director determines that the measures to be taken under the plan will restrict vehicular access to the existing gated community in a manner that meets or exceeds the level of security being provided at the time the plan is submitted for approval. The director shall render his decision on a proposed gated community security maintenance plan no sooner than ten calendar days after it is submitted.
All decisions made by the director in exercising the authority given in this chapter shall be final.
(Ord. 815 Exh. A (part))
The fee for the review and approval of a gated community security maintenance plan shall be established by resolution of the city council and shall be calculated so as to recover no more than the cost of administering the program established in that chapter.
(Ord. 815 Exh. A (part))
The failure to comply with the requirement of this chapter and the provisions of an approved gated community security maintenance plan is a misdemeanor and may be enforced pursuant to the provisions of Section 1.08.010 of this code.
In addition, such violations may be enforced by a civil action brought by the city attorney seeking injunctive relief.
The remedies provided in this chapter are cumulative, and in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity.
(Ord. 815 Exh. A (part))