No person shall sell, lease or finance any parcel or parcels of real property or commence construction of any building for sale, lease or financing for which a final or parcel map is required by this title, until the final or parcel map, in full compliance with Map Act Section 66410 et seq. and the municipal code, has been filed for recordation with the office of the county recorder, pursuant to Map Act Section 66499.30.
(Ord. 469 § 1, 1990)
Conveyance Voidable by Grantee.
Any deed of conveyance, sale or contract to sell real property which has been divided, or which has resulted from a division, in violation of the provisions of Map Act Section 66410 et seq. and the municipal code, is voidable at the sole option of the grantee or successors, pursuant to Map Act Section 66499.32.
This section does not bar any legal, equitable or summary remedy to which the city, public agency or any person, firm or corporation may otherwise be entitled, pursuant to Map Act Section 66499.33.
Withholding of Permits and Certificates of Compliance. The city shall not issue any permit or grant any approval necessary to develop any real property which has been divided, or which has resulted from a division, in violation of the provisions of Map Act Section 66410 et seq. and the municipal code, if it finds that the development of the real property is contrary to the public health or safety, pursuant to Map Act Section 66499.34.
(Ord. 469 § 1, 1990)
Whenever the city has knowledge that real property has been divided in violation of the provisions of Map Act Section 66410 et seq. and the municipal code, it shall send by certified mail to the then current owner(s) of record of the property, a notice of intention to record a notice of violation, describing the real property in detail, naming the owner(s) thereof, and stating that an opportunity will be given to the owner(s) to present evidence, pursuant to Map Act Section 66499.36.
(Ord. 469 § 1, 1990)
Each violation of the Map Act Section 66410 et seq. by a person who is the subdivider or an owner of record, at the time of the violation, of property involved in the violation shall be punishable by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year, or in the state prison, by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars, or by both that fine and imprisonment. Every other violation of Map Act Section 66410 et seq. is a misdemeanor, pursuant to Map Act Section 66499.31.
In addition to the above state-mandated penalty, any person, partnership, organization, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this title shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished in compliance with Title 14 of this Municipal Code.
(Ord. 469 § 1, 1990; Ord. 928 § 2, 2006)