This chapter provides general standards intended to establish sign provisions that are intended to:
Implement the city's community design and safety standards consistent with the general plan;
Maintain and enhance the city's appearance by regulating the design, character, location, number, type, quality of materials, size, color, illumination, and maintenance of signs;
Protect and improve pedestrian and vehicular traffic safety by balancing the need for signs which facilitate the safe and smooth flow of traffic without an excess of signs which may distract motorists, overload their capacity to quickly receive information, visually obstruct traffic signs, or otherwise create congestion and safety hazards;
Equitably distribute the privilege of using the public environs to communicate information for commercial and noncommercial purposes without regulating the content of the message conveyed;
Minimize the possible adverse effects of signs on nearby public and private property; and
Enable the fair, consistent, and efficient enforcement of these sign regulations.
(Ord. 777 § 1, 2002)
Signs shall not be altered, erected, maintained, moved, or repaired within the city except in compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
In those areas of the city subject to the requirements of a specific plan, the signs standards and procedures contained in an adopted specific plan shall apply.
(Ord. 777 § 1, 2002)
For the purpose of this chapter, unless otherwise apparent from the context, the following definitions shall apply.
"Abandoned sign"
means any sign which was lawfully erected, but whose use has ceased or whose supporting structure has been abandoned by the owner thereof for a period of ninety consecutive days or more.
"Address sign"
means the numeric reference of a use or structure to a street name, reading from left to right.
"A-frame sign"
means a freestanding sign usually hinged at the top, or attached in a similar manner, and widening at the bottom to form a shape similar to the letter A. These signs are usually designed to be portable, hence they are not considered permanent signs.
means any change of copy, color, illumination, location, position, sign face, size, shape, construction, or supporting structure of any sign.
"Animated or moving sign"
means any sign which uses movement, lighting, or special materials to depict action or create a special effect to imitate movement.
"Area of a sign."
See Sign area.
"Awning or canopy sign"
means a nonelectric sign that is painted on, or attached to an awning or canopy.
"Banner, flag, or pennant"
means any cloth, bunting, plastic, paper, or similar material used for advertising purposes attached to or pinned onto any structure, staff, pole, line, framing, or vehicle, including captive balloons and inflatable signs but not including official flags of the United States, the state of California, and other states of the nation, counties, municipalities, official flags of foreign nations and nationally, or internationally recognized organizations.
means a stationary or revolving light with one or more beams projected into the atmosphere or directed at one or more points away from the light source.
"Bench sign"
means a sign painted on or affixed to any portion of a bench or seating area at bus stops or other pedestrian areas.
"Building frontage"
means that building elevation which fronts on a public street, alley, parking lot, or pedestrian arcade.
"Building marker"
means a sign cut into a masonry surface or made of bronze or similar material permanently affixed to a public building or structure of designated historic significance.
"Business frontage"
means the portion of a structure occupied by an individual or tenant which fronts on a public street, alley, parking lot, or pedestrian arcade.
"Cabinet sign (can sign)"
means a sign which contains all the lettering and/or logo symbols within a single enclosed cabinet and may or may not be illuminated.
"Changeable copy sign"
means a sign designed to allow the changing of copy through manual, mechanical, or electrical means including time and temperature displays.
"Channel letters"
means three dimensional individually cut letters or figures, illuminated or unilluminated, affixed to a building or sign structure.
"Commercial center"
means a business or office development with access driveways or parking spaces shared by one or more multitenant structures; or two or more structures of the same business; or one or more single tenant structures without direct vehicular access to an adjacent street; or any combination of the above.
"Directional sign"
means signs limited to directional messages, principally to direct pedestrian or vehicular traffic (e.g., one-way, entrance, or exit).
"Dominant building frontage"
means the principle frontage of a structure where the main entrance is located or which faces the street on which its address is located.
"Eave line"
means the bottom of the roof eave.
"Electronic reader board sign."
See Changeable copy sign.
"Fascia sign"
means a sign fastened to or engraved in the band of board at the edge of a roof overhang.
"Flashing sign"
means a sign that contains an intermittent or sequential interruption of the light source.
"Freestanding sign"
means a sign which is supported by one or more uprights, braces, poles, or other similar structural components that is not attached to a structure.
"Grand opening"
means a promotional activity used by newly established businesses, within ninety days after initial occupancy, to inform the public of their location and services available to the community. Grand opening does not mean an annual or occasional promotion of retail sales by a business.
"Height of sign"
means for freestanding signs, the greatest vertical distance measured from the average finished grade at the sign base to the highest element of the sign. For wall signs, the distance from the finished ground surface directly below the sign to the highest element of the sign.
"Illegal sign"
means a sign which includes any of the following: a sign erected without first complying with all ordinances and regulations in effect at the time of its construction, installation, or use; a sign that was legally erected, but whose use has ceased, is not maintained, not used to identify or advertise an ongoing business for a period of not less than ninety consecutive days, or the structure upon which the display is placed has been abandoned by its owner; a sign which is a danger to the public or is unsafe; a sign which is a traffic hazard not created by relocation of streets or highways or by acts of the city.
"Illuminated sign"
means a sign with an artificial light source incorporated internally or externally for the purpose of lighting the sign at night.
means a permanent roof-like structure, covered walkway, or pedestrian area projecting along and beyond the wall of a structure designed and constructed to provide protection from the weather.
"Mobile billboard"
means an advertising display being attached to a wheeled, mobile, motorized or nonmotorized vehicle that carries, pulls or transports a sign or billboard, and is for the primary purpose of advertising.
"Monument sign (ground sign)"
means an independent structure supported on the ground having a solid base as opposed to being supported by poles or open braces.
"Nonconforming sign"
means a sign which was legally constructed and installed under regulations in effect before the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter or subsequent revisions, but which is now in conflict with the provisions of this chapter.
"Permanent sign"
means a sign constructed of durable materials and intended to exist for the duration of time that the use or occupant is located on the premises.
"Pole sign"
means a freestanding sign supported by one or more metal or wood posts, pipes, or other vertical supports.
"Portable sign"
means a sign that is not permanently affixed to a structure or the ground.
"Projecting sign"
means a sign, other than a wall sign, that is suspended from or supported by a structure and projecting outward.
"Property and parcel frontage"
means the front or frontage is that side of a parcel or development site adjoining a public street.
means on a sloping roof, the highest ridge line. On a flat roof, the top of the parapet.
"Roof sign"
means a sign constructed upon or over a roof, or placed so as to extend above the visible roof-line or parapet.
means any structure, device, display, figure, housing, message placard, painting, statuary, or other contrivance, or any part thereof, situated outdoors or indoors, which is designed, constructed, created, intended, or used to advertise, or to provide data or information in the nature of advertising, to direct, identify, or attract attention to a business, event, institution, location, object, organization, person, product, or service, by any means, including colors, designs, figures, fixtures, letters, illumination, projected images, symbols, or words.
"Sign area"
means the entire area within a perimeter defined by a continuous line composed of right angles which enclose the smallest square, rectangle, triangle, circle, or combination that would encompass the extreme limits of lettering, logo, trademark, or other graphic representation, together with any background forming an integral part of the display, but not including any supporting framework or bracing.
"Sign program"
means a coordinated plan for all signs for an individual structure or a group of structures.
"Sign structure"
means any structure which supports any sign.
"Snipe sign"
means a temporary flyer, poster, or sign affixed to a fence, mailbox, rock, tree, utility pole, wall, or other object not intended to support a sign.
"Street front or frontage"
means the distance along which a parcel line adjoins a public street, from one parcel line intersecting the street to the west distant parcel line intersecting the same street. For furthest purposes of this chapter, a development project containing more than one parcel along a street shall be considered to have only one street frontage on that street. Corner parcels have at least two street fronts. Subordinate building frontage means any frontage other than the dominant frontage.
"Suspended sign"
means a sign hung from the underside of marquees, pedestrian arcades, or covered walkways at ninety degrees to the building wall or storefront. A sign suspended under a pedestrian walkway or fascia which is parallel to the building wall shall be considered as a wall or fascia sign.
"Temporary sign"
means any sign intended to be displayed for a limited period of time, constructed of nonpermanent materials (canvas, cloth, paper, plastic fabric, wood, and similar materials) and capable of being viewed from any public right-of-way, parking area, or neighboring property.
"Vehicle sign"
means a sign which is attached to or painted on a vehicle which is parked or used in a manner visible to the public.
"Wall sign"
means a sign which is attached to the exterior wall of a structure with the display surface of the sign approximately parallel to the structure wall.
"Window sign"
means any sign posted, painted, placed, or affixed in or on any window exposed to public view. Also includes any interior sign which faces a window exposed to public view and is located within three feet of the window.
(Ord. 777 § 1, 2002; Ord. 1025 § 2, 2011)
Sign Permits Required. To ensure compliance with the regulations contained in this chapter, a sign permit shall be required in order to erect, move, alter, change copy on, or reconstruct any sign, outdoor advertising, or advertising structure except for signs exempt from permits listed in subsection B of this section.
Permits Not Required. Signs which do not require a permit but which are regulated by this section include:
Pole signs and wall signs on residential parcels;
Window signs in commercial zoning districts.
Application Requirements. The following information is required for a sign permit application:
A completed application form and fee;
Plans, to scale, to include the following:
Sign details indicating sign area, colors, dimensions, letter size, letter style, materials, proposed copy, and method of illumination,
A site plan indicating the location of all existing and proposed signs with sign area and dimensions for the entire project site,
Structure elevation(s) with proposed signs clearly depicted and dimensioned,
The method of attachment for wall signs, and a foundation plan, sign support, and method of attachment for freestanding and monument signs,
The type and method of illumination (interior/ exterior), intensity in lumens and watts, and electrical installation and insulation devices, where applicable,
Freestanding and monument sign applications shall include landscape plans and architectural materials descriptions, as well as indicate any traffic safety sight areas to ensure safe view of motorists and pedestrians, and
Other information as the director considers appropriate to determine compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
Approval of Sign Permits.
A sign permit for signs less than twenty square feet in area are subject to approval by the director; provided, the proposed sign is consistent with the purpose/intent and provisions of this chapter and the provisions of any approved sign program as required by Section 17.28.100 (Sign Program), below. In addition, review of the sign permit shall include consideration of size, shape, color, material, illumination, location, lettering and illustrations, and other elements of design as identified by the director. Staff may approve a sign between twenty and thirty square feet if it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the director that the sign substantially exceeds the minimum design requirements. In cases where superior design can not be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the director, the sign may be referred to the planning commission for final action.
If the proposed sign complies with all applicable regulations of this title and any applicable design guidelines, a sign permit shall be issued. If the proposed sign(s) can be brought into compliance by modifications, the permit shall be issued subject to conditions requiring the modifications. Otherwise, the application shall be disapproved.
The director shall refer sign permit applications for signs exceeding thirty square feet to the commission, unless the signs conform to an approved sign program.
Commissions Action. The commission shall hear and act upon sign permit and sign program applications as follows:
The commission shall approve a sign permit or sign program when in compliance with all the requirements and findings of this chapter; or
The commission shall disapprove a sign permit or sign program if not in full compliance with the requirements and findings of this chapter.
Appeals. In the case of sign permit or sign program application disapproval, the director or commission shall specify the provisions of this chapter with which the sign(s) is inconsistent. The applicant shall have the right to appeal the director's decision to the commission or to appeal the commission's decision to the council in compliance with Chapter 17.76. (Appeals).
(Ord. 777 § 1, 2002; Ord. 897, § 1, 2002; Ord. 1025 § 2, 2011)
Following a hearing, the commission shall record the decision to approve or disapprove a sign permit or sign program (see Section 17.28.100) subject to its review authority in writing and shall recite the findings upon which the decision is based. The commission may approve and/or modify a sign permit or sign program application in whole or in part, with or without conditions, only if all of the following findings are made:
The sign is one allowed within the subject zoning district and complies with all of the applicable provisions of this title;
The sign is restrained in size and design and, as an identification device, does not excessively compete for the publics attention and is the minimum amount of signage necessary to achieve the purposes of this chapter;
The sign color, height, materials, placement, shape, size, and texture are harmonious with the design of the structure, property, and neighborhood of which it is a part;
The signs illumination is at the lowest possible intensity, which ensures adequate identification and readability, and is directed solely at the sign or is internal to it; and
The sign is not detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, or welfare.
(Ord. 777 § 1, 2002)
The director shall have the authority to revoke a sign permit which has been granted in compliance with this chapter if it is found that any sign has been altered, erected, reconstructed, or is being maintained in a manner which is inconsistent with the circumstances of the sign approval.
(Ord. 777 § 1, 2002)
The following types of signs and objects shall be exempt from regulations identified in this chapter:
Direction, safety, or warning information signs required or authorized by law or by city, county, state, or federal authority including public utility signs;
City, county, state, or federal traffic control signs;
Holiday lights and decorations between Thanksgiving and January 5th; and
Official flags of the United States, the state of California counties, or municipalities, not exceeding eight feet long in its largest dimension. Flag pole location shall be subject to the approval of the director.
In the event of disruption of business activities caused by a natural disaster, full or partial street closure, or adjacent or nearby building or lot development, the director may grant an exemption of sign standards in this chapter. Upon application by an affected business owner, the director may grant an exemption of sign standards if the director finds that these exceptional circumstances may negatively impact the applicants business. Any approved exception shall be limited to a maximum of thirty days, however additional applications may be filed during the time of the particular impacting situation. The decision of the director may be appealed by the applicant directly to the city council subject to applicable provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 777 § 1, 2002; Ord. 805 § 1, 2002)
The following signs are inconsistent with the purpose of this chapter and are therefore prohibited:
Any sign not in compliance with the provisions of this chapter;
Abandoned signs and sign structures;
Animated, blinking, flashing, moving, reflecting, revolving, and similar signs;
Balloons or other inflatable signs;
Banner or pennant signs, except for temporary banners for new businesses, limited to forty-five days;
Bench and bus shelter signs;
Chalkboards, blackboards, sandwich boards, or A-frame signs;
Changeable copy signs either electronically or manually controlled;
Light bulb strings, except for use in residential areas, on trees, during winter holidays and except for some temporary uses (e.g., Christmas tree lots, carnivals and similar uses) subject to the approval of a temporary use permit, in compliance with Chapter 17.46;
Painted signs on fences or roofs;
Portable signs;
Roof signs;
Signs on public property or public rights-of-way, except for traffic regulatory, informational signs, or signs required by a governmental agency;
Signs in the traffic safety sight area which exceed three feet in height above the nearest street curb elevation;
Signs emitting audible sounds, odors, or visible matter;
Signs erected in a manner that any portion of its surface or supports interfere in any way with the free use of any fire escape, exit, or standpipe or obstructs any door, stairway, or window;
Signs painted on any surface except windows and glass doors, except as part of an approved sign program;
Signs which simulate in color or design a traffic sign or signal, or which uses characters, symbols, or words in a manner that may interfere with, mislead, or confuse pedestrian or vehicular traffic;
Signs which exceed the maximum number or dimensional requirements identified in this chapter;
Snipe signs;
Temporary signs, except as identified in Table 3-13 of Section 17.28.150 (Signs Allowed by Type of Development and Zoning District);
Vehicle signs over four square feet in area and/or in excess of one sign per vehicle side, not to exceed three signs per vehicle. Vehicle signs shall be allowed in front of the structure(s) after operating hours only if there is no opportunity to park the vehicle in the rear of the parcel and if the vehicle is parked a minimum distance of one hundred thirty feet from the nearest curb of the public right-of-way; and
Mobile billboards.
(Ord. 777 § 1, 2002; Ord. 1025 § 2, 2011)
Signs shall not be allowed in the public right-of-way except for the following:
Public signs erected by or on behalf of a governmental body to post legal notices, identify public property, and direct or regulate pedestrian or vehicular traffic;
Bus stop signs erected by a public transit company with prior approval of the city;
Informational signs of a public utility regarding its facilities, lines, pipes, or poles; and
Emergency warning signs erected by a governmental agency, a public utility company, or a contractor doing authorized or allowed work within the public right-of-way.
Any sign installed or placed on public property or right-of-way, except in compliance with this section, shall be subject to immediate removal and confiscation by the city.
(Ord. 777 § 1, 2002)
Sign Program Required. In order to ensure that all signs for individual structures or groups of structures are in harmony with other on-site signs, structures, and surrounding developments, a sign program shall be submitted to the department for approval by the applicable review authority identified in subsection F. For signs requiring a sign program, no permit shall be issued for an individual sign before approval by the review authority, in compliance with this chapter. The sign program is not intended to substitute dimensional requirements for those contained in Table 3-13 of Section 17.28.150 (Signs Allowed by Type of Development and Zoning District), except in the case of sign programs approved for commercial projects that qualify as large-scale planned commercial projects pursuant to subsection K.
Application Requirements. A sign program application shall consist of the following:
A copy of an approved development plan permit or conditional use permit or if an approved development plan permit or conditional use permit does not exist, a site plan showing the location of structures, parking areas, driveways, landscaped areas, and adjacent streets;
An accurate indication on the development plan or site plan of the location of each existing and proposed sign of any type whether requiring a permit or not;
Computation of the total number of signs, sign area for individual signs, total sign area, and height of signs for each existing and proposed sign type;
For each sign existing or proposed in the sign program, the following shall be specified:
The location of each sign on the structure(s) and property,
Sign dimensions,
Color scheme,
Lettering or graphic style,
Lighting, if any,
Materials, and
Landscape quantities, types, sizes, and planter area dimensions if signs are to be located within planter areas;
A materials board or sign sample that is an accurate representation of proposed colors, style, and sign material; and
Any supplemental information deemed necessary by the director.
Common Sign Program. If the owner(s) of two or more contiguous parcels (disregarding intervening streets and alleys) file with the director a common sign program conforming with all other provisions of this section, the director shall allow a ten percent increase in the maximum total sign area for the combined parcel area.
Other Provisions. The sign program may contain additional restrictions as the owner(s) of property within the sign program area may reasonably request to be approved by the review authority.
Consent. The sign program shall be signed by all property owners or their authorized representatives.
Procedures. A sign program shall be submitted to the director in compliance with a development plan permit approval and before approval of any sign permit.
All complete sign program applications for total signs greater than twenty square feet shall be referred to the commission for appropriate action based on the sign program's compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
Sign programs for one or more signs totaling twenty square feet or less may be approved by the director.
Existing Signs Not Conforming to Sign Program. If any new or amended sign program is submitted for a property on which existing signs are located, all existing signs not conforming to the proposed sign program shall be removed or made to conform with the sign program before the issuance of any sign permit within the program area.
Binding Effect. After approval of a sign program, no sign shall be altered, constructed, displayed, erected, installed, placed, or maintained except in compliance with the approved sign program. The sign program may be enforced in the same way as any provision of this chapter. In case of any conflict between the provisions of a sign program and any other provision of this title, this title shall prevail.
Approval of Sign Programs. A sign program shall be approved in compliance Section 17.28.040 (Sign permit review).
Revisions to Sign Programs.
Revision(s) to a sign program may be approved by the director if it is determined that the revision(s) is minor in nature and that the intent of the original approval, including any condition of the approved sign program, are not affected.
For any revision(s) which is determined to be significant by the director a new sign permit application shall be submitted to the department and approved by the applicable review authority.
Sign Programs for Large-Scale Planned Commercial Projects.
The exceptions provided in this subsection are applicable to comprehensively planned commercial projects greater than fifteen acres in size that feature superior architecture and landscaping, as determined by the city. Qualifying projects under this subsection are referred to herein as "large-scale planned commercial projects."
On-site signage for large-scale planned commercial projects may exceed the limits described in Table 3-13 of Section 17.28.150 (Signs Allowed by Type of Development and Zoning District). The quality of the signage shall be superior in design and construction quality, and appropriate in context and scale for the proposed application, as determined by the city.
Sign programs for large-scale planned commercial projects shall include a detailed written analysis for all signs that are proposed to exceed the requirements listed in Table 3-13 of Section 17.28.150 (Signs Allowed by Type of Development and Zoning District).
(Ord. 777 § 1, 2002; Ord. 1088 § 2, 2014)
Construction and Maintenance of Signs. All signs shall be constructed and maintained in compliance with the following standards:
Applicable provisions of the Uniform Building Code and all other applicable construction codes of the city;
Except for allowed banners, flags, and window signs in compliance with the requirements of this chapter, all signs shall be constructed of rigid and permanent materials and shall be permanently attached to the ground, or structure by direct attachment to a rigid frame, structure, or wall; and
All signs shall be maintained in good structural condition and appearance in compliance with any applicable conditions of approval, all applicable building and electrical codes, and this chapter.
Measurement of Sign Area.
Maximum Sign Area.
Monument, Pole, and Suspended Signs. The maximum sign area for monument, pole, and suspended signs shall be computed as the area of the surface(s) upon which the sign message is placed, but not including any supporting foundation or framework.
Wall, Fascia, Awning, and Window Signs. The maximum sign area for an individual wall, fascia, awning, or window sign shall be computed by means of the smallest square, rectangle, triangle, circle, or combination thereof, that would encompass the extreme limits of the writing, representation, emblem, or other display, together with any material or color forming an integral part of the background of the message or display or otherwise used to differentiate the sign from the backdrop or structure against which it is placed, but not including any supporting bracing or framework.
Two sided or Multi-Faced Signs. The maximum sign area for a two sided or multi-faced sign shall be computed by adding together the area of all sign faces, as described above, visible from any one point while standing on the ground. When two sign faces are placed back to back, so that both faces cannot be viewed from any point at the sane time, and when the sign faces are part of the same sign structure, the sign area shall be computed by the measurement of only one of the faces.
Maximum Height.
Monument and Pole Signs. The maximum height for freestanding monument or pole signs shall be measured as the distance from the base of the sign support at average finished grade to the top of the highest component of the sign.
Wall, Fascia, Awning, Suspended and Window Signs. The maximum height of wall, fascia, awning, suspended, and window signs is specified in terms of distance above finished grade to the top of any letter, logo, or other display; or the greatest vertical dimension of letters, logo, or other display; or a combination of both of the above.
Multiple Lines of Lettering. Where multiple lines of lettering are used, the maximum height of sign lettering is measured by the combined vertical dimension of letters from the top of the highest letter in the top line to the bottom of the lowest letter in the bottom line.
Maximum Length. The maximum length of awning or suspended signs shall be measured along the line of writing, logo, or other display.
(Ord. 777 § 1, 2002)
Address signs shall be required as condition of approval for a sign permit, sign program, or development plan permit or conditional use permit for the same addressed property.
The required address sign shall be illuminated and consist of numbers at least six inches, but not more than eight inches, in height.
The area of the required address sign shall not be included in the calculation of allowable sign area for other signs on the property.
The location, color, style, lighting, and materials of address signs shall be reviewed by the director for their effect on the provision of emergency services, traffic safety, and for their consistency with any applicable sign program.
(Ord. 777 § 1, 2002)
Relationship to Structures. All signs shall be compatible with the predominant visual elements of the on-site structure(s), including construction materials, color, or other design features. Signs in commercial centers, offices, and other similar facilities shall be part of a sign program in compliance with the provisions of this chapter, and shall provide a compatible visual design common in theme to all applicable uses and structures.
Relationship to Other Signs. Where there is more than one sign, all signs shall be complementary to each other in the following manner:
Type of construction materials (cabinet, sign copy, supports, etc.);
Letter size, color, and style of copy;
Method used for supporting sign (wall or ground base);
Shape of signs and related components; and
Method of illumination.
Landscaping. Each monument sign shall be located within a planted landscaped area which is of a shape and design that would provide a compatible setting and ground definition to the sign, incorporating a ratio of landscape area to total sign area of four square feet of landscaped area for each square foot of sign area.
Relationship to Streets. All signs shall be designed to provide an unobstructed clear view of the public right-of-way to any pedestrian, bicyclist, or motor vehicle driver. As additional safety and design measures along public streets, only one monument sign shall be allowed for each driveway entrance.
Illuminated Signs. Internally illuminated signs are prohibited on residential parcels and in the interior of residential subdivisions. The method of sign illumination along the exterior of residential subdivisions and in nonresidential developments shall be reviewed as part of the sign permit or Sign Program process.
Letter Height for Fascia and Wall.
The allowable height of letters, numbers, or logos on fascia or wall signs in commercial zoning districts shall be determined by the following factors:
Distance from the front street to the sign;
Compatibility with surrounding signs;
Relationship to the structure wall height or fascia height; and
Relationship to the length of the sign.
The maximum letter height and area for fascia and wall signs shall be as follows:
Signs which are less than two hundred feet from the street right-of-way shall be allowed a maximum of eighteen-inch high letters and forty square feet of area;
Signs which are more than two hundred feet but less than two hundred eighty feet from the street right-of-way shall be allowed a maximum of twenty-inch high letters and forty-five square feet of area;
Signs which are more than two hundred eighty feet but less than three hundred sixty feet from the street right-of-way shall be allowed a maximum of twenty-two-inch high letters and fifty square feet of area and;
Signs which are more than three hundred sixty feet from the street right-of-way shall be allowed a maximum of twenty-four-inch high letters and fifty-five square feet of area.
(Ord. 777 § 1, 2002)
The use of neon (exposed gaseous light tubing) shall be allowed in commercial zoning districts only. Any use of neon requires the approval of a sign permit in compliance with Section 17.28.040. In addition, the following requirements shall apply:
Neon signs and linear tubing shall be UL (Underwriters Laboratories) listed with a maximum twenty amps for each circuit;
The neon manufacturer shall be registered with Underwriters Laboratories;
Neon tubing shall not exceed one-half inch in diameter;
Neon lighting shall not be allowed adjacent to residential uses;
Neon tubing shall not be combined with any reflective materials (e.g., mirrors, polished metal, highly glazed tiles, or other similar materials); and
When used as an architectural element, neon tubing shall be used only to reinforce specific architectural elements of the structure and shall be concealed from view through the use of cornices, ledges, parapets, or similar devices.
(Ord. 777 § 1, 2002)
Table 3-13 provides a listing of all signs allowed for each type of development and corresponding zoning districts. In addition to the type of sign allowed, Table 3-13 provides the location, maximum number, maximum sign area or length, and the maximum height of allowable signs. The last column of Table 3-13 indicates the type of sign permit required, if any. The table reads from left to right, from the Type of Development and Zoning District column.
TABLE 3-13
Type of Development and Zoning District
Type of Sign
Maximum Number
Maximum Sign Area or Length
Maximum Height
Permit Required
Residential lots less than 2 acres; all residential zones.
Anywhere on the lot
3 sq. ft. for one sign; 4 sq. ft. total for two signs
3′ above grade
Wall, door
5′ above grade
Residential lots 2 acres or more; all residential zones.
Pole, monument
Anywhere on the lot
4 sq. ft. for one sign; 6 sq. ft. total for two signs
4′ above grade
Permit required for monument signs only
Wall, door
5′ above grade
Residential subdivisions, neighborhoods and mobile home parks; all residential zones.
Entrance median island
1 per median or 1 per wall facing entry
30 sq. ft. monument sign
5′ above grade
Entry wall
15 sq. ft. for each wall or monument sign
5′ above grade
Wall or monument
Street corner of subdivision
1 per corner maximum 4
Commercial and office centers; all commercial zones.
Primary driveway entrance
1 per street frontage
50 sq. ft.
5′ above grade
Part of a sign program
Parkway (not in the right-of-way) no closer than 200 ft. from any other freestanding sign
1 per street frontage
12 sq. ft.
3′ above grade
Part of a sign program
Monument or wall
Next to pedestrian entrances in multitenant buildings
1 per entrance
20 sq. ft.
5′ above grade; 6′ letters
Underside of walkway overhangs; 90º to store or office wall
1 per retail business
5′ length
8″ letters with a minimum 8′ clearance
Commercial and office centers; all developed and underdeveloped commercial zones.
Temporary/ Freestanding
Parkway, but no closer than 10 feet behind curb and at least 30 feet from a side street or driveway
1 per street frontage
10 acres or less = 20 sq. ft.
7′ above grade
More than 10 acres = 32 sq. ft.
8′ above grade
Commercial and office centers; freestanding commercial buildings; all commercial zones.
Wall or fascia
Below roof line (wall sign); centered on fascia (fascia sign)
One wall or fascia sign per business; or two wall or fascia signs per business for corner stores or freestanding buildings
40 sq. ft.; 45 sq. ft. when located more than 200′ from the street right-of way; 50 sq. ft. when set back more than 250′ from the street.
18′ above grade; letter height criteria in Section 17.28.130
Part of a sign program
Commercial centers; freestanding commercial buildings.
Over doors or windows
1 awning or canopy per retail business
12′ length
12′ above grade; 10″ letters 8′ clear
Part of a sign program
Applied or hung inside of window and flush with the window facing a public street and/or common parking area
No maximum
25% of each set of windows along each side of building facing a public street or common parking area
First floor only
None. Fluorescent color paint is not permanent
Attached to the building or existing monument sign at the business location
1 per retail business
30 sq. ft.
18′ above grade
None. Limited to 45 days maximum. A city business license must first be secured
Freestanding commercial buildings;
Primary driveway entrance
1 per street frontage
50 sq. ft.
5′ above grade
Part of a sign program
Resort hotels; resort hotel zone.
Entrance median island
1 per median
50 sq. ft.
5′ above grade
Part of a sign program
Entry wall
1 per wall facing entry
15 sq. ft. for each wall sign
4′ above grade
Location, number and dimensions of awnings to be determined as part of a sign
Resort hotels and commercial centers; resort hotel and commercial planned zones.
Banner and direction sign
Location, number and dimensions of banners and directional signs to be determined as pa
Undeveloped residential property 4 acres or more.
Anywhere on the lot
1 per street frontage
12 sq. ft.
5′ above grade
All commercial zones directional signs.
To be determined by sign program
9 sq. ft.
3′ above grade
Part of a sign program
4 sq. ft.
Subject to Specific Plan standards
Public buildings, schools and churches; residential and public facilities zone.
Below roofline
1 per public entrance
15 sq. ft.
12′ above grade; 12″ letters
Part of a sign program
Primary driveway entrance
1 per street frontage
30 sq. ft.
5′ above grade
(Ord. 777 § 1, 2002; Ord. 1025 § 2, 2011)
Abatement of Nonconforming Signs. All nonconforming signs in existence at the time of adoption of this chapter shall be brought into compliance in one of the following ways:
Any additional development, which expands or intensifies the use of the property, relocation or expansion of a sign, change of use, or change of sign copy, on the same parcel or leasehold as the nonconforming sign shall require that all signs on that parcel or leasehold shall be brought into compliance with this chapter;
All preexisting nonconforming pole signs less than thirty-two square feet in area which are not the primary sign on developed property and, animated signs, chalkboards, balloons, banners, beacons, blackboards, pennants, portable signs, sandwich boards, snipe signs, temporary signs, windblown devices, and window signs shall be removed or otherwise brought into compliance with this chapter within thirty days after the sign owner's receipt of a registered or certified written notice from the city which declares the sign(s) to be in violation of this chapter;
All preexisting nonconforming pole signs over thirty-two square feet in area which are not the primary sign on developed property, and awnings, canopies, fascia signs, monument signs, suspended signs, wall signs, and all other nonconforming signs not specified in subparagraph 2, above shall be removed or otherwise brought into compliance with this chapter within one year after the sign owner's receipt of a registered or certified written notice from the city which declares the sign(s) to be in violation of this chapter;
As an alternative to the standard thirty-day and one year abatement periods provided in subparagraphs 2 and 3, above, a longer abatement period up to a maximum of three years may be provided as part of an Agreement to Abate between the city and the owner of the nonconforming sign, subject to all other conditions contained in the agreement; and
All illegal signs in the public right-of-way or on public property in existence at the time of the adoption of this chapter, or placed or installed any time thereafter may be immediately removed by the city without prior notice. The city shall make a reasonable attempt to notify the owner of the confiscated sign after its removal. Recovery of the confiscated sign shall be in compliance with Section 17.28.160(F) (Remedies and Penalties).
Abandoned Signs. A sign which identifies a business, lessor, owner, product, service, or activity which has been discontinued or removed from the premises for a period of ninety days or more is deemed to be abandoned and shall be removed immediately by the property owner or caused to be removed by the city.
Violations. Any of the following shall be a violation of this chapter and shall be subject to the enforcement remedies and penalties contained in Chapter 17.80.
To install, create, erect, or maintain any sign in a manner that is inconsistent with any plan or permit governing the sign(s) or the parcel on which the sign is located.
To install, create, erect, or maintain any sign without a required a sign permit.
For failing to remove any sign that is installed, created, erected, or maintained in violation of this chapter.
To continue a violation.
Each sign installed, created, erected, or maintained in violation of this chapter shall be considered a separate violation when applying the penalty portions of this chapter.
Removal of Prohibited Signs. Except as provided in Section 17.28.160(A) (Abatement of nonconforming signs), above, the director may remove or cause the removal of any fixed, permanent sign constructed, placed, or maintained in violation of this chapter, after fifteen days following the date of receipt of a registered or certified written notice to remove by the owner of the sign, if known, at the last known address or to the owner of the property as shown on the latest assessment roll, or to the occupant of the property at the property address.
The director may remove or cause to have removed the following portable or temporary signs, placed or maintained in violation of this chapter, after one day following a written notice to remove the signs and the sign owners failure to comply with the notice: balloons or other inflatable signs; blackboards, chalkboards, sandwich boards or A-frame signs; pennants; banners; signs in the traffic safety area which exceed three feet in height; snipe signs, and windblown devices.
Verification of Valid Sign Permit. The director shall maintain a permanent record of each sign permit issued. The owner of a sign shall be required to possess the appropriate permit at all times on the property and to produce for inspection the permit upon request by the director. Failure to produce a valid sign permit upon request shall be considered a violation of this chapter.
Remedies and Penalties.
Signs removed by the director in compliance with this chapter shall be stored for a period of thirty days, during which time they may be recovered by the owner upon payment to the city for costs of removal and storage. If not recovered before expiration of the thirty-day period, the sign and its supporting structure shall be deemed abandoned and become property of the city. The cost of removal and disposal shall be billed to the owner.
The city shall charge double the normal permit fee for signs initially erected without a required permit. The double permit fee shall be collected at the time of permit issuance for any subsequent sign on the same property.
Before the initiation of any sign enforcement activities by the city, a written appeal of any interpretation of this chapter may be filed in compliance with Chapter 17.76 (Appeals).
After the receipt of a city notice to abate a violation of this chapter, the sign owner may appeal the determination of the existence of a violation in compliance with Municipal Code Title 14.
(Ord. 777 § 1, 2002)
All uses shall be subject to the applicable provisions of this title, including the procedures identified in the following chapters:
17.48 Conditional Use Permits
17.42 Development Plan Permits
17.24 Landscaping Standards
17.50 Minor Variances
17.26 Parking and Loading Standards
17.28 Signs
17.46 Temporary Use Permits
17.52 Variances.
(Ord. 777 § 1, 2002)