The purpose of this chapter is to provide procedures for initiating and processing proposed amendments to the city's general plan map and zoning map and any specific plan map.
The purpose of this chapter is also to provide procedures for initiating and processing proposed general plan, specific plan and Title 17 text amendments submitted concurrently with an application for a statutory development agreement, subdivision map, a preliminary development permit or a conditional use permit ("entitlement application").
(Ord. 889 § 2, 2004)
An eligible applicant, as defined in Section 17.36.040, subsection B, may apply for a general plan map, zoning map and specific plan map amendment pursuant to this chapter.
An eligible applicant, as defined in Section 17.36.040, subsection B, may apply for an amendment to the text of Title 17, the city's general plan, or any specific plan provided that the proposed text amendment is concurrently submitted to the city with an entitlement application.
A proposal to amend the text of Title 17, the city's general plan, or any specific plan unaccompanied by a concurrently entitlement application may only be submitted pursuant to the provisions set forth in Chapter 17.73.
Nothing in this chapter is intended to limit, modify or eliminate the voters' initiative rights as set forth in California Elections Code Sections 9200, et seq.
Nothing in this chapter is intended to limit, modify or eliminate the city council's or planning division's right and privilege to initiate and process amendments to the city's general plan map or zoning map or any specific plan.
(Ord. 889 § 2, 2004)
An application for any proposed map or text amendment submitted by an eligible applicant pursuant to this chapter shall be filed in compliance with Chapter 17.36.
(Ord. 889 § 2, 2004)
If the proposed map or text amendment initiated under this chapter requires the preparation of an ordinance, such ordinance shall be prepared in conformance with Chapter 1.04.
The city attorney shall prepare an independent written staff report to the planning commission and city council for each of their respective meetings, at which the proposed amendment will be considered, that addresses whether the city has the authority to adopt the proposed amendment, whether the proposed amendment is constitutionally valid under the state and federal constitutions, and whether the proposed amendment is consistent with the general powers and purposes of the city, the city's charter, ordinances approved by the voters, and any applicable federal and/or state laws.
(Ord. 889 § 2, 2004)
All proposed map amendments with or without concurrently submitted entitlement applications shall be subject to the public hearing requirements set forth in Chapter 17.74.
All proposed text amendments submitted pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to the public hearing requirements set forth in Chapter 17.74.
(Ord. 889 § 2, 2004)
All proposed map and text amendments submitted pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to environmental review in accordance with all applicable local, state and federal rules and regulations.
(Ord. 889 § 2, 2004)
All proposed map and text amendments submitted pursuant to this chapter shall be submitted to the planning commission for its review and consideration after which it shall prepare a written recommendation to the city council.
(Ord. 889 § 2, 2004)
Upon receipt of the planning commission's recommendation as set forth in Section 17.72.070, the city council may:
Reject the proposed map or text amendment with or without prejudice;
Approve the proposed map or text amendment with modifications;
Approve the proposed map or text amendment as recommended;
Remand the matter back to the planning commission with instructions;
Refer the proposed map or text amendment to an advisory body or city council subcommittee for further review and input as deemed necessary and appropriate by the city council; or
Take whatever other legal action deemed appropriate by the city council.
If the city council approves the proposed text or map amendment with any substantive modification that was not previously considered by the planning commission during its consideration of the proposed text and/or map amendment, the proposed modification shall be referred by the city council to the planning commission for its review and recommendation. The planning commission shall not be required to conduct a public hearing to consider any such proposed modification unless otherwise provided by any applicable state or federal law. Failure of the planning commission to submit a recommendation to the city council on the proposed modification within twenty days after the subject referral was made shall be deemed a recommendation for approval of the proposed modification.
(Ord. 889 § 2, 2004)
Notwithstanding any section set forth in this chapter, the planning commission may, prior to formally considering the merits of any associated entitlement application, refer any proposed text amendment initiated pursuant to this chapter to the city council separately and independently from the entitlement applications for the city council's review and recommendation on the policy aspects of the proposed text amendment.
The city council shall only be permitted to provide a non-binding recommendation, if it so chooses, to the planning commission on any proposed text amendment referred to the city council pursuant to this section. In no case shall the city council be permitted to render any final determination on the merits of the associated entitlement applications when its review is being sought by the planning commission pursuant to this Section 17.72.090.
All proposed text amendments referred to the city council pursuant to this Section 17.72.090 shall be placed on the next available city council agenda following the planning commission meeting at which the matter was referred to the city council, provided that all applicable public meeting and/or public hearing notice requirements can be met prior to said meeting.
(Ord. 889 § 2, 2004)