Fees charged by the city secretary's office for certified copies of death certificates and birth certificates shall be as authorized by V.T.C.A., Health and Safety Code § 191.0045(d), plus a $1.00 preservation fee as authorized by Health and Safety Code § 191.0045(h) or, if greater, as may otherwise be authorized for a municipality, it being the intent of this section that such fees shall automatically increase as applicable with any amendment to state law providing for such fees.
(1966 Code, § 2-10; Ordinance 2003-65, § 1, adopted 9/22/2003; Ordinance 2006-013, § 5, adopted 10/9/2006)
All papers, correspondence, memoranda, accounts, reports, maps, plans, photographs, sound and video recordings, files, microfilm, magnetic or paper tapes, punch cards or other documents, regardless of physical form or characteristic, which have been or shall be created, received, filed or recorded by any city office or department or its lawful successor, or officials thereof in pursuance of all ordinances, or in the conduct, transaction or performance of any business, duty or function of public business, whether or not confidential or restricted in use, are hereby declared to be public records of the city and shall be created, maintained and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of this article or procedures authorized by this article, unless provided for in other codes or chapters of this Code. Library and museum materials acquired solely for reference, exhibit or display and stocks of publications shall not constitute records for purposes of this article.
(1966 Code, § 2-120)
The city secretary's office shall be the office of records management, and shall be responsible for administering records management and for citywide files management and the direction and control of the city's records disposition program. The city secretary as records manager shall report to and be responsible to the city manager. The records manager shall be responsible for providing efficient, economical and effective control over the creation, distribution, organization, maintenance and use and disposition of all city records through a comprehensive system of integrated procedures for the management of records from their creation to their ultimate disposition. The records manager shall be responsible for formulating policies and procedures relating to the carrying out of the duties as aforesaid.
The city manager is hereby authorized to name and appoint a specific person to be the records management officer from time to time at the discretion of the city manager, and upon so naming and appointing a specific person to be designated records management officer for the city, the city manager will cause the designation of the records management officer to be entered on the minutes of the board of commissioners and thereafter to notify the director and librarian of the state library of such designation within 30 days after the date of designation as required under V.T.C.A., Local Government Code § 203.025.
The records management officer shall be responsible for carrying out all the requirements of Chapter 203, Management and Preservation of Records, Subchapter B, All Other Local Government Offices, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code § 203.021 et seq., which pertain to the responsibilities of the local records management officer as such requirements presently exist or as may be amended.
All custodians of records in the city shall comply with the provisions of V.T.C.A., Local Government Code § 203.022 relating to the duties and responsibilities of custodians of governmental records. To that end the city manager is hereby authorized to issue standard operating procedures to the various departments for the purposes of carrying out the policies and procedures of the city for the efficient and economic management of records and meeting the provisions of state statutes relating thereto. The records manager shall designate specific custodians of records for each department of the city.
(1966 Code, § 2-121)
Retention periods to be included in records schedules shall be submitted by the records manager to the city manager's office and the city attorney, who shall notify the records manager within ten working days of their approval or of any objection to a retention period. At the expiration of the ten-day period, if no objection has been submitted, the records schedule shall be final and shall have full force as sufficient authorization for records destruction or other action. If an objection is made, the records manager shall determine a retention period satisfactory to the city manager and to the city attorney. Copies of records retention schedules shall be submitted to the board of commissioners at least ten days prior to the next regularly scheduled board of commissioners meeting for the purposes of general review by the board of commissioners. Should any commissioner have any objection to any record retention schedule, then such commissioner shall cause the city manager to place such item on the agenda for review prior to the adoption by the records manager.
Records retention and disposition schedules adopted under this section shall thenceforth constitute full authority to the records manager or department head to destroy, transfer, microphotograph or take other actions, and the board of commissioners hereby directs that such action be taken by the records manager or under its supervision. The records manager shall notify the state librarian of intended destruction, as required by law, but no further notice to the board of commissioners or other city office shall be required.
Revision of retention periods shall be submitted for review to the city manager, city attorney and to the board of commissioners in the same manner as the original retention periods.
The delineation of the records as defined in section 2-351 shall in no way amend the right of the public to have access to public records as provided for under state law nor shall the delineation of the definition of public records as provided for in this article or any other provisions relating to this article enlarge or otherwise make available to the public documents which are not disclosable under the requirements under state law.
The records management officer for the city shall prepare and file with the director and librarian of the state a records control schedule as promulgated under this article, establishing the records retention period as required under V.T.C.A., Local Government Code § 203.042. All custodians of records in the city shall cooperate with the office of records management for the purposes of ensuring that the provisions of this article and V.T.C.A., Local Government Code § 203.041 are adhered to.
(1966 Code, § 2-122)
The records manager shall develop a procedure to ensure the permanent preservation of the historically valuable records of the city. The records manager shall provide housing for records no longer required in the conduct of current business by any office of the city, and such records shall be promptly transferred to the records center or to the storage facilities or archives of the state library or to be destroyed, whichever is applicable, at the time such action is designated on an approved records schedule.
(1966 Code, § 2-123)
A centralized microfilm program shall be implemented by the records manager to serve all city offices and departments. No office or department with the exception of the police department shall operate a separate microfilm program without the express consent of the city manager. Microfilm use for archival or security purposes, as provided in this section, must meet the technical standards for quality, density or resolution and definition of the American National Standards Institute (formerly the United States of America Standards Institute) as required by law. The public is hereby given identical access to records on microfilm as to which they would be entitled under law for records in any other medium.
The records management officer is hereby directed and authorized to comply with the provisions of V.T.C.A., Local Government Code ch. 204 as it presently exists or as may be amended in relationship to microfilming of city records. The city manager, along with the records management officer, is hereby authorized to promulgate standard operating procedures for the purposes of establishing the microfilming program in accordance with this section and V.T.C.A., Local Government Code ch. 204. A schedule of the specific classification of records which will be microfilmed will be prepared by the records management officer and city manager and presented to the board of commissioners for its review and approval.
(1966 Code, § 2-124)