In accordance with the provisions of the city Charter and applicable state law, there is hereby created the municipal court of record in the City of McAllen, Texas. The municipal court of record shall be comprised of as many divisions as the city commission deems necessary.
The court shall have no term and may sit at any time for the transaction of business of the court. Where the term "municipal court" is used in this Code of Ordinances, it shall mean the municipal court of record in the City of McAllen, Texas, created under this chapter. Any provision of the city Charter, city ordinances, or state law that is applicable to a municipal court shall be applicable to the municipal court of record created herein, unless the provision is in conflict or inconsistent with V.C.T.A. Government Code, chs. 29 or 30, as amended, which governs the municipal courts of record.
(1966 Code, § 12-1; Ordinance 2022-96, § I, adopted 8/22/2022)
The municipal court of record shall have jurisdiction within the city with the power to hear and determine all cases of violation of this Code, the ordinances of the city, and all other cases of which the municipal courts are given jurisdiction by the Charter and state law.
The municipal court of record shall also have:
Concurrent jurisdiction with a justice court in any precinct in which the municipality is located in criminal cases that arise within the territorial limits of the city and are punishable by fine only;
Civil jurisdiction for the purpose of enforcing municipal ordinances enacted under V.T.C.A. Local Government Code, subch. A, ch. 214, or V.T.C.A. Transportation Code, subch. E, ch. 683, as amended;
Concurrent jurisdiction with a district court or a county court at law under V.T.C.A. Local Government Code, subch. B, ch. 54, within the City of McAllen's territorial limits and property owned by the municipality located in the municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction for the purpose of enforcing health and safety and nuisance abatement ordinances; and
Authority to issue:
Search warrants for the purpose of investigating a health and safety or nuisance abatement ordinance violation; and
Seizure warrants for the purpose of securing, removing, or demolishing the offending property and removing the debris from the premises.
(1966 Code, § 12-2; Ordinance 2022-96, § I, adopted 8/22/2022)
The municipal court of record is presided over by the presiding municipal judge who shall be appointed by the city commission by ordinance for a term of four years and who must at minimum be: a resident of this state; a citizen of the United States; an attorney licensed in the State of Texas and in good standing with the State Bar of Texas; and have two or more years of experience in the practice of law in Texas.
The municipal court judge appointed by the board of commissioners shall be known as the "presiding judge." Any alternate municipal court judge appointed under the city Charter shall be known as and serve as an "associate municipal judge." Associate municipal judges shall meet the same qualifications as the presiding municipal judge.
The presiding judge and associate municipal judges appointed hereunder are entitled to receive compensation and other benefits as set by the city commission.
The compensation of the presiding judge and associate municipal judges may not be diminished during the term of office and may not be based directly or indirectly on fines, fees, or costs collected by the court.
A judge of the municipal court of record may be removed from office at any time by the city commission for any reason and by the procedures provided by the city Charter or as provided by section 1-a, Article V, Texas Constitution, or by the procedure provided for the removal of members of a municipal governing body in V.T.C.A. Local Government Code, subch. B, ch. 21.
If a vacancy occurs in the office of the presiding judge or associate municipal judge, the city commission shall appoint a qualified person to fill the office for the remainder of the unexpired term.
The presiding judge and any associate municipal judge, prior to taking office, shall take the requisite oath of office required by the constitution and state law to be taken by the mayor.
The presiding judge may assign an associate municipal judge to act for the presiding judge who is temporarily unable to act for any reason. An associate municipal judge has all of the powers and duties of the office of presiding judge while acting for the presiding judge.
The presiding judge and the associate municipal judges have all other powers and duties assigned to a municipal judge by the city Charter, other city ordinance, V.T.C.A. Government Code, chs. 29 and 30, Chapter 45 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, or other state law.
The presiding judge and associate municipal judges may grant writs of mandamus, attachment, or other writs necessary to the enforcement of a jurisdiction of the court and may issue writs of habeas corpus in cases in which the offense charged is within the jurisdiction of the court. A municipal judge is a magistrate and may issue administrative search warrants.
An acceptance of an appointment to serve as either the presiding judge or an associate municipal judge by an elected official of the McAllen City Commission or McAllen Public Utility Board of Trustees shall be considered an immediate and automatic resignation from their elected office.
(1966 Code, §§ 12-3, 12-4; Ordinance 2022-96, § I, adopted 8/22/2022)
There is hereby created by the board of commissioners the office and position of the municipal court clerk and municipal court deputy clerks of the municipal court of record, who shall be appointed by the presiding judge of the municipal court. The municipal court clerk shall be known as the court administrator. The court administrator and other court personnel perform their duties under the direction and control of the presiding judge. The board of commissioners may provide deputy clerks, warrant officers, and other personnel as needed for the proper operation of the courts.
Powers and duties.
The clerk, and the deputy clerks, of the court shall perform all the duties and have all the powers bestowed upon the clerks of municipal courts by state law and by the city Charter. The clerk or a deputy clerk shall keep and preserve the records of the municipal court of record, issue process, and generally perform the duties that a clerk of a county court exercising criminal jurisdiction is required by law to perform for that court. The clerk shall also maintain an index of all court judgments in the same manner as county clerks are required by law to prepare for criminal cases arising in county courts.
(1966 Code, § 12-5; Ordinance 2022-96, § I, adopted 8/22/2022)
The city attorney shall be the prosecuting attorney for the municipal court.
(1966 Code, § 12-6)
The municipal court shall meet on each Monday morning at the McAllen Public Safety Building, and shall remain in session for one week.
(1966 Code, § 12-7)
The municipal court shall have a seal with a star of five points in the center and the words "Municipal Court in McAllen, Texas."
(1966 Code, § 12-8)
The rules of practice and procedure as prescribed by state law governing trials in the state justice of the peace courts shall govern the procedure and practice of the municipal court; and the board of commissioners may prescribe such additional rules of practice and procedure as may not be inconsistent with state law.
(1966 Code, § 12-10)
The chief of police, or his assistant in charge of police headquarters, is hereby authorized to allow and fix the amount of bonds in accordance with state law, for any person who has been arrested and brought to the city police station, charged and accused with the commission of a misdemeanor. Such officer shall fix and set such bonds in such sum as will tend to ensure the appearance of the accused at the next call of the docket of the municipal court or at such time as may be agreed upon and determined.
(1966 Code, § 12-11)
Any bond may be in writing, signed by one or more sureties and in statutory form, or may be in cash deposited with the police department, to be returned to the accused upon disposal of the charge against him, under terms and conditions entitling him to return thereof, or to be turned over to the judge of the municipal court.
(1966 Code, § 12-12)
At the time any cash bond is deposited, there shall be issued to the party so depositing such cash bond a receipt therefor, which receipt shall be returned to the department or judge of the municipal court whenever such money is returned to the accused or his bondsman; provided, however, the city shall have a first lien on such money for any fine and/or costs assessed against the accused or principal for whom such deposit was deposited. Such receipt shall be in the manner and form as prescribed by the municipal court judge of the city.
(1966 Code, § 12-13)
At the time the cash bond is deposited with the police department, the accused shall likewise sign and deliver to such department, or some police officer therewith, an agreement in writing to the effect that he will appear in the municipal court on a day certain, at the time set out in such agreement, for trial of the offense with which he may be charged in such court, and that in the event he fails to appear to answer such charge, judgment may be entered on the minutes of such court, without notice or service of citation, declaring such cash bond forfeited to the city. When such cash bond shall have been declared so forfeited, such cash bond shall be paid over to the city secretary by the judge or the police department.
The written agreement provided for in subsection (a) of this section shall read substantially as follows:
I, the undersigned, having this day deposited the sum of $__________ as cash bail bond with the City of McAllen, Texas, on the _______ day of ___________, 20______, to answer a complaint charging me with a misdemeanor, to wit: the said court may, by an order or a judgment, without further notice to me of any kind, forfeit the cash bail deposited in my behalf as principal or enter a plea of nolo contendere to said complaint and apply said cash bail bond toward the payment of any fine and costs assessed against me.
Name of Party Charged
(1966 Code, § 12-14)
Any person who may be charged with a misdemeanor in the municipal court, when he does not or cannot make personal appearance to make a plea in such case, and when he desires to plead guilty to such charge, may, within the discretion of the judge of such court, by an instrument in writing, addressed to the court, plead guilty, and/or cause a plea of guilty to be entered in his behalf. After such plea of guilty has been accepted and entered by the court, the court shall render judgment on such plea and enter a fine or penalty for such violation as charged against the defendant.
(1966 Code, § 12-15)
All pleas of guilty on behalf of any defendant, entered or accepted by the court during the absence from the court of the defendant, shall be by attorney duly representing such defendant or pursuant to an instrument in writing, substantially in the following form:
To the judge of the municipal court of the City of McAllen, Texas, I hereby plead guilty to, and authorize this court to enter a plea of guilty in my behalf, to the offense of misdemeanor, to wit:
with which I am charged before said court. I further authorize said court to apply any cash bond money heretofore deposited by me towards the payment of said fine and costs assessed against me.
(1966 Code, § 12-16)
Municipal court building security fund.
There is hereby created a municipal court building security fund. The McAllen Municipal Court Clerk shall deposit the court costs collected under (b) below into such fund. Such fund shall only be used to pay for those items otherwise authorized under city budget process and as set out under Art. 102.017(d), Code of Criminal Procedures.
A defendant convicted of a misdemeanor offense in municipal court shall pay a $3.00 security fee as an additional cost of court. A person is considered to be convicted if:
A sentence is imposed;
The person receives community supervision including deferred adjudication; or
The court defers final disposition of the case.
Municipal court technology fund.
There is hereby created a municipal court technology fund. The McAllen Municipal Court Clerk shall deposit the court costs collected under this subsection into such fund. Such fund shall only be used to pay for those items otherwise authorized under City budget process and as set out under Art. 102.0172 of the Code of Criminal Procedures.
A defendant convicted of a misdemeanor offense in municipal court shall pay a $4.00 technology fee as an additional cost of court. A person is considered to be convicted if:
A sentence is imposed;
The person receives community supervision including deferred adjudication; or
The court defers final disposition of the case.
(1966 Code, § 12-17; Ordinance 1999-44, § 1, adopted 4/26/1999[1]; Ordinance 1999-82, § 1, adopted 9/28/1999; Ordinance 2001-39, § 1, adopted 6/11/2001)
Editor's note—This ordinance also repealed former § 34-15, which pertained to fees to be paid to peace officers.
There is hereby created the warrant office for the city, which office shall be comprised of the chief warrant officer and one or more deputy warrant officers as determined by the chief of police. The positions shall be staffed by city police officers and shall be under the direction and control of the chief of police. The chief warrant officer shall, in person or by deputy, promptly and faithfully execute all writs and processes issued from the municipal court and carry out all orders and requests from the municipal court judge.
(1966 Code, § 12-18)
Upon request of the judge or upon written request of one of the parties to a trial, proceedings of the municipal court of record, limited to trial testimony and hearings on motions before the court, shall be recorded. Court proceedings shall be recorded by a good quality electronic recording device. A court reporter is not required to be present to certify the reporter's record. The recording shall be kept for the 20-day period beginning the day after the last day of the court proceeding, trial, or denial of motion for new trial, whichever occurs last. If a case is appealed, the proceedings shall be transcribed from the recording by an official court reporter.
(Ordinance 2022-96, § I, adopted 8/22/2022)
A defendant has the right of appeal from a judgment or conviction in the municipal court of record. The state has the right to an appeal as provided by Article 44.01, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, as amended.
The appellate court shall determine each appeal from a municipal court of record conviction and each appeal from the state on the basis of the errors that are set forth in the appellant's motion and that are presented in the clerk's record and reporter's record, if any, prepared from the proceedings leading to the conviction or appeal. An appeal from the municipal court of record may not be by trial de novo.
To perfect an appeal, the appellant must file a written motion for new trial with the municipal clerk not later than ten days after the date on which the judgment and sentence are rendered. The motion must set forth the points of error of which the appellant complains. The motion or an amended motion may be amended by leave of court at any time before action on the motion is taken, but not later than the twentieth day after the date on which the original or amended motion is filed. The court may for good cause extend the time for filing or amending, but the extension may not exceed 90 days from the original filing deadline. If the court does not act on the motion before the expiration of the 30 days allowed for determination of the motion, the original or amended motion is overruled by operation of law.
To perfect an appeal, the appellant must also give notice of the appeal. If the appellant requests a hearing on the motion for new trial, the appellant may give the notice of appeal orally in open court on the overruling of the motion. If there is no hearing, the appellant must give a written notice of appeal and must file the notice with the court not later than the tenth day after the date on which the motion is overruled. The court may for good cause extend that time period, but the extension may not exceed 90 days from the original filing date.
If the defendant is not in custody, the defendant may not take an appeal until the defendant files an appeal bond with the municipal court of record. The bond must be approved by the court and must be filed not later than the tenth day after the date on which the motion for new trial is overruled. If the defendant is in custody, the defendant shall be committed to jail unless the defendant posts the appeal bond.
The appeal bond must be in the amount of $100.00 or double the amount of the fines and costs adjudged against the defendant, whichever is greater.
The bond must:
State that the defendant was convicted in the case and has appealed; and,
Be conditioned on the defendant's immediate and daily personal appearance in the court to which the appeal is taken.
After an order overruling a motion for new trial, the defendant shall give written notice of appeal and pay a fee for the preparation of the clerk's record of $25.00 not later than ten days after the date on which the motion is overruled. The court shall note the payment of the fee on the docket of the court. If the case is reversed on appeal, the fee shall be refunded to the defendant. The defendant shall pay the fee for the preparation of the clerk's record and the fee for an actual transcription of the proceedings.
The appellant shall pay for any reporter's record containing a transcription of the proceedings unless the court finds, after a hearing in response to an affidavit by the defendant, that the defendant is unable to pay or provide security for the reporter's record. If the court so finds, the costs of transcription shall be assessed to and paid by the court, without charge to the defendant. Before the recorded proceedings are transcribed, the defendant shall, unless found by the court to be unable to pay for the reporter's record, post a cash deposit with the municipal court for the estimated cost of the record. The cash deposit shall be based on an estimate provided by the court reporter or the length of proceedings as indicated by the amount of tape used to electronically record the proceedings, if any, the cost of the court reporter, typing, and other incidental services. The municipal court may post a current schedule of the charges for transcription fees, including deposits. If the cash deposit exceeds the actual cost of the reporter's record, the court reporter shall refund the difference to the defendant. If the cash deposit is insufficient to cover the actual cost of the transcription, the defendant must pay the additional amount to the court reporter before the transcription may be submitted. If a case is reversed on appeal, the court shall promptly refund to the defendant any amounts paid for the reporter's record.
The record on appeal must substantially conform to the provisions relating to the preparation of a record on appeal in the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure and the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, as amended.
(Ordinance 2022-96, § I, adopted 8/22/2022)