The City Council is composed of five members. The five members of City Council are the Mayor and four Councilmembers. (City Charter Section 5.)
The members of Council may also be referred to as the "legislative officers" of the city or the "elective officers" of the City. (City Charter Section 6.)
Any reference in the City Charter or this code to "Councilman" means "Councilmember."
(O2008 5)
Pursuant to Section 59 of the Charter, the Mayor shall represent the city at all public functions.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 1107)
Unless another officer is specifically directed, the Mayor shall sign all contracts authorized by the Council to be executed in the name of the city.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 1109; O2082)
Charter Powers. The Council shall have those administrative and executive powers granted to it by the Charter.
Residual Powers. Pursuant to Section 5 of the Charter, if in any case the Charter makes no provision for the manner of exercise of administrative or executive powers, the Council may determine this matter by ordinance.
Investigatory Powers. The Council shall have full power of examination and inquisition in the matters pending before it and for the purpose of inquiry may refer any such matters to a committee composed of Councilmembers, city officers or other persons, or any combination thereof.
(Rev. Code 1954 §§ 1002, 1003, 1004)
The Council shall hold a regular meeting at least once a month, pursuant to City Charter Section 60. Unless otherwise provided by subsection C of this section, the Council shall hold two regular meetings per month, on the first and third Tuesday of each month, at a place and hour as established by Council policy resolution.
When any regular meeting falls upon a day declared by law, or by proclamation of the President of the United States of America, or by proclamation of the Governor of the state, to be a legal holiday, or upon a day on which a general municipal election is held in the city, such regular meeting shall be held on the next business day.
The Council may, by resolution, set a regular meeting for a day other than those established by subsection A of this section.
Regular or adjourned regular meetings may be continued to such time and place as the Council may determine.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 2003; O2082; O4220)
Special meetings of the Council may be called and held in the manner provided by Section 54956 of the State Government Code.
(Rev. Code 1954 §§ 1110, 2004)
If any Councilmember shall be absent from any meeting of the Council, his or her presence may be compelled by arrest by the Police Chief or any Police Officer of the city on the order of the Council, or, in the absence of a quorum, on the order of the Mayor. His or her absence shall be deemed in the order of the Mayor. His or her absence shall be deemed in contempt of the Council, which may fine the absentee not in excess of five dollars for each absence.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 2005)
Members refusing to vote or remaining silent and not voting after being requested to do so by the Mayor shall be deemed in contempt of the Council for which it may fine the members refusing not in excess of five dollars for each such refusal. An abstention shall be considered a vote for the purposes of this section.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 2006; O2774)
The Council shall keep a journal of its proceedings in which shall be entered the "ayes" and "nayes" on every question acted upon by it.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 2007)
Pursuant to City Charter section 15, members of City Council, including the Mayor, shall receive compensation in the form of: (1) salary, (2) retirement, health and welfare benefits, and (3) reimbursement for expenses.
Salary. The City shall pay salary to each member of City Council in the amount of One thousand three hundred sixty-seven dollars per month; provided, however, that after the date on which any member of Council begins a new term of office following the November 2018 General Municipal Election, the City shall pay salary to each member of City Council in the amount of One thousand four hundred thirty-five dollars per month. Provided, further, that the City shall pay salary to the Mayor, pursuant to California Government Code section 36516.1 and Napa Municipal Code Section 2.04.111, in the amount of Two thousand seven hundred thirty-four dollars per month; provided, however, that after the date on which any member of Council begins a new term of office following the November 2018 General Municipal Election, the City shall pay salary to the Mayor in the amount of Two thousand eight hundred seventy dollars per month.
Retirement, Health, and Welfare. The city shall pay each member of City Council retirement, health, and welfare benefits in an amount to be established by resolution of the City Council, not to exceed the amount of benefits available to city employees appointed by City Council.
Reimbursement for Expenses. The city shall pay each member of City Council reimbursements for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official duties, in amounts to be established by resolution of the City Council.
(O4304; O96-027; O98-028; O2000-15; O2002-12; O2006-2; O2012-13, 10/2/12; O2014-4, 4/15/14; O2016-2, 2/2/16; O2018-001, 1/16/18)
Pursuant to the provisions of the State Government Code, the salary for the directly elected Mayor of this city shall be set at twice the amount as the salary set for Council. This section shall become effective April 2003.
(O2002-12, 8/6/02)