The City Clerk shall attend all meetings of the Council and act as Clerk thereof. The Clerk shall keep a full, true and correct record of all proceedings of the Council.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 1119)
The City Clerk shall keep the following records and files:
A copy of every city ordinance in a book marked "Ordinances";
A file of all official bonds;
A record or file of all books, reports and documents which may be required by law, the Charter or this code to be recorded or filed.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 1120; O2082)
The City Clerk shall cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation, published in this city, all franchise ordinances and all notices and other writings required to be published by law, the Charter or this code, or ordered published by resolution of the Council.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 1121)
The City Clerk shall post all notices required to be posted by law, the Charter, or this code, or ordered posted by resolution of the Council, unless it is specifically otherwise provided that it shall be the duty of another officer to post such notices.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 1122)
The City Clerk shall within one day after the following actions are taken certify said actions and sign said certifications authenticating his or her signature with his or her seal and deliver said certificate to the City Auditor:
Allowance of demands by the Council;
Appointment and qualification of any officer whether said appointment is by the City Manager or Council. Said certification is to state the name of the party appointed, the name of the office, the date or dates of appointment and qualification, and the name of the appointive authority.
All entries in the minutes of the Council of resolutions fixing compensation of officers or employees.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 1123)
The City Clerk shall perform such duties with respect to filing claims or demands against the city, preparation of demand vouchers, verification of the items thereof, filing of reports, accounts and the preparation of the budget and any other matters with respect to finances as shall be prescribed by the City Auditor and approved by the City Manager.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 1124)
The City Clerk shall keep the seal of the city and authenticate his or her signature and seal all ordinances, and when directed to do so by law, the Charter, this code or order of the Council or City Manager, he or she shall authenticate bonds, contracts and any other documents.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 1125)
The City Clerk shall issue all subpoenas, processes and notices required to be issued by law, the Charter, this code or order of the Council or City Manager.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 1126)
The City Clerk shall keep this code up-to-date. More specifically, he or she shall:
List chronologically all ordinances of this city, specifying the subject matter of each;
At least semiannually cause all amendments to this code to be printed in loose-leaf form and insert such amendments and remove repealed and amended portions of this code from all copies and portion of copies in use by city officials, and shall have enough amendments printed to make a supply available to members of the public desirous of purchasing them.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 1127)