There shall be a Planning Commission (which may be referred to in this chapter as the "Commission") to consist of five members. Unless otherwise required by law, in order for any action to be taken by the Commission, it must be approved by a majority vote of the quorum of the Commission in attendance at a Commission meeting. A quorum of the Commission shall consist of at least three of the five members.
(O2011 10, 6/21/11)
Each member of the Commission shall be appointed by the City Council and hold office in accordance with procedures established by resolution of the City Council.
When recruiting for each vacant position on the Commission, the recruitment and selection process shall be conducted in order to maintain at least two "design professional" (as defined herein) members on the Commission. For the purpose of this chapter, the phrase "design professional" shall mean a person who demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the City Council, that he or she has professional experience (in the fields of architectural design, landscape architecture, urban planning, building, sustainability, or a related field) that is sufficient to assist the member in the effective evaluation of applications for development projects. In determining whether a particular person is a "design professional," the City Council may consider as relevant experience the candidate's membership on this Commission, or a commission responsible for reviewing applications for development projects.
When there is a vacancy for a position on the Commission, whether the vacancy is due to the expiration of a term or otherwise (as defined by resolution of the City Council), the City Clerk shall promptly report the vacancy to the City Council. Prior to the City Clerk's solicitation of applications from candidates for each vacancy, the City Council shall determine whether the vacant position is required to be filled by a design professional in order to maintain at least two design professional members on the Commission. When the City Clerk solicits applications from candidates to fill a vacancy on the Commission, the City Clerk shall identify, as a part of the solicitation, whether the successful candidate will be required to be a design professional.
(O2011 10, 6/21/11)
Each member of the Commission shall receive compensation for their attendance at each meeting of the Commission, in an amount to be established by resolution of the City Council. To the extent that costs of conferences or training for members of the Commission are covered by sufficient unencumbered funds appropriated in the adopted budget, the principal City staff manager (as defined by Section 2.68.040) is authorized to approve the payment or reimbursement of the actual and necessary expenses reasonably incurred by a Commissioner attending the training, subject to any requirements established by resolution of the City Council (such as Resolution R2006 161).
(O2011 10, 6/21/11)
Unless otherwise designated by the City Manager, the planning manager shall be the principal City staff manager to the Commission, and the planning manager shall appoint a secretary to the Commission to comply with all procedural requirements (such as those identified in Council Policy Resolution No. 10, related to the Brown Act set forth at California Government Code Sections 54950, et seq.).
(O2011 10, 6/21/11)
The Commission shall, by resolution, establish the time and place for regular meetings. The Commission shall conduct its meetings in accordance with procedures established by resolution of the City Council. The Commission may establish its own rules of procedure or by-laws consistent with City Council resolutions and ordinances.
(O2011 10, 6/21/11)
The Commission shall have the duties, responsibilities, and authority as set forth in this code. Unless otherwise provided by ordinance or resolution of the City Council, the Commission shall perform the functions of the "planning agency" for the City, as that phrase is used in the California Planning and Zoning Law (California Government Code Sections 65000, et seq., particularly Section 65101). In general, the Commission may provide recommendations to the City Council on matters related to land use and planning, particularly related to amendments to the City's General Plan policies and Zoning Ordinance; and the Commission is the "decision-making body" for specified actions set forth in this code, particularly Titles 15, 16, and 17.
(O2011 10, 6/21/11)