Any person whether on foot or riding upon any bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, roller skates or any toy vehicles shall not attach the same or him or herself to any moving vehicle upon any roadway.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 6321)
Whenever the Traffic Engineer finds that any hedge, shrubbery, tree or fence or other obstruction, growing, erected or maintained in a parkway or on private property in the setback area obstructs the view of any driveway or intersection, or any traffic upon the streets approaching such driveway or intersection, he or she shall cause the hedge, shrubbery, tree, fence or other obstruction to be immediately removed or reduced in height. Such hazards may include any structure, fence, landscaping or other obstructions more than two feet in height above the level of the sidewalk or ground elevation, whichever is higher, in an area called a vision triangle as specified below, except that trees may be allowed when no foliage is closer to the ground than seven and one-half feet and fences that are at least 50% open shall be permitted up to three feet in height.
At street intersections, the boundaries of the vision triangle are formed by measuring along the curblines from the projected intersection a distance of 50 feet and then connecting the two points with a straight line.
At driveway entrances, the boundaries of the vision triangle are formed by measuring along the side of the paved driveway and along the street right-of-way line from their intersection a distance as specified below and then connecting the two points with a straight line:
Not less than 10 feet for local streets;
Not less than 15 feet for collector streets;
Not less than 20 feet for arterial streets
(See Public Works Standard Specification and Standard Plans - Standard Drawing S-25).
(Rev. Code 1954 § 6326; O1161; O1928; O2010 1, 1/26/10)
It is unlawful for any person to drive upon or across or to leave standing or cause or permit to be left standing any vehicle upon any privately owned property in the city without the consent of the owner thereof.
No person shall drive any animal-drawn vehicle into or within the central traffic district between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day, except by special permit of the Police Chief.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 6422)
No person shall drive a vehicle onto or from any limited access roadway except at such entrances and exits as are established by public authority.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 6324)
No driver of a vehicle shall drive between vehicles comprising a funeral procession while the vehicles in such procession are in motion and when the vehicles in such procession are conspicuously so designated.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 6320)
The driver of a vehicle shall not drive on any sidewalk or any parkway except at a permanent or temporary driveway.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 6322)
No person shall ride or drive any animal or any vehicle over or across any newly made pavement or freshly painted marking in any street when a barrier or sign is in place warning persons not to drive over or across such pavement or marking or when a sign is in place stating that the street or any portion thereof is closed.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 6323)
No person shall ride in or operate any coasters, roller skates, scooters, toy vehicles or any other similar devices upon any roadway.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 6325)
No horse, pony, mule or animal of similar description shall be ridden, lead or permitted to be on any public sidewalk, pedestrian walkway, parkway or median strip, except where a signed equestrian trail is provided.
It is unlawful for any person to operate a vehicle such that he or she violates the basic speed law, as defined in Section 22350 of the State Vehicle Code; drives recklessly, as defined in Section 23103 of the State Vehicle Code; engages in speed contests and exhibitions of speed, as defined in Section 23109 of the State Vehicle Code; or violates Division 16.5 of the State Vehicle Code regulating off-highway vehicles.
The provisions of subsection A apply to such privately owned and maintained off-street parking facilities as are generally held open to the public and as are designated for enforcement of public traffic regulations and control by resolution of the Council, except as provided in subsection C of this section.
This section shall not apply to a facility designated by the Council pursuant to subsection B unless the owner or operator of the facility has caused to be posted in a conspicuous place at each entrance to such off-street parking facility a notice not less than 17 inches by 22 inches in size with lettering not less than one inch in height, to the effect that such off-street parking facility is subject to public traffic regulations and control.
The Council shall hold a public hearing on the designating resolution and 10 days prior, written notice thereof shall be given to the owner and operator of the facilities involved.