The names and locations of the streets of this city are designated to be the same as shown on the revised official map of the city prepared by the Public Works Director and adopted by the Council on the 21st day of July, 1919, and filed in the office of the County Recorder, all pursuant to the provisions of Sections 11650 through 11658 of the state Business and Professions Code.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 7102)
Street name changes shall be accomplished by resolution, following the procedure for such changes as set forth in Section 5026 of the State Streets and Highways Code, provided that prior to any street name change, the Planning Commission shall give notice and conduct a public hearing. The Planning Commission shall submit a report and recommendation to the Council. The Council shall not be bound by whatever action the Planning Commission might take.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 7106; O1733)
The Public Works Director shall devise a plan or system for the numbering of all buildings running on the streets of this city and all such buildings shall be numbered in accordance with this system or plan. The Public Works Director shall keep an up-to-date record of said system or plan in his or her office, said record being available for inspection by the general public during office hours.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 7103)
It shall be the duty of every person owning, occupying or controlling any building or store on any public street or avenue in the city to number the same or cause the same to be numbered correctly and in accordance with the plan or system devised by the Public Works Director and this shall be done within three months of the adoption of the system or plan or any change therein, and within one month after completion of a building.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 7104)
The regulation city number to be used in numbering buildings shall consist of a durable figure not less than two inches in height and shall be placed upon some conspicuous place on the front of such building.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 7105)