The city hereby adopts by reference the 2022 edition of the California Building Standards Code, as adopted by the California Building Standards Commission and published in California Code of Regulations, Title 24, and as defined and amended by this Chapter. The California Building Standards Code is hereby adopted by reference by the city to include parts (1, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12), appendices, and amendments identified in this Chapter.
California Administrative Code (Part 1 of Title 24).
Appendices: none.
Amendments: none.
California Building Code (Part 2 of Title 24; Based on the 2021 International Building Code published by the International Code Council).
Appendices: G (Flood-Resistant Construction); Appendix I (Patio Covers); and Appendix J (Grading).
Amendments: as set forth in Napa Municipal Code Section 15.04.030.
California Residential Code (Part 2.5 of Title 24; based on 2021 International Residential Code published by the International Code Council).
Appendix H (Patio Covers); and Appendix K (Sound Transmission).
Amendments: as set forth in Napa Municipal Code Section 15.04.040.
California Electrical Code (Part 3 of Title 24; based on the 2020 National Electrical Code).
Appendices: All appendices and annexes are adopted.
Amendments: none.
California Mechanical Code (Part 4 of Title 24; based on the 2021 Uniform Mechanical Code, published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials).
Appendices: All appendices are adopted.
Amendments: as set forth in Napa Municipal Code Section 15.04.060.
California Plumbing Code (Part 5 of Title 24; based on the 2021 Uniform Plumbing Code, published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials).
Appendices: All appendices are adopted.
Amendments: as set forth in Napa Municipal Code Section 15.04.070.
California Energy Code (Part 6 of Title 24).
Appendices: All appendices and annexes are adopted.
Amendments: none.
California Historical Building Code (Part 8 of Title 24).
Appendices: All appendices and annexes are adopted.
Amendments: none.
California Fire Code (Part 9 of Title 24; based on the 2021 International Fire Code, published by the International Code Council).
Appendices: Appendix Chapter 4 (Special Detailed Requirements Based On Use and Occupancy), B, BB (Fire Flow Requirements for Buildings) C, CC (Fire Hydrant Locations and Distribution), F (Hazard Ranking) H (Hazardous Materials Management Plans and Hazardous Materials Inventory Statements), and K (Temporary Haunted Houses, Ghost Walks and Similar Amusement Uses).
Amendments: as set forth in the Napa Municipal Code Section 15.04.080.
California Existing Building Code (Part 10 of Title 24; based on the 2021 International Existing Building Code).
Appendices: none.
Amendments: none.
California Green Building Standards Code (Part 11 of Title 24).
Appendices: All appendices are adopted.
Amendments: as set forth in Napa Municipal Code Section 15.04.090
California Referenced Standards Code (Part 12 of Title 24).
Appendices: none.
Amendments: none.
(O2019-007, 12/3/19; O2022-013, 11/15/22)
Identification of this Chapter. This Chapter may be referred to as the "Napa Building Standards Code." Individual parts of the Napa Building Standards Code may be referred to as the "Napa Building Code, "Napa Residential Code, "Napa Electrical Code," "Napa Mechanical Code," "Napa Plumbing Code," "Napa Energy Code," "Napa Historical Building Code," "Napa Fire Code," "Napa Existing Building Code" and "Napa High Performance Building Code."
Administration of this Chapter. The provisions of this Chapter shall be interpreted, administered, and enforced by the Chief Building Official; except the Fire Code Official shall interpret, administer, and enforce the Napa Fire Code and other provisions related to the Napa Fire Code as set forth in this Chapter. The Chief Building Official and the Fire Code Official are authorized to establish and maintain written regulations which implement and are consistent with the requirements of this Chapter. The City Manager (or designee) shall designate the individuals responsible, under this Chapter, for performing the responsibilities of the Chief Building Official and the Fire Code Official.
Interpretation of this Chapter. If there are any conflicts among the provisions of this Chapter, or between the provisions of this Chapter and the provisions of the California Building Standards Code, the more restrictive requirements (those which establish a higher standard of safety) shall prevail.
Fees. The city shall establish fees by resolution or ordinance for services rendered under this Chapter (including fees for plan check and inspection). Fees shall be established, implemented, and enforced in accordance with Napa Municipal Code Chapter 3.04, particularly Sections 3.04.040 and 3.04.050.
Enforcement of this Chapter. In addition to other remedies for violation of the Code, if an enforcement officer (as defined at section 1.24.020) determines that a person has failed to obtain a permit required under this Chapter (or has exceeded the scope of work covered by the permit, or done work not covered by the permit), the enforcement officer is authorized to issue a compliance order or an administrative citation, pursuant to sections 1.24.040 or 1.24.050. The enforcement officer is authorized to impose penalties of three to ten times the value of the permit fee. In determining the amount of any penalty owed by a responsible person, the enforcement officer shall consider the factors set forth in this chapter, as well as those set forth at subsection 1.24.090(A)(2).
The penalty authorized by this Section 15.04.020(E) does not apply if the property owner establishes that:
at the time he or she acquired the property, (a) a violation of this Chapter existed on the property, (b) the property owner did not have actual or constructive notice of the existence of that violation, and (c) within 30 days after the mailing of the notice advising the owner of the violation, the property owner initiated and pursued good faith efforts to meet the requirements of this Chapter; or
within 30 days after the date of mailing the notice of the existence of the violation, the property owner removed the use or structure which constituted that violation and (b) the property owner had not previously been mailed a notice of violation of the same Chapter section.
(O2019-007, 12/3/19)
Section 109.02 ("Schedule of permit fees") is deleted in its entirety. Fees owed under Napa Municipal Code Chapter 15.04 shall be established, implemented, and enforced in accordance with Napa Municipal Code Chapter 3.04, particularly Sections 3.04.040 and 3.04.050.
Section 113 ("Board of appeals") is deleted in its entirety. Appeals of order, decisions, or determinations made under the Chapter shall be heard pursuant to Napa Municipal Code Section 15.04.100.
Sections 114.3 ("Prosecution of violation") and 114.4 ("Violation penalties") are deleted in their entirety. Violations under this Chapter are subject to the enforcement procedures set forth in Napa Municipal Code Chapter 1.16 and Napa Municipal Code Section 15.04.020.
(O2019-007, 12/3/19; O2022-013, 11/15/22)
Section R108 ("Fees") is deleted in its entirety. Fees owed under Napa Municipal Code Chapter 15.04 shall be established, implemented, and enforced in accordance with Napa Municipal Code Chapter 3.04, particularly Sections 3.04.040 and 3.04.050.
Section R112 ("Board of appeals") is deleted in its entirety. Appeals of order, decisions, or determinations made under this Chapter shall be heard pursuant to Napa Municipal Code Section 15.04.100.
Sections R113.3 ("Prosecution of violation") and R113 ("Violation penalties") are deleted in their entirety. Violations under this Chapter are subject to the enforcement procedures set forth in Napa Municipal Code Chapter 1.16 and Napa Municipal Code Section 15.04.020.
Section R105.2 ("Work exempt from permit") is amended by deleting exemption 10 under "Building" in its entirety and replacing it with the following:
Platforms, decks, walks and driveways that are not more than 30 inches above grade and not over any basement or story below, and when not part of a required path of travel for disabled access as defined herein.
Section R313.1 ("Townhouse automatic fire sprinkler systems") and is amended to read as follows:
R313.1 Townhouse automatic fire sprinkler systems. An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in all townhouses.
Exception: An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall not be required in existing townhouses except where demolition/ removal of interior or exterior wall framing exceeds 50% of the existing interior or exterior wall framing and / or the floor area of an addition exceeds 50% of the existing square footage of the structure.
Section R313.2 ("One- and two-family dwellings automatic fire sprinkler systems") is amended to read as follows:
R313.2 One- and two-family dwellings automatic fire sprinkler systems. An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in one- and two-family dwellings.
An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall not be required in existing one- and two-family dwellings except where demolition/ removal of interior or exterior wall framing exceeds 50% of the existing interior or exterior wall framing and/ or the floor area of an addition exceeds 50% of the existing square footage of the structure.
An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall not be required in accessory dwelling units provided that all of the following requirements are satisfied.
The existing primary residence is not equipped with fire sprinklers.
If the accessory dwelling unit is an accessory dwelling unit attached as defined in Napa Municipal Code Chapter 17.06, it does not exceed 50% of the existing floor area (square footage), including the garage, of the primary residence.
If the accessory dwelling unit is an accessory dwelling unit detached as defined in Napa Municipal Code Chapter 17.06, it does not exceed 1,200 square feet in size. The square footage of a garage attached to an accessory dwelling unit detached shall not be considered as part of the allowable 1,200 square footage.
For purposes of this Section, "accessory dwelling unit" has the meaning set forth in Napa Municipal Code Section 17.06.030, and includes an "accessory dwelling unit attached", "accessory dwelling unit detached", and a "junior accessory dwelling unit", as defined therein.
(O2019-007, 12/3/19; O2022-013, 11/15/22)
Section 107.0 ("Board of appeals") is deleted in its entirety. Appeals of order, decisions, or determinations made under this Chapter shall be heard pursuant to Napa Municipal Code Section 15.04.100.
Sections 106.2 ("Violations) and 106.3 ("Penalties") are deleted in their entirety. Violations under this Chapter are subject to the enforcement procedures set forth in Napa Municipal Code Chapter 1.16 and Napa Municipal Code Section 15.04.020.
Chapter 1, Division II, Section 104.5 ("Fees") is deleted in its entirety. The city shall establish fees by resolution or ordinance for services rendered under this Chapter (including fees for plan check and inspection). Fees shall be established, implemented, and enforced in accordance with Napa Municipal Code Chapter 3.04, particularly Sections 3.04.040 and 3.04.050.
(O2019-007, 12/3/19)
Section 107.0 ("Board of appeals") is deleted in its entirety. Appeals of order, decisions, or determinations made under this Chapter shall be heard pursuant to Napa Municipal Code Section 15.04.100.
Sections 106.2 ("Violations") and 106.3 ("Penalties") are deleted in their entirety. Violations under this Chapter are subject to the enforcement procedures set forth in Napa Municipal Code Chapter 1.16 and Napa Municipal Code Section 15.04.020.
Section 104.5 ("Fees") is deleted in its entirety. The city shall establish fees by resolution or ordinance for services rendered under this Chapter (including fees for plan check and inspection). Fees shall be established, implemented, and enforced in accordance with Napa Municipal Code Chapter 3.04, particularly Sections 3.04.040 and 3.04.050.
(O2019-007, 12/3/19)
Paragraph 1 of Section ("Enforcement") is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:
The City Council hereby delegates the responsibility and authority to enforce building standards relating to fire and panic safety and other regulations of the State Fire Marshal as they relate to Group R, Division 3 dwellings, as described in Section 310.1 of Part 2 of the California Building Standards Code, to the Fire Code Official.
Section 103.2 ("Appointment") is deleted in its entirety. The City Manager (or the City Manager's designee) shall designate the individuals responsible under this Chapter for performing the responsibilities of the Fire Code Official.
Section"Phased approval") is deleted in its entirety.
Section 111.1 ("Board of Appeals") is deleted in its entirety. Appeals of order, decisions, or determinations made under the Chapter shall be heard pursuant to Napa Municipal Code Section 15.04.100.
Except for Section 112.3.4 ("Unauthorized Tampering"), which shall remain in effect, Section 112.3 ("Notice of Violation"), including Sections 112.3.1 ("Service"). 112.3.2 ("Compliance with orders and notices") and 112.3.3 ("Prosecution of violations") is deleted in its entirety. Violations under this Chapter are subject to the enforcement procedures set forth in Napa Municipal Code Chapter 1.16 and Napa Municipal Code Section 15.04.020.
Section 113.4 ("Failure to Comply") is deleted in its entirety. Violations under this Chapter are subject to the enforcement procedures set forth in Napa Municipal Code Chapter 1.16 and Napa Municipal Code Section 15.04.020.
Section 307.1 ("General") is amended to read as follows:
307.1 General. A person shall not kindle or maintain or authorize to be kindled or maintained any open burning unless conducted for agricultural operations, approved in accordance with this Section and a permit obtained from the Fire Code Official.
Section 307.4.1 ("Bonfires") is amended to read as follows:
307.4.1 Bonfires are prohibited within the City of Napa.
Section 307.4.2 ("Recreational fires") is amended to read as follows:
307.4.2 Recreational fires. Recreational fires are prohibited within the City of Napa.
Section 401.3.3 ("Delayed Notification") is amended to read as follows:
401.3.3 Delayed Notification. A person, alarm company, remote, central or proprietary station shall not, by verbal or written directive, require any delay in the reporting of a fire or fire alarm signal to the fire department. Upon receipt of an alarm signal an alarm monitoring company shall first notify the fire department dispatch center prior to contacting the alarm subscriber.
Section 501.3 ("Construction Documents") is amended to read as follows:
501.3 Construction documents. Construction documents/plans for proposed fire apparatus access, location of fire lanes, traffic calming measures (speed bumps) security gates, bollards, barriers or any other proposed mechanism that may obstruct or impede fire department access, hydraulic calculations for fire hydrants systems and all other fire protection system plans shall be submitted and approved by the fire department prior to construction / installation.
Fire protection plans shall not be attached to or bound with the building plan submittal package. This includes but is not limited to Automatic Fire Sprinkler, Fire Alarm, Fixed Fire Protection and Civil/Improvement plans.
Section 503.6 (Security gates) is amended to read as follows:
503.6 Security Gates. Prior to the installation of a security gate or any other type of barrier, a permit shall be obtained from the fire department. Where a new security gate is installed across a fire access roadway it shall conform to this section and the City of Napa Security Gate Installation Standard.
When a barrier (as determined by the fire code official) is installed across a fire access roadway the fire department shall have emergency access by means of a padlock, key switch or other approved means as determined by the fire code official.
Driveways serving a single R-3 occupancy with a security gate shall obtain a permit prior to installation and shall have emergency access by means of a padlock, key switch or other approved means as determined by the fire code official.
Section 505.1 (Address Identification) is amended to read as follows:
505.1 Address Identification. New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed on the structure in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numerals or alphabet letters. Numbers shall not be spelled out. Said numbers shall be either internally or externally illuminated in all new construction. Numbers shall be as follows:
Minimum of one-half inch (1/2″) stroke by six inches (4″) high.
When the structure is 36 to 50 feet from the street or fire department access a minimum of one-half inch (1/2″) stroke by nine inches (9″) high is required.
When the structure is more than 50 feet from the street or fire apparatus access, a minimum of one-inch (1") stroke by twelve inches (12″) high is required.
Section 505.1.1 ("Multi-Tenant Buildings") is added to read as follows:
505.1.1 Multi-Tenant Buildings. Numbers or letters shall be designated on all occupancies within a building. Size shall be one-half inch (1/2″) stroke by four inches (4″) high and on a contrasting background. Directional address numbers or letters shall be provided. Said addresses or numbers shall visible from the street, posted at a height above the finished floor, as determined by the fire code official. Shall be visible from the street and shall be either internally or externally illuminated in all new construction.
Section 505.1.2 ("Multiple Buildings on One Site") is added to read as follows:
505.1.2 Multiple buildings on one site. Where multiple buildings on one property are accessed by the means of a private road, and the buildings cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument sign, or other signs or other approved means shall be used to identify the structure(s). Said signs shall be installed at the public way as directed by the fire code official. Address identification shall also be maintained on each of the buildings within the site.
Section 505.1.3 ("Rear Addressing") is added to read as follows:
505.1.3 Rear Addressing. When required by the fire code official, approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings and rear suite doors in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the fire apparatus road at the back of a property or where rear parking lots or alleys provide an acceptable vehicular access. Number stroke and size shall comply with 505.1.
Section 505.1.4 ("Accessory Dwelling Unit Addressing") is added to read as follows:
505.14 Accessory Dwelling Unit Addressing. A detached accessory dwelling unit shall have a designated address. The address shall be the same Arabic numerals as the primary residence followed by the alphabetic letters identifying the accessory dwelling unit as "Unit A". Example: The primary residence is addressed as 123 Blank Street. The detached accessory dwelling unit shall be addressed as "123 Blank Street Unit A".
Addressing signage shall be affixed to the ADU structure next to the main entry door and shall meet all applicable requirements as outlined in all sections and subsections of Chapter 5 as amended or as otherwise directed by the fire code official.
For ADUs with addressing that cannot be viewed from the public way, addressing signage shall be installed in a manner visible from the street frontage and shall meet all applicable requirements as outlined in Chapter 5 subsections 505.1 through 505.1.4 as amended or as otherwise directed by the fire code official.
Section 507.2 ("Type of Water Supply") is amended to read as follows:
507.2 Type of water supply. A water supply shall consist of reservoirs, pressure tanks, elevated tanks, water mains or other fixed systems connected to the municipal water system and capable of providing the required fire flow. Private water systems shall not be utilized for providing the required fire flow.
Section 605.8 ("Incinerators") is amended to read as follows:
605.8 Incinerators. Commercial, industrial and residential-type incinerators and chimneys are prohibited within the City of Napa.
Section 606.2 ("Where Required") is amended to read as follows:
606.2 Where required. A Type I hood shall be required to be installed at or above all commercial cooking appliances and domestic cooking appliances used for commercial purposes that produce grease laden vapors. Cooking facilities in assembly occupancies, B occupancies containing kitchen cooking appliances, bed & breakfast, care facilities, community centers, congregate residences and/or other similar uses as determined by the fire code official shall be considered commercial operations. Protection of commercial cooking equipment shall be by means of an automatic fire-extinguishing system complying with UL-300 that is listed and labeled for its intended use.
Even if the building is equipped with a fire alarm, all Type I hood systems shall have a horn strobe device installed as a means of audible and visual notification. The horn strobe shall be activated by actuation of the required manual pull station. Where a fire alarm is provided in a building, then the kitchen hood extinguishing system shall be connected to the fire alarm system in accordance with the requirements of Napa Municipal Code Chapter 15.04, NFPA 17, NFPA 17A, NFPA 72 and all other applicable Codes and Standards so that the actuation of the extinguishing system will sound the fire alarm.
Section 901.2 ("Construction Documents") is amended to read as follows:
901.2 Construction documents. The Fire Code Official shall have the authority to require construction documents and calculations for all fire protection systems and to require permits be issued for the installation, rehabilitation or modification of any fire protection system. Construction documents/plans for fire protection systems plans shall be submitted and approved by the fire department prior to construction/installation.
Fire protection plans shall not be attached to or bound with the building plan submittal package. This includes but is not limited to Automatic Fire Sprinkler, Fire Alarm, Fixed Fire Protection and Civil/Improvement plans.
Section 901.4.2 ("Non-Required Fire Protection Systems") is deleted in its entirety.
Section 901.6.3 ("Records") is amended to read as follows:
901.6.3 Records. Records of all system inspections, testing and maintenance required by the referenced standards shall be maintained on the premises in a readily accessible location for a minimum of five years and shall be provided to the fire code official upon request.
Section 903.2 ("Where Required"), including all subsections, is deleted in its entirety.
Sections 903.2, 903.2.1, 903.2.2, 903.2.3 and 903.2.4 are added to read as follows:
903.2 Where required. Approved automatic sprinkler systems in new and existing buildings shall be provided in the locations described in this section.
903.2.1 Required installations. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed and maintained in all newly constructed buildings or structures
903.2.2 Additions. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout any existing commercial or multi-family residential building when the floor area of the addition (including mezzanines) exceeds 50% of the existing floor area of the building or when an additional story is added.
903.2.3 Manufactured Homes. Fire sprinkler systems shall be installed in new manufactured and multifamily manufactured homes with two dwelling units in accordance with Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations.
903.2.4 Change of Occupancy. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout any structure(s) in which the proposed new occupancy classification has been determined to be more hazardous based on a fire and life safety evaluation by the Fire Code Official. Example: Conversion of buildings to single family residences, bed and breakfast, inns, lodging housed, congregate residences or other uses as determined by the fire code official.
Section 903. ("Exempt locations") is amended by adding new exemptions 7-11 to read as follows:
Detached pool houses, workshops, Group U private garages, barns and similar structures, built in conjunction with an existing non-sprinkled single family residence and provided the new structure is less than 1,000 square feet and is not intended for use as a dwelling unit.
Detached non-combustible, limited combustible, or fire-retardant treated wood canopies.
Group B or M occupancies less than 1000 square feet.
Detached restroom facilities associated with golf courses, parks, and similar uses.
Shipping containers used for storage purpose and located no closer than 5 feet to a building, property line or other container.
Section 903.3.13 ("NFPA 13D Sprinkler Systems") is amended to read as follows:
903.3.1.3 NFPA 13D sprinkler systems. Automatic Sprinkler systems installed in one-and two-family dwellings; Group R-3; and townhouses shall be permitted to be installed throughout in accordance with NFPA 13D, as amended in Chapter 80 and this Section.
903. ("Installation") is added to read as follows:
903. Installation.
All fire sprinkler riser components shall be located inside the wall or in an approved enclosure. Access shall be provided to the riser components.
A permanent sign shall be affixed to exterior of the riser access panel that states "Warning: The water system for this home supplies a sprinkler system that depends on certain flows and pressures to fight a fire. Devices that restrict the flow or pressure such as pressure reducers and water softeners shall not be added to the system without a review of the system by a fire protection specialist. Leave valve in the fully open position at all times."
Section 903. ("Stock of spare sprinklers") is added to read as follows:
903. Stock of Spare Sprinklers:
A spare head sprinkler cabinet containing spare sprinklers shall be installed and maintained on the premises so that any sprinklers that have operated or been damaged in any way can be promptly replaced.
The spare sprinkler head cabinet shall contain at least one spare sprinkler that correspond to each type and temperature ratings of the sprinklers installed in the property.
One sprinkler wrench as specified by the sprinkler manufacturer shall be provided in the cabinet for each type of sprinkler installed to be used for the removal and installation of sprinklers in the system.
The spare head sprinkler cabinet shall be constructed of weather and corrosion resistant materials and shall be of sufficient size to accommodate required spare sprinkler heads and sprinkler wrench.
Section 903. ("Pressure Gauges") is added to read as follows:
903. : Pressure Gauges: All newly installed NFPA 13D piping systems shall have a pressure gauge installed.
NFPA 13D Chapter 7, Section 7.6 ("Alarms") is amended to read as follows:
7.6 Alarms: Local waterflow alarms shall be provided on all sprinkler systems.
NFPA 13D ANNEX FIGURE A.6.2(a) ("Requirements for a Stand-Alone Systems") is deleted in its entirety.
NFPA 13D ANNEX FIGURE A.6.2(b) ("Acceptable Arrangement for Stand-Alone Piping Systems – Option 1") is amended to add the following subsections 1, 2, 3:
All newly installed NFPA 13D piping systems shall contain a waterflow detector and pressure gauge in conformance with annex figure A.6.2(b).
Upon system waterflow the waterflow detector shall trigger an exterior bell as an alarm.
The exterior bell alarm shall be located on the exterior wall where the system riser is installed or as otherwise directed by the fire code official. The alarm bell shall include a sign that reads "Fire Alarm – Call 911".
Section 903.4.3 ("Floor Control Valves") is amended to read as follows:
Approved supervised indicating control valves shall be provided at the point of connection to the riser on each floor in buildings that are two or more stories in height.
Section 907.1.1 ("Construction Documents") is amended to read as follows:
907.1.1 Construction documents. Construction documents/plans for fire alarm systems shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of work proposed and show in detail that the work will conform to the provisions of the Napa Municipal Code Chapter 15.04, as determined by the Fire Code Official. Required plans shall be submitted and approved by the fire department prior to construction / installation.
Section 907. ("Duct Smoke detection") is amended to add subsection 3 & 4 to read as follows:
Duct smoke detectors shall be capable of being reset by a readily accessible, remote push button or key activated switch as approved by the Fire Code Official.
If there is a fire alarm provided in the building, then duct detection shall be connected to the fire alarm system in accordance with Napa Municipal Code Chapter 15.04. If no fire alarm exists, duct detectors shall be allowed to be stand alone.
Appendix B table B105.2 ("Required fire flow for buildings other than one- and two-family dwellings, group R-3 and R-4 buildings and townhouses") is amended to read as follows:
Table B105.2
Automatic Sprinkler System (Design Standard)
Minimum Fire Flow (Gallons Per Minute)
Flow Duration (Hours)
No automatic sprinkler system
Value in Table B 105.1 (2)
Duration in Table B 105.1 (2)
Section 903.3.1.1 of the California Fire Code
50% of the value in table B105.1 (2)a
Duration in table B105.1 (2) at the reduced flow rate
Section 903.3.1.2 of the California Fire Codec
50% of the value in table B105.1 (2)b
Duration in table B105.1 (2) at the reduced flow rate
For SI: 1 gallon per minute equals 3.785 L per minute
The reduced fire flow shall not be less than 1000 gallons per minute for NFPA 13 systems.
The reduced fire flow shall not be less than 1500 gallons per minute for NFPA 13R systems.
Section 1205.2.1 ("Solar Photovoltaic Systems for Group R-3 Buildings") is amended to add new exceptions 3-5 to read as follows:
No exterior conduit shall be installed within any required Fire setback(s) at the ridge.
No interior conduit shall be installed within any required Fire setback(s) at the ridge.
The installing contractor shall make all attempts to avoid installing exterior conduit within any required fire access pathway. Example: Whenever possible, run conduit under eaves.
Conduit shall be installed as close to the roof surface as possible in order to mitigate tripping hazards during rooftop emergency operations.
(O2019-007, 12/3/19; O2022-013, 11/15/22)
The following voluntary residential measures identified in Appendix A4, "Residential Voluntary Measures," shall be mandatory:
Sections A4.203.1 ("Energy Efficiency"), A4.203.1.1 ("Hourly Source Energy Design Rating (EDR1)", A4.303.1 ("Kitchen Faucets"), A4.303.3 ("Appliances"), A4.306.1 ("Innovative Concepts and Local Environmental Conditions"), A4.504.1 ("Compliance with Formaldehyde Limits"), and A4.504.3 Thermal Insulation( Tier1 only).
Sections 4.408.1 ("Construction Waste Management") and 4.408.2 ("Construction Waste Management Plan") are amended to add a note after the existing text to read as follows:
NOTE: All "Covered Projects," as that term is defined by Napa Municipal Code Section 15.32.020, shall comply with the requirements of Napa Municipal Code Chapter 15.32
The following voluntary nonresidential measures identified in Appendix A5, "Nonresidential Voluntary Measures," shall be mandatory:
Sections A5.203.1.1 ("Tier 1 and Tier 2 Prerequisites") ("Tier 1 only"), A5. ("Outdoor Lighting"), A5.212.1 ("Elevators"), A5.303.2.3.1 (Tier 1-12 Percent Savings), A5.303.3 ("Appliances and Fixtures for Commercial Application")(as amended in this section), A5.304.9 ( as added by this section), A5.404.1 ("Wood Framing"), A5.405.1 ("Regional Materials"), A5.405.4 ("Recycled Content")(Tier 1 only), A5.405.5 ("Cement and Concrete"), A5.405.5.3.1 ("Cement"), A5.405.5.3.2 ("Concrete"),A5.406.1.1 ("Service Life"), A5.504.1.1 ("Temporary Ventilation"), A5.504.1.2 ("Additional IAQ Measure"), A5.504.2 ("IAQ Postconstruction"), A5.504.5.1 ("Entryway Systems"), A5.504.5.2 ("Isolation of Pollutant Sources"), A5.507.1.1 ("Single Occupant Spaces"), A5.507.1.1.1 ("Lighting), A5.507.1.1.2 ("Thermal Comfort"), A5.507.2 ("Daylight"), A5.507.3 ("Views"), A5.507.3.1 ("Interior Office Spaces"), and A5.507.3.2 ("Multi-Occupant Spaces").
Section 5.106.1 "Stormwater pollution prevention for projects that disturb less than one acre of land is amended to add a note after the existing text to read as follows:
Note: All projects disturbing one (1.0) acre or less shall comply with the requirements of Napa Municipal Code Chapter 8.36 "Stormwater Runoff Pollution Control."
Section A5.303.3 ("Appliances and fixtures for commercial application") of Appendix A5 is amended to read as follows:
A5.303.3 Appliance and fixtures for commercial application. Appliances and fixtures shall meet the following:
Clothes washers shall have a maximum Water Factor (WF) that will reduce the use of water by 10 percent below the California Energy Commissions' WF standards for commercial clothes washers located in Title 20 of the California Code of Regulations.
Dishwashers shall meet the following water use standards:
Residential- EnergyStar.
Standard Dishwashers- 4.25 gallons per cycle.
Compact Dishwashers- 3.5 gallons per cycle.
Commercial- Refer to Table A5.303.3
Ice makers shall be air cooled or, if water-cooled, be part of a closed-loop cooling system.
Food steamers shall be connection-less or boiler-less
If water softeners installed are part of a project, they shall comply with NSF/ANSI Standard 44 provisions, including the following features:
Demand-initiated regeneration (DIR) system, not timeclock initiated;
Minimum salt efficiency of 3,350 grains total hardness per pound of salt; and
Generate no more than five gallons of water per 1000 grains of hardness removed during service cycle.
Appendix A5 is amended to add Section A5.304.9, ("Service pressure") to read as follows:
A5.304.9 Service Pressure. Nonresidential structures shall be limited to a maximum of 60-psi static service pressure; sites consistently experiencing greater than 65 psi shall require the installation of a pressure regulator. Piping for fire sprinkler systems is excluded for this requirement.
Sections 5.408.1 ("Construction Waste Management"), 5.408.1.1 ("Construction Waste Management Plan"), 5.408.1.4 ("Documentation") and 5.408.2 ("Universal Waste") and Section A5.408.3.1.2 ("Verification of compliance") are amended to add a note after the existing text to read as follows:
NOTE: All "Covered Projects," as that term is defined by Napa Municipal Code Section 15.32.020, shall comply with the requirements in Napa Municipal Code Chapter 15.32.
(O2019-007, 12/3/19; O2022-013, 11/15/22)
There shall be a Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals ("Building Board of Appeals") to consist of five members. The Building Board of Appeals shall be the "local appeals board" and the "housing appeals board" (as those phrases are defined and used in the California Building Standards Code). Each member shall be appointed and hold office in accordance with procedures established by resolution of the City Council. Each member shall demonstrate necessary qualifications, knowledge, experience, and training in matters related to building construction and fire protection.
The Building Board of Appeals shall be considered a "standing committee" with a continuing subject matter jurisdiction. Thus, the Building Board of Appeals shall be subject to the requirements of the Brown Act (California Government Code Section 54950 et seq.); however, the Building Board of Appeals shall have no regular meetings, and all meetings shall be special meetings noticed pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956. The Building Board of Appeals shall conduct its meetings in accordance with procedures established by resolution of the City Council. The Building Board of Appeals may establish its own rules of procedure or by-laws consistent with City Council resolutions and ordinances.
Any person adversely affected by a determination made by the Chief Building Official or Fire Code Official in administering or enforcing this chapter may appeal the determination to the Building Board of Appeals. The appeal shall be filed with the Chief Building Official no later than 10 days after receipt of written notice of the determination and the appeal provisions of this section. Upon receipt of an appeal by the Chief Building Official, a hearing shall be scheduled before the Building Board of Appeals. The Building Board of Appeals shall consider relevant evidence presented at the hearing, and shall render a final written decision within a reasonably prompt time after the conducting the hearing. The authority of the Building Board of Appeals to render a written decision shall be limited to the scope of authority of the Chief Building Official (or Fire Code Official), and the Building Board of Appeals shall have no authority to waive a requirement of this chapter.
Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Building Board of Appeals may request an administrative hearing within 10 days of the issuance of the final written decision. Any such request shall be made and heard in the same manner as an administrative hearing related to an administrative citation, in accordance with Napa Municipal Code Sections 1.24.070 through 1.24.100.
Failure to timely request an appeal to the Building Board of Appeals (pursuant to subsection C), or to an administrative hearing officer (pursuant to subsection D) constitutes a waiver of the hearing and a failure to exhaust administrative remedies.
Unless otherwise designated by the City Manager, the Chief Building Official shall be the principal city staff liaison to the Building Board of Appeals, and the Chief Building Official shall appoint a secretary to the Building Board of Appeals to comply with all procedural requirements (such as those identified in Council Policy Resolution No. 10, related to the Brown Act).
The Chief Building Official or the Fire Code Official may request a special meeting of the Building Board of Appeals in order to request advisory comments from the Building Board of Appeals regarding issues related to this chapter, such as the potential adoption of new codes, proposed code changes, or alternate methods and materials.
(O2019-007, 12/3/19)
There shall be a Disability Access Board of Appeals ("Access Board of Appeals") to consist of five members. Each member shall be appointed and hold office in accordance with procedures established by resolution of the City Council. Three of the five members shall be members of the Building Board of Appeals, and shall be co-appointed by the City Council to be a member of the Building Board of Appeals and the Access Board of Appeals. Two of the five members shall be "physically handicapped persons" (as defined by California Health and Safety Code Section 19957.5).
The Access Board of Appeals shall be considered a "standing committee" with a continuing subject matter jurisdiction. Thus, the Access Board of Appeals shall be subject to the requirements of the Brown Act (California Government Code Section 54950 et seq.); however, the Access Board of Appeals shall have no regular meetings, and all meetings shall be special meetings noticed pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956. The Access Board of Appeals shall conduct its meetings in accordance with procedures established by resolution of the City Council. The Access Board of Appeals may establish its own rules of procedure or by-laws consistent with City Council resolutions and ordinances.
Any person aggrieved by a determination made by the Chief Building Official or Fire Code Official in administering or enforcing the portions of this chapter related to access to "public accommodations or facilities" (pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 19955, et seq.) may appeal the determination to the Access Board of Appeals. The appeal shall be filed with the Chief Building Official no later than 10 days after receipt of written notice of the determination and the appeal provisions of this section. Upon receipt of an appeal by the Chief Building Official, a hearing shall be scheduled before the Access Board of Appeals. The Access Board of Appeals shall consider relevant evidence presented at the hearing, and shall render a final written decision within a reasonably prompt time after conducting the hearing. The authority of the Access Board of Appeals to render a written decision shall be limited to the scope of authority of the Chief Building Official (or Fire Code Official), and the Access Board of Appeals shall have no authority to waive a requirement of this chapter.
Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Access Board of Appeals may request an administrative hearing within 10 days of the issuance of the final written decision. Any such request shall be made and heard in the same manner as an administrative hearing related to an administrative citation, in accordance with Napa Municipal Code Sections 1.24.070 through 1.24.100.
Failure to timely request an appeal to the Access Board of Appeals (pursuant to subsection C), or to an administrative hearing officer (pursuant to subsection D) constitutes a waiver of the hearing and a failure to exhaust administrative remedies.
Unless otherwise designated by the City Manager, the Chief Building Official shall be the principal city staff liaison to the Access Board of Appeals, and the Chief Building Official shall appoint a secretary to the Access Board of Appeals to comply with all procedural requirements (such as those identified in Council Policy Resolution No. 10, related to the Brown Act).
The Chief Building Official or the Fire Code Official may request a special meeting of the Access Board of Appeals in order to request advisory comments from the Access Board of Appeals regarding issues related to this chapter, such as the potential adoption of new codes, proposed code changes, or alternate methods and materials.
(O2019-007, 12/3/19)
Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to promote and encourage the use of electric vehicles, in accordance with California Government Code Section 65850.7, by creating an expedited, streamlined permitting process for electric vehicle charging stations, while promoting public health and safety and preventing specific adverse impacts on the installation and use of such charging stations.
"Electric vehicle charging station" or "charging station"
means any level of electric vehicle supply equipment station that is designed and built-in compliance with Article 625 of the California Electrical Code, as it reads on the effective date of this Section, and delivers electricity from a source outside an electric vehicle into a plug-in electric vehicle.
"Specific, adverse impact"
means a significant, quantifiable, direct, and unavoidable impact, based on objective, identified, and written public health or safety standards, policies, or conditions as they existed on the date the application was deemed complete.
"Electronic submittal"
means the utilization of one or more of the following: email, the Internet or facsimile.
Expedited Review Process. Consistent with Government Code Section 65850.7, the Building Official shall implement an expedited administrative permit review process for electric vehicle charging stations and adopt a checklist of all requirements with which electric vehicle charging stations shall comply to be eligible for expedited review. The expedited administrative permit review process and checklist may refer to the recommendations in the checklist prescribed by the most current version of the "Plug-In Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Permitting Checklist" of the "Zero- Emission Vehicles in California:
Community Readiness Guidebook" published by the Governor's Office of Planning and Research. The checklist shall be published on the City's website.
Permit Application Processing.
Prior to submitting an application for processing, the applicant shall verify that the installation of an electric vehicle charging station will not have a specific, adverse impact to public health and safety and building occupants. Verification by the applicant includes but is not limited to: electrical system capacity and loads; electrical system wiring, bonding and overcurrent protection; building infrastructure affected by charging station equipment and associated conduits; areas of charging station equipment and vehicle parking.
A permit application that satisfies the information requirements in the City's adopted checklist shall be deemed complete and be promptly processed. Upon confirmation by the Building Official that the permit application and supporting documents meet the requirements of the City, and is consistent with all applicable laws, the Building Official shall, consistent with Government Code Section 65850.7, approve the application and issue all necessary permits. Such approval does not authorize an applicant to energize or utilize the electric vehicle charging station until final inspection and approval of the installation of the station have been granted by the Building Official. If the Building Official determines that the permit application is incomplete, he or she shall issue a written correction notice to the applicant, detailing all deficiencies in the application and any additional information required to be eligible for expedited permit issuance.
Consistent with Government Code Section 65850.7, the Building Official shall allow for electronic submittal of permit applications covered by this Section and associated supporting documentations. In accepting such permit applications, the Building Official shall also accept electronic signatures on all forms, applications, and other documentation in lieu of a wet signature by any applicant.
Technical Review.
If the Building Official makes a finding based on substantial evidence that the electric vehicle charging station could have a specific adverse impact upon the public health or safety, the Building Official may require the applicant to apply for a use permit in accordance with Chapter 17.60 of this code.
The Building Official may impose conditions on an electric vehicle charging station permit that are designed to mitigate specific, adverse impacts upon the public health or safety at the lowest cost possible.
Consistent with Government Code Section 65850.7, the Building Official shall not condition the approval for any electric vehicle charging station permit on the approval of such system by an association, as that term is defined by Civil Code Section 4080.
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Installation Requirements.
Electric vehicle charging station equipment shall meet the requirements of Chapter 15.04 of this code, the Society of Automotive Engineers, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, and accredited testing laboratories such as Underwriters Laboratories, and rules of the Public Utilities Commission regarding safety and reliability.
Installation of electric vehicle charging stations and associated wiring, bonding, disconnecting means and overcurrent protective devices shall meet the requirements of Chapter 15.04 of this code.
Installation of electric vehicle charging stations shall be incorporated into the load calculations of all new or existing electrical services and shall meet the requirements of Chapter 15.04 of this code. Electric vehicle charging equipment shall be considered a continuous load.
Anchorage of either floor-mounted or wall-mounted electric vehicle charging stations shall meet the requirements of Chapter 15.04 of this code, and the provisions of the manufacturer's installation instructions. Mounting of charging stations shall not adversely affect building elements.
Appeals. Any appeal of a determination made, or action taken, by the Building Official under this Section may be made to the Planning Commission in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17.70 of this code.
(O2020-010, 8/18/20)