It is unlawful for any person to move any building or structure into, out of, through or within this city, upon, across or along any public street or way, without first securing a house moving permit as hereinafter required.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 76-1; O1546; O1754; O2750; O2819)
Applications to move buildings or structures that are proposed to be placed on any lot or plot of land within the city limits shall be submitted to the Public Works Director. If an application involves moving a historic building as defined in Chapter 15.52, a Certificate of Appropriateness is required prior to moving the house. In addition, as described in Chapter 17.62, a Design Review Permit is required to relocate/move a house to a different lot of record.
(O2819; O2003 13)
The application fee for a house moving permit will be established by resolution of the Council.
(O2819; O2003 13)
House moving permits shall not be required for the following:
Buildings or structures having a floor area of 240 square feet or less and a width of 12 feet or less and a moving height of 14 feet or less;
Buildings or structures being moved from one portion of a lot or plot of land to another portion of the same lot or plot of land, without the necessity of using any public street or way.
(O2819; O2003 13)
The applicant shall obtain a building permit for any building or structure that is proposed to be placed on a lot or plot of land within the city limits and shall comply with all the rules and regulations to said building permit.
(O2819; O2003 13)
Any applicant for a house moving permit shall provide the route information in writing and filed with the Public Works Director and shall state that the applicant is the holder of a house mover's license and shall specify the character and size of the building or structure to be moved, the points from which and to which it is to be moved and the public streets or ways upon, across and along which the applicant desires to move same. Such application shall be checked by the Public Works Director, who shall designate the moving route, and assure compliance with all other requirements of this chapter before approving the house moving permit. In the event the building or structure to be moved is of such size, shape or weight that, in the opinion of the Public Works Director, its moving would cause excessive damage to public or private property, he or she may deny said application or require the building or structure to be moved in sections.
The applicant shall make arrangements for the removal and replacement of any affected overhead wires and cables, and the removal and replacement of any affected traffic signal, lighting or utility poles with the respective utility companies or agencies, prior to the approval of the house moving route by the Public Works Director.
(O2819; O2003 13)
A house mover's business license shall be obtained from the city Collections Department upon payment of the license fee provided by Chapter 5.04 of this code and submission of a bond and insurance certificates.
(O2819; O2851)
Every person to whom a house moving permit is issued pursuant to this chapter shall be required to reimburse the city for the time spent by city personnel in actual moving operations within the city limits, at an hourly rate established by the city.
City personnel from the Police, Fire and Public Works Departments will usually be required to accompany the house mover during the moving operations.
(O2819; O2851)
Before a house mover's license is issued hereunder, the house mover shall file with the Public Works Department a surety bond in favor of the city in an amount as determined by the Public Works Director upon the condition that the principal will strictly comply with all requirements of the building laws now or hereafter in effect and with all requirements of this article and any law or ordinance hereafter in effect regulating the moving of buildings or structures in this city and that the principal will pay for any and all damages to any fence, tree, pavement, street or sidewalk or any other property belonging to the city resulting from the moving of any building or structure by him or her, which surety bond shall operate as a continuing bond for the purpose of this chapter for a term of two years from and after the date thereof.
(O2819; O2851; O4112)
At the time of issuance of the house moving permit, the house mover shall have procured, at his or her own expense, and, at all times during the prosecution of the work under the permit, shall maintain in full force and effect, workers' compensation insurance, public liability insurance and fire insurance as hereinafter required.
Workers' Compensation Insurance. A policy covering the full liability of the house mover to any and all persons employed by him or her directly or indirectly in or upon said work, or their dependents, in accordance with the provisions of Division IV of the state Labor Code relating to workers' compensation and insurance.
Public Liability Insurance. A policy of public liability insurance insuring the city, the Council and all city officers and employees, against loss from the liability imposed by law, contingent and otherwise, for injury to, or death of, any person, or persons, or damage to real or personal property, and arising in or by reason of or in connection with the performance of the work herein contemplated, and agreeing to defend against all claims, demands, actions or legal proceedings made or brought by any person by reason of any such injury, death or damage and to pay all judgments, interest, costs and legal and other expenses arising out of or in connection therewith. The limits of liability of such policy shall be not less than $500,000.00, exclusive of interest and costs, on account of injury or death to any one person, and, subject to the same limit as respects injury to or death of one person, not less than $1,000,000.00, exclusive of interest and costs, on account of any one accident resulting in injury or death of more than one person, and not less than $250,000.00 for damage to real or personal property.
Fire and Extended Coverage Insurance. A fire insurance policy including extended coverage, vandalism and malicious mischief endorsements, such insurance at all times to be of sufficient amount to cover fully all loss or damage to the work resulting from fire or the perils covered by the extended coverage, vandalism and malicious mischief endorsements.
Policies and Certificates. The policies mentioned in this section shall be issued by an insurance carrier satisfactory to the city and shall be delivered to the city at the time of issuance of the permit. In lieu of actual delivery of such policies, a certificate issued by the insurance carrier showing such policies to be in force for the period covered by the permit may be delivered to the city. Such policies and such certificates shall be in a form approved by the City Attorney.
The house mover shall notify the city, in writing, of the name, address and telephone number of the field supervisor in charge of the house moving operation.
The house mover shall notify The Police, Fire and Public Works Departments, in writing, 48 hours in advance of the moving. The house movers shall also notify, in writing, 48 hours in advance of the moving, all vehicle owners along the movement route, to move their vehicles.
The house mover shall keep the Fire Department advised at all times of the location of any building or structure on any public street or way.
The house mover shall schedule his or her moving operations so that the buildings or structures being moved are removed from the public streets prior to 7:00 a.m. each morning, unless written permission is first obtained from the Public Works Director. Buildings or structures shall not be permitted to remain on any public street.
The house mover shall notify the Southern Pacific Transportation Company whenever a building or structure is scheduled to be moved over or across any railroad track, and shall comply with all rules and regulations of the company. Buildings or structures shall not be permitted to remain on or obstruct any railroad track.
The house mover shall provide all flaggers, lights, barricades and other traffic control devices which are required to direct traffic around or through the house moving route in a safe manner. The house mover shall comply with all city and state safety rules and regulations in effect at the time of the house moving operation.
Should it be necessary to cut or trim any trees obstructing the moving of any building or structure, the house mover shall apply to the Public Works Director for a tree trimming permit and shall obtain written permission for such cutting or trimming from the property owner whose property abuts said trees to be cut or trimmed. Any cutting or trimming of trees shall be done under the supervision and control of the Public Works Director or authorized representative.
A penalty in the sum of $250.00 shall be charged by the city for each hour, or fraction thereof, during which the building or structure is being moved along any city street not on the approved route or not in conformance with the approved permit.