Tentative parcel maps shall be drawn to scale and of a size, not to exceed 24 inches by 36 inches, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer.
Applications for tentative parcel maps shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer, and shall contain the following information as applicable:
A site sketch indicating the location of proposed parcel map in relation to the surrounding area;
The title, date, north point, scale and sufficient boundaries to define the proposed subdivision;
Names and addresses of record owner, subdivider, and engineer or surveyor;
Location, names, present width and grades of adjacent or abutting streets;
Existing topography and proposed changes, including trees, rock formations and other unusual features of the site, and at least 100 feet beyond its boundary. Individual trees with a diameter of more than eight inches measured 24 inches above existing grade, shall be identified by type, circumference, dripline. Any trees proposed for removal shall also be indicated. Contour lines shall have the following intervals:
One-foot contour interval for ground slope between level and five percent,
Two-foot contour interval for ground slope between five percent and 10%,
Five-foot contour interval for ground slope greater than 10%;
Approximate location of all areas subject to inundation of stormwater overflow and the location, width and direction of flow of all watercourses, including tidewaters;
Approximate width and location of all existing easements;
Approximate dimensions of all lots, radii of all curves and central angles;
Location of all existing structures identified by type and indicating which are proposed to be removed and which will remain;
Location of building setback line for each stream or river on the site;
Location and size of existing sewers, fire hydrants, water mains, wells and storm drains;
Location of existing overhead utility lines and poles on-site and on peripheral streets;
A vesting tentative parcel map shall have printed conspicuously on its face the words, "vesting tentative parcel map";
Location of any protected native tree, and if any protective native tree is proposed for removal, identification by species and location of all other trees on the site and in adjacent public right-of-way that are within 30 feet of the area proposed for development, and any trees located on adjacent properties with canopies overlooking the project site.
The following proposed design elements and improvements shall be shown on the tentative parcel map or described on an attached written statement:
Location, names, width, centerline radii, pavement and approximate grades of all streets and rights-of-way in proposed subdivision, including identification of which streets are proposed to be offered for dedication and which are proposed to be privately maintained. Typical sections of all streets shall be shown;
Location, width, and purpose of all proposed easements, clearly indicated whether public or private;
The proposed use of each lot, lot layout and dimensions and area of each lot unless waived by the City Engineer. Engineering data shall show the approximate finished grading of each lot, the preliminary design of all grading, the elevation of proposed building pads, the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale and number of each lot. In hillside areas, potential building sites shall be indicated;
Proposed recreation sites, trails and parks for public or private use;
Areas proposed to be dedicated or reserved for public use;
Proposed common or open space areas;
The location and size of proposed fire hydrants, and fire protection systems, sanitary sewers, water mains and storm drains. Slopes and elevations of proposed sewers and storm drains shall be indicated;
Unless waived by the Community Development Director, a conceptual plan for erosion control and fencing;
Identification of proposed drainage and/or flood control.
The tentative parcel map shall be accompanied by the following data and reports:
A completed application form;
Name(s) of geologists, soils engineers and other professionals whose services were required in preparation of the map;
If the proposal is for the conversion of a mobile home park to another use, the report prescribed by Government Code Section 66427.4 on the impact of the conversion upon displaced residents of the park;
A description of prior known development activity on the site such as removal of vegetation, grading, etc.;
Identification and justification for requested exemptions to the requirements of this title;
Letters of intent from adjacent property owners whose property is proposed for improvements as part of this subdivision;
A cost estimate for all off-site improvements;
A preliminary title report not more than 30 days old showing the legal owner(s) at the time of filing the tentative map;
Unless a waiver is first obtained from the Community Development Director, a plan for each element required by the conservation and safety regulations of Title 17 of this code, including without limitation, plans for erosion control, fire hazard reduction, restoration/management for marsh/wetland habitats, revegetation for wildlife habitats and plant communities, riparian habitat management and agriculture buffer;
Unless the City Engineer determines that due to the city's knowledge as to the soils condition of the site, no analysis is needed, a soils and/or geotechnical report in accordance with Section 16.36.200 and Title 17 of this code and the Subdivision Map Act. Upon application for a building permit, a soils investigation and/or geotechnical report may also be required by the Chief Building Official in accordance with Title 15 of this code for development in an area of known or suspected seismic or other earth related hazards. In accordance with Government Code Section 66491, the City Engineer may require additional information and investigation or reject the report;
For properties in the flood hazard area, a development plan showing the amount of fill required and/or floodproofing measures required by Title 17 of this code;
For properties in the floodway area, a detailed development plan and floodway development analysis showing all elements of Title 17 of this code;
A written commitment that the subdivider will defend, indemnify and hold the city, its agents, officers and employees harmless from any claim, action or proceeding to attach, set aside, void or annul an approval of the city concerning the subdivision so long as the city promptly notifies the subdivider of any such claim, action or proceedings, the city cooperates fully in the defense and the action is brought within the time period provided for in Section 66499.37 of the Subdivision Map Act;
Designation as a remainder of any portion of the land which is not divided for the purpose of sale, lease or financing;
A report including identification of which, if any, utility poles will be removed and line segments undergrounded, including a preliminary cost estimate;
A written statement which discloses whether any protective native tree exists on the property, and if so, a description of each such tree, including its species size, drip line, and location. If the proposal includes the removal of a protective native tree, identification by species of the trees proposed for removal;
Other data or information necessary to complete processing of the map and environment documents.
(O4060; O2006-10)
No tentative parcel map shall be accepted for processing which is inconsistent with the General Plan and applicable specific plans and zoning unless the subdivider concurrently files the necessary applications to ensure the required consistency.
The subdivider shall, at the time of making application for approval of the tentative parcel map, submit to the Community Development Director 40 copies of the tentative parcel map and such other information which may be required by this title.
The subdivider shall, at the time of making application for approval of a tentative parcel map, pay a deposit on account of the processing fee as established by resolution of the Council. No map will be filed without the required deposit. Thereafter, no action on the map will be taken by the Planning Commission, or Council unless all accrued fees have been paid. After filing of the parcel map, any unexpended fees will be returned to the subdivider.
Within 30 days of the receipt of an application for a subdivision, the Community Development Director shall notify the subdivider in writing, as to whether such application is complete. If the application is determined to be incomplete, the Community Development Director shall inform the subdivider of the additional information required or procedure by which said application can be made complete. Upon receipt of such additional materials a new 30-day period shall begin during which the Community Development Director shall determine the completeness of the application. In the event the Community Development Director notifies the subdivider in writing that the application is still incomplete, the subdivider may, within 10 days of the director's determination, appeal the determination to the Planning Commission.
Only an application for a subdivision which has been determined or deemed complete shall be filed or processed pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act and this title.
The filing of the tentative parcel map with the Community Development Director shall not preclude the securing of additional information from the subdivider necessary for the proper consideration of the tentative parcel map nor does it insure that the map complies with the law and with this title.
(O4060; O2006-10)
Upon acceptance, the Community Development Director shall transmit copies of the tentative parcel map to affected City departments and commissions, the project evaluation committee, and other public agencies for their review and recommendations.
(O4060; O2006-10)
The Planning Commission shall hold a noticed public hearing to consider the tentative parcel map within all applicable time limits. At least three days prior to the public hearing, a copy of any staff report on the tentative parcel map shall be delivered to the subdivider.
The Planning Commission shall make findings and approve, conditionally approve or deny the tentative parcel map. The Planning Commission may impose reasonable conditions on approval of the tentative parcel map and may in its discretion, deny approval of the map if such conditions cannot be met. As a condition of approval, the Commission may require the payment of development fees required to be paid at a later date, e.g., at issuance of building permit, to be paid at the rate in effect at the time of payment. The Planning Commission, in setting conditions of approval, may delete or modify conditions in accordance with Section 16.04.080 of this title.
The decision of the Planning Commission shall be final unless appealed to the Council by any interested person including, without limitation, a member of the Council within 10 calendar days of the date of the Planning Commission's decision by filing a written appeal with the City Clerk.
(O4060; O2006-10)
The Council shall hold a noticed public hearing to consider the appeal of the Planning Commission action on the tentative parcel map. The public hearing shall be held within all applicable time limits.
The Council shall make findings and approve, conditionally approve or deny the tentative parcel map.
The Council may impose reasonable conditions for approval of the tentative parcel map and may in its discretion, deny approval of the map if such conditions cannot be met. As a condition of approval, the Council may require the payment of development fees required to be paid at a later date, e.g., at issuance of a building permit to be paid at the rate in effect at the time of payment.
(O4060; O2006-10)
In approving, conditionally approving, or denying a tentative parcel map, the Planning Commission and Council shall make the findings set forth in this title for tentative maps.
(O4060; O2006-10)
Any applicable time limits for acting on the tentative parcel map may be extended by mutual consent of the subdivider and Planning Commission or Council. A waiver of applicable time limits may be required of the subdivider to permit concurrent processing of related project approvals or environmental review of the same project.
(O4060; O2006-10)
An approved or conditionally approved tentative parcel map shall expire 24 months after its approval or conditional approval unless an extension is approved as provided in Section 16.28.100.
The period of time specified in subsection A above shall not include any period of time during which a development moratorium is in effect as provided in Section 66453.5 of the Subdivision Map Act.
The period of time specified in subsection A above shall not include any period of time during which a lawsuit has been filed and is pending in a court of competent jurisdiction involving the approval or conditional approval of a tentative parcel map only if a stay of the time period is approved by the Planning Commission, as provided in Section 66453.5 of the Subdivision Map Act.
The expiration of the approved or conditionally approved tentative parcel map shall terminate all proceedings, and no parcel map on all or any portion of the real property included within an expired tentative parcel map shall be filed without first processing a new tentative parcel map.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 17.68.170 of this code to the contrary, if an approved or conditionally approved tentative parcel map is subject to an automatic extension of the expiration date pursuant to California Government Code Section 66452.21, 66452.22, 66452.23 or 66452.24, and if the tentative parcel map was approved or conditionally approved in conjunction with a separate residential discretionary land use entitlement (including design review permits, use permits, variances, or other residential discretionary land use entitlements), then the initial expiration date of the separate residential discretionary land use entitlement shall automatically be extended to be equal to the expiration date of the approved or conditionally approved tentative map.
(O4060; O2006-10; O2010-2, 1/26/10; O2012-12, 10/2/12; O2015-3, 5/5/15; O2017-016, 12/19/17)
Upon application of the subdivider filed with Community Development Director prior to the expiration of the tentative parcel map such map may be extended by the Planning Commission as provided for in Section 66463.5 of the Subdivision Map Act. Once such application is timely filed, the map shall automatically be extended as provided in Section 66463.5, 66452.23 or 66452.24 of the Subdivision Map Act. The decision of the Planning Commission shall be final unless appealed to the Council within 10 calendar days of the Commission's decision by filing a written appeal with the City Clerk. The Council may in its sole discretion extend the time at which such map expires.
(O2015-3, 5/5/15)
Approval of a vesting tentative parcel map shall confer a vested right to proceed with development in accordance with Section 66498.1 of the Subdivision Map Act. Such rights shall expire one year following the recordation of the parcel map.
(O4060; O2006-10)
Minor amendments to an approved or conditionally approved tentative parcel map, including the conditions of approval may be approved by the project evaluation and review committee upon unanimous vote of the members voting on the project finding that:
No lots, units or building sites are added;
The changes are consistent with the intent and spirit of the original approval;
There are no resulting violations of this code or state law;
There will be no new significant adverse environmental effects;
Each of the owners of the property has agreed to the amendments.
Approved amendments shall be indicated on the approved or conditionally approved tentative parcel map and certified by the Community Development Director.
Amendments which in the opinion of the Community Development Director or the project evaluation and review committee are not minor, shall be processed in the same manner as the original tentative parcel map.
Any approved amendment shall not alter the expiration date of the tentative parcel map.
(O4060; O2006-10)
Subsequent to the approval of a tentative parcel map, the subdivider shall furnish to the City Engineer six checkprints of the proposed parcel map prepared in conformance with generally accepted engineering practices and the following requirements. The checkprints shall be accompanied by a traverse sheet(s) or computer closures in a form approved by the City Engineer giving bearings, distances and coordinates of the boundaries of the subdivision, interior blocks, lots and centerline of roads, any required soils, geological reports, the form of deeds, easements, CC&Rs, rights-of-way and updated fee deposit pursuant to Section 16.04.100. Where conditions have been imposed on an approved tentative map, the subdivider shall submit evidence of having satisfied the conditions to the department imposing the condition. Where improvements have been required as a condition of the tentative parcel map, six sets of improvement plans prepared in conformance with generally accepted engineering (or other professional) practice and meeting all city standards shall be submitted, along with hydrology, hydraulic and other necessary calculation and information required by the City Engineer.
The Community Development Director shall circulate the documents to all affected departments and agencies who shall review the same and notify the Community Development Director of any revisions, additions, etc., necessary to ensure conformance with the tentative parcel map and standard specifications in accordance with Section 66456.2 of the Subdivision Map Act. The subdivider shall make all required revisions and resubmit for further review. The Community Development Director shall notify the subdivider when the checkprint process has been satisfactorily completed.
(O4060; O2006-10)
Unless the filing of a parcel map has been waived, after satisfactorily completing the checkprint process, the subdivider may file a parcel map conforming to the approved tentative parcel map checkprint with the City Engineer along with the following information and materials:
One set of duplicate tracings and 26 prints of the parcel map;
Reduced copies of the parcel map showing the street and lot layout as required by the City Engineer;
Traverse sheets of boundary of the subdivision and the lots therein;
A guarantee of title issued by a reputable title insurance company showing the names of all persons having any right, title or interest in the lands proposed to be subdivided and whose content is necessary to convey clear title to the lands;
Final sets of complete construction drawings for all of the required improvements;
All required processing fees, inspection fees and water connection fees;
Any additional copies, data, reports or information required by the Community Development Director or Public Works Director.
(O4060; O2006-10)
Parcel maps shall be prepared by or under the direction of a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor and shall conform to all of the following provisions:
It shall be legibly drawn, printed or reproduced by a process guaranteeing a permanent record in black on tracing cloth or polyester base film. Certificates may be legibly stamped or printed upon the map with opaque ink. If ink is used on polyester base film the ink surface shall be coated with a suitable substance to assure permanent legibility;
The size of each sheet shall be 18 by 26 inches. A marginal line shall be drawn completely around each sheet, leaving an entirely blank margin of one inch. The scale of the map shall be large enough to show all details clearly and enough sheets shall be used to accomplish this end. The particular number of the sheet and the total number of sheets comprising the map shall be stated on each of the sheets, and its relation to each adjoining sheet shall be clearly shown;
Each parcel shall be numbered or otherwise designated;
The exterior boundary of the land included within the subdivision shall be indicated by distinctive symbols and clearly so designated;
The map shall show the location of each parcel and its relation to surrounding surveys. The location of a designated remainder parcel shall be indicated but need not be indicated as a matter of survey but only by deed reference to the existing record boundaries of such remainder if such remainder has a gross area of five acres or more;
A certificate, signed and acknowledged by all parties having any record title interest in the real property subdivided, consenting to the preparation and recordation of the parcel map is required;
Such other certificates as may be required.
(O4060; O2006-10)
The City Engineer shall review the parcel map and accompanying documents for compliance with the provisions of the State Subdivision Map Act and of this title as to form and as to data, certificates, acknowledgments and other information required to be shown thereon or furnished therewith. The Community Development Director shall not accept the parcel map for certification and transmittal prior to such compliance.
(O4060; O2006-10)
Upon acceptance of the parcel map, the Community Development Director shall transmit copies thereof to the Planning Division for review and comment.
The Community Development Director shall approve the parcel map if he or she finds that the map meets all the requirements and conditions imposed by the State Subdivision Map Act and by this title, which were applicable to the subdivision at the time of the approval of the tentative parcel map.
The Community Development Director shall disapprove the parcel map if he or she finds that the map does not meet all the requirements and conditions imposed by the State Subdivision Map Act and by this title, which were applicable to the subdivision at the time of the approval of the tentative parcel map. Any disapproval shall be accompanied by a finding identifying the requirements or conditions which have not been met or performed.
If, at the time of approval of the parcel map by the Community Development Director, any improvements required by the city pursuant to the provisions of this title or the State Subdivision Map Act have not been completed and accepted in accordance with the city's standard specifications applicable at the time of the approval or conditional approval of the tentative parcel map, the Community Development Director as a condition precedent to the approval of the parcel map, shall require the subdivider to enter into an agreement with the city to thereafter complete such improvements and to provide a security to assure such performance. In the absence of such agreement, the Community Development Director may require fulfillment of the construction requirements within a reasonable time following approval of the parcel map and prior to the issuance of a permit or other grant of approval for any development upon a finding that fulfillment of the construction requirements is necessary for reasons of: (1) the public health and safety; or (2) the required construction is a necessary prerequisite to the orderly development of the surrounding area. In such case the requirements shall be noted by a certificate on the parcel map or by separate instrument recorded on, concurrently with or prior to the parcel map as instrument of waiver of parcel map being filed for record.
Concurrently with the approval of the parcel map, the Public Works Director shall accept, accept subject to improvement, or reject any offer of dedication.
(O4060; O2006-10)
When dedications, offers of dedication, or off-site and on-site improvements are required, they shall be made either by a separate instrument which is recorded concurrently with, or prior to the parcel map being filed for record or on the parcel map itself, as determined by the Public Works Director.
(O4060; O2006-10)
Upon approval of the construction drawings and the parcel map and receipt of the agreement and improvement security, the City Clerk shall forward the parcel map to the office of the County Recorder for recordation.
(O4060; O2006-10)
The City Engineer may waive any of the chapter's requirements which are supplemental to those set forth in the State Subdivision Map Act as to form and content of a parcel map upon finding that the location or nature of the proposed subdivision is such as not to necessitate compliance with those requirements.
(O4060; O2006-10)