The purpose of this chapter is to promote consistency and precision in the application and interpretation of zoning regulations. The meaning and construction of words and phrases defined in this chapter shall apply throughout title, except where the context or use of such words or phrases clearly indicates a different meaning or construction intended in that particular case.
The particular shall control the general.
Unless the context clearly indicates the contrary, the following conjunctions shall be interpreted as follows:
"And" indicates that all connected words or provisions shall apply.
"Or" indicates that the connected words or provisions may apply singly or in any combination.
"Either or" indicates that the connected words or provisions shall apply singly but not in combination.
In case of conflicts between the text and any illustration, the text shall control.
The word "shall" is mandatory and not discretionary. The words "may" and "should" are permissive and discretionary.
References in the masculine and feminine genders are interchangeable.
Unless the context clearly indicates the contrary, words in the present and the future tense are interchangeable, and words in the singular and plural are interchangeable.
means bordering on.
"Accessory dwelling unit"
means a small dwelling unit, accessory to a principal dwelling unit on the same lot, not intended for sale separate from the principal dwelling unit, and meeting the standards identified in Section 17.52.015.
"Accessory dwelling unit attached"
means an accessory dwelling unit attached to, or located within the living area of, the principal dwelling unit.
"Accessory dwelling unit detached"
means an accessory dwelling unit detached from, but located on the same lot as, the principal dwelling unit.
"Accessory use, building or structure"
means a use, building or structure both subordinate and incidental to the principal use, building or structure on the same lot.
means a structure added to the original structure or site at some time after the completion of the original structure. A residential addition to a structure shall have an interior connection to that structure.
means any authorized person acting for the property owner or applicant.
"Agricultural animal keeping"
means the raising of animals or birds listed in Section 17.52.050(C)(3) for personal or commercial use.
"Agricultural cultivation"
means the planting, growing, and harvesting of crops or plants, or the preparation of land for this purpose of more than one-half acre of land for viticulture, horticulture or similar intensive farming.
means the use of the land for agricultural purposes, including farming, dairying, grazing, horticulture (including Christmas trees), viticulture, apiaries, and agricultural animal keeping; but not including stockyards or the commercial feeding of garbage or offal to swine or other animals.
means public or private way that affords only secondary access to abutting property. Alley lot lines are considered a rear lot line, and rear yard standards apply, unless an accessory dwelling unit is proposed. (For alley accessory dwelling units, see Section 17.52.015.)
means any change, addition or modification to an existing condition or to approved plans.
means any change in the wording of this title; or a change in the zone classification or zoning district boundary upon the zoning map.
means any mammal, poultry, bird, reptile, fish, or any other creature or any live vertebrate creature other than a human being (See Household pet).
means the addition of lots into the city with a resulting change in the boundaries of the city.
See Dwelling, multifamily.
means a place where one or more bee colonies are kept.
means any person, firm, partnership, association, joint venture, corporation, or any entity, combination of entities or consortium who seek approval of a city permit or other entitlement for use of property.
means a roof-like cover that projects from the wall of a building, shielding a doorway or window from the elements.
means a platform, enclosed by a parapet or railing, projecting from an exterior wall of a building.
See Cocktail lounge.
means any floor level below the ground level story in a building. If the finished floor level directly above a basement is more than six feet above grade for more than 50% of the total perimeter or is more than 12 feet above grade, as defined herein, at any point such basement shall be considered a story (See Story).
"Bed-and-breakfast inn"
means a building of historic and/or architectural significance which provides guest rooms and breakfast for transient occupancy guests and which is the primary residence of the owner or manager. A bed and breakfast inn may not be operated as a time share project/use (See Chapter 17.52 for standards relating to).
means any habitable room with no less than 70 square feet of floor area and no dimension less than seven feet in a dwelling other than bathroom(s), kitchen, living and dining room. Unless specifically designed to exclude its use as a bedroom (e.g., no closet, enlarged entry ways without doors, no windows open to the exterior, etc.), any den, study or other room meeting the above definition of a bedroom shall be considered a bedroom for the purpose of meeting the standards of the code.
"Bee colony"
means a queen bee with a cluster of worker-bees in all stages of life.
means structure which has provisions for movable comb intended for habitation or dwelling of bees.
means honey bees as defined in this section.
means a usually rectangular section of a city or town bounded on each side by consecutive streets. In unusual situations where there is no street on one or two sides the block may be bounded by city limits, a creek or a river or other geographic feature, as determined by the Community Development Director.
"Boat dock"
means a fixed structure supported by pilings or floats typically made of wood or concrete connected to land that is used to secure boats and provide dry pedestrian access to land.
"Boutique food processing with retail sales"
means a food processing use characterized by its small size, lack of nuisance impacts on neighboring uses, and on-site sales of products prepared.
means a roofed or trellised open passage with a minimum width of four feet connecting two structures, such as a house and a garage.
means any structure intended for any use or occupancy with substantial walls and roof.
"Building, allowable location"
means the portion of a lot where the principal building(s) can be located and does not include the setback(s) and yard(s) required by the zoning district in which the lot is located.
"Building area or size"
means the total gross building floor area. See Floor area.
"Building face"
means the outer surface of an exterior wall of a building. For example, a building with a rectangular plan has four exterior walls and four building faces.
"Building, height of"
means the vertical distance from average grade, as defined herein, to the highest point of the roof, ridge or parapet wall. In calculating the height of a stepped or terraced building, the height of each individual segment of the building shall first be calculated; the height of a stepped or terraced building is the height of the tallest segment of the building.
"Building Official, Chief"
means the officer or other designated authority charged with the administration and enforcement of the building, housing, plumbing, electrical and related codes, as provided by Title 15 of this code.
"Building, principal or main"
means a building in which is conducted the principal use of the lot on which it is situated and to which setbacks and yards apply.
means a structural, ornamental roof-like appendage, freestanding or attached to a building, including roof overhangs, but excluding awnings or metallic hoods.
means a roofed structure providing space for the parking or storage of motor vehicles and open on one or more sides.
means a structure, or portion thereof, designed and intended for washing motor vehicles; whether a principal or an accessory use, attended or unattended.
"Caretaker residence"
means a building used as a residence by a security guard or caretaker of a use, located on or adjacent to the premises occupied by the use, and which is reasonably necessary to provide adequate security for the use.
"Center line."
See Street, center line of.
means a nonprofit association of persons, whether incorporated or unincorporated, organized to pursue common goals, interest or activities, but not including a group organized solely or primarily to render a service customarily carried on as a business.
"Cocktail lounge, bar"
means a commercial establishment whose principal use is the on-site sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, including taverns and similar uses.
means a type of typically ownership housing in which residents actively participate in the design and operation of their neighborhoods. Co-housing includes private homes, but also extensive common facilities such as open space, playgrounds, courtyards, and a common house.
"Community care facility"
means any facility, place, or building licensed by the state which is maintained and operated to provide nonmedical residential care, day care, or home-finding agency services for children, adults or children and adults, including, but not limited to, the physically disabled or mentally impaired. This definition and all other definitions relating to community care facilities shall be interpreted so as to be consistent with definitions found in state law or state administrative regulations.
"Community Development Department"
means the Community Development Department of the city.
"Community Development Director"
means the Director of the Community Development Department of the city.
"Conditional use"
means a use, structure or other development for which a use permit is required.
means a facility meeting the definition of a hotel with ownership structured as a condominium, cooperative or other ownership/financing arrangement found by the Community Development Director to be similar in function and/or operation, but shall not include timeshares in or interval or fractional ownership of a hotel.
means an estate in real property consisting of an undivided interest in common in a portion of real property together with a separate interest in space or a portion of such real property in a residential, industrial, or commercial building or such real property, such as an apartment, office or store (see Residential condominium project).
"Construction work"
means any work for which a building permit, grading permit or other similar city permit is required; landscaping; or the erection, installation or painting of signs or public art.
"Contiguous, bordering on."
See Abut.
"Convenience market"
means a retail facility characterized by: small size (typically less than 7,500 square feet), limited range of products, limited product lines, limited inventory on hand, and an emphasis on daily household items including prepared foods and beverages. Convenience markets are also characterized by locations in close proximity to residential neighborhoods outside of larger shopping centers.
"Cottage food operations"
means an enterprise defined by the California Health and Safety Code Section 11378, holding a permit or registration by the county of Napa, and is generally an accessory business located within a residence where nonpotential hazardous food products are prepared or packed for direct ("Class A" as defined in Section 113758), indirect ("Class B" as defined in Section 113758), or direct and indirect sale to consumers (see Section 17.52.105).
"Crucial corridors"
means as defined in the General Plan transportation element: specified major corridors for community wide circulation. These corridors are identified in the zoning ordinance through the :TI Traffic Impact Overlay District.
means a small, usually domed structure surmounting a roof for decorative purposes provided it does not contain flooring nor serve as a story.
"Day care facility"
means an existing or proposed building, equipment and any accessory structures on a site, in which there are programs and personnel licensed by the state for direct child or adult care services including, but not limited to shelter, food, education and play opportunities for a portion of the day. There are two basic types or designations of child or adult day care facilities:
Family day care home (a dwelling unit licensed for the care of up to 14 children or eight adults).
Day care center (a facility licensed for the care of 15 or more children or nine or more adults).
"Decision-making body"
means the person, commission or council charged with the authority in this title to make a decision on a permit.
means a platform requiring ground supports usually extending from the main wall of the structure and used as exterior floor space.
means the intentional removal of all or part of a building or structure.
"De novo"
means anew.
"Density bonus"
shall have the meaning and applicability, and shall be defined, as set forth in Government Code Section 65915.
"Density, residential"
means the General Plan establishes minimum and maximum densities for residential uses in all parts of the city. Residential density is a computation expressing number of dwelling units per acre. See Chapter 17.52 for density calculation.
"Design review permit"
means a discretionary permit authorizing approval of the design and materials of a structure and/or site plan.
"Distance between buildings"
means the shortest horizontal distance between the exterior walls of two buildings.
means a portion of the territory of the city within which certain uniform regulations and requirements, or various combinations thereof, apply under the provisions of this title; includes zoning district and zone.
"Drive-in use."
See Drive-through use.
"Drive-through use"
means an establishment which by design, physical facilities, service, or by packaging procedures permits customers to receive services, obtain goods including food, or be entertained while remaining in their motor vehicles.
"Drive-up window."
See Drive-through use.
means a paved way that provides direct access from a public or private street to one or two dwelling units, a use or parking facility.
"Driveway, residential"
means a paved way that provides direct access from a public or private street to an individual dwelling unit.
means two attached single-family dwellings on separate lots of record.
means a building which is designed or used exclusively as a residence, and has two separate dwelling units on an individual lot.
"Dwelling, accessory."
See Accessory dwelling unit.
"Dwelling, single-family attached"
means one single-family dwelling located on an individual lot of record that is attached to one or more adjacent single-family dwellings by a common vertical wall on the joint property line.
"Dwelling, single-family detached"
means a single-family dwelling which is not attached to any other dwelling, with the possible exception of an accessory second unit on an individual lot.
"Dwelling group"
means a group of two or more detached buildings, each of which contains one dwelling unit, located on a single lot in one ownership.
"Dwelling, multifamily"
means a building designed or used exclusively as a residence, including two or more separate dwelling units. This definition includes, but is not limited to, duplexes and triplexes, apartments, and townhomes under a common ownership.
"Dwelling, single-family"
means a building, including a manufactured home, or mobile home constructed to meet 1976 HUD standards, when placed on a permanent foundation, which is designed or used exclusively as a residence, including only one dwelling unit.
"Dwelling, townhome"
means a development style that provides dwelling units in an attached pattern, each of which is located or capable of being located on a separate lot; and each of which is separated from the adjoining dwelling unit by an approved wall, extending from the foundation through the roof and structurally independent of the corresponding wall of the adjoining unit.
"Dwelling unit"
means a building or portion of a building including one or more rooms which is designed or used as a residence for one household with facilities for living, sleeping, cooking, dining and sanitation.
"Dwelling unit, studio"
means any dwelling unit wherein one habitable room provides for combined living, sleeping, cooking, dining and sanitation.
means a limited right of one person or class of persons to use real property owned or occupied by another, which right is described specifically as to location and entitlement to use.
means the projecting lower edges of a roof overhanging the wall of a building.
"Educational use"
means any use devoted to learning, whether it be public, private, commercial or noncommercial.
"Efficiency kitchen"
means an area used, or designated to be used, for the preparation of food with the following minimal requirements: (1) a sink with a maximum waste line diameter of 1.5 inches, (2) a cooking facility with appliances that do not require electrical service greater than 120 volts, natural gas, or propane gas, and (3) a food preparation counter and storage cabinets that are of reasonable size in relation to the size of the dwelling unit.
"Emergency shelter"
means housing with at least minimal supportive services for homeless persons that is limited to occupancy of six months or less by a homeless person. No individual or household may be denied emergency shelter because of an inability to pay. Outside of the PQ-P District, where emergency shelters are specifically listed and allowed as a permitted use, emergency shelters are allowed as "community care facilities."
"Employee housing, large"
shall be as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 17021.6.
"Employee housing, small"
means single-family housing for six or fewer employees. Also includes employee housing for six or fewer agricultural workers defined in California Health and Safety Code Subdivision 17008(b), even if the housing accommodations are not located in a rural area.
means an increase in the size of an existing building or structure or an increase in the physical area occupied by a use of land.
means to construct, place, relocate, enlarge, substantially alter, attach, suspend, paint, post, or display. Normal maintenance, including refinishing is not included in this definition.
"Erosion, soil"
means the detachment and movement of soil or rock fragments or the wearing away of the land surface by water, wind, ice and gravity.
"Exterior remodel"
means any structural alteration or renovation to the outside of an existing structure other than an addition.
See Household.
"Family day care home."
See Day care facility.
means capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period of time, taking into account economic, environmental, social, and technical factors. Feasibility is determined by the city.
means an artificially constructed barrier of any material or combination of materials erected to enclose, screen or separate areas of land usually made of posts with wires or wood and including walls or like structures.
"First-class hotel standard"
means a standard of physical features of and operational (service expectations) aspects for a hotel that meets or exceeds the criteria established for the American Automobile Association ("Association") "four diamond" properties. Should this Association cease to exist or to publish physical and/or operational criteria, for hotels, or where otherwise necessary to further the purposes of this chapter, the Community Development Director may utilize a similar set of criteria that he or she finds will meet the intent of this definition. The first-class hotel standard shall also include, without limitation, operation of the hotel on a seven-day-a-week basis, with sufficient room service, housekeeping (including housekeeping of the individual units), food and beverage service, concierge, parking, bellman, banqueting and meeting services.
"Flag lot (also known as a panhandle lot)"
means a lot that has less than the minimum required frontage on a public or private street, have access to a public or private street by a narrow strip of land, and the largest portion of the lot is situated behind adjoining lots which front on a public or private street.
See Story.
"Floor area"
means the sum (square feet) of the all enclosed or covered areas of each floor of all structures greater than 120 square feet in floor area on the site, measured to the exterior of the enclosing walls, columns or posts including basement areas, unfinished attic or loft spaces and other areas capable of being finished into usable space as determined by the Uniform Building Code. Excluded are areas permanently open to the sky, exterior areas under roof eaves, trellises or cantilevered overhangs; and attic spaces and underfloor spaces that are not capable of being finished into habitable space.
"Floor area ratio (FAR)"
means the General Plan establishes floor area ratios as the measure for nonresidential intensity in all parts of the city. The floor area ratio is a computation determined by dividing the total gross building square footage by the land area of the lot. See Chapter 17.52 for calculation of floor area ratios.
"Food service establishment"
means a commercial establishment for the on-site sale and consumption of meals consisting of foodstuffs which have been prepared or packaged on the premises.
"Food and beverage store, specialty"
means a retail food store characterized by its small size, a limited number of high quality specialty food items and/or beverages typically including premium wine and beer.
means that portion of a building or lot facing and having access to a public or private street, including an alley.
"Game arcade"
means a commercial establishment that offers six or more electronic games for temporary hire as a form of entertainment.
means a structure, or part thereof, used or intended to be used for the parking or storage of vehicles. Includes public and commercial parking facilities. See also Carport.
"Gas station."
See Service station.
"General Plan"
means the comprehensive, long-term plan, consisting of maps, policies and programs adopted by the City Council for the orderly physical development of the land and the preservation of open space in the city according to Section 65300 et seq., of the California Government Code.
means the effect produced by brightness sufficient to cause annoyance, discomfort, or loss in visual performance and visibility.
"Grade or gradient (slope)"
means the degree of deviation of a surface from the horizontal, usually expressed in percent, degrees or ratios. Grade is referenced or measured in the following ways:
Percent Grade. The change in elevation or rise (in feet) divided by the horizontal distance or run (in feet) multiplied by 100 (e.g., 50 feet/480 feet × 100 = 10.5%).
Degrees. The angle of deviation from the horizontal which ranges from zero degrees for horizontal to 90 degrees for vertical (e.g., a 50% grade is equal to 26.5 degrees).
Grade Ratio. The ratio between the horizontal or run (in feet) and vertical or rise (in feet) (e.g., a three to one grade (expressed as 3:1): three horizontal feet to one vertical foot; a 100% grade is the same as a grade ratio of 1:1 and is the same as 45 degrees).
"Grade, average"
means the average of the finished ground level (finished grade, as defined herein) at the outermost corners of a building (or building segments of stepped or terraced buildings) (see Building, height of).
"Grade, finished"
means the elevation of the ground surface in its final state, after manmade alterations.
"Grade, natural"
means the elevation of the ground surface in its natural state, before manmade alterations.
"Group residential"
means shared living quarters without separate cooking or bathroom facilities for each room or unit where occupants pay rent separately to a landlord. This classification includes dormitories, boardinghouses, private residential clubs and single-room occupancies where more than two rooms are rented in multifamily districts, or more than five rooms in single-family districts.
"Guest room"
means any room or rooms used or intended to be used by a guest for sleeping purposes in a principal or detached accessory dwelling unit, but without cooking facilities.
means meeting the requirements of the California Administrative Code, Title 24, including, but not limited to, insulation, heating, ventilation and lighting (in relation to building construction).
"Health spa"
means a use providing therapeutic services such as facials, massage, herbal wraps, and similar.
See Building, height of.
means any landing area for helicopters on public or private lands, which, in addition, includes all necessary facilities for the picking up and discharging of passengers or freight.
"Home occupation"
means an occupation conducted within a dwelling unit and/or accessory building on a residential property by the occupants thereof, which is incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for residential purposes, as further defined in Chapter 17.52.
"Honey bees"
means honey-producing insects of the genus Apis, including all life stages of such insects. Within this title, the term "honey bees" is interchangeable with "bees."
means an institution in which patients are given medical or surgical care and which is licensed by the state to use the title hospital without another qualifying descriptive word (such as "convalescent").
means a facility offering transient lodging accommodations typically on a daily rate to the general public and that may provide additional services, such as restaurants, meeting rooms, and recreational facilities.
means a person or group of people who live together in a single dwelling unit, but not including the renting of rooms.
"Household pet"
means up to six small domestic animals over the age of four months of the type generally accepted as pets, including dogs, cats, rabbits, pigeons, hens, and the like; but not including roosters, quacking ducks, geese, pea fowl, goats, sheep, hogs, apiaries, venomous reptiles, kennels, or the presence of animals for commercial purposes.
"Housing Authority"
means the City of Napa Housing Authority.
"Housing unit."
See Dwelling unit.
"Intermediate care facility"
means a facility licensed by the state which provides, on a regular basis, health-related care and services to individuals who do not require the degree of care and treatment which a hospital is designed to provide, but who, because of their mental or physical condition, require care and services (above the level of room and board) which can be made available to them only through institutional facilities such as these. Includes nursing homes, convalescent facilities and similar.
"Junior accessory dwelling unit"
means an accessory dwelling unit that is no more than 500 square feet in size and is contained entirely within the principal dwelling unit.
means an area used, or designated to be used, for the cooking or preparation of food, which includes the following: refrigerator, sink and a cooking device such as a stove, oven, or range top.
means a use of land for permanent planned ornamental planting and related structures.
"Live/work housing"
means an area specifically designed and developed to include one or more rooms that accommodates both work activity and residential occupancy and which includes: (1) working space reserved for and regularly used by one or more of the persons residing therein; and (2) living, sleeping cooking, and sanitary facilities. All living space shall be contiguous with and made an integral part of the working space with direct access between living and working areas. In multifamily districts, the residential use shall be the dominant use (typically occupying 65% + of floor space) and work activities shall be consistent with types permitted as home occupations.
"Living quarter"
means an accessory building or portion thereof (or a portion of the main dwelling with a separate entrance and no interior connection to the main dwelling), without cooking facilities, on the same lot as a single-family dwelling, used for sleeping purposes by guests, family members or others. For purposes of this chapter, a living quarter is considered the same/must meet the same standards as an accessory dwelling unit. There shall be no more than one accessory unit or living quarter per lot.
"Loft or mezzanine"
means a floor area directly beneath the roof of a structure raised above the main floor. When the total area of such loft exceeds one-half of the floor area below, it shall be considered a story.
means a piece or unit of land, the boundaries of which have been established according to the legal requirements in effect at the time the lot was created or which has been issued a certificate of compliance, occupied or capable of being occupied, by a permitted principal building(s) and its accessory structures (See Lot access requirement, Chapter 17.52).
"Lot, corner"
means a lot abutting upon two or more streets at their intersection, or upon two parts of the same street, such streets or parts of the same street forming an interior angle of less than 135 degrees.
"Lot coverage"
means the land area covered by all buildings or structures on a lot, including all projections except eaves. Decks or other structures with an elevation of 18 inches or less above finished grade shall not be considered as lot coverage.
"Lot frontage"
means the width of the property at the front lot line.
"Lot, interior"
means a lot other than a corner or through lot.
"Lot line"
means the property line bounding a lot. Lots on private streets that have access provided by way of an easement shall utilize the edge of the street easement as the lot line, unless otherwise determined by the Community Development Director (See Lot line, front).
"Lot line, front"
means the line separating the lot from a public or private street, or the line separating the principal access to the lot from a publicly owned plaza, mall, or parking facility. In the case of a corner lot, the front line is the shorter of any two adjacent street lot lines.
"Lot line, rear"
means the lot line opposite to, and most distant from, the front lot line other than a side lot line.
"Lot line, side"
means any lot line, other than a front or rear lot line, which intersects a front lot line.
"Lot of record."
See Lot.
"Lot, nonconforming."
See Nonconforming lot.
"Lot, through or double frontage"
means a lot that has a pair of opposite lot lines along two substantially parallel streets (excluding alleys), and which is not a corner lot. Where there is access and building orientation to both streets, both street lot lines shall be deemed front lot lines. Otherwise, one lot line is considered the rear yard, where "back on" treatment applies if any fencing is proposed (See Fences, Chapter 17.52.).
"Lot width"
means the horizontal distance between the side lot lines, measured at right angles to the lot depth at the front setback line.
"Lower income households."
This term is defined by Section 50079.5 of the State Health and Safety Code as persons and families whose income does not exceed the qualifying limits for lower income families as established and amended from time to time pursuant to Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937. The limits shall be published by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) in the California Administrative Code as soon as possible after adoption by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. In the event such federal standards are discontinued, HCD shall, by regulation, establish income limits for lower income households for all geographic areas of the state at 80% of area median income, adjusted for family size and revised annually. For the City of Napa "area median income" means the median family income of a household in the Vallejo-Fairfield-Napa Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA).
means a public promenade; or a shopping center where stores front on both sides of a pedestrian way which may be enclosed or open.
"Manufactured home"
means a single-family detached or attached structure that is either wholly or substantially manufactured off-site, to be wholly or partially assembled on site, manufactured under the authority of 42 USC Section 5401, the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, and shall include structures known as manufactured homes or mobile homes. It is transportable in one or more sections, is built on a permanent chassis, and is used as a residence, but is not constructed with a permanent hitch or other device allowing transport other than for the purpose of delivery to a permanent site, and does not have wheels or axles attached permanently to its body.
means establishments engaged in the mechanical or chemical transformation of materials or substances into new products including the assembling or component parts, the manufacturing of products, and the blending of materials such as lubricating oils, plastics, resins or liquors.
means a structural flat roof structure attached to and supported by a building and projecting over public property.
means a low-lying tract of soft, wet land characterized by high water tables and extensive vegetation characteristic of wet places.
"Medical clinic"
means an establishment where patients are studied or treated by physicians specializing in various ailments. Also, a dispensary or out-patient department of a hospital.
See Loft.
"Mixed use development project"
means an integrated combination of two or more land uses on a lot or lots included in a development permit application. Land uses may include residential, retail, commercial, office, light manufacturing, or other uses as permitted by the General Plan land use category and base zoning district.
"Mixed use, horizontal"
means a development pattern that combines one type of use on one part of a lot or lots involved in a development permit application with a second use on another part of the same lot/lot(s).
"Mixed use, vertical"
means a development pattern where the mix of uses is combined vertically in one or more buildings; e.g., retail use on the ground floor with residential use on upper floor(s).
"Mobile home"
means a transportable, manufactured home, designed to be used as a year-round residential dwelling unit, connected to required utilities, and built prior to the enactment of the Federal Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, which became effective June 15, 1976. A mobile home does not include a recreational vehicle, motor coach, trailer coach or travel trailer.
"Mobile home park"
means a property under single ownership that has been planned and improved for the placement of two or more mobile homes or manufactured homes for rent, lease or purchase, and that may provide services for the residents.
"Mobile recycling unit"
means an automobile, truck, trailer, or van, licensed by the Department of Motor Vehicles which is used for the collection of recyclable materials. A mobile recycling unit. Also the bins, boxes or containers transported by trucks, vans, or trailers, and used for the collection of recyclable materials.
See Hotel.
"Motor vehicle repair, major"
means general repair, rebuilding or reconditioning of engines, motor vehicles, or trailers; collision service, including body, frame, or fender repair; over-all painting.
"Motor vehicle repair, minor"
means upholstering, replacement or adjustment of accessories and parts, (i.e. tires, batteries, mufflers, oil change, lube, tune up, etc.) and motor service to passenger cars and trucks not exceeding one and one-half ton capacity; but not including other operations named under motor vehicle repair, major.
"Motor vehicle sales"
means an interior or exterior area used for the display, sale or rental of new or used automobiles, trucks, trailers, recreation vehicles, mobile homes, motorcycles and boats in operable condition.
"Multifamily dwelling."
See Dwelling, multifamily.
means the City of Napa Municipal Code. Title 17, Zoning Ordinance, is a part of this code.
means an area of a community with characteristics that distinguish it from other community areas and which may include distinct historic or design characteristics, schools, or boundaries defined by physical barriers such as major highways and railroads or natural features such as rivers. Where none of the conditions or characteristics described above apply, a neighborhood is assumed to be the area within a radius of approximately one-half mile of a specified site.
means a commercial establishment which serves alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption and which provides entertainment, whether live or mechanical as its principal use or as an adjunct use to another use and in which dancing is allowed.
"Nonconforming building or structure"
means a building or structure which was lawfully erected prior to the adoption of this title; but which, under this title, does not conform to the current standards of coverage, yards, setbacks, height of buildings or structures, or distances between buildings or structures prescribed in the regulations for the district in which the building or structure is located.
"Nonconforming lot"
means a legally established lot which does not conform to current regulations regarding area, width, frontage or other such standards for the zoning district in which it is located because of rezoning, annexation or change in the regulations of this title, Title 16, or the Subdivision Map Act.
"Nonconforming use"
means a use of a structure or land, which was lawfully established and maintained prior to the adoption of this title, but which, under this title, does not conform with the current use regulations of the district in which it is located.
"Nursery school."
See Day care facility.
"Nursing home."
See Intermediate care facility.
means the purpose for which a building is used or intended to be used. The term shall also include the building or room housing such use. A change of occupancy is not intended to include change of tenants or proprietors without an accompanying change of use.
"Office, general"
means a use providing administrative, professional or business services involving predominantly administrative, professional or clerical operations.
"Office, medical"
means a use providing consultation, diagnosis, therapeutic, preventative, or corrective treatment services by doctors, dentists, and similar practitioners of medical and healing arts for humans licensed for such practice by the state of California.
"Open space, common"
means land within or related to a development, not individually owned or dedicated for public use, which is designated and intended for the common use or enjoyment of the residents of the development and may include such complementary structures and improvements as are necessary.
"Outdoor area, usable"
means includes private yard areas and common areas suitable for passive and active recreation use and excludes minor decorative landscaping, driveway areas, parking facilities, and utility or service areas. Such area may be located on the ground, roof, balcony, deck, patio, terrace or porch. Common usable outdoor area shall be open to the sky, have a slope less than 10%, and a minimum dimension of 10 feet. In the downtown only, common indoor areas suitable for recreational uses may, at the discretion of the city, be counted toward a portion of the usable outdoor area requirement (Also see Private yard area).
"Outdoor storage"
means the keeping in an unroofed area of any goods, junk, material, merchandise, or vehicles in the same place for an extended period of time.
means the part of a roof or wall which extends beyond the façade of a lower wall; also that portion of a vehicle extending beyond the wheel stops or curb.
means a person, persons, or corporation holding fee title to property within the city as shown in the most recent assessor's roll in the county of Napa.
Parcel or assessor's parcel is a term for a unit of land created and assigned a number by the Napa County Assessor. Since an assessor's parcel is established for assessment purposes only, it is often, but not always a lot of record.
"Parking area"
means any public or private land designed and used for parking motor vehicles, including, but not limited to, parking lots and garages.
"Parking facility"
means an area on a lot and/or within a building, devoted to parking of vehicles, typically surfaced and improved, including five or more parking spaces contiguous or in close proximity to one another, aisles, and landscaped areas, and providing vehicular access to a street. Excludes a parking area for an accessory dwelling unit, or duplex use where each unit is served by an individual driveway.
"Parking space"
means a permanently surfaced area for vehicular parking connected to a street, alley or other public way by a permanently surfaced driveway. This title establishes several types of parking spaces depending upon the size of the vehicle and duration of the individual parking in the space. Specific size requirements for these types of parking spaces are contained in the Public Works Department standard specifications.
"Parking space, bicycle"
means a permanent parking space designed for bicycles.
"Parking lot."
See Parking facility.
means the boundaries or borders of a lot or lots if developed as a unit.
"Permitted use."
For the purpose of this title, a permitted use in any district shall include any use allowed by right listed as a "permitted use" in a zoning district.
means individual persons and any form of organization, including, but not limited to, government entities, sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, trusts, and any other form of commercial or noncommercial enterprise. Person applies to any person who is the owner, lessee, sublessee, manager of premises, to any other person who is in possession of or in charge of premises, and to any person who has management or supervisory authority or responsibility to direct construction work or any other activity or use taking place on premises.
See Household pet.
"Planned development"
means an area developed according to an approved plan in the Planned Development Overlay District and containing one or more buildings or structures.
means a roofed approach to a doorway usually extending from the exterior wall of the structure and requiring ground supports.
"Principal dwelling unit"
means the existing or proposed single family dwelling located on a lot on which an accessory dwelling unit or junior accessory dwelling unit is permitted pursuant to Section 17.52.015.
"Principal or main building"
means the building or buildings in which is conducted the primary use or uses of the lot on which it is located.
"Private yard area"
means usable outdoor area adjoining a unit and intended for private enjoyment of the unit occupants. A private yard area shall be defined such that its boundaries are evident and may include balconies, decks, patios and porches. Private yard areas should have a minimum dimension of five feet (upper floors) and 10 feet (ground floors).
"Public hearing"
means a meeting noticed as required by this title in which testimony and arguments are presented publicly before any of the hearing bodies established herein: city Planning Commission, City Council, etc.
"Publicly owned"
means land or buildings owned or operated by a governmental or other public agency.
"Qualifying resident."
See Senior citizen.
"Recyclable material"
means usable material including but not limited to, metals, glass, plastic and paper, which are intended for reuse, remanufacture, or reconstitution for the purpose of using the altered form. Recyclable material does not include refuse or hazardous materials. Recyclable material may include used motor oil collected and transported in accordance with Sections 25250.11 and 25143.2(b)(4) of the California Health and Safety Code.
"Recycling (and solid waste) area"
means an area designated for collecting and loading solid waste/recyclable materials that complies with the provisions of Chapter 17.52.
"Recycling facility"
means a center for the collection and/or processing of recyclable materials. A certified recycling facility means a recycling facility certified by the California Department of Conservation as meeting the requirements of the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act of 1986. Does not include storage containers of processing activity located residential or nonresidential property used solely for the recycling of material generated by uses on that property.
"Recycling facility, large"
means a recycling facility established either as an accessory use, 500 square feet or larger in size, or as a principal use, regardless of size, devoted exclusively to the collection of recyclable materials from the public.
"Recycling facility, small"
means a recycling center established as an accessory use to a principal use, not exceeding 500 square feet in size, devoted exclusively to the collection of recyclable materials from the public and meeting the standards of Chapter 17.52.
"Rehabilitated landscaping"
means installation of new plant material or new irrigation systems into an existing landscape area.
See Exterior remodel.
"Religious use"
means a structure or place in which worship, ceremonies, rituals or education pertaining to the exercise of any religion, whether or not compelled by or central to a system of religious belief, are held.
means the place in which one lives.
"Residential condominium project"
means a community apartment project, a condominium, a condominium project, a stock cooperative, or a planned development as those terms are defined by California Civil Code Section 783, California Business and Professions Code Section 11005, respectively. A residential condominium project does not mean or include:
Financing or leasing of apartments, offices, stores, or store space within apartment buildings, industrial buildings, commercial buildings, mobile home parks or trailer parks;
Mineral, oil or gas leases;
Land dedicated for cemetery purposes under the Health and Safety Code of the state.
"Residential care facility"
means a family home, group-care facility, or similar facility determined pursuant to state law, for 24-hour nonmedical care of persons in need of personal service, supervision, or assistance essential for sustaining the activities of daily living or for the protection of the individual. This classification includes only those services and facilities licensed by the state of California.
means the sale of goods or commodities in small quantities directly to consumers. May include incidental wholesale or other related activities.
"Rezoning or reclassification."
See Amendment.
"Reverse vending machine"
means an automated mechanical device which accepts at least one or more types of empty beverage containers including, but not limited to aluminum cans, glass and plastic bottles, and issues a cash refund or a redeemable credit slip with a value not less than the container's redemption value as determined by the state. A reverse vending machine may sort and process containers mechanically provided that the entire process is enclosed within the machine. A bulk reverse vending machine is a type of reverse vending machine that is larger than 50 square feet; is designed to accept more than one container at a time; and will pay by weight instead of by container.
means a strip or area of land acquired by reservation, dedication, prescription or condemnation and intended to be occupied or occupied by a street, road, or other similar public utility or use. The right-of-way typically includes the area behind the curb (i.e., planting strip, sidewalk, and sometimes the area behind the sidewalk).
means of or pertaining to land and vegetation which is located adjacent to a natural or manmade watercourse or body of water.
means the outside top covering of a building.
"Rooming or boarding, accessory"
means the renting of one to two rooms, or room(s) plus meals by the owner of an owner-occupied dwelling unit, or by the tenant of a rental unit with the owner's permission.
"Run with the land"
means a covenant, restriction, permit or entitlement to the use of the land which is binding on the present and future owners of the property.
"RV park"
means a lot of land upon which two or more recreational vehicle sites are located, established, or maintained for transient occupancy by recreational vehicles of the general public for recreation or vacation purposes.
"Satellite dish"
means a dish-shaped antenna established to receive transmissions from satellites.
means a method of visually shielding or obscuring one abutting or nearby structure or use from another or from the public right-of-way by fencing, walls, berms or densely planted vegetation.
"Second unit."
See Accessory dwelling unit.
"Section 8"
(of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965) means a Federal Rent Subsidy Program (or its successors) in which eligible, very low-income and low-income households receive financial assistance to rent housing units.
means of, subject to or caused by an earthquake.
"Senior citizen,"
a term defined in California Civil Code Section 51.3, means a person 62 years of age or older, or 55 years of age or older in a senior citizen housing development.
"Senior housing"
means residential development designed for senior citizen households. Any age restrictions must be consistent with federal and state requirements.
"Service station"
means any premises developed with facilities for the sale of motor vehicle fuels; and which may also provide lubricants, tires, batteries, accessory items, and other customary services for motor vehicles. The servicing of motor vehicles shall be generally limited to lubrication, minor repairs, and washing. Major motor vehicle repair is not allowed. See Motor vehicle repair, major and Motor vehicle repair, minor.
means the distance by which any use or structure is required to be removed from a lot line contiguous to a public or private right-of-way, except for alleys (see Alley); through lots (see Lot, through); lots adjacent to new private streets when there is no legal access (See Setback and yard determinations in unusual cases, Section 17.52.430(C)); and such encroachments as are specifically permitted by this title.
"Setback, front"
means the required minimum horizontal distance between the use or structure and the front lot line, except for such encroachments as are permitted by this title. See Lot line, front.
"Setback, side"
means the required minimum horizontal distance between the use or structure and the street-facing side lot line on a corner lot, except for such encroachments as are permitted by this title. See Lot line, side; Lot, corner.
"Shopping center"
means a shopping center includes a minimum of five or more separate uses in one or more buildings devoted predominantly to retail and personal services uses and characterized by common parking, access, function and appearance. Shopping centers may also include other nonretail uses.
"Side-on or back-on treatment"
means a combination of landscaping, generally 10 feet wide and fencing that has received design review approval to be located in a required street side setback or rear yard adjacent to an alley or other right-of-way (See Section 17.52.170, Fences, walls and hedges).
"Single-family attached or detached dwelling."
See Dwelling, single-family attached and Dwelling, single-family detached.
"Single-room occupancy (SRO)"
means a type of group residential use where there are at least five single rooms with no more than two occupants in each unit that complies with the regulations in Section 17.52.440 of this title. The single rooms are habitable rooms that may have a bathroom and/or limited cooking facilities, and are intended for combined living and dining purposes.
shall have the meaning set forth in Chapter 17.55.
See Grade.
"Small lot development"
means a subdivision of land into lots that are smaller than the minimum lot size of the zoning district, when located on a public street developed to city standards or on private streets when no open space, facilities or other real property is owned in common.
"Solid waste area/recycling"
means an area designated for collecting and loading solid waste/recyclable materials that complies with the provisions of Chapter 17.52.
"Specific plan."
Consistent with California Government Code Section 65451, a compilation of all ordinances, maps, regulations, documents, or other descriptive materials, based on the General Plan, setting forth in detail a plan or program for the effectuation of a particular element, or portion of an element, of the General Plan; usually applied to a particular geographic area of a city or county.
means any building, barn, corral, or paddock used or designed to shelter or keep livestock, as regulated herein. Also an establishment where livestock is kept, boarded, groomed, or trained, rented for riding, or bred for profit, etc.
"Stock cooperative"
means a type of condominium as defined in Section 11003.2 of the Business and Professions Code of the state of California, containing two or more rights of exclusive occupancy.
means that portion of a building included between the upper surface of any floor and the upper surface of the floor next above; except that the topmost story shall be that portion of a building included between the upper surface of the topmost floor and the ceiling or roof above. If the finished floor level directly above a basement is more than six feet above grade, as defined herein, for more than 50% of the total perimeter or is more than 12 feet above grade, at any point such basement shall be considered a story.
"Story, half"
means a partial story under a gable, hip or gambrel roof, of which the wall plates of two opposite exterior walls are not more than four feet above the floor.
"Street, arterial, collector or state highway/freeway"
means major streets carrying higher volumes of traffic. Collectors serve as connectors between local and arterial streets. Arterials distribute traffic between freeways/highways and collectors while highways/freeways serve inter- and intra-city traffic. The 1998 General Plan circulation element designates the following arterials, collectors or state highways/freeways within the city's rural urban limit (RUL):
Austin Way-Pinewood Drive
Pearl Street
Beard Road
Pueblo Avenue
Big Ranch Road
Randolph Street (Pearl to Fourth Streets)
Brown Street (Vallejo to Clinton Streets)
Redwood Road
Browns Valley Road
Robinson Lane
Buhman Avenue
Salvador (SR 29 to eastern RUL)
Byway East
Saratoga Avenue
California Boulevard-Ornduff Street
Second Street (California Blvd. to Main Street)
California Way
Seminary Street (Calistoga to Third Streets)
Calistoga Street
Shelter Avenue
Clark Street
Shurtleff Avenue
Coombs Street (First Street to Imola Avenue West)
Sierra Avenue
Coombsville Road
Silverado Trail (SR 121)
Dry Creek Road
Solano Avenue
East Avenue
Soscol Avenue (all, including SR 221)
El Centro Avenue
Spruce Street
Fifth Street (Coombs Street to Main Street)
Stanly Lane
First Street (Browns Valley Road to Silverado Trail)
State Route 12/121
Foothill Boulevard
State Route 12/29
Foster Road
State Route 29
Fourth Street (Third Street to Coombs Street)
State Route 121 (Includes parts of: Imola Avenue, Imola Avenue West, and Silverado Trail)
Franklin Street
State Route 121/221 (Includes a segment of Soscol Avenue)
Gasser Drive
State Route 221 (Includes parts of Soscol Avenue)
Golden Gate Drive
Terrace Drive
Imola Avenue (Foster Road to eastern RUL including portions that are SR 121)
Terra Verde Drive
Jefferson (Southern end to Salvador Avenue)
Third Street (California Blvd. to Silverado Trail)
Kansas Avenue
Thompson Avenue
Laurel Street
Trancas Street
Lincoln Avenue (SR 29 to Silverado Trail)
Trower Avenue
Linda Vista Avenue
Vallejo Street
Main Street (Pueblo Avenue to Fifth Street)
Villa Lane
Montecito Boulevard
Walnut Street
Old Sonoma Road
West Pueblo Avenue
Old Soscol Way
Westview Drive
Orchard Avenue
Wine Country Avenue
Partrick Road
Yajome Street
"Street, center line"
means the line drawn at points midway between the face of curbs of an improved street, or as determined by the Public Works Director in the case of an unimproved or partially improved street.
"Street, local"
means a street which provides direct access to abutting properties, primarily in residential districts.
"Street, private"
means a paved right-of-way or easement, approved by the city, in private ownership, not dedicated or maintained as a public street, and not an alley, and which affords the principal means of access to uses on two or more lots.
"Street, public"
means a paved street, the entire width of which is within a publicly owned right-of-way and which contains pedestrian, vehicular, and utility improvements, facilities, and appurtenances. The term shall include avenue, drive, road, circle, parkway, boulevard, highway, thoroughfare, or any other similar term. Also includes any dedicated street accepted by the city for maintenance.
means anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires permanent location on the ground or attached to something having a permanent location on the ground. (Note: all buildings are structures, but not all structures are buildings. See Building.)
means the division, by any subdivider, of any lot or tract of improved or unimproved land, or any portion thereof, shown on the latest equalized county assessment roll as a unit or as contiguous units, for the purpose of sale, lease or financing, whether immediate or future except for leases of agricultural purposes. Property shall be considered to be a contiguous unit, even if it is separated by roads, streets, utility easement or railroad rights-of-way. The term subdivision includes parcel maps, a condominium project, as defined in Section 1350 of the Civil Code, a community apartment project, as defined in Section 11004 of the Business and Professions Code, or the conversion of five or more existing dwellings to a stock cooperative, as defined in Section 11003.2 of the Business and Professions Code.
"Supportive housing"
means housing with no limit on length of stay, that is occupied by the target population as defined in California Health and Safety Code Subdivision 53260(d), and that is linked to on-site or off-site services that assist the supportive housing resident in retaining the housing, improving his or her health status, and maximizing his or her ability to live and, when possible, work in the community.
means the departure of some or all of the bee population from a bee colony.
"Swimming pool"
means an outdoor pool, lake, or other natural or artificial body of water designed, constructed or used for swimming, dipping, or immersion purposes, and having a depth in excess of 24 inches, or with a surface area exceeding 100 square feet.
means a building or part of a building devoted to showing motion pictures, or for dramatic, musical or live performances.
"Time share projects"
mean projects in which a purchaser receives the right in perpetuity, for life, or for a term of years, to the recurrent, exclusive use or occupancy of a lot, parcel, unit or segment of real property, annually or on some other periodic basis, for a period of time that has been or will be allotted from the use or occupancy periods into which the project has been divided.
"Time share use"
means a license or contractual or membership right of occupancy in a time-share project which is not coupled with an estate in the real property. It is a type of commercial transient occupancy that may only be provided as visitor accommodations or in recreational vehicle (RV) parks.
See Dwelling, townhome.
"Transient occupancy"
means any person's use or possession, or right to use or possess, a building (or any portion thereof) for dwelling, lodging, or sleeping purposes, for a period of 30 consecutive calendar days or less (counting portions of calendar days as full days).
"Transitional housing and transitional housing development"
means buildings configured as rental housing developments, but operated under program requirements that call for the termination of assistance and recirculation of the assisted unit to another eligible program recipient at some predetermined future point in time, which shall be no less than six months.
"Trip ends"
means the total of motor vehicle trips entering and leaving a specific land use or site over a designated period of time.
"Trip generation"
means the average or typical number of trip ends produced by a specific land use or activity.
means a building on a lot which is designed or used exclusively as a residence and has three separate dwelling units.
means open on at least one side.
"Unenclosed covered area"
means an at-grade area, either paved or unpaved, covered by an open or weatherproof roof or other cover material and open on at least three sides. An unenclosed covered area which is attached to a building may be enclosed on two sides when the additional enclosure is required to satisfy Building Code and/or fire containment standards. Required open sides of a covered area shall not be partially enclosed by fencing, gates, trellises or similar.
"Usable outdoor area."
See Outdoor area, usable; also see Private yard area.
"Use, accessory."
See Accessory use.
"Use permit"
means a discretionary permit typically issued by the Planning Commission authorizing the establishment of a conditional use.
"Use, permitted."
See Permitted use.
"Vacancy rate"
means the number of uninhabited dwelling units that are available and suitable for occupancy expressed as a ratio to the total number of housing units in the group being reviewed.
means the term applied to the procedure whereby the strict application of the provisions of this title relating to height, area, yard requirements, or other requirements of this title may be modified in certain circumstances. The term variance does not apply to a use modification.
"Very low income households,"
as defined in Section 50105 of the Health and Safety Code, means persons and families whose incomes do not exceed the qualifying limits for very low income families as established and amended from time to time pursuant to Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937. Such limits shall be published by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) in the California Administrative Code as soon as possible after adoption by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. In the event such federal standards are discontinued, HCD shall, by regulation, establish income limits for very low income households for all geographic areas of the state at 50% of area median income, adjusted for family size and revised annually. For the City of Napa "area median income" means the median family income of a household in the Vallejo-Fairfield-Napa Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA).
"Video arcade."
See Game arcade.
"Vision triangle"
(also known as visibility triangle) means an area on each side of a driveway or private street at its connection to a public street, and areas at public street intersection corners within which fence heights and vegetation limits are established to reduce driver visual obstructions. See Driveway Vision Triangle illustration that follows. (Also see Section 10.32.020, "Obstructing visibility at driveways or intersections" and the Public Works Department Standard Specifications and Standard Plans Drawing S-25—"Visibility & Fencing Requirements.")
means the vertical exterior surface of a building; or the vertical interior surfaces which divide a building's interior space into rooms; or a fence.
means a building used primarily for the storage of goods and materials.
means any natural or artificial stream, river, creek, ditch, channel, canal, conduit, culvert, drain, waterway, gully, ravine or wash in which water flows in a definite direction or course, either continuously or intermittently, and has a definite channel, bed and banks, and includes any area adjacent thereto subject to inundation by reason of overflow or floodwater.
mean swamps, marshes, or other areas characterized by wet soil conditions either permanently or seasonally which are important to sustaining wildlife.
"Without prejudice"
is a legal term meaning that no rights or privileges of the applicant are considered waived or lost with respect to the submittal or re-submittal of his or her application. Under these conditions, an application may be resubmitted at any time.
means a required open area between a building and a rear lot line or interior side lot line(s), unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground up, except for such encroachments as are expressly permitted by this title.
"Yard, rear"
means an open area extending the full width of an interior lot between the principal building and the rear lot line, measured perpendicular to the building to the closest point of the rear lot line. In the case of a corner lot, an open area extending from the interior side lot line to the side setback.
"Yard, side"
means an open area extending from the front setback to the rear yard, between the principal building and the adjacent interior side lot line, measured perpendicular to the building to the closest point of the adjacent interior side lot line.
See District.
"Zoning map"
means the officially adopted zoning map or maps of the city, together with all amendments subsequently adopted.
"Zoning ordinance"
means Title 17 of this code, consisting of the official adopted zoning map and text.
(O2008 9; O2009 11; O2010 1, 1/26/10; O2013-3, 5/21/13; O2014-3, 3/4/14; O2016-6, 5/3/16; O2017-007, 3/7/17; O2019-001, 1/15/19; O2019-006, 5/21/19; O2020-004, 4/7/20)