The purpose of the Stanly Ranch Resort Master Plan is to:
Develop a low-density, destination resort and winery, using the highest quality, sustainable development design features, compatible with the existing agricultural uses which support the economic needs of the community;
Protect agricultural uses, sensitive wetland and creek habitat areas in the district and facilitate public access to open space within and adjacent to the district, including new trail connections to the Napa River;
Create a sense of place within the Stanly Ranch planning area through careful consideration of density, building design and complementary uses that respond to their geographic context;
Create strong linkages among uses on site, to the river and rest of the city through provision of pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle connections that will fit into the planned, area-wide transportation plan;
Create a resort district with a low density, luxury destination resort. The resort will provide visitors with an unparalleled Napa Valley experience, including an operational winery. The resort units will be a combination of traditional hotel units, vacation homes and fractional ownership units. The resort amenities will include a spa, fitness and recreation areas (such as tennis and bocce courts and similar facilities), outdoor pools, restaurants, banquet and event space;
Reflect and amplify the policies of the City of Napa General Plan and implement the General Plan Land Use Element "Tourist Commercial" designation for the site;
Implement the City of Napa Municipal Code through the incorporation of all applicable controls in accordance with the Master Plan adoption process as set forth in Chapter 17.26;
Incorporate and require implementation of mitigation measures as set forth in the environmental review conducted as part of the establishment of the Ranch Resort District;
Provide for the ongoing implementation of the Master Plan development standards through the establishment of procedures and standards for subsequent amendments, permitting actions and enforcement measures.
(O2010 7, 5/4/10)
For purposes of this chapter, these specific definitions apply:
"Community Development Director"
means the Community Development Director or designee of the Community Development Director or of the City Manager.
"Five star resort"
means a standard of physical features of, and operational (service expectation) aspects for a hotel that meets or exceeds the criteria established for the American Automobile Association "five diamond" properties. Should the American Automobile Association cease to exist or to publish physical and/or operational criteria for hotels, or where otherwise necessary to further the purposes of this chapter, the Community Development Director may utilize a similar set of criteria that he or she finds will meet the intent of the definition. The five star resort standard shall also include, without limitation, operation of the hotel on a seven-day a week basis, with sufficient room service, housekeeping (including housekeeping of fractional units and whole ownership dwelling units), food and beverage service, concierge, parking, bellman banqueting and meeting services.
"Fractional units"
mean attached or detached transient dwellings subject to a condominium subdivision, which are intended for sale in partial-year increments.
"Stanly Ranch planning area"
means planning area #12 as depicted in Figure 1-15 of the Napa General Plan.
"Stanly Ranch Resort Master Plan District"
means a district comprising 93 acres within the Stanly Ranch planning area, described in Section 17.30.030, and as depicted on the Zoning Map, as defined by Sections 17.02.020 and 17.06.020 as amended by Ordinance O2010 7, adopted on May 4, 2010, which within this chapter may be referred to as "district."
"Stanly Ranch Resort Master Plan EIR"
refers to the document entitled "St. Regis Napa Valley Project EIR" (State Clearinghouse Number 2009032009) including all documents incorporated therein by reference.
"Whole ownership dwelling units"
mean attached or detached residential dwellings, subject to a condominium subdivision, which are intended for sale for the purpose of occupancy by the owner without limitation as to length or time of stay, and with full access to resort services and amenities.
(O2010 7, 5/4/10)
The Stanly Ranch Resort Master Plan is located within the Stanly Ranch planning area, and comprises approximately 93 acres described as Parcels 3, 4, 9 and 10 of the Stanly Ranch Vineyards Subdivision, Map 5539. The Stanly Ranch Resort Master Plan comprises a single zoning district.
(O2010 7, 5/4/10)
Stanly Ranch Master Use Permit.
Stanly Ranch Master Use Permit Required Prior to Development. All other provisions of this chapter notwithstanding, no development pursuant to this Master Plan district shall be allowed prior to the issuance of a Stanly Ranch master use permit.
Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the Stanly Ranch master use permit is to require that any applicant for development within the district be held responsible for meeting the design and operational objectives set forth in Section 17.30.010. In adopting this process, the intent is to provide the means to place conditions on development related to design guidelines, ongoing monitoring of development impacts, operating conditions and standards, and agreed-upon developer and operator fiscal and economic contributions.
Authority, Processing and Findings.
The authority to approve, conditionally approve, or deny a Stanly Ranch master use permit shall be the City Council. The Stanly Ranch master use permit shall be subject to processing and to findings as set forth in Chapter 17.60, "Use Permits," of this code, substituting the City Council as the authority, Section 17.60.020, "Authority," notwithstanding.
A further finding which must be made prior to the approval of a Stanly Ranch master use permit shall be: the proposed design and operation of the development will result in a five star resort.
Permitted Uses.
Stanly Ranch Resort Master Plan District General Description of Uses. The primary permitted uses of the district will generally comprise hotel units, fractional units, and site improvements typical of a premiere destination resort with the added feature of an associated winery.
Primary Permitted Uses. The primary permitted uses of the district are hotel, offering transient lodging accommodations on a daily rate to the general public; fractional units; and winery. The total number of transient units shall be no greater than 175 units, allocated between the primary permitted uses (hotel units plus fractional units). The winery as permitted use will be a public commercial winery, with normal attendant accessory uses and site improvements, including vineyard. The primary permitted uses of the Stanly Ranch Resort master plan district, as described in this subsection, are limited as set forth in Table A; provided, however, that the allocation of transient units between hotel and fractional units may vary by up to 15 units.
Table A Primary Permitted Uses
Size or Unit Allocation
150 units
Attached hotel units without kitchens.
Normal uses and structures related to the operation and support of hotel units.
Fractional Units
25 units
Detached or duplex units, with kitchens.
Subject to requirements of Section 17.30.060(K) and (L).
25,000 case capacity
Tours, tastings and retail sales are permitted as defined per Section 17.52.540.
Wine produced required to contain at minimum 75% Napa County grapes.
Accessory and Related Uses. The primary permitted uses listed in the preceding Table A demand a number of associated and normally expected accessory and support uses. Table B specifically provides for such accessory and support uses to be established within the district by right, subject to conditions and restrictions herein. A certificate of occupancy shall not be issued for any whole ownership dwelling unit until at least 85 units of primary permitted transient occupancy units (hotel or fractional units) are approved by the city for occupancy.
Table B Accessory and Related Uses
Accessory Use
Zoning Ordinance Entries
Food, Beverage and Entertainment Uses
Catering (with retail sales)
Cocktail lounges, bars, nightclubs
Food service establishments
with or without accessory serving of beer or wine;
with a bar, live entertainment
Conducted within the grounds and buildings of the hotel and its accessory buildings.
Permitted by right, Section 17.52.070 notwithstanding.
Subject to state licensing for on-sale alcohol.
Food, Beverage Shops and Stores
Food and beverage sales with or without accessory serving of beer or wine
Conducted within the enclosed buildings of the hotel and its accessory buildings.
Primarily provided for the convenience and service to lodging guests of the resort.
Subject to state licensing for off-sale alcohol.
Other Shops, Stores and Commercial Services
Car rentals
Travel services
Resort unit sales and marketing offices
Financial services offices
Automatic teller machines
Conducted within the enclosed buildings of the hotel and its accessory buildings.
Primarily provided for the convenience and service to lodging guests of the resort.
Health and fitness facilities
Therapeutic massage
Beauty shops/salon services
Primarily provided for the convenience and service to guests of the resort but available to the general public.
Massage use subject to Chapter 5.32.
Maintenance, Storage and Operations Functions
Small equipment maintenance and repair
Recycling and waste storage
Conducted within the enclosed buildings of the hotel and its accessory buildings or in a separate building or buildings screened from public view and enclosure to reduce noise.
Outdoor Storage
Outdoor storage
Outdoor recycling and waste storage
Conducted within screened enclosures and not visible from any location outside the resort district.
Subject to design review.
External Installations
Satellite dishes
Subject to design review at the time of approval of the structure to which they are to be attached.
Vineyards in the resort district shall not constitute a primary agricultural use, nor obligate regulation or setback per Section 17.52.040.
Grapes grown as part of vineyard landscape in the resort district may be commercially harvested and sold.
Permitted, see standards Ch. 17.52
Parking structures
Parking lots
Structures and lots, meeting a shared parking demand analysis or the minimum requirements for parking per Chapter 17.54 and shall be subject to a design review permit per Chapter 17.62.
Whole Ownership Dwelling Units
Residential dwelling units (attached or detached)
Additional units, not included in the primary permitted use unit count in Section 17.30.040(B)(2).
Total whole ownership units shall not exceed 70 units.
Notwithstanding the requirements of Section 17.52.515 (Vacation Rental Permits), each owner of a whole ownership dwelling unit shall be conditionally permitted to operate a transient occupancy use in the district, pursuant to the requirements of a Stanly Ranch master use permit.
Temporary, Special Uses, and Other Uses.
Temporary or Special Event Uses. Parades, circuses, carnivals or gatherings of 500 or more persons shall be deemed to be a "special event" as that term is used in Chapter 12.48, and shall be subject to all requirement and limitations imposed on special events pursuant to Chapter 12.48, including the requirement to obtain a permit.
Other Accessory Uses or Use Determinations. Uses that are not explicitly permitted or conditionally permitted in this district shall be prohibited, unless the Community Development Director determines that the proposed use is substantially similar to a permitted or conditionally permitted use in this district, pursuant to the criteria set forth in Section 17.04.050 of this code.
(O2010 7, 5/4/10; O2014-3, 3/4/14)
Maximum Development Square Footage by District. The floor area of the district, not including parking structures, shall be limited to a total of less than 500,000 square feet. This total measurement is based upon the floor area projected allocation by use category per Table C, including normally attendant accessory structures. No lot within the district may exceed a floor area ratio of .20, as calculated per Section 17.52.120. The final allocation of floor area among the uses listed below may vary among uses and the square footage of any of the use categories may be increased by up to 15%, so long as:
The sum of all structures, not including parking structures, remains less than 500,000 square feet;
The number of hotel and fractional units and the winery capacity do not exceed the limits set forth in Table A (Primary Permitted Uses);
The number of whole ownership dwelling units do not exceed the limits set forth in Table B (Accessory and Related Uses); and
Applying the generation factors used in the St. Regis Napa Valley Traffic Impact Study, by W-Trans, dated May 5, 2009, the total trip generation on a daily or peak hour basis for the entire Stanly District does not increase from the total projected by that study.
Table C Floor Area Allocation by Use
Hotel and Related Use/Support Buildings
<195,000 sf
Fractional Units
<60,000 sf
Whole Ownership Dwelling Units
<205,000 sf
<40,000 sf
Height. Buildings within the district shall comply with the height limits in Table D. Height shall be measured per Section 17.06.030, Building height, with application of the stepped building standard and with measurement taken from the "average grade," as defined, and subject to the exclusions set forth in Section 17.52.220. The hotel structure shall also be subject to a height limit of 35′-0″, with application of the stepped building standard and with measurement taken from the preexisting grade as that grade is determined by the City Engineer.
Table D Height Limits
Use Type
Height Limit to Average Grade
Freestanding Accessory
Timeshare and Residential
Setbacks. Buildings within the district shall comply with yard, setback, and separation requirements in Table E. All measurement of yards, setbacks and separation shall be conducted per the definition of "Yard," Section 17.06.030.
Table E Minimum Yard, Setbacks and Separation
Setback from district exterior boundary
50 feet
Agricultural buffer building setback from district exterior boundary (where applicable per NMC Section 17.52.040)
80 feet
Setbacks from internal parcel lines
0 feet
Separation between detached structures
10 feet
Airport Compatibility Overlay District—Residence Restriction Area. The entirety of the district lies within the airport compatibility overlay district, and subject to the provisions of Chapter 17.34 of this title.
Pursuant to Chapter 17.34 of this title, within the area easterly of the line representing Zone D of the Airport Land Use Plan, as identified by the Napa County Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP), whole ownership dwelling units and fractional units shall be prohibited.
(O2010 7, 5/4/10)
Parking. On-site parking and loading shall be provided in accord with Chapter 17.54, or pursuant to a parking study and project design approved pursuant to a Stanly Ranch master use permit.
Accessory Structures. Nonresidential accessory structures shall meet standards for principal buildings. Walks or similar types of surfaced areas constructed at grade, fences (see Chapter 17.52 standards) and signs (see Chapter 17.55, Sign Ordinance) may be located in setback areas, subject to observance of the regulations related to visibility triangle, Section 17.52.170(C).
Screening of Trash, Outdoor Storage. See Chapter 17.52 for outdoor storage screening requirements.
Rooftop Equipment. Rooftop equipment shall be screened and integrated into the building architecture. Screens shall not disproportionately increase the mass of the building.
Landscaping. All planting strips, yards, setbacks and other required open space areas shall be landscaped in accordance with city standards, approved by the decision-making body as part of the design review or other discretionary permit. All landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy, weed-free condition. Landscape maintenance agreements may be required by the Community Development Director for sites determined to be sensitive sites.
Street Trees. Street trees in rights-of-way shall be installed if the Community Resources Director determines they are required in accordance with plans as approved, a Stanly Ranch master use permit or city standards, as applicable.
Public Works Improvements. Curb, gutter, sidewalk, street, drainage, utility undergrounding and similar improvements shall be installed if the Public Works Director determines they are required in accordance with the Stanly master use permit, the Stanly Ranch Resort Master Plan FEIR, Policy Resolution 27 or Public Works Department standard specifications as applied to development designs submitted.
Lighting. Exterior lighting shall be directed or shielded so as to prevent glare onto public streets and abutting residential properties.
Noise. Development and operation of uses within the Stanly Ranch Master Plan shall comply with Chapter 17.52 and Section 8.08.020.
Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions, Required Elements. All fractional and whole ownership units shall be subject to conditions, covenants and restrictions (CC&Rs). The CC&Rs shall be subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Director and approval as to form by the City Attorney, prior to the opening of any unit purchase escrow. The City of Napa shall be a party to the CC&Rs, with the right but without the obligation to enforce their provisions. The CC&Rs shall include elements requiring notification and acknowledgment of the potential impacts from the following site and area features:
Napa County Airport/avigation easement;
State Highway 129;
Agricultural uses on adjacent parcels (right to farm);
Regional trail system;
Public open space parcels;
Payment of an affordable housing fee at close of escrow for each whole ownership dwelling unit (as defined by Master Use Permit Condition No. 13).
Owners Association. An owners association (OA) shall be established to govern, manage, maintain and operate the hotel, fractional units and whole ownership dwelling units. The OA services shall include, but not be limited to, housekeeping for all public areas (including lobby and hallways), front desk, concierge services, and other such services as a hotel in accordance with CC&Rs to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director, and approved as to form by the City Attorney. The CC&Rs shall require that all portions of the resort (including all primary and accessory units, with the exception of the winery, vineyards and pond), including, but not limited to, landscape and open space areas, lobby, hallways, parking banquet/ballroom facilities, conference facilities, restaurant, retails, parking, recreational and spa facilities and other amenities and improvements (collectively "amenities") as well as individual hotel, fractional and whole ownership dwelling units, their furniture, fixtures, and equipment shall be maintained and operated in accordance a five star resort standard.
Fractional Units. Each fractional unit may be used by the owners of the corresponding fractional unit for a total of 168 days per calendar year without payment of TOT, which total number of TOT-exempt days may be divided among a number of fractional owners. Each fractional unit owner may use the unit for a maximum of 14 days per calendar year without payment of TOT. At all other times, each unit shall be used for transient occupancy purposes only; and no unit may be rented to, or used by, any person(s) for more than 30 consecutive days. Fractional owners who exceed 14 days of use in a calendar year shall pay a TOT for each day in excess of 14 days using an average daily rate, calculated as the total amount of TOT owed by the operator for hotel from nonowner transient occupied fractional units for the subject calendar month, divided by the total number of nonowner transient days charged during the same calendar month (as measured consistent with the city's Transient Occupancy Tax Ordinance, Napa Municipal Code Chapter 3.20).
For each day that any person other than a fractional owner (including the developer, operator, or other similar entity) has the privilege of occupancy (as that phrase is used in Napa Municipal Code Chapter 3.20) of a fractional unit, the fractional unit owner or operator shall be subject to payment of the TOT.
Whole Ownership Dwelling Units. For each whole ownership dwelling unit, as defined in the Stanly Ranch Resort Master Plan, TOT at the rate established by the City of Napa shall be paid on the rental amount paid if the unit is rented to a person who is not the owner of the unit for a period of less than 30 days. If any whole ownership dwelling unit is owned as a fractional unit, each fractional owner of the fractional unit shall pay TOT in accordance with subsections (L) and (M).
(O2010 7, 5/4/10; O2019-001, 1/15/19)
New structures, additions and exterior remodels and residential development or the subdivision of any lot shall require design review by the Community Development Director, Planning Commission or City Council as described in Chapter 17.62 (Design Review Permits), and consistent with design guidelines adopted pursuant to a Stanly Ranch Resort Master Plan master use permit.
For the purposes of this section, all initial approvals for habitable space, including the hotel, fractional units, whole ownership dwelling units, winery, accessory buildings and above grade parking structures shall be considered to comprise a single mixed use project, each component of which is subject to design review by the City Council per Section 17.30.080(C) of this chapter.
The painting of walls with murals, wall graphics or unusual paint colors incompatible with their context shall also require review in accordance with Chapter 17.62.
Signs shall require review in accordance with Chapter 17.55, Sign Ordinance.
(O2010 7, 5/4/10; O2019-001, 1/15/19)
The requirements of this chapter are specific to the district, and where there is a conflict between this chapter and other requirements of Title 17, the requirements of this chapter shall prevail. Where not addressed, general zoning requirements apply.
General zoning provisions shall apply for administration of the district in accordance with the Master Plan zoning administrative regulations in Section 17.26.110.
A unified site development plan providing a site plan and building design for all buildings, parking, landscape and open space areas, streets, pedestrian and bicycle paths and utilities is required prior to any development occurring within the district. In addition, each component shall be designed to provide a complementary interface between the components through their building design and site layout. Such unified site development plan shall be provided by submittal of a design review application as described in Chapter 17.62 approved by the City Council.
Amendments to this chapter, including the Stanly Ranch Resort Master Plan, shall be processed in accordance with Chapter 17.66. Amendments to the Stanly Ranch Resort Master Plan design guidelines or the Stanly Ranch Resort Master Plan landscape guidelines may be approved by resolution of the City Council.
(O2010 7, 5/4/10)