The Napa Pipe Master Plan districts are intended to apply in those areas of the city shown as "MP:NP" on the zoning map.
The Napa Pipe Master Plan districts are intended to:
Implement the goals, objectives, and policies of the General Plan;
Provide for development standards and specific project approvals, and to facilitate the economical, efficient, and coordinated development of large areas of residential, commercial, or other nonresidential zoned lands;
Allow deviation from standard zoning district regulations such as setbacks, lot area, lot coverage, and building height, while remaining consistent with design guidelines for the Napa Pipe Master Plan that encourage flexibility and creativity in building design and site planning, and promote a higher level of amenities beyond that expected in conventional developments;
Provide for orderly development of publicly accessible open space adjacent to and near the Napa River and build-out of required site improvements and infrastructure;
Encourage a mix of different dwelling types and a variety of land uses which complement each other and which are compatible with existing and future surrounding uses;
Encourage development of a walkable neighborhood with high density housing types, limited neighborhood-serving commercial uses and adjoining industrial/business park uses, in a desirable relationship to planned common use space, cultural, recreational and other uses; and
Allow for the development of general wholesale sales commercial activities (e.g., the development of a Costco) on approximately 17.5 acres designated MP:NP-IBP:AC district under this chapter as a means of generating jobs, providing shopping opportunities not currently available to the region, and generating significant sales tax revenue.
The Napa Pipe Master Plan districts are intended to build-out over time consistent with these development standards and specific project approvals, and to accommodate a limited list of possible interim uses prior to build-out.
(O2015-9, 8/4/15)
The following zoning districts (collectively, the Napa Pipe Master Plan or "MP:NP districts") are established for the purpose of implementing the Napa Pipe Master Plan: Master Plan:Napa Pipe-Mixed Use Residential-Waterfront:Airport Compatibility (MP:NP-MUR-W:AC) district; Master Plan:Napa Pipe-Industrial/Business Park-Waterfront:Airport Compatibility (MP:NP-IBP-W:AC) district; Master Plan:Napa Pipe-Industrial/Business Park:Airport Compatibility (MP:NP-IBP:AC) district; and Master Plan:Napa Pipe-Light lndustrial:Airport Compatibility (MP:NP-IL:AC) district. For the purpose of this chapter, ":AC" shall refer to the Airport Compatibility overlay district as provided in Chapter 17.34.
(O2015-9, 8/4/15)
All development and uses within the MP:NP districts shall be in accordance with the approved design guidelines adopted with the Napa Pipe Development Agreement as part of the Napa Pipe Project Approvals, as described therein. Except for the uses specified in Sections 17.32.070, 17.32.150, 17.32.230, and 17.32.240, all development and uses within the MP:NP districts shall also be in accordance with the approved development plan.
The development plan and design guidelines shall, as applicable, govern landscaping of streets, parks and open spaces, architectural design, signage, lighting, habitat protection measures, and any other requirements necessary to ensure an aesthetically pleasing and livable neighborhood consistent with the development plan.
The development plan ensures that adequate public facilities, including water, sewer, parks, schools, and other facilities are or will be available to serve the proposed development, without materially adversely affecting the existing public facilities serving surrounding developments.
The development plan specifies the permitted uses of the property, the density or intensity of use, the maximum height and size of proposed buildings, phasing of the development, and provisions for reservation or dedication of land for public purposes.
The development plan can be used similar to a specific plan by outlining individualized development standards which provide for the planning of generally large scale projects. The development plan includes a site plan depicting such elements as topographical features and the general location of structures, land uses, and public and private rights-of-way. The development plan includes sufficient information, including architectural design, size of facilities, traffic impacts, a circulation plan, and site improvements at a level of detail which allow for the thorough analysis of project impacts and compliance with city standards.
(O2015-9, 8/4/15)
As applied to the MP:NP districts, the provisions of this Chapter 17.32 shall supersede any conflicting provisions of the city zoning code, except as otherwise required by local, state, or federal law.
There shall be a maximum of 700 residential dwelling units within the MP:NP-MUR-W:AC district exclusive of units allowed by density bonuses pursuant to Section 17.52.130 and state law.
There shall be a maximum 150 unit continuing care retirement complex within the MP:NP-MUR-W:AC district with an average of one and one-half beds per unit, for a maximum of 225 beds, that provide independent living for seniors with common dining, recreational activities, housekeeping and transportation, as well as assisted care to seniors with mental and physical limitations.
There shall be a maximum of 40,000 square feet of gross floor area for all neighborhood services uses, as defined in subsection E of Section 17.32.080, within the MP:NP-MUR-W:AC district.
There shall be a maximum of 10,000 square feet of gross floor area for office uses, as defined in subsection B of Section 17.32.160, as the primary use within the MP:NP-IBP-W:AC district.
There shall be a maximum of one hotel with a maximum of 150 rooms within the MP:NP-IBP-W:AC district, with accessory uses for guests and the general public, including such facilities as meeting rooms, spa and fitness center, provided that the entirety of the use shall not exceed the 100-person per acre average intensity specified in the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan.
There shall be a maximum of 15,600 square feet of community facilities within the MP:NP-MUR-W:AC or MP:NP-IBP-W:AC districts, which may include a transit center, interpretive nature center, boat house, café/visitor pavilion, child care center, and drydock theatre.
There shall be a maximum of 154,000 square feet of general wholesale sales commercial activities as defined in subsection A of Section 18.66.240 within the MP:NP-IBP:AC district.
Temporary events and uses may be conducted pursuant to Section 17.52.490 and shall not conflict with the Napa County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan.
Interim uses and floor area intended to remain in place for five years or less are subject to separate review and approval by the Community Development Director.
(O2015-9, 8/4/15)
Not less than 15% of the total area of all MP:NP districts, collectively, shall be devoted to common use/open space that is accessible to the public.
The locations of common use/open space shall be specified in the development plan and shall include:
Land area not covered by buildings, parking structures or accessory structures except community facilities, including, without limitation, parks, wetlands, community gardens, yards, planting, walkways, paths, trails, and bridges devoted to pedestrian and bicycle use;
Community facilities, defined as indoor or outdoor facilities, not publicly owned but open for public use, in which the chief activity is not a gainful business and whose chief function is the gathering of persons for recreational (including public swimming pool uses), cultural, entertainment, athletic, group assembly, social interaction, or educational purposes (including storage of related materials and equipment), and may also include within such a community facility compatible accessory uses such as restaurants, cafés, sports rental equipment and similar uses;
Water bodies and water features, including boat docks, piers, and landings that contribute to the quality, livability and amenity of the MP:NP districts.
Common use/open space shall not include:
Streets, lanes, and similar roadways;
Open parking areas, driveways, and loading facilities;
School sites, except that publicly accessible green space and play areas shall be considered common use/open space;
Open-air rooftop facilities such as rooftop decks and gardens not available for public use.
If common use/open space is deeded to a homeowner's association, such legal instrument may take the form of a declaration of covenants and restrictions.
(O2015-9, 8/4/15)