The specific purposes of the parking regulations are to:
Reduce street congestion and traffic hazards in the city and contribute to the safety and convenience of Napa's citizens, by incorporating adequate, attractively designed and functional facilities for on-site parking and loading as an integral part of the use of land.
Reduce the impact of parking facilities on surrounding uses.
Establish parking standards for all uses consistent with need.
On-site parking, loading and bicycle facilities shall be provided for any new building constructed and for any new use established; for any addition or enlargement of an existing building or use, and for any change in the occupancy of a building or the manner in which the use is conducted that would result in additional spaces being required, subject to the provisions of this chapter.
Information Needed. To calculate parking requirements the property owner or authorized agent will typically need to provide a site plan drawn to scale showing property lines, all existing structures and improvements; floor plans of all structures; uses identified on the plans; and any existing on-site parking.
Fractions. Where computation of required parking spaces produces a fractional number, one parking space or loading berth shall be required for a fraction of one-half or more, and no space or berth shall be required for a fraction of less than one-half.
Combine Total for Multiple Structures. Where multiple structures or standards are involved, any rounding off of spaces shall be made on the aggregate total.
Gross Square Footage Basis. When parking requirements are based on square footage (sq. ft.), calculations shall be based on the total gross floor area of the building.
Employee Basis. When parking requirements are based on employees, it means the largest number of employees who work at any one shift.
On-Street Parking. On street parking shall not be used to meet parking requirements of this chapter, unless specifically provided.
Number of Spaces. On-site parking shall be provided in accordance with the following chart. Where the specific use in question is not listed, the Community Development Director shall determine if another similar use exists that may be used to select an appropriate parking standard. In order to make this determination, the Community Development Director may require the submission of survey data from the applicant.
Modifications. The parking standards for any specific use listed may be modified with a use permit in order to provide adequate and well designed parking which is fair, equitable, logical and consistent with the intent of this chapter. Such modification shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission.
Loading. In addition to the on-site parking listed below, on-site loading shall be provided for certain uses in accordance with Section 17.54.050 (On-site loading).
Use Classification
On-Site Parking Required
1. Residential Uses Outside Downtown
Single-family residential, detached
2 parking spaces per unit, at least 1 in a garage plus 1 space for each bedroom in excess of 2 plus guest parking as described below
Residential condominium projects and small lot single-family development including all single-family attached and detached in RM districts
1.5 spaces for studio or 1 bedroom units; plus 0.5 space for each bedroom in excess of 1 plus guest parking as described below; At least 1 space shall be in a garage
Apartments of 2 or more attached units, dwelling group units and attached residential rental units in vertical mixed use projects
Per Unit Parking Requirements
1-3 Units
4-49 Units
50+ Units
Studio/1 BR
2 bedrooms
3 bedrooms
plus 0.5 space for each bedroom in excess of 3
plus guest parking as described below
At least 1 space shall be in a garage or carport
Guest parking for the above uses
a. Single-family: 1 space per unit, typically on-street or in a commonly available location designed for public use. Such parking may be on site for subdivisions of 4 or fewer lots (see Sections 17.54.130 and 17.52.360).
b. Apartments, condominiums: 1 space per 4 units; or 1 space per 2 units if units take access from arterials or collectors where on-street parking is prohibited.
c. All guest parking shall be marked and distributed throughout the development.
Senior/disabled housing developments (exclusive)
1 space per unit plus 0.5 space for each bedroom in excess of 2 plus 1 guest space per 4 units, marked and distributed throughout the development plus 1 space for any full-time and 0.5 space for any part time employee providing services at the facility. Exception: Planning Commission may reduce to 0.5 spaces per unit plus 1 guest space per 12 units (minimum 1) plus 1 space for any full-time and 0.5 space for any part time employee providing services at the facility, when: a. Development is convenient to shopping, services and public transportation (or private shuttle is provided); b. Some or all units are available long term to low income senior/disabled households; c. Tenant vehicles are limited to the number of non-guest parking spaces provided; and d. Development agreement is provided regarding items b. and c. above.
Live/work developments
As determined by Planning Commission, based on parking study provided by applicant and acceptable to the city.
Residential care facilities, intermediate care facilities, and similar facilities
1 space per 4 beds
Single room occupancy, dormitories and similar group residential
1 space per sleeping room.
Exception: Planning Commission may reduce to 0.5 spaces per unit when
a. Development is within 1/4 mile of food market and regularly scheduled public transit stop; and
b. Some or all units are available long term to low income households; or
c. Tenant vehicles are limited to the number of non-guest parking spaces provided; and
d. Development agreement is provided regarding items b. and c. above.
Accessory dwelling units
1 space per unit or quarter unless waiver granted; See Section 17.52.015 (Accessory dwelling units (ADU))
Day care homes
As required for the residential use
Day care center
1 per employee plus 1 space per 12 students. Drop off zones may be considered in lieu of student spaces through a waiver by the Planning Commission. Alternative: provide parking study
2. Commercial Uses Outside Downtown
Bed and breakfast inns
See bed and breakfast standards
Hotels and motels
1 space per sleeping room plus 1 space for manager plus 1 space for every 2 employees (full or part time) plus if hotel has convention, banquet, restaurant or meeting facilities, parking shall be provided in addition to the hotel requirement, as determined by Planning Commission, based on parking study provided by applicant and acceptable to the city.
Retail sales (non-bulky items) and personal services
1 space per 250 sq. ft.
In any attached buildings or shopping centers
1 space per 250 sq. ft. Planning Commission exception: If more than 25% of the gross square footage of a shopping center is occupied by a use or uses that require a higher parking standard (e.g., restaurants, bars, etc.) the parking for the individual uses shall be required unless a parking study and agreement are provided demonstrating how the shared parking demand will be met
Retail sales (bulky items, such as furniture, appliances, household or office equipment, building materials, plant nurseries, auto parts, etc.) but excluding motor vehicles and including ancillary service and rentals
1 space per 400 sq. ft. plus 1 space for any 1,200 sq. ft. outdoor sales or greenhouse areas
Animal care facilities
1 space per 250 sq. ft.
Cocktail lounges, bars
1 space per 45 sq. ft. floor area
Food and beverage service establishments
1 space per 100 sq. ft. for first 3,000 sq. ft. plus 1 space per 150 sq. ft. over 3,000 sq. ft.
Maintenance and repair services
1 space per 400 sq. ft.
Motor vehicle sales, new or used
1 space per 400 sq. ft. indoor floor area excluding auto repair area, plus, for repair portions: 1 space per 300 sq. ft. or 3 spaces per service bay, whichever is greater, plus 1 space per 2,000 sq. ft. outdoor display/sales
Motor vehicle rentals
1 space per 400 sq. ft. plus 1 space per 1,200 sq. ft. of outdoor rental storage area
Motor vehicle repair and service stations
1 space per 300 sq. ft. or 3 spaces per service bay, whichever is greater. Spaces may be located inside buildings
Recreation facilities, commercial; theaters
As determined by Planning Commission, based on parking study provided by applicant and acceptable to the city
3. Office Uses Outside Downtown
Administrative, business, professional and financial, including banks, savings and loans
1 space per 250 sq. ft.
Medical/dental offices and clinics, excluding mental health practitioners
1 space per 200 sq. ft.
Mental health practitioners; e.g., psychiatrists, psychologists, marriage and family counselors
1 space per 250 sq. ft.
4. Industrial Uses
General industrial uses
1 space per 500 sq. ft. plus 1 space per 350 sq. ft. for space devoted to office or sales uses
Research and development
1 space per 350 sq. ft.
Self storage
2 spaces for each facility plus residential parking for caretaker's unit
Wholesale and warehouse
1 space per 750 sq. ft. plus 1 space per 350 sq. ft. for space devoted to office or sales uses
Outdoor storage yards
No parking requirement
5. Public, Quasi-Public
Auditoriums, sports arenas
1 space per 4 fixed seats or 1 space per 30 sq. ft. of assembly area plus 1 space per 60 sq. ft. of any remaining area not used for assembly
Funeral and interment services
1 space per 4 fixed seats or 1 space per 30 sq. ft. of assembly area plus 1 space per 60 sq. ft. of any remaining area not used for assembly
Established by the Planning Commission based on a parking study provided by the applicant and acceptable to the city
Public libraries, public art galleries, museums
1 space per 400 sq. ft. open to the public
Religious institutions
1 space per 4 fixed seats or 1 space per 30 sq. ft. of assembly area plus 1 space per 60 sq. ft. of any remaining area not used for assembly
Schools, elementary and intermediate (K-8)
1.5 spaces for each classroom and any other room used by students plus 1 space per 350 sq. ft. devoted to administrative/office uses
Schools, secondary (9-12)
3 spaces per classroom and any other room used by students plus 1 space per 350 sq. ft. devoted to administrative/office uses
Schools, vocational and business trade
1 space per 40 sq. ft. of classroom space plus 1 space per 50 sq. ft. of shop or vocational space
Schools, performing arts or other
1 space per 250 sq. ft.
Colleges or universities
Established by the Planning Commission based on a parking study provided by the applicant and acceptable to the city
Bus and public transit stations
Established by the Planning Commission based on a parking study provided by the applicant and acceptable to the city
6. Unlisted Uses
If Community Development Director is unable to determine another similar use per Section 17.54.040(A), parking shall be established by the Planning Commission based on a parking study provided by the applicant and acceptable to the city
Downtown Specific Plan. Properties located within the boundaries of the Downtown Specific Plan shall comply with the parking requirements set forth in Chapter 6 (circulation and parking) of the Downtown Specific Plan.
(O2007 15; O2010 1, 1/26/10; O2012 4, 5/15/12; O2017-007, 3/7/17)
All nonresidential buildings 10,000 square feet in size or greater to be occupied by retail, manufacturing, storage, warehouse, wholesale or similar use shall require on-site loading in accord with the following standards:
Required Loading Spaces.
Gross Floor Area
Loading Spaces
10,000 to 24,999
25,000 to 49,000
Each additional 50,000 sq. ft.
Size. Each loading space shall not be less than 10 feet in width, 30 feet in length with a minimum overhead clearance of 14 feet.
Location. Such space may occupy all or part of any required yard but may not be located in the front or side setback area, or between the street and the nearest building unless screened. Loading areas shall also be located and designed to minimize noise impacts on adjacent sensitive uses to the extent feasible.
Waiver. The Planning Commission may waive the loading requirement or modify the above standards if it is demonstrated that the proposed use does not require loading, that an alternative arrangement satisfies the loading need, or if the proposed site location and design has mitigated aesthetic and noise impacts and provides the best alternative.
All nonresidential uses required to provide 10 or more vehicular parking spaces shall also provide bicycle parking facilities according to the following standards:
Spaces. A minimum of two bicycle parking spaces with an additional space for each 10 vehicular spaces in excess of 20 vehicle spaces.
Modifications. The parking requirement for any specific use listed may be modified with a use permit in order to provide adequate parking, which is fair, equitable, logical and consistent with the intent of this chapter. Such modification shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission.
Lockers. Bicycle lockers may be installed but are not required.
Waiver. The decision-making body may waive or reduce this requirement only if it can be demonstrated that the bicycle parking facilities are provided nearby to satisfy the proposed requirements or there is pre-existing development such that there is no feasible location for such facilities.
(O2003-12; O2004 9 18; O2010 22, 12/21/10)
No on-site parking or loading is required for any property zoned :PE, except for residential development. See Chapter 17.44 for additional information.
Multiple Standards. When a single structure or lot contains multiple uses, more than one standard may apply, depending on the uses proposed.
Shared. Shared parking solutions are encouraged. Required parking minimums may be reduced with a use permit provided that the shared parking spaces are:
Located in a common parking lot or off-site convenient to the use(s) requiring the parking; and
The parking will be secured for the use(s) requiring the parking by ownership and/or agreements sufficient to guarantee the long term use of the site for such parking; and
The applicant is able to show through a parking analysis that peak demand for spaces from all uses will be met. A possible option for determining shared parking arrangements includes the Urban Land Institute Publication "Shared Parking."
In no instance shall the total parking required be less than would be required for any one of the independent uses.
Off Site. Off-site parking for a use may be approved with a use permit consistent with subsections (B)(1) and (B)(2).
(O2003-12; O2004 2)
Use Permit Required. With a use permit, up to 20% of the parking requirement may be allowed to be placed in a landscape parking reserve. Such area shall be landscaped and set aside for future parking with an agreement to provide required parking upon demand by the city.
Findings. In order to approve a parking reserve, the decision-making body must find that:
The use is located close to transit and services and/or provides a shuttle that may reduce parking demand, or
The residential project manager shall require limits on tenant parking to the satisfaction of the City Attorney.
Up to 30% of the required nonresidential spaces, and 30% of residential parking facilities may be designed as compact spaces. Compact spaces shall be distributed throughout the parking area.
(O2003-12; O2010 1, 1/26/10)
Tandem parking (parking one car behind another, where one car must be moved to get the second car out) is prohibited except for in the following residential applications:
Residential Driveways. Driveways leading to a garage/carport or other uncovered space outside of setback areas for single-family, condominium, duplex and accessory dwelling unit uses, where at least two spaces are required for the unit and the tandem space is for the same household.
Residential Garages. Tandem garages for single-family homes that require five or more parking spaces through an exception process. With this exception, the driveway space can continue to count as a legal space. (See Chapter 17.56, Administrative Exceptions).
Other. Other residential development through a use permit.
(O2003-12; O2017-007, 3/7/17)
Parking in a required setback is prohibited except in the following residential applications:
Residential Driveways. Two parking spaces may be located in the setback when in a driveway leading to a garage, carport or other required parking space for single-family, condominium and duplex uses.
Where residential subdivisions of five or more lots take access from new private streets, one guest parking space per unit shall be provided either on the street or in designated easement areas commonly available for guest use. Such parking shall be marked and distributed throughout the development. (See also Section 17.52.360.)
(O2010 1, 1/26/10)
Unobstructed interior size:
Single car garage/carport:
9 by 19 feet
Double car garage:
19 by 19 feet
Definition. For purposes of this title, a driveway consists of a paved way that provides direct access from a public or private street to one or two dwelling units, use or parking facility.
Serving one or two single-family units, accessory dwelling unit, duplex and certain condominiums:
Minimum Driveway Length. For single-family detached and other residential uses where the driveway is used to satisfy parking requirements: 20 feet with a roll-up garage door or carport. Length shall be measured from the property line, or where private streets are used, from the edge of the private street or sidewalk, whichever is more restrictive.
Minimum Driveway Widths.
10 feet for single width driveway less than 50 feet long.
12 feet for single width driveway greater than 50 feet long. Note: widening may be required at curves or turns to accommodate fire access.
18 feet for double width driveway less than 50 feet long.
Curb Cuts. Driveway design shall incorporate curb cuts and driveway approaches as required by public works standards.
Serving Other Uses.
Minimum driveway length: 20 feet to the first parking space.
Minimum driveway widths:
14 feet for one-way traffic;
20 feet for two-way traffic;
The City Engineer may require driveways in excess of the above widths where unusual traffic, grade or site conditions prevail. A minimum one-foot additional clearance is required on each side of a vertical obstruction exceeding 0.5 feet in height.
(O2010 1, 1/26/10; O2017-007, 3/7/17)
Visibility shall not be blocked between a height of two and seven and one-half feet within the vision triangle of a driveway crossing a street right-of-way line, except that fences that are at least 50% open shall be permitted up to three feet in height. The length/width of the triangle varies depending on the type of street: local street = 10 feet; collectors=15 feet; arterials=20 feet depending on the type of street. See illustration in definitions chapter. (Also see Section 10.32.020 "Obstructing visibility at driveways or intersections" and the Public Works Department Standard Specifications and Standard Plans Drawing S-25—"Visibility and Fencing Requirements.")
(O2010 1, 1/26/10)
Standard space size: 9 by 19 feet*
Compact space size: 8.5 by 16 feet*
*plus 0.5 feet width for spaces adjacent to landscape area and 1 foot adjacent to wall or fence and the front two feet of the required parking stall dimension may by used to enlarge an adjacent landscaped area but may not be used to meet minimum landscaping requirements. Landscaping within this overhang area shall be limited to low-lying shrubs and ground cover and must be approved by the Planning Division.
Parallel parking space: 8 by 22 feet**
**along a wall or fence, width shall be 10 feet; spaces having no obstruction or adjacent parking space within 10 feet on one end may be 20 feet long; or 18 feet if both ends are similarly clear
Required Backup. Backup/aisle width for 90 degree parking: typically 25 feet.
(O2010 1, 1/26/10)
Joint use of driveways with adjacent property may be required along crucial corridors (see Chapter 17.48) and other arterial streets to reduce the total number of driveways, improve the flow of traffic and lower accident rates.
No backing onto streets is permitted except for single family, accessory dwelling units or duplex residences where each unit is served by an individual driveway and is not located on a flag lot.
(O2010 1, 1/26/10; O2017-007, 3/7/17)
For parking lots and garages with five or more parking spaces:
Dimensions. Parking facility aisle widths and parking space stalls shall be pursuant to the Parking Facility Dimensions Diagram and Minimum Parking Dimensions Table below:
Parking Facility Dimensions Diagram
Minimum Parking Dimensions Table
Angle of Parking
A. Curb Length Per Vehicle
B. Stall Depth
C. Aisle Width1
D. Depth of Two Stalls
E. Depth of Two Stalls Plus Aisle
Drive aisles serving parking spaces with angles less than 90° provide one way access
All spaces in a parking facility shall be accessible without re-entering a street unless it is physically impossible to provide such access. An alley may be used as maneuvering space for access to off-street parking facilities.
Parking facility circulation shall allow forward entry to the street, no car shall back out onto a street.
Driveways serving the same parking facility shall be located at least 35 feet apart.
Within a commercial parking facility with more than 50 parking spaces, convenient pedestrian walkways shall be provided.
Other Standards.
Plans Required. All plans for parking facilities (parking lots and garages with five or more parking spaces) shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development and Public Works Directors before any work occurs.
Paving and Drainage. All parking facilities shall be paved with asphalt, concrete or a comparable material and shall provide drainage in accord with city standards.
Striping and Wheel Curbs. All parking facilities shall be striped, marked and maintained according to approved plans. Angled or 90 degree parking spaces require wheel curbs. All plans shall be in conformance with city standards.
Emergency Access and Safety. Fire and emergency vehicle requirements shall be met. Speed control devices shall not be permitted in parking facilities where fire access is required. Parking facility pavement, lighting and plantings shall be maintained to prevent safety hazards.
Lighting. Lighting may be required for any parking facility. Lights provided to illuminate any parking facility shall be designed to reflect away from residential use and motorists. Outdoor parking facility lighting shall not employ a light source higher than 24 feet, shall create no cone of direct illumination greater than 60 degrees from a light source higher than six feet, and shall not directly shine onto an adjacent street or property. Maximum illumination at ground level shall be three foot-candles but shall not exceed 0.5 foot-candles in an R district.
Screening and Landscaping. All surface parking lots shall be landscaped and screened in accord with a landscape plan approved by the decision-making body. Such landscaping shall be provided generally in accordance with city landscape standards adopted by resolution.
ADA. Accessible parking is required consistent with the most recently adopted Building Code standards.
(O2010 1, 1/26/10)
A legally established use of a lot which does not meet the requirements for vehicular parking, bicycle parking or loading area established by this title is nonconforming with respect to parking and loading and shall be governed by the following regulations.
Continuation. Uses which have nonconforming parking or loading may be continued indefinitely subject to the provisions of this section.
Enlargement or Intensification of Uses Not Located on a Crucial Corridor.
Enlargement of any existing structure or use, or any change of occupancy or manner of operation that would increase the number of parking, loading or bicycle spaces required by 10% or less shall require improvements to parking layout, loading, circulation, lighting or landscaping, but no additional parking spaces shall be required.
Enlargement of any existing structure or use, or any change of occupancy or manner of operation that would increase the number of parking, loading or bicycle spaces required by more than 10% shall require improvements to parking layout, loading, circulation, lighting or landscaping. Additional parking spaces shall also be required for the enlargement or change per the standards specified in Section 17.54.040.
Enlargement or Intensification of Uses When Located on a Crucial Corridor (e.g., :TI Overlay District). Enlargement of any existing structure or use, or any change of occupancy or manner of operation that would increase the number of parking, loading or bicycle spaces required shall require improvements to parking layout, loading, circulation, lighting or landscaping. Additional parking spaces shall also be required for the enlargement or change per the standards specified in Section 17.54.040. Where numbers of parking spaces for the existing structure or use are deficient, additional parking spaces may also be required where feasible.
Loss of Existing Covered Parking. In residential applications, any existing covered parking lost due to fire or other reason shall be replaced, and, to the extent feasible, enlarged to meet current dimension standards.
Determination of Improvements. Determination of the amount of parking improvements required to upgrade or improve existing parking conditions shall be made by the Community Development Director or the decision-making body. Such determination shall consider the size of the proposed addition or extent of change in relation to the existing development, off-site parking conditions, and site constraints.
Changes to Parking Area. Any changes to a parking area layout, loading area, circulation aisles, access, lighting or landscaping may only be changed when the change reduces or corrects an existing substandard condition. Any such proposed change must be approved by the city.
Process. Applicants proposing to change a parking area shall prepare a parking plan, that shall be approved by the Community Development Director and Public Works Director, or the decision making body, where other discretionary permits are involved.