For the purpose of this Chapter “Political Activity” is defined to include pamphleting, leafleting or active solicitation for the purpose of espousing a particular candidate or cause or soliciting or receiving funds on behalf of a particular candidate or cause.
(Ord. 982 § 2, 1985)
The officers and employees of the City of South San Francisco are hereby prohibited from:
Engaging in any political activity during those hours that the officer or employee should be discharging the duties of his or her position.
Engaging in any political activity on any premises owned or leased by the City of South San Francisco excluding City streets, rights-of-way, City parks and City premises which are normally made available for use by the public for meetings.
(Ord. 982 § 2, 1985)
Except as specifically provided in Section 3.36.020 the political activities of the officers and employees of the City of South San Francisco shall conform to the pertinent provisions of State and Federal law.
(Ord. 982 § 2, 1985)