The city council finds and determines that a municipal program for the collection and recycling of recyclable materials within the city, and the licensing of persons engaged therein, is in the public interest and serves to promote the general welfare of the city.
This chapter is enacted to increase participation rates, improve recyclable material recovery rates, reduce landfill dependency, and ultimately maintain a cost effective overall solid waste and recycling program for the citizens, businesses and institutions of the city.
This chapter envisions the city’s appointment of an authorized recycling agent, as well as the licensing of additional junk collectors (although not required by applicable law), to enhance diversion of recyclable materials from landfills.
It is also recognized that the recycling program established in this chapter may be victimized by unauthorized scavengers; and that the theft of recyclable materials before they can be picked up by the authorized recycling agent would be destructive to the economic viability of the program, as well as detrimental to the economic interests of the city at large, and the citizens, businesses and institutions in particular. It is the additional purpose of this chapter to define clear ownership of recyclable materials and to provide for the protection of those ownership rights.
The provisions of this chapter shall be the minimum requirements for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare.
(Ord. 1209 § 2, 1997)
For the purposes of this chapter the following words and phrases shall have the meanings set forth in this section unless the context appears otherwise. Terms used in this chapter but not defined in this section shall have the meanings assigned them in Chapters 6.56 and/or 8.16.
“Authorized recycling agent”
means that person authorized by contract with the city to collect recyclable materials pursuant to this chapter.
“Charitable entity”
means any not-for-profit organization or entity maintained for community service, education or the public good, including service clubs, scouting organizations, religious and educational organizations and recognized charities.
means to take physical possession of materials at any residential, commercial and industrial or institutional property within the city.
“Commercial and industrial property”
means property upon which business activity is conducted, including but not limited to retail sales, services, wholesale operations, manufacturing and industrial operations, but excluding businesses conducted upon residential property which are permitted under applicable zoning regulations and are not the primary use of the property.
“Construction debris”
means construction materials generated during the construction or renovation of a residential, commercial and industrial or institutional property.
“Demolition debris”
means used construction materials generated during the razing or renovation of a residential, commercial and industrial or institutional property.
“Designated collection location”
means the place where the authorized recycling agent is to pick up source separated recyclable materials. Such location is identified by contract between the authorized recycling agent and the city and will customarily be the curbside of a residential neighborhood or the service alley of a commercial and industrial or institutional property.
“Institutional property”
means the premises or site of a governmental entity, including city, county, state and/or federal buildings, public schools, colleges and public recreational sites.
“Junk collector”
means a person that is licensed with the city to collect source separated recyclable materials and source separated salvageable materials from the person generating such materials in accordance with this chapter and Chapter 6.56.
includes, without limitation, a natural person, group of persons, partnership, firm, corporation, public or municipal corporation or association.
“Recyclable materials”
means solid waste which may be reused or processed into a form suitable for reuse through reprocessing or remanufacture consistent with the requirements of the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989, including, without limitation, paper, newsprint, printed matter, pasteboard, paper containers, cardboard, glass, aluminum, PET, HDPE, and other plastics, beverage containers, compostable materials (including yard waste), and wood, brick and stone in reusable size and condition. Recyclable materials shall include those items of construction debris and demolition debris which are described in this definition.
“Residential property”
means property used for residential purposes, irrespective of whether such dwelling units are rental units or are owner-occupied. Complexes of four or more units, whether in a single structure, or connected structure, or series of structures may be subject to procedures and rates which differ from other lower density residential properties.
“Salvageable materials”
means used articles capable of being restored or resold for reuse, in either case without reprocessing or remanufacture, including antiques, used building supplies and automobiles and automobile parts. Salvageable materials shall include those items of construction debris and demolition debris which are described in this definition.
“Solid waste”
means, as defined in Public Resources Code Section 40191, all putrescible and nonputrescible solid, semi-solid, and liquid wastes, including garbage, trash, refuse, paper, rubbish, ashes, industrial wastes, demolition and construction wastes, abandoned vehicles and parts thereof, discarded home and industrial appliances, dewatered, treated, or chemically fixed sewage sludge which is not hazardous waste, manure, vegetable or animal solid and semi-solid wastes, and other discarded solid and semi-solid wastes, with the exception that solid waste does not include any of the following wastes:
Hazardous waste, as defined in the State Public Resources Code Section 40141.
Radioactive waste regulated pursuant to the State Radiation Control Law (Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 114960) of Part 9 of Division 104 of the State Health and Safety Code).
Medical waste regulated pursuant to the State Medical Waste Management Act (Part 14 (commencing with Section 117600) of Division 104 of the State Health and Safety Code). Untreated medical waste shall not be disposed of in a solid waste landfill, as defined in State Public Resources Code Section 40195.1. Medical waste that has been treated and deemed to be solid waste shall be regulated pursuant to Division 30 of the State Public Resources Code.
“Source separated”
means, as to recyclable materials, materials that have been separated from solid waste that is not recyclable material and from all other types of recyclable materials by the person generating such solid waste or recyclable materials at the residential, commercial and industrial or institutional property where such solid waste or recyclable materials are generated to form one readily identifiable category of recyclable material as set forth in the definition for “recyclable materials” above that are saleable without further sorting; and, as to salvageable materials, materials that have been separated from solid waste that is not salvageable material by the person generating such solid waste or salvageable materials at the residential, commercial and industrial or institutional property where such solid waste or salvageable materials are generated. For example, cardboard that has been separated by a business from glass, PET plastic and wet garbage is source separated so long as the separation is accomplished by the generator at the commercial and industrial property where all of such items are generated and all of such items are generated by such business.
“Yard waste”
means tree trimmings, grass cuttings, dead plants, leaves, branches and dead trees (not more that six inches in diameter) and similar materials generated at a residential, commercial and industrial or institutional property.
(Ord. 1209 § 2, 1997; Ord. 1628 § 2, 2021)
It is unlawful for any person to deposit, bury or dispose of any recyclable materials, except as provided for in this chapter, in or upon any private or public property, street, alley, sidewalk gutter, park or upon the banks of any stream or creek in the city, or in or upon any of the waters thereof. Every person in the city who disposes of recyclable materials shall dispose of same only in the manner provided in this chapter.
(Ord. 1209 § 2, 1997)
A recyclable materials collection service program is established and shall be available to all residential, commercial and industrial, and institutional properties in the city for the purpose of providing for the orderly and regular collection of recyclable materials. Creation and operation of this collection program shall not preclude the operation of junk collectors licensed with the city or certified recycling centers created pursuant to Division 12.1 of the Public Resources Code (Section 14500 et seq.).
Recyclable materials generated in the city and held for lawful donation, sale or collection by or to any person or entity other than the authorized recycling agent may not be stored or transferred by use of the recycling receptacles described in this chapter, or any other containers used for recycling provided by the authorized recycling agent. Storage of recyclable materials at the designated collection location other than for pickup by the authorized recycling agent is prohibited.
(Ord. 1209 § 2, 1997)
The city council may, with or without having invited bids therefor, enter into an exclusive contract with any responsible person, whether or not such person is operated for profit, for the collection of all recyclable materials generated within the city. Where such a contract has heretofore or hereafter been entered into between the city and a contractor for the collection of all recyclable materials as provided in this chapter, the contractor shall be the authorized recycling agent for the city.
Such contract may be subject to renewal if, in the discretion of the city council, time, circumstances and conditions warrant such renewal. The contract between the city and the authorized recycling agent may also be subject to renewal in accordance with its terms.
(Ord. 1209 § 2, 1997)
The authorized recycling agent must offer recyclable materials collection service to all residential, commercial and industrial, and institutional properties within the city limits pursuant to the terms and conditions of any exclusive contract for such service. The city council may establish standard regulations for the methods of collection of recyclable materials, collection service charges, frequency of pickup, and the civil and/or criminal remedies available for enforcing this chapter.
(Ord. 1209 § 2, 1997)
Persons desiring to participate in the recycling materials collection service program shall prepare and separate recyclable materials from other solid waste as required by the collection contract so as to constitute source separated recyclable materials, and thereafter place the source separated recyclable materials within receptacles as required by this chapter.
Each type of source separated recyclable material shall be placed in the receptacle designated for such purpose, and shall not be mixed with any other solid waste, including any other type of recyclable material.
Receptacles containing recyclable materials for single unit residential properties shall be placed at the designated collection location for collection by the authorized recycling agent, but shall not be placed at such location earlier than twelve hours prior to the date and time for scheduled collection, nor left remaining at such location longer than twelve hours following the date and time for scheduled collection.
Receptacles containing recyclable materials for multiple unit residential properties, commercial and industrial and/or institutional properties shall be of a size and serviceability agreed to by the authorized recycling agent and thereafter placed at the designated collection location.
(Ord. 1209 § 2, 1997)
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of any exclusive contract between the city and the authorized recycling agent, each single unit residential property shall be provided with suitable and sufficient receptacles to store source separated recyclable materials to be made available for curbside pickup by the authorized recycling agent. The color, style and markings of such receptacles shall be mutually agreed upon between the city and the authorized recycling agent.
Initial provision of residential receptacles shall be made at no charge to persons participating in the recycling program. All such residential receptacles shall be and remain the property of the authorized recycling agent, and shall not be used for any purpose other than the segregation and curbside placement of recyclable materials. Participating persons relocating out of the city shall leave all residential receptacles at the premises.
It is the duty of every person participating in the recycling program to maintain receptacles in a reasonably safe and secure manner; and all such receptacles shall be so placed and kept at the designated collection location so as to be readily accessible for removal and collection therefrom and placed such that they will not be a public nuisance or in any degree offensive.
(Ord. 1209 § 2, 1997)
An award of contract for recycling pursuant to this chapter shall confer upon the person to whom the contract is awarded the exclusive right as the city’s authorized recycling agent, during the term of the contract and subject to applicable law (including this chapter and Chapter 6.56), to collect, transport, sell and dispose of all recyclable materials generated within the city as provided in this chapter, and all provisions of this chapter applicable to the authorized recycling agent shall constitute and be part of any contract awarded hereunder.
(Ord. 1209 § 2, 1997)
The authorized recycling agent shall be considered as and shall be an independent contractor and shall act under its own directions as to the manner of performing its work, and it shall keep itself and all of its employees insured against all liability under California workers’ and employees insurance, compensation and safety laws. The authorized recycling agent shall maintain comprehensive general liability insurance coverage, including coverage for use or operation of motor vehicles used in the performance of work hereunder in the amount of one million dollars for each incident of death or injury to persons and/or property. Evidence of such insurance shall be filed with the city upon request.
(Ord. 1209 § 2, 1997)
Until the city and the authorized recycling agent shall otherwise agree and determine, no direct charge for collection of source separated recyclable materials shall be collected by the authorized recycling agent from the tenant, lessee, owner or occupant of any residential property, commercial and industrial property or institutional property situated within the city limits.
(Ord. 1209 § 2, 1997)
Nothing contained in this chapter shall preclude any person, business or other entity from disposing of source separated recyclable materials without utilizing the authorized recycling agent, provided that the source separated recyclable materials are: (1) transported personally by the generating person for donation to or collection by a collection or processing facility that has been duly approved and authorized as such by a governmental or other appropriate authority, including beverage containers recycled at authorized facilities under the California Beverage Container Recycling Litter Reduction Act; (2) sold or donated by the generating person to a charitable entity; or (3) accumulated by the generating person for collection and collected by a junk collector in accordance with applicable law.
The use of receptacles or other containers provided by the authorized recycling agent for the pickup of such recyclable materials from any designated collection location is prohibited by anyone other than the authorized recycling agent.
Nothing contained in this chapter shall inhibit, regulate or restrict any recycling center, nonprofit dropoff program or recycling processor as permitted by the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act of 1986 (Public Resources Code Section 14500 et seq.).
(Ord. 1209 § 2, 1997)
It is unlawful for any person not otherwise excepted by the provisions of this chapter, or by state or federal law, to collect recyclable materials in the city.
From the time of placement of recyclable materials at curbside or other appropriate designated collection locations or in any container used for recycling provided by the authorized recycling agent, the recyclable materials shall be and become the property of the authorized recycling agent.
(Ord. 1209 § 2, 1997)
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of an infraction except as otherwise provided in this chapter, and upon conviction shall be punished as provided in Section 36900 of the Government Code. Each unauthorized collection, transportation or disposal from one or more locations within the city shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
The city’s authority to civilly and/or criminally enforce any provisions of this chapter shall not limit or preclude any right which any other entity, including, without limitation, the scavenger awarded a contract pursuant to Chapter 8.16 of this code or the city’s authorized recycling agent under Chapter 8.28 of this code, may have to civilly enforce any provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 1209 § 2, 1997)