The city council finds and determines that in order to provide sufficient funding to achieve the city’s goal of maintaining bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure levels and providing adequate bicycle and pedestrian improvements to residents, employees, and visitors of the city, in accordance with the standards established in the general plan, bicycle master plan, and other applicable plans and regulations, development projects identified in Section 8.68.050 below shall pay a bicycle and pedestrian impact fee as outlined in this chapter, in order to mitigate the impacts of these development projects on bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in the city.
The specific purpose of the bicycle and pedestrian impact fee is to mitigate the impact of development projects by collecting sufficient funds to pay for the bicycle and pedestrian improvements in the city that are listed in the bicycle master plan.
(Ord. 1539 § 1, 2017)
Bicycle and Pedestrian Impact Fee. The city council finds and determines that:
There is a reasonable relationship between the bicycle and pedestrian impact fee and the type of development projects to which the fee is imposed because the development projects that are subject to the fee outlined in this chapter will generate additional daily trips that will place additional demands on bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in the city. The bicycle and pedestrian improvements built with the proceeds of this fee will address and mitigate the additional impacts created by these development projects.
There is a reasonable relationship between the need for the additional bicycle and pedestrian improvements and the type of development projects subject to the fee outlined in this chapter because these development projects will attract additional residents, visitors, and employees to the city that will place a greater demand on bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. The bicycle and pedestrian improvements constructed with the proceeds of this fee will serve those new residents, visitors and employees.
There is a reasonable relationship between the amount of the fee and the cost of providing the bicycle and pedestrian improvements attributable to the types of development upon which the fee is imposed because, pursuant to Section 8.68.070 below, the fee is calculated by apportioning the cost of paying for the required additional bicycle and pedestrian improvements to the number of trips projected to be generated by each type of new residential unit, and to the number of trips projected to be generated by each new type of non-residential unit.
(Ord. 1539 § 1, 2017)
The city council finds and determines that the public interest, convenience, health, welfare, and safety require that adequate bicycle and pedestrian facilities are provided for residents, visitors, and employees of the city.
(Ord. 1539 § 1, 2017)
The bicycle and pedestrian impact fee is hereby established, pursuant to California Government Code Sections 66000 et seq.
Payment of the bicycle and pedestrian impact fee shall be imposed as a condition of development for every type of development project specified in Section 8.68.060.
The bicycle and pedestrian impact fee shall be charged to and paid by each development subject to the fees upon the date of final inspection or issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the development, whichever is earlier. However, if the fees are to reimburse the city for expenditures previously made, or if the city determines that the fees will be collected for bicycle and pedestrian improvements for which an account has been established and funds appropriated, and for which the city has adopted a proposed construction schedule prior to issuance of the building permit for such development projects, then the fee or fees shall be charged and paid upon issuance of the building permit for such development. However, with respect to a residential development proposed by a nonprofit housing developer in which at least forty-nine percent of the total units are reserved for occupancy by lower income households, as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 50079.5 at an affordable rent, as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 50053, the payment procedures described in Government Code Section 66007(b)(2)(A)-(B) shall apply.
(Ord. 1539 § 1, 2017)
All residential and nonresidential development projects shall be required to pay the bicycle and pedestrian impact fee established pursuant to this chapter, unless subject to the transportation impact fee provided for in Chapter 8.73.
(Ord. 1539 § 1, 2017; Ord. 1607 § 2, 2020)
In calculating the bicycle and pedestrian impact fee pursuant to subsection (b), the city will use the data contained in Formula Table 8.68.060(a) below.
Table 8.68.060(a)
Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Formula
Land Use Type
ADT per Units or 1,000 square feet
Cost per ADT(*)
Residential, per unit
Nonresidential, per 1,000 square feet
Hotel/Visitor Services (rooms)
Cost per ADT may be adjusted annually pursuant to subsection (d)
Bicycle and Pedestrian Impact Fee Formula. The bicycle and pedestrian impact fee formula shall be calculated by multiplying the number of average daily trips (ADT) per unit or one thousand square feet generated by a particular development type by the cost per ADT.
Formula 8.68.060 (b)
ADT per unit or 1,000 square feet X Cost per ADT = Bicycle and Pedestrian Impact Fee
Administrative Fee. The city may collect a reasonable administrative fee to cover the cost of administering the program described in this chapter, as determined by the finance director and approved by resolution of the city council.
Annual Adjustment. Fees paid pursuant to this section may be adjusted annually in accordance with the Engineering New Record Construction Cost Index (CCI) for the San Francisco area. Such annual adjustment shall be approved by resolution of the city council.
(Ord. 1539 § 1, 2017)
The bicycle and pedestrian impact fee funds shall only be used for the purposes outlined in this chapter.
(Ord. 1539 § 1, 2017)