The purpose of the public safety impact fee (“fee”) is to provide funding for adequate police and fire equipment, vehicles, and facilities to meet the broad range of needs of South San Francisco residents and employees, as established in the General Plan.
(Ord. 1610 § 2, 2020)
A public safety impact fee is established to pay for public safety services, including equipment, vehicles, and facilities.
The city council shall, in a resolution adopted after a duly noticed public hearing, set forth the amount of the fee, describe the need for the fee, list the types of services, facilities, and equipment to be financed, describe the estimated cost of these uses, describe the reasonable relationship between the fee and the various types of future development, and set forth time for calculation and payment of the fee.
(Ord. 1610 § 2, 2020)
Public safety impact fee revenue shall be used only for the purposes outlined in this chapter and by resolution, consistent with the purposes of the fee.
(Ord. 1610 § 2, 2020)
A developer may appeal the amount of the transportation impact fee due in writing to the city manager with supporting documentation. The city manager shall consider the appeal and shall make a decision on the appeal. The decision of the city manager shall be final.
(Ord. 1610 § 2, 2020)