The traffic engineer and the chief of police are authorized to place markers, buttons or signs within or adjacent to intersections to indicate the course to be traveled by vehicles turning at such intersections, and are authorized to locate and indicate more than one lane of traffic from which drivers of vehicles may make right or left-hand turns, and the course to be traveled as so indicated may conform to or be other than as prescribed by law.
The traffic engineer and the chief of police are authorized to determine those intersections at which drivers of vehicles shall not make a right, left or U-turn, and shall place proper signs at such intersections.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for the driver of a vehicle to make a right turn against a red or stop signal at any intersection at which a sign is posted giving notice of such prohibition.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for the driver of any vehicle traveling in either direction on Grand Avenue between Airport Boulevard and Spruce Avenue to make a left turn across the center of the roadway so as to enter a parking space upon the side of the street opposite the vehicle’s original direction of traffic.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to make a U-turn at any time at the intersection of Grand Avenue with Maple Avenue, and at the intersection of Grand avenue with Linden Avenue.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for the driver of any vehicle emerging from an alley, driveway or building to fail to stop such vehicle immediately prior to driving onto a sidewalk or into the sidewalk area extending across any alleyway or driveway.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for the operator of any vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight limit of three tons to drive on any street which is not on a truck route or routes, except that nothing in this section shall prohibit the operator of any vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight of three tons coming from a “Truck Traffic Route” having ingress and egress by direct route to and from restricted streets when necessary for the purpose of making pickups or deliveries of goods, wares and merchandise from or to any building or structure located on such restricted streets or for the purpose of delivering materials to be used in the actual and bona fide repair, alteration, remodeling or construction of any building or structure upon such restricted streets.
The provision of this section shall not apply to passenger buses under the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission, or to any vehicle owned by a public utility while necessarily in use in the construction, installation or repair of any public utility.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to park for any purpose any freight vehicle, motor truck or motor vehicle, which is so loaded that any part of its load extends more than twenty feet to the front or rear of the vehicle on any street of any business district on any day between the hours of ten a.m. and six p.m.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to drive between the vehicles comprising a funeral procession or a parade, provided that such vehicles are conspicuously so designated. The directing of all vehicles and traffic on any street over which such funeral procession or parade wishes to pass shall be subject to the orders of the police department.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for any person to attach himself or herself with his or her hands, or to catch on, or hold on by hand or by other means to any moving vehicle or train for the purpose of receiving motive power therefrom.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for any person to operate or drive a commercial vehicle in, or across any private driveway approach or sidewalk areas or the driveway itself without the consent of the owner or occupant of the property, if a sign or markings are in place indicating that the use of such driveway is prohibited.
For the purpose of this section a commercial vehicle means a vehicle having a rated capacity in excess of one-half ton.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for any person to ride, drive, propel, or cause to be propelled, any vehicle or animal across or upon any sidewalk except over permanently constructed driveways. When it is necessary for any temporary purpose to drive a loaded vehicle across a sidewalk, it is permissible to do so provided that the sidewalk area is substantially protected by wooden planks two inches thick, and written permission is previously obtained from the chief of police. Wooden planks shall not be permitted to remain upon the sidewalk area during the hours from six p.m. to six a.m.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for any person to ride or drive any animal or any vehicle over or across any newly made pavement or freshly painted markings on any street when a barrier sign, cone marker or other warning device is in place warning persons not to drive over or across such pavement or markings, or when any such device is in place indicating that the street or any portion thereof is closed.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle onto or from any limited access roadway except at such entrances and exits as are lawfully established.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for any person or public utility to erect or place any barrier or sign on any street unless of a type approved by the traffic engineer and the chief of police, or to disobey the instructions, remove, tamper with or destroy any barrier or sign lawfully placed on any street by any person, public utility or by any city department.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for any person in operating a motor vehicle within the city to so accelerate the same as to cause audible noise by tire friction on pavement or to cause the tires of the vehicle to leave skid marks upon the pavement except when such acceleration is reasonably necessary to avoid a collision.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for any person to operate or drive any vehicle used for advertising purposes or any advertising vehicle equipped with a sound amplifying, loudspeaking device or hand-and-mouth sounding device upon any street or alley at any time within the city unless a permit has been issued by the chief of police.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for any person to drive any vehicle over any unprotected hose of the fire department when laid down on any street or private driveway, to be used at any fire or alarm of fire, without the consent of the fire chief or the chief’s representative in command.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for any person to drive any vehicle through, around or under any crossing gate barrier at a railroad gate crossing while such gate or barrier is closed or is being opened or closed.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for any person to cause or permit any train or railway cars or similar vehicle on rails to stop or stand or to be operated in such a manner as to prevent the use of any street for the purposes of travel for a period of time longer than ten minutes. This provision shall not apply to trains, cars or similar vehicles on rails while blocking or obstructing a crossing because of an accident which requires the operator of the train, car or similar vehicle on rails to stop at or near the scene of the accident.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for any person over the age of seven years to ride a bicycle upon any sidewalk in the city. The rider of a bicycle upon a roadway shall ride, as nearly as practicable, within five feet of the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, except when passing a standing or other vehicle or making a left-hand turn at any intersection.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for the operator of any bicycle or motorcycle, when upon a street, to carry any other person upon the bar or handlebars or tank of any such vehicle or for such person to so ride upon any such vehicle.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for any person upon roller skates to ride on, or by means of any coaster, toy vehicle or similar device, to go upon any road or upon the sidewalk of any street in a business district.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)