The traffic engineer and the chief of police shall establish, designate and maintain crosswalks at intersections and other places by appropriate devices, marks or lines upon the surface of the roadway. Cross-walks shall be established and maintained at all intersections within the central business district and at such intersections outside such district and at other places within or outside the district where the traffic engineer and chief of police determine that there is particular hazard to pedestrians crossing the roadway.
Crosswalks, other than crosswalks at intersections, shall be located as nearly as practicable at mid-block. No such crosswalks shall be established in any block which is less than four hundred feet in length.
The traffic engineer and chief of police may place temporary or permanent signs at or adjacent to an intersection in respect to any crosswalk directing that pedestrians shall not cross in the crosswalk so indicated.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for any pedestrian to cross a roadway other than in a crosswalk in any business district.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
Pedestrians shall obey the indication of special traffic signals, installed for pedestrians only, and shall disregard the indication of a vehicular traffic signal at any location where special pedestrian traffic signals are in place.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for any pedestrian to cross a roadway at any place, other than by a route at right angles to the curb or by the shortest route to the opposite curb except when in a marked crosswalk.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
It is unlawful for any person to stand in any roadway, other than in a safety zone or in a crosswalk, if such action interferes with the lawful movement of traffic. This section shall not apply to any public officer or employee or employee of a public utility when necessarily upon a street in line of duty.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
Where sidewalks are provided it is unlawful for any pedestrian to walk along and upon an adjacent roadway.
Where sidewalks are not provided, any pedestrian walking along and upon a highway shall, when practicable, walk only on the left side of the roadway or its shoulder facing traffic which may approach from the opposite direction.
(Ord. 1109 § 2, 1992)
No person shall remain standing in a stationary position, or engage in any intentional act or activity, on any sidewalk, passageway, or other public way open to the public in such a manner as to obstruct or hinder the free passage of pedestrians or the customary use of such sidewalk, passageway, or other public way open to the public.
No person shall be cited under this section unless the person engages in conduct prohibited by this section after having been notified by a law enforcement officer that the conduct violates this section.
(Ord. 1499 § 1, 2015)