The city council approves and adopts the engineering and traffic survey dated October 11, 2017, prepared by the police department and city engineer, for the streets and portions thereof set forth therein, copies of which are on file and available for public inspection in the offices of the city clerk and city engineer. The city council finds and determines that the survey was conducted in accordance with the Vehicle Code and methods of conducting engineering and traffic surveys prescribed in the California Department of Transportation and that the survey justifies the speed limits set forth in this chapter. The city council further finds and determines upon the basis of the survey that a speed greater than twenty-five miles per hour will facilitate the orderly movement of vehicular traffic and will be reasonable and safe upon the streets or portions of streets designated in Sections 11.68.015 through 11.68.035 and declares that the prima facie speed limit of each street or portion thereof is the most appropriate to facilitate the orderly movement of traffic and is reasonable and safe. The city council declares these speed limits as prima facie speed limits for the streets or portions thereof, which limits shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected upon the streets or portions thereof.
(Ord. 1547 § 1, 2017)
The twenty-five mile per hour prima facie speed limit shall apply to the following streets:
Alhambra Road from Ponderosa Road to Avalon Drive
Alida Way from Northwood Drive to Ponderosa Road
Alta Loma Drive from Arroyo Drive to San Felipe Avenue
Alta Vista Drive from Conmur Street to Valverde Drive
Arroyo Drive from El Camino Real to Junipero Serra Boulevard
Avalon Drive from city limits to Dorado Way
Baden Avenue from Airport Boulevard to Chestnut Avenue
Commercial Avenue from Chestnut Avenue to Linden Avenue
Del Monte Avenue from Alta Loma Drive to Arroyo Drive
Evergreen Drive from Hillside Boulevard to Mission Road
Galway Drive from Westborough Boulevard to Greendale Drive
Grand Avenue from Airport Boulevard to Mission Road
Greendale Drive from Callan Boulevard (North) to Callan Boulevard (South)
Hillside Boulevard Linden Avenue to Sister Cities Boulevard
Holly Avenue from Hillside Boulevard to Mission Road
Linden Avenue from Airport Boulevard to Railroad Avenue
Littlefield Avenue from Harbor Way to Utah Avenue
McLellan Drive from El Camino Real to Hibiscus Drive
Miller Avenue from Airport Boulevard to Chestnut Avenue
Newman Drive from Alta Mesa Drive to Hilton Avenue
W. Orange Avenue from Railroad Avenue to Westborough Boulevard
Olympic Drive from Shannon Drive to Westborough Boulevard
Ponderosa Road from El Camino Real to Valencia Drive
Radburn Drive from King Drive to Galway Drive
Railroad Avenue from Orange Avenue to Spruce Avenue
San Felipe Avenue from Alta Loma Drive to Newman Drive
Shannon Drive from Oakmont Drive to Gellert Boulevard
South Linden Avenue from Railroad Avenue to San Mateo Avenue
South Maple Avenue from South Canal Street to Tanforan Avenue
Spruce Avenue from Maple Avenue to Railroad Avenue
Valverde Drive from Alta Vista Drive to Avalon Drive
All other local streets in residential and business districts in the city are not included in this chapter.
(Ord. 1547 § 1, 2017)
The thirty mile per hour prima facie speed limit shall apply to the following streets:
South Airport Boulevard from Airport Boulevard/Produce Avenue to Utah Avenue
Allerton Avenue from East Grand Avenue to Forbes Boulevard
Callan Boulevard from King Drive to Westborough Boulevard
Chestnut Avenue from Commercial Avenue to El Camino Real
Chestnut Avenue from Grand Avenue to Hillside Boulevard
DNA Way from Forbes Boulevard to Point San Bruno Boulevard
Dubuque Avenue from East Grand Avenue to Oyster Point Boulevard
Eccles Avenue from Forbes Boulevard to Oyster Point Boulevard
Grandview Drive from East Grand Avenue to Point San Bruno Boulevard
Harbor Way from East Grand Avenue to Littlefield Avenue
Littlefield Avenue from East Grand Avenue to Utah Avenue
Mission Road from Chestnut Avenue to city limits
Mitchell Avenue from Harbor Way to South Airport Boulevard
Noor Avenue from El Camino Real to Huntington Avenue
North Canal Street from South Linden Avenue to West Orange Avenue
Oyster Point Boulevard from Eccles Avenue to east end
Railroad Avenue from Linden Avenue to Spruce Avenue
San Mateo Avenue from Airport Boulevard/Produce Avenue to South Linden Avenue/Tanforan Avenue
Shaw Road from city limits to San Mateo Avenue
South Canal Street from South Linden Avenue to South Spruce Avenue
South Spruce Avenue from El Camino Real to Railroad Avenue
Utah Avenue from Harbor Way to South Airport Boulevard
Victory Avenue from South Linden Avenue to South Spruce Avenue
Westborough Boulevard from Camaritas Avenue/West Orange Avenue to El Camino Real
(Ord. 1547 § 1, 2017)
The thirty-five mile per hour prima facie speed limit shall apply to the following streets:
Airport Boulevard from Sister Cities Boulevard to San Mateo Avenue
South Airport Boulevard from city limits to Utah Avenue
Forbes Boulevard from East Grand Avenue to DNA Way
Gateway Boulevard from Oyster Point Boulevard to South Airport Boulevard
Gellert Boulevard from Shannon Drive to King Drive
East Grand Avenue from Airport Boulevard to east end
Gull Road from Forbes Boulevard to Oyster Point Boulevard
Oyster Point Boulevard from Eccles Avenue to Gateway Boulevard
Produce Avenue from San Mateo Avenue to Terminal Court
Utah Avenue from Harbor Way to Littlefield Avenue (east end)
Westborough Boulevard from city limits to Junipero Serra Boulevard
(Ord. 1547 § 1, 2017)
The forty mile per hour prima facie speed limit shall apply to the following streets:
Airport Boulevard from city limits to Sister Cities Boulevard
Hickey Boulevard from city limits to El Camino Real
Hillside Boulevard/Hillside Boulevard Extension Chestnut Avenue to Sister Cities Boulevard
Huntington Avenue from Noor Avenue to South Spruce Avenue
Sister Cities Boulevard from Airport Boulevard to Hillside Boulevard
South San Francisco Drive Hillside Boulevard Extension to Sister Cities Boulevard
(Ord. 1547 § 1, 2017)
The fifty mile per hour prima facie speed limit shall apply to the following streets:
Junipero Serra Boulevard from Avalon Drive to Hickey Boulevard
(Ord. 1547 § 1, 2017)