Within twenty-four months after approval or conditional approval of the tentative maps or maps by the city council, the subdivider may cause the subdivision or any part thereof, to be surveyed and a final map to be prepared in accordance with the tentative map as approved, or conditionally approved. Streets and easements needed for access to any such part shall be shown on the final map, and dedicated if required.
(Ord. 861 § 11.01, 1981; Ord. 903 § 4, 1982)
Upon written application of the Subdivider to the City Council made prior to the expiration of a tentative map, an extension of the life of a tentative map may be granted by the City Council as authorized by Government Code Section 66452.6(e).
(Ord. 861 § 11.02, 1981; Ord. 903 § 5, 1982; Ord. 993 § 12, 1985)
Any failure to record a final map within twenty-four months from the approval or conditional approval of the tentative map, or any extension thereof granted by the city council, shall terminate all proceedings. Before a final map may thereafter be recorded, a new tentative map shall be submitted.
(Ord. 861 § 11.03, 1981; Ord. 903 § 6, 1982)
Amendment(s) to a tentative map shall not extend its life beyond the period set forth in Sections 19.44.010 through 19.44.030.
Where several final maps are to be recorded on various phases of a project covered by a single tentative map, all of said final maps must be recorded within the time period set forth in Section 19.44.030 or the tentative map approval shall expire for those parcels for which final maps are not recorded within said time period.
(Ord. 993 § 13, 1985)
The final plan or map shall be made to a scale of one hundred feet to the inch or larger, using more than one sheet if necessary to furnish the desired space. The original shall be legibly drawn in black ink upon tracing cloth or polyester base film of good quality and the size of the sheets shall be eighteen inches by twenty-six inches. All sheets shall have a margin of one inch at all four edges. Ink used on polyester based film shall be coated with a suitable substance to assure permanent legibility. All lettering shall be a minimum of one-tenth inch in height.
(Ord. 861 § 11.04, 1981)
Each sheet shall be numbered, and the total number of sheets comprising the map shall be shown on each of the sheets and the relation of one sheet to another clearly shown. If more than two sheets are necessary for the map, an index map shall be required.
(Ord. 861 § 11.05, 1981)
The title of each such final map shall consist of a tract name and “In the City of South San Francisco.” The title shall be located in the lower right-hand corner of all sheets of the final map.
(Ord. 861 § 11.06, 1981)
The map or maps, or the title sheet, shall also contain a subtitle giving a general description of the property being subdivided by reference to maps which have been previously filed or recorded, or by reference to the plat of United States Geological Survey. Each reference in such description, to any tract or subdivision, shall be spelled out and worded identically with the original record thereof and references to book and page of record must be complete.
(Ord. 861 § 11.07, 1981)
The final map shall show the following:
Boundaries and Streets. The exterior boundaries of the property (shown in blue, one-eighth inch wide); the border lines and centerlines of all proposed streets and lanes with their widths and names; and other portions intended to be dedicated to the public use;
Adjacent Streets. The lines of all adjoining properties and a description of said properties acceptable to the city engineer as reasonably adequate to enable him to identify said properties, the lines of adjacent streets and lanes, showing their widths and names. Each street and lane shall be named;
Lot Lines and Numbers. All lot lines and numbers for all lots, easements and their purposes. All lots are to be numbered consecutively throughout the subdivision, starting with the No. 1;
Dimensions. All dimensions, both linear and angular, for locating boundaries of subdivisions, lots, streets, lane lines and easements. The linear dimensions shall be expressed in feet and hundredths of a foot. No ditto marks shall be used. The exterior boundary of the land included within the subdivision shall be indicated by distinctive symbols and clearly so designated. The map shall show the definite location of the subdivision, and particularly its relation to surrounding surveys. The location of a designated “remainder” parcel shall be indicated, but need not be indicated as a matter of survey but only by deed reference to the existing boundaries of such remainder if such remainder has a gross area of five acres or more;
Monuments. All permanent monuments installed, or proposed to be installed, in accordance with Section 19.16.060, together with their descriptions showing fully and clearly their location and size, and if any points were reset by ties, that fact shall be stated. All survey and mathematical information and data necessary to locate all monuments to locate and retrace any and all interior and exterior boundary lines appearing thereon shall be shown, including bearings and distances of straight lines, and radii and arc length or chord bearings and length for all curves, and such information as may be necessary to determine the location of the centers of curves and ties to existing monuments used to establish the subdivision boundaries;
Title and Description. Title and description of property being subdivided, showing its location and extent, north arrow, scale of plan, basis of bearing and name of owner of the land and of engineer or survey- or platting the tract;
Areas Subject to Inundation by Water. The boundaries of any areas within the proposed subdivision which are subject to periodic inundation by water;
Private Restrictions. Any private restrictions shall be shown on the plat or reference to them thereon; and the plats shall contain proper acknowledgement of owners and mortgagees accepting said platting and restrictions;
City Boundaries. City boundaries which adjoin the subdivision shall be clearly designated and located in relation to adjacent lot or block lines. No lot shall be divided by a city boundary line;
Vehicular Access Rights. Title sheet shall indicate where vehicular access rights have been surrendered on adjacent streets;
Error of Closure. The allowable error of closure on any portion of a final map or parcel map shall be 1/20,000;
Public Easements. Proposed or existing public easements shall be shown on the map. Such easements shall be identified as public utility easements or easements for other public purposes with the specific public purpose being indicated;
Utility Certificates. At the time the subdivider presents the final map to the city council, there shall be presented certificates executed respectively by the various public utility companies authorized to serve in the area of the subdivision, certifying that satisfactory provisions have been made with each of said public utility companies as to location of their facilities, and that satisfactory easements have been provided;
Soils and Geologic Reports. When a soils report, a geologic report or soils and geologic reports have been prepared specifically for the subdivision, such fact shall be noted on the final map, together with the date of such report or reports, the name of the engineer making the soils report and geologist making the geologic report and the location where the reports are on file pursuant to Section 66434.5 of the Government Code;
Owner’s Development Lien. In the event that an owner’s development lien has been created pursuant to the provisions of Article 2.5 (commencing with Section 39327) of Chapter 3 of Part 23 of the Education Code on the real property or portion thereof subject to the final map, a notice shall be placed on the face of the final map specifically referencing the book and page in the county recorder’s office in which the resolution creating the owner’s development lien was recorded. The notice shall state that the property subdivided is subject to an owner’s development lien and that each parcel created by the recordation of the final map shall be subject to a prorated amount of the owner’s development lien on a per acre or portion thereof basis.
(Ord. 861 § 11.08, 1981)
The following additional material shall be submitted with the final map:
Guarantee of Title. The subdivider shall furnish to the city council a guaranty of title or letter from a competent title company, certifying that the names of all persons whose consent is necessary to pass a clear title to the land being subdivided and all acknowledgments thereto appear on the proper certificates and are correctly shown on the map, both as to consents as to the making thereof and affidavits of dedication where necessary. Such guaranty shall be issued for the benefit of the city and protection of the city council and shall be continued complete up to the instant of recording.
Improvement Agreement. The subdivider shall, as a condition precedent to approval of the final map, file an agreement for all improvements as required in this title and as may be further required by the city council or by law, and shall furnish the following:
A surety bond in an amount equal to at least one hundred percent of the cost of the improvement and conditions of approval of the map as security for the faithful performance of the improvement agreement; and
A surety bond in an amount equal to at least one hundred percent of the cost of the improvement and conditions of approval of the map as security for the payment of all persons performing labor and furnishing materials in connection with the improvement agreement.
Whenever an entity required to furnish security in accordance with this section is a California non-profit corporation, funded by the United States of America or one of its agencies, or funded by the state or one of its agencies, said entity shall not be required to comply with this section if the conditions of Government Code Section 66499.3 are met.
Sureties on each of said bonds and the form thereof shall be satisfactory to the council. In the alternative, subdivider may furnish an instrument of credit approved by said city council; or in lieu of such surety bond or instrument of credit, a cash deposit. The instrument of credit or cash deposit shall be in an amount equal to the cost of the improvement and conditions of approval of the map as approved by the city engineer. There shall be no reduction in the amount of any bonds or instrument of credit unless approved by the city council after a report and recommendation by the city engineer. However, subdivider may, at the option of the city, in lieu of such bond, instrument of credit or cash deposit, secure the faithful performance of the above agreement in the manner and condition as provided in Section 66499 of the Government Code and all other laws applicable thereto.
(Ord. 861 §§ 11.09, 11.10, 11.11, 1981; Ord. 887 § 7, 1982; Ord. 908 § 1, 1982)
The developer shall file a request for a method of reimbursement for proposed off-site improvements that benefit properties other than his own and such method of reimbursement shall, if approved, be included in the subdivision agreement approved by the city council.
(Ord. 861 § 11.12, 1981)
The agreement shall also provide for inspection of all improvements by the city engineer, and reimbursement to the city for the cost of such inspection by the subdivider. The cost of inspection shall be secured by a cash deposit with the city in the amount of two percent of the estimated cost of subdivision improvements.
(Ord. 861 § 11.13, 1981)
Upon the installation and completion of all public improvements to be made by the subdivider, and prior to the approval and acceptance thereof by the city, the subdivider shall execute and file with the city a written agreement whereby he shall agree to repair or replace, at his own expense, any work of public improvement (including, but not limited to, streets and highways, drainage structures, curbs and gutters, side-walks, sewers, water mains and fire hydrants, street trees, street lighting and street signs, and railroad crossings) which at any time during the one-year period subsequent to the date of approval and acceptance thereof, proves to be defective or which becomes damaged by differential settlement, action of the elements or through ordinary usage. The subdivider shall also file with the aforesaid agreement, to assure his full and faithful compliance therewith, a bond for such sum as the city council may deem sufficient to cover the cost of repairing or replacing the improvements, including the cost of inspection; provided, however, that the amount of such bond shall not be less than ten percent of the total cost of all public improvements installed within the subdivision nor more than twenty-five percent of such total cost.
Such bond shall be executed by a surety company authorized to transact a surety business in the state of California and must be satisfactory to, and be approved by, the city attorney as to form. In lieu of the bond, the subdivider may deposit with the city treasurer cash money in an amount fixed, as aforesaid, by the city council. In the event the subdivider fails to make the repairs or replacements specified above, in this section, then the city may make the necessary repairs or replacements or cause the same to be done, and thereafter call upon the surety or the subdivider for reimbursement.
(Ord. 861 § 11.14, 1981; Ord. 887 § 8, 1982)
Prior to the recordation of the final map the subdivider shall file with the clerk of the county certification from the official computing redemptions in the county and in the city showing that, according to the records of his office, there are no liens against the subdivision or any part thereof for unpaid state, county, municipal or local taxes or special assessments collected as taxes, except taxes or special assessments not yet payable.
As to taxes or special assessments collected as taxes not yet payable, the subdivider shall file with the clerk of the county a certificate by each proper officer, giving his estimate of the amount of taxes and assessments which are a lien but which are not yet payable.
Whenever any part of the subdivision is subject to a lien for taxes or special assessments collected as taxes which are not yet payable, the final map shall not be recorded until the owner or subdivider executes and files with the board of supervisors a good and sufficient bond to be approved by the board and by its terms made to inure to the benefit of the county upon the payment of all state, county, municipal, and local taxes and all special assessments collected as taxes, which at the time the final map is recorded are a lien against the property but which are not yet payable. In lieu of a bond, a deposit may be made of money or negotiable bonds in the amount and of the kind approved for securing deposits of public money, with the approval of the board of supervisors of the county.
(Ord. 861 § 11.15, 1981)
A final map shall be considered complete for submission when it complies with Sections 19.44.010 through 19.44.120 and is accompanied by the statements, agreements, and security required.
No final map shall be considered acceptable for submission to the city council until the city clerk receives a statement in writing from the city engineer that the final map complies with all the requirements of this title and the Subdivision Map Act and the map is ready for submission to the city council, and a statement from the city attorney that a title report, deed restrictions and improvement agreement have been reviewed and approved by him and are ready for submission to the city council.
(Ord. 861 § 11.16, 1981)
The subdivider shall submit the following to the city engineer when all of the requirements of Section 19.44.140 are met:
Twelve blueline copies, original tracing on linen or polyester base film of a quality acceptable to the city engineer and twenty reduced copies of same which shall measure eight and one-half inches by eleven inches; one set of approved improvement plans; and a nonrefundable processing fee in an amount established by resolution of the city council, together with the necessary recording fee.
The approved title guarantee, deed restrictions, improvement agreement, recording fee, and bond adequate to cover all required improvements.
(Ord. 861 § 11.17, 1981; Ord. 887 § 9, 1982)
The following functions of Sections 19.44.170 through 19.44.220 shall be acted upon within thirty days after submission.
(Ord. 861 § 11.18, 1981)
Upon the submission of a final map with the city engineer, he shall immediately transmit as follows: one print to the city attorney, one print to the fire chief, one print to the director of community development, one print to the director of parks and recreation, one print to the chief of police and shall retain seven prints himself.
(Ord. 861 § 11.19, 1981)
The city engineer shall examine the final map. If he determines that the surveys are correct and that the map is technically correct, substantially conforms to the tentative map and conditions imposed thereon and any approved alteration thereof, and to the provisions of this title and the Subdivision Map Act, he shall execute the map as required and forward the map to the city council for its consideration. If he finds that full conformity has not been made, he shall so advise the subdivider and afford him an opportunity to make the necessary changes.
(Ord. 861 § 11.20, 1981)
When filing is completed and approved as outlined, the city engineer shall present to the city clerk for consideration by the city council the following as provided by the subdivider: an original linen or one duplicate transparency on polyester base film suitable for reproduction, five prints and all accompanying statements, agreements and security required. At that time the final map shall be deemed to have been “filed” with the city council for purposes of Sections 66457 and 66458 of the Government Code.
(Ord. 861 § 11.21, 1981)
Upon presentation of the map and all required materials by the city clerk as aforesaid, at its next regular meeting or within a period of not more than ten days after filing, the city council shall consider the map, the plan of subdivision, the offers of dedication, the proposed agreement and all related matters. The city council may reject any or all offers of dedication or require dedication of all proposed streets and easements. In the event that improvements are required under the terms of this title or by law, the city council shall approve an improvement agreement and require adequate security for the performance thereof.
(Ord. 861 § 11.22, 1981)
After the city council determines that the map is in conformity to the requirements of this title it shall approve the map by resolution. In case the city council determines that the map is not in conformity with the requirements of this title, it shall disapprove the map, specifying reasons therefor and advising the subdivider of such disapproval. Within the time limits of the conditional approval or any extension thereof the subdivider may file with the city clerk a map altered to meet with approval of the city council and which shall conform with the procedures specified herein.
(Ord. 861 § 11.23, 1981)
The City Clerk, after approval of the City Council, and after signatures and seals have been affixed, shall transmit the final map and any approved improvement agreement and deed restrictions to the Clerk of the County Board of Supervisors for ultimate transmittal to the County Recorder. Said transmitted final map shall consist of one cloth print and one permanent record, either on tracing cloth or polyester-based film. No map shall have any force or effect until it has been approved by the city council, and no title to any property described in any offer of dedication shall pass until recordation of the final map. No building permit shall be issued until the final map and any approved improvement agreement and deed restrictions have been recorded by the county recorder and a reproducible mylar, or equal, copy of the recorded final map is filed for reference in the office of the department of public services.
(Ord. 861 § 11.24, 1981; Ord. 903 § 7, 1982; Ord. 993 § 14, 1985)